NovelToon NovelToon

Pleasure Maker

Episode 1

At the wedding hall
Wei ning
Wei ning
Cheers! It's your wedding after all!
Liu Xu
Liu Xu
Yes boss! Cheers! You have to finish these 3 bottles if strong wine today. No matter what.
Wei ning
Wei ning
*laughing and cheering*
Mo ran
Mo ran
Alright. This is nothing for me though.
Mo ran
Mo ran
*picks the bottles and finishes them one by one*
Wei ning
Wei ning
Liu Xu
Liu Xu
My boss is best! *applauds*
Mo ran
Mo ran
Mo ran
Mo ran
How do you think sister?
Wei ning
Wei ning
*thumbs up* although I knew you're master at it, I still underestimated you. It back fired on me.
Wei ning
Wei ning
Hey my little brother in law. Why are you so quiet?
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
....... Uh....
Liu Xu
Liu Xu
Yes! You need to finish these bottles as well
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Uh... No.... I.. I cant drink
Wei ning
Wei ning
Wei ning
Wei ning
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Actually... My tolerance isn't good at all... I'm very poor when it comes to drinking
Liu Xu
Liu Xu
That's not so good of an excuse
Liu Xu
Liu Xu
As my boss' partner, you nee to drink
Wei ning
Wei ning
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
*helpless* fine
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
*drinks the bottle*
Wei ning
Wei ning
Woooo! That's something good!
Liu Xu
Liu Xu
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
*drunk* *as red as tomato*
Mo ran
Mo ran
The wedding ceremony ends
Mo ran and Wang Jie are officially married now
Their marriage was arranged by their Mafia parents forcibly
Although Wang Jie liked Mo ran since childhood, he never confessed and was very happy with their marriage
Whereas, Mo ran didn't like this marriage because he was forced
Wang Jie is 23 right now and Mo ran is 28
After the ceremony
On the wedding night
In Mo ran's room
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
*quitely sitting on the bed*
Mo ran
Mo ran
*enters the room and closes the door aggressively*
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
You are drunk. Here, I'll serve you some water to slobber up
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
*fills the glass with water*
Mo ran
Mo ran
Shut up. On the wedding night, which wife would give their husband the glass of water?
Mo ran
Mo ran
*badly drunk because he drank more wine later*
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Mo ran
Mo ran
*removes coat and throws it aside*
Mo ran
Mo ran
*sits on the bed*
Mo ran
Mo ran
Come here baby
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
*a little drunk but can control himself because he only drank half bottle*
Mo ran
Mo ran
What are you waiting for? Come here and sit on my lap.
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
What are you saying? You're drunk right now. You need to rest.
Mo ran
Mo ran
Who would let go a chance like this? You like me. Don't you?
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
*shocked* (how did he know that?)
Mo ran
Mo ran
*laughs* I knew that very long ago that you like me
Mo ran
Mo ran
But you never dared to confess
Mo ran
Mo ran
So why are you afraid now?
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Mo ran
Mo ran
Come here, honey
Mo ran
Mo ran
Quickly. I'm hard
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
What?... *don't know what to do*
Mo ran
Mo ran
*stands up and grabs him towards the bed*
Mo ran makes Wang Jie sit on his lap
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Mo... Ran..
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Mo ran
Mo ran
Mo ran
Mo ran
Be a good wife and serve me
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Mo ran
Mo ran
Did you hear what I said!?
Mo ran
Mo ran
Be a good wife and do your job as serving me or else I won't take a second to throw you out of this room *aggressively*
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Mo ran
Mo ran
*removes wang jie's cloths*
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
*not resisting*
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
*but scared*
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Hey... What are you..
Mo ran
Mo ran
Shhhh *intrupt* isn't this what you want? You love me right?
Mo ran
Mo ran
Won't you obey me baby? *smirk*
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
*nods* *scared*
Mo ran
Mo ran
Mo ran
Mo ran
*pushes him on the bed and pins him*
Mo ran
Mo ran
*kisses wang jie harshly*
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Mo ran
Mo ran
This must be your first kiss. Isn't it?
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Wang jie slightly blushed
Mo ran
Mo ran
That's why You really are a messy kisser
Mo ran
Mo ran
No worries I'll teach you baby. Just keep obeying me. I wanna get satisfied
Mo ran
Mo ran
Do you get it?
Mo ran
Mo ran
*kisses Wang jie's neck*
After leaving a hickey on wang jie's neck, Mo ran reaches down till his nip*les and starts licking and sucking them*
Mo ran
Mo ran
*licks his own lips* umm tasty
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
...... *scared*
Mo ran
Mo ran
Baby. You're too good. I'm loving it.
Mo ran
Mo ran
*still drunk badly*
Wang jie blushingly looks away*
Mo ran
Mo ran
Mo ran
Mo ran
Answer my one question
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
... Which one?
Mo ran
Mo ran
Did anyone ever fucked you?
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Uh.... *shakes gead* n.. No....
Mo ran
Mo ran
Mo ran
Mo ran
Then you were really saving yourself for me. Exactly what I expected
Mo ran
Mo ran
*removes wang jie's pants*
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Mo ran
Mo ran
You are mine *kisses wang jie's wrist*
Wang jie kept blushing
After that Mo ran removed his belt and unzipped his pant.
Wang jie was shocked and scared because it was going to be his first time
Mo ran takes his thing out and without any hesitation, harshly digged it inside Wang jie's a**
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Ah! *startled by the quick move*
Mo ran
Mo ran
*speeds up faster and faster*
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Ah... Hh... *moans*
Mo ran
Mo ran
*smirk* good my sexy wife. Your moaning voice is seducing me more.
Mo ran
Mo ran
Be ready what I'm coming next with
Mo ran digs his big thing inside Wang jie's a** deeper and faster
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
*puts hands on Mouth*
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
*moving up and down... up and down... up and down*
Mo ran
Mo ran
*speeding up faster than before without any hesitation*
Mo ran
Mo ran
Good.. So good... I want you to moan harder under me
Mo ran
Mo ran
*pushes wang jie's hands away from his mouth and pins him*
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Hhh.... Hah.... Ah.... *moans louder*
Mo ran
Mo ran
That's what I want baby
Mo ran
Mo ran
Your moan is sexier than any women I've had sex with in my whole life
Mo ran
Mo ran
Dang! You're going good
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Ah! H..... Hh..... Hmh.... Ah..
Mo ran
Mo ran
Yes baby. Just like that. Let me cu*
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
*tears form* *in pain*
Mo ran
Mo ran
*cu*s inside wang jie's a** *
Mo ran
Mo ran
Soo satisfying
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Please stop....
Mo ran
Mo ran
Not now.
Wang jie kept begging for mo ran's mercy but he didn't stop
Mo ran
Mo ran
You're mine
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
*cries in pain*

Episode 2

Mo ran stopped after 3 rounds because Wang jie almost fainted
Mo ran
Mo ran
Nothing strange
Mo ran
Mo ran
You're not trained yet
Mo ran
Mo ran
You'll get used to it *smirk*
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
*cries* *fainted*
In the morning
Wang jie wakes up and saw mo ran wasn't there on the bed
He tries to get up but couldn't
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
His whole body was in pain
He remembered what mo ran said last night
Mo ran
Mo ran
Your moan is sexier than any women I've ever had sex with
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
So... I'm not his first one.... *upset*
Mo ran
Mo ran
Good morning honey
Mo ran walked out from the bathroom after taking bath
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Mo ran
Mo ran
I bet you didn't sleep well. Did you?
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Mo ran
Mo ran
Don't worry. You'll get used to it. *smirk* you were tasty though
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
.... *blush*
Mo ran
Mo ran
I'll go downstairs. You can come too after taking bath
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Mo ran
Mo ran
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
I wanted to ask you something
Mo ran
Mo ran
Oh. What is it honey? *gets closer to wang jie*
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Weren't you unhappy with our marriage? *hesitant* *scared*
Mo ran stared at wang jie for a moment quitely then he lifted his face up holding his chin
Mo ran
Mo ran
As long as you obey me
Mo ran
Mo ran
I'll be happy *smirk*
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
After sometime
Wang jie took bath and came downstairs too for breakfast
Wei ning
Wei ning
Hey. It's your first day in your in laws
Wei ning
Wei ning
Did you sleep well?
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Ah... Yes.. Elder sister..
Wei ning
Wei ning
Great. I'm glad
Wei ning
Wei ning
I'll give you a piece of advice Wang jie. As you're my brother in law, I really do care for you.
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Mo ran wasn't around at the time
Wei ning
Wei ning
Make sure you don't keep any contact with any of you male friends
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Hh... Why?
Wei ning
Wei ning
Wang jie. My little brother is really possessive
Wei ning
Wei ning
He nearly killed all the girls he had before because she all had affairs outside.
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
..... *scared*
Wei ning
Wei ning
He was forced to do this marriage, but as long as you won't make him angry, he'll be quite. He promised me.
Wei ning
Wei ning
So please think about it.
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Mo ran
Mo ran
*enters the hall*
Wei ning
Wei ning
Wei ning
Wei ning
Good morning little bro
Mo ran
Mo ran
Mo ran
Mo ran
*looks at wang jie*
Mo ran
Mo ran
You can sit beside me
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Wei ning
Wei ning
Go sit there.
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Mo ran
Mo ran
Or sit on ly lap? *smirk*
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Uh.... No.. It's okay...
Mo ran
Mo ran
I'm telling you to come here and sit on my lap
Mo ran
Mo ran
Get here RIGHT NOW
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Wei ning
Wei ning
Go *whisper*
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
*obeys quitely*
Mo ran
Mo ran
Good baby *smirk*
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
After they had their breakfast
Mo ran took Wang jie to their room
And locked the door
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
What are you... doing? *scared*
Mo ran
Mo ran
Baby listen
Mo ran
Mo ran
I just had a tasty meal, but you see. It couldn't satisfy me enough.
Mo ran
Mo ran
How about I eat my favourite food?
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Why are you asking me? You can eat anything you want... Why ask Me- *realises*
Mo ran
Mo ran
Oh really? You really are a perfect wife. Serving your husband whole day and night. I like it
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
....... *Shocked*
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
No.. I...
Mo ran
Mo ran
Shh baby
Mo ran
Mo ran
Let me **** you again
Mo ran
Mo ran
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Mo ran
Mo ran
Remove your clothes
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
No... Not in the morning
Mo ran
Mo ran
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Mo ran
Mo ran
*strips wang jie's clothes*
Mo ran
Mo ran
Your body, even your soul now belongs to me. No matter what I order you to do. You must obey me.
Mo ran
Mo ran
You get it?
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
*cries because he hadn't recover yet and Mo ran again started fucking him harshly*
Mo ran really wanted to wast Wang jie till he fainted
This time mo ran was more energetic than last night
Wang jie kept crying the whole round
After 2 rounds, Wang jie really fainted
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Mo ran
Mo ran
You really are too weak. I didn't even start yet
After sometime
Wei ning
Wei ning
You shouldn't have done that even if you were too seduced
Mo ran
Mo ran
It was over me
Wei ning
Wei ning
I get it. Don't explain things like that to your elder sister. You shameless boy.
The doctor zhi ming was there
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
Where is the patient?
Mo ran
Mo ran
In the room. Go ahead
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
*enters the room*
Wei ning
Wei ning
Doctor. I hope you won't take much time. Because I already told you the situation
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
I know. I just need to apply the ointment on his body whereever he is hurt
Mo ran
Mo ran
*angry* *clenches fist*
Mo ran
Mo ran
No need
Mo ran
Mo ran
I'll apply that to him myself
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
Mr Mo.
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
The doctor's work can't be done by someone else
Wei ning
Wei ning
Little bro. Don't worry. It's just medicine
Mo ran
Mo ran
I don't know anything
Mo ran
Mo ran
No body else can touch him
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
Then why did you even call me?
Wei ning
Wei ning
No doctor Please do your work. Don't mind him.
Mo ran
Mo ran
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
*locks the door*
Wei ning
Wei ning
Control yourself
Mo ran
Mo ran
Mo ran
Mo ran
You're a dead meat tonight *smirk*

Episode 3

Inside the room
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
*moves closer to Wang jie*
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
He is still so young to be wasted like this *thinks*
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
*opens eyes*
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Wang jei had no energy to speak. He was barely throwing the words out of his mouth
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
*tries to get up*
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
*stops him*
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
No stay like that
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
It will be better
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
*sits beside wang jie on bed*
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
Remove your clothes
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Hhuh? *startled*
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
Ah! Don't grt the wrong idea! *stands up immediately*
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
I just need to apply the ointment on your body.
This motherfucker- lol
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Oh... I see
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
*tries to get up*
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
*helps him*
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
I'll help you
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
*nods* thanks
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Zhi ming helps wang jie to remove his clothes
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
*covers wang jie*
Zhi ming takes the ointments out and looks at wang jie's wounds
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
Tell me one this honestly
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
*looks at zhi ming*
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
Did he hit you with something harmful? Be honest.
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
What -
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
Answer me
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
No.... No... He didn't
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
Why are you lying.
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
Seeing these wounds I can tell that nobody makes these marks when making love.
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
Some of them are bites I know, but the others. What about them?
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
He surely hurt you
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
*shakes head immediately*
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
No... I'm tell you the truth. He... He didn't- ah! *Screams out of pain*
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
*suddenly applied the ointment without any alarm*
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
See i told you.
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
No love bites hurt these much.
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
Tell me the truth. I'm sorry to hurt you.
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
But it's for your own good.
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Why do you care about other people's business *still calm*
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
You're not other people
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
You're my patient. And for a doctor. Their patent isn't other people.
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
It's my fate. Also, I'm the one loving him. I can tolerate these much.
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
So you agree that he hit you.
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
No! I did not!
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
Fine. Don't accept it. But you can tell me whenever he hurts you.
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
He never hurt me. *calm*
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
Fine. I believe you. I won't argue with a stubborn patient.
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Who are you calling stubborn?
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
Is here anyone else except you and me? I'm not the patient. So... You....?
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
Wang jie tries to control himself
Wang Jie
Wang Jie
*lies calmly*
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
I'm trying to provoke him still he is calm *thinks*
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
No wonder that devil could hurt him *thinks*
Outside the room
Mo ran
Mo ran
What the hell is he doing inside with him?
Wei ning
Wei ning
Just rest assure. He isn't doing anything like what you did to that kid. *frowns*
Mo ran
Mo ran
He dare not
Wei ning
Wei ning
Stop it.
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
*opens door*
Mo ran
Mo ran
*stand up immediately*
Wei ning
Wei ning
Doctor. How's he?
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
Well. He's fine *cold voice*
Wei ning
Wei ning
Mo ran
Mo ran
Move aside. I want to go inside.
Zhi ming stops Mo ran from going inside the room*
Mo ran
Mo ran
*clench fist*
Mo ran
Mo ran
What do you think you're doing? *angry*
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
I'm sorry.
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
But the patient needs to rest for a while.
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
He've already had enough. *looks away*
Mo ran
Mo ran
What the hell do you mean?
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
Nothing. Just take it as a warning.
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
If you go further, it would effect him a lot.
Wei ning
Wei ning
Little bro. Please stop here and listen what doctor just said.
Mo ran
Mo ran
Why would I!
Mo ran
Mo ran
This doctor is nobody to lead me. Get out the way
Zhi Ming
Zhi Ming
*not moving an inch*
Wei ning
Wei ning
Behave yourself mo ran.

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