NovelToon NovelToon

Finding Yun Tian Hua (Slow Update)

C1: Life Is Meaningless, Just Die

Date: June 25- 29, 2021

Time: 11:46 am- 9:02 am

Reminder: The point of views (POV) of the characters will be switching from time to time...

...•\=>Yang Huo Yi<\=•...

Am I not handsome enough? Then why doesn't she want me? Or did I still missed something? What could I possibly lacked, I'll make up on it so that she'll like and love me back.

I questioned myself repeatedly inside my head as I'm silent and stared gloomily at my reflection on the cup of clear wine I've been drinking since this afternoon. But whatever angle I did look, I couldn't find if something's wrong.

I have perfect contour shape of face where lies my sharp blue eyes with diagonal oval irises that could changed to red if I'm angry. And attached to it was long lashes that could make women died of envy. My black eyebrows were not too thick or pointy, it's just right.

But on constant days of sleepless and miserable nights, under my eyes was deep and large dark visible circle can be seen. It was an evident that I can't get over from what happened to the confrontation a month ago.

Then going back to see my face, those red lips can hold candles of many girls I've seen. I have pointy nose that matched perfectly to my feature. My complexion was not good and it's not as much like a snow in color but still so white and pale. Then a character 'king' appeared in my glabella for a short while before it disappeared. Also I have long silvery smooth hair.

I looked more beautiful than girls yet can still keep the manliness. I appeared like a normal human on the surface. The only difference was my furry and soft ears and tail. I also have long and sharp nails that only appeared at my own will.

It was so bewitching. I remember every time I go out...aish many girls swarming in my direction but what could possibly in me that she doesn't like? Maybe she was really different from others?

*Sigh...If my handsomeness wasn't enough then I have strong and well built body. I can protect her from many dangers. But she said she doesn't need it. She said she's a cultivator herself and she doesn't need a man to protect her. She can, by herself and needing help from others will only hurt her pride.

Well if it was wealth, I have countless of it! In fact it's not difficult to accumulated wealth.

I'm also a king of spiritual, demonic, or any beast in the whole continent of Jizhuan. I'm Yang Huo Yi. My subjects called me the Lord Beast King.

While I'm here sitting and drinking countless cups of wine, the moon hanging above the dark starless sky of the night was exceptionally clear, round and bright tonight. It's so beautiful and I was mesmerized.

Ahh~ how great it would be if I could bath under the moonlight while absorbing the Yin energy from the moon. Maybe I can be more stronger until no one can rival me anymore. But...

"Hah~ Great! You're a powerful legendary beast and yet youuu~... You lost to a man with great wealth!... Now tell-tell me!... What so great of having wealth if he's so weak?! Can he protect the one we love?"

"And what the hell?! That da-damn woman! You're such a liar! You...*hic... said you will come if I call out your name! *coughs coughs But... but why?~ You never come!!! You made me... made me look like an idiot!... So why would you gave me hope?!...Dammit! No matter what I did, you wouldn't accept my feelings."

It's already midnight and yet here I was still drinking my sorrow and anger away where I should already sleeping peacefully in my comfortable place.

Yeah, you heard me, right? The Lord Beast King that everyone feared, admired and respected lost its heart to a mortal human being which shouldn't be. And funny, his love never been accepted.

As said, the relationship like love between a human and a beast never been accepted or allowed.

I can't accept the ending of my love life so I drank one two three...I lost counts of how many cups of wine did I already drank. I soon feel the dizziness and the whole world feels like spinning.

I've been talkative and seemingly truly a drunkard freak. I never knew that I was such a bad drinker. Just half a day and I already drank. I felt miserable as the throbbing headaches attacked me along with something more painful.

Is really falling in love in a person that never loved you back this painful? I felt great pain so I clutched my clothes in my chest. My heart seemed shattered and ughh! Not good, it was aching- no it's bleeding and it was damn hurts! A tear would never escape my eyes but it showed how painful and lost truly I felt.

Didn't I asked a question earlier but who would answer me?

I heard something blue flapped its wings and approached me. My attention shifted on to it for a while as it appeared in the wooden windowsill where I was beside.

"Cuckoo! Kruuuhh... Cuck cuck cuckoo...," it talked to me in an animal beasty language but I understand it very well. And his statement fueled my anger.

Translation of the blue bird: "You're jealous! I pity you Oh great Lord Beast King... Ha ha ha you've been cuckold..."

It's clearly mocking me!!!

"You...! Brat come here! I'll pluck all your treasured blue feathers!!!," I shouted angrily while my veins popped out. Then I tried to catch him with my long and sharp nails. And of course, I succeeded.

"Hahaha oh~... it's just you~, Shui! You damned dumb blue bird! What the hell are you doing here?!!!" I laughed crazily but suddenly I loudly roared at him making the dumb blue bird shiver.

Didn't I told them to leave me alone? Why so disobedient, blue bird?!

I keep frowned as I looked interrogately at the charming but frail and weak blue shiny feathered bird.

"You-you seemed lonely and depressed L-lord Beast King, so I... boohoo huuu," he tried to explain himself but to his fear he ended up crying.

My expression softened a little. Why looking so silly? You're already past 53 years and still acted as a child sometimes. "Ahahaha," I laughed everything and poured every emotion I can.

Alas, never mind I also need a companion to go through this sorrow and depression.

Yes, i was so depressed and... lovesick or heartbroken? Is that was what humans called in my situation? Maybe, I don't know.

I also heard some humans said that drinking strong wine can make you forget many things. I want to forget this damnable feelings even for a while so I think I already drank two whole barrels of wine but no matter what...I can't forget!

"L-lord Beast King...You should... Should stop drinking! You're already drank... please.... I b-begged you don't abuse your body anymore!... Don't drown yourself in sorrow!!!," the damned blue bird immediately begged me on his knees.

"Shui, you damned bird, talking in your worried and pitying voice, I think you belittled me."

I know I'm already drunk. My lashes and eyes became heavy, fortunately there's still some conciousness left in me. My heart started to turned numb yet I still remember earlier how happy and excited I was but it dissipated when I finally found her ...with someone else!

Her smiling face, beautiful figure and a happy scene, a family of three was still vivid in my mind. I tried to escape and erased what I saw. I even convinced myself that I was just hallucinating but no avail. Wanting and needed a clear explanation about everything what happened, I confronted her.

Little did I know that this was the time where my heart started to break.

"Please forgive me but I... We're really not destined and can't be together... Trust me if I say that we'll both have a good life after this. You'll have your freedom back and I have my happiness... Don't worry, you're such a great... beast, the king of them, I think not long enough you'll find many pursuers. Just pick one of them and I know you'll find your own real true love!," her last statement stung and hit my heart many times. It feels like stabbed millions of knives. I felt shocked and shaken to hear what she said. Did she doesn't have any little ounce of love for me anymore?

I felt tormented. Despite what she said, I can't accept it. I have the desire to destroy that family just to bring her back with me.

It's just that I don't want to be so selfish and ruined her happiness. I don't want to be a villain, wrecking people's lives.

They said letting go was also part of loving. So even though it's almost unbearable I will let her go.

I don't know what to feel anymore. It's too painful and it's turning me crazy. Arghhh!!!

"Dang! I was so frustrated! Why~...did she wanted me to let her go?!... If so, did-did I waited and search for her in vain? Damn damn damn!!! Such bullshit... Ah ah ah arghhhhh!!!"

That's my agonizing shout. It was full of pain, sadness, disappointment, despair ...You name it. It startled all of every living being inside this piece of territory.

I heard them, running in my place. But before they see me, I already slipped away. My movement was not in its best condition. Swaying side by side, trying to walked steadily but fast in the unusually dark and quiet stoned bridge. It was just near lotus pond.

I frowned then smiled bitterly. I remember I doesn't like any flowers not even lotus. But for her, I let them build this lotus pond. Look how big and beautiful each flower and buds were. It's the evidence that it was been taking care properly.

"Heh, I don't need some remembrance of yours!...Any sight of things that can trigger of my memory of you shouldn't exist! It should be destroyed!," I sneered nastily at the sight of the demolished burning lotus pond. I'm bitter. I don't want anything that will make me feel the pain again.

"Hahahaha hahahah Hahahaha hahaha," in other's eyes I'll surely looked deranged, crazy, and... heartbroken? I don't even know the severity of my situation. How crazy am I already?

There's rustling sound near the bush. They surrounded me. I know it. Does they think I never sensed them? They're wrong!

"Oh no! Lord Beast King was mad!"

"Shush! If he heard you, you'll never know how you lost your head!"

"Our Lord Beast King suffered too much!"

"Do we need to kill the bitch? Maybe we can-," I angrily cutted off that someone.

"Don't you dare! Whoever dares will met grieve consequences!"

It successfully quieted them.

"...It's better to die! Right? I... I don't want to think anymore! I'm tired! Just I want was silence! Peace, anyway there's no reason for me to live... She already have a happy life and she won't be affected even I...Just die!"

After that, I was being merciless to myself. I didn't even think twice as I jabbed my chest with my long, sharp nails. It was severe. I couldn't believe that I can inflicted self-harm.

Maybe it was what the heartbroken people can do. Coupled with the borrowed strength from the alcohol . They have much more courage to do outrageous and harmful things, like me.

"Lord Beast King!!!," they were shocked, stunned, scared and shaken. They immediately revealed themselves from their hiding place. They don't know what to do. Yes I know everything was fast and decisive that they didn't expect me to harm myself.

"Quick call our healer bunnies!!! Lord Beast King injured himself!!!" They became busy alerted and more actively anxious as soon as blood gushing out from my chest. I supposed that stab was deep. I flinched a little. Of course its painful but soon my whole body turned really numb and cold as I wished.

"Pffft!," coughing blood, I'm almost out of breath. I know I seemed as pale as white sheet now like what dying people was. Everything was so fast. Right, make it fast. Faster before I rescued by those rascals.

"Hey hey hey you're still the king and master of this place you know? You can't possibly wanted to die just because of a woman?... You're so pathetic!... You should've be called fool!!!," it was the damned dumb blue bird, Shui.

Heh, he's worrying yet insulting me at the same time. Didn't he already forgot who I?... He always really enjoying mocking me, isn't he? Seemed like I was being lenient this years.

"Wait Lord Beast King! You can't die yet... Not at least you left an heir!"

I don't know who said that but I felt like it was the biggest joke I heard in my life. How can I have a heir if the one I loved doesn't love me back? If I doubt I could love again?

Shui, that damn blue bird seemed right. I'm pathetic and I don't want to accept but I think I'm kind of fool... fool in love. That's the truth. Committing suicide, I thought seemed best for me.

To end this sorrow and vain longing. It hurts to know that she can't be mine no matter what I do or how hard I tried to please her.

They're worried? It's great. But I don't want anymore! I want to... just die! Life was meaningless for me now that the only thing that I want in this whole world will never ever be mine.

Could I possibly her new family? No, even though I am did ruthless. She won't find happiness even she's with me. So I better die early than make everyone more worried.

I looked up in the sky. Still, there's the silver moon. Its bright and clear moonlight illuminated the place especially my pale face.

I know my own blood escape in the corner of my mouth. I soon started to drift away. Darkness overwhelmed me. I felt I was tilting and nearly fall on the ground. But I felt a warm small petite body catched me.

"Don't disturb me!!! Please don't be wary of me! I promise can save him!," don't know who was that but I seemed somehow wanted her to stay with me.

I preyed my heavy eyes open. I caught a glimpse of a woman. She greatly resembled her, the woman I loved the most. The one who broke my heart...

"Lian...Lian'er? You're here," I murmured. I don't know if she heared me but it was okay. If she really was you then it's great. I can see you for the last time and die in your arms.

As I feel the warmth... I already contented.

I felt she did something and it's miracle that my injury healed fast. And I don't know what happened next... Ahh~ But all I know that was I who gave up living because of a woman.

...*<{C1 Finished}>*...

...{[To Be Continued]}...

...¤☆¤(C2 In Next Entry)¤☆¤...

C2: The Peerless Beauty's Current Life

Date: November 9, 2021

Time: 2:03 pm

...(Third Person)...


ithin the continent of Jizhuan there was no less but greater than 30 kingdoms. One was the kingdom of Jiajing. King Jing was the one who ruled who rumoured to be persecuted, vicious and corrupted. His land, although it can't be considered so poor but it was also not too big nor prosperous, it was just enough to have five big cities and 10 small towns in every 15 provinces.

The smallest and the poorest town of Jiajing known as Ki Xie. Figures of bones and skinny children on ragged clothes running in the roads every afternoon, fighting for a piece of hard as a rock bread. This scene looked so pitiful, can also make people's heart pained so much as if you felt it being squeeze.

Most population of Ki Xie town was malnourished and many have been sick on bed. The cultivation of people here limited to as Beginner Late Level 3 Apprentice. Reasoning was the lack of Dan pills, the spiritual energy was also too thin in this place and doesn't have any other cultivation resources.

The yards of each houses filled with withered trees, plants and weeds with cracked and loose soil. If there was a chicken, pig, cow or carabao only few of few ones have the ability to owned it, even if they can have the animals, it were so thin almost only skin sticking to the bones left and little meat. It can't feed a single person even just for a day. Well... if only the animals didn't move it might already be considered dead by now.

Now everyone facing few of the greatest crisis: famine, draught, water shortage and plague. The people lack foods to the point that everyone can only have one or none meal a day. The hopes were only put on some elderly men with few capable youth hunted in the near mountains and eveyone gets their family portion after the hunting. Some men unluckily couldn't bring back some prey. Their family can only sighed bitterly and forcefully drink a mouthful of water before sleeping with empty stomach on the old wooden bed of their tattered houses.

There's only one well built house, it's the Official Liu's mansion, while the rest can be seen around the Ki Xie town and everything was in a sorry state. Everyone who see this could easily come with the conclusion of corruption.

This cause trouble to every residence in Ki Xie town. Repeating this manner and cycle many people started experiencing dry cough. Add to the facts that people were scarce on food and nourishment, one after another and another, many life force can be felt slowly fading (dying). Many were distressed and feeling so helpless, no one can think of solution to their biggest problem and just waiting for their days to come.

Many people couldn't help but feel pity towards themselves and hatred to a certain person. The people were already begging Official Liu for help but only recieved cold shoulder in return.

Felt being toyed and ignored, many  people tried to protest but only viciously punished or mercilessly killed in return. So no one dared to open their mouths even though they wanted to for the fear they would leave the world earlier. Right, they have no voice about this matter.

This matter doesn't known by an unknown peerless beauty who lived next to the corrupted Official Liu's mansion that also part of his land in this deserted and pitiful small miserable poor town of Ki Xie.

For her this little and miserable Ki Xie town was her cage. Peerless beauty's snow white slender, long and jade-like pair of hands were tightly scuffed by a pair of an unordinary shackles looked like two grey bracelets but have slight strong seal that Avance Early Level 1 Apprentice or higher can break the seal. For who did this? Of course it was the corrupted Official Liu!!!

...{Yun Tian Hua}...

That bastard tried to use me as bait to the other officials, nobles and any other prestigious and import figures? No way! I wouldn't be sold off if not for what happened three years ago...

That time, the very same day, the painful memories of betrayal was still imprinted and clear in my mind. I tried carefully to buried them deep down my heart three years ago...

"Third Miss Yun flew off from the ring!"

"Yun Tian Hua lost?!"


"Well...It seems like she doesn't deserve the title of genius female cultivator."

"Third Miss Yun lost conciousness!"

"She deserves it!"

"Yeah. After all she's a jinx. A misfortune."

"She caused the death of the people close to her!"


"Ominous girl!"


"Humph! Is that what you call genius female cultivator, Master Yun?... Losing to Intermidiate High Level 5 Warrior, what a shame. Really couldn't hold a candle to your eldest daughter, Yun Lian Yue..."

That's the third elder of Chang Clan. Chang Clan was one of the reputable family in the Soaring City, the capital city of Jiajing. They hold a mighty authority in the capital city.

Well the Yun Clan is also one of them. Truthfully, this reputable families were competing each other in every way. There's an unspoken war between the eight reputable families.

"Ahaha...The third elder of the reputable Chang Clan was right and broadened my knowledge. Forgive me for my wrong judgement. My third wrench daughter truly doesn't deserve the title."

The words I vaguely heard from my father was truly disappointing and heartbreaking. He didn't even look at me with any emotion. He just waved his hands and let the guards take me to wherever.

After that duel, I suffered serious internal injuries. It became one of many reasons why I wanted to cast out by my heartless clan who didn't show any care nor sympathy.

I know they were just cruel to the bones and I don't have anything that could possibly change their rotten personality. But I always wished that I can. I pained knowing that they can eagerly cast me aside, feeling disgusted and unwilling when I become waste and trash, when I lost value for them.

Did I do something wrong?

This doubting question always surfaced every time I remember that painful past.

They are indeed very cruel. They can murder anyone secretly and put the lies and blame it on other's head. Much worse they wanted to sacrifice me. That's right, they... wanted to framed me. I was accused for something I didn't do while unable to defend myself.

From birth, I was called a jinx. A ominous girl that could only bring extreme bad luck to everyone close to me. But ironically, the truth they just falsify the people's death because I was an eyesore to them. It also wasn't an exception when mother died out of poison after giving birth to me. I'm oblivious to it and I just recently

discovered when it's too late.

Because of this jinxy thing everyone stay away from me like I caught on some contagious plague or something. I have no friends. I left alone and I have no choice but to take care of my own needs. Well it's only an exception for the two people. One was my eldest sister, Yun Lian Yue.

But I really am innocent and I don't know why would they do that. I didn't plan to provoke them but they keep exhausting their energy to deal with me.

Again I remember at that time...I felt how weak and useless my body was. My body was full of severe injuries and blood turned dry, sticking my clothes to my skin. They didn't even dared to waste their taels on me for medication.

I felt aggrieved... Eh, who's vicious clan out there can still want a cripple who lost cultivation at their place?

...None!!! If they did that, might as well prepared to be laughing stock and gloated for misfortune of having a genius turned to trash after losing an unintense duel in the arena.

Anyway, I'm certain that they won't keep someone like me. I was nothing compared to how they loved and cherished their 'fake' good reputation than everything.

But how could this body of Intermediate Peak Level 7 Warrior, I who was used to be a known genius female cultivator, lost a duel over Intermediate High Level 5 Warrior-  a huge gap of a stage and two levels apart! If it wasn't for the fact that I was poisoned by the Diminishing Spiritual Essence Pill, can I lost to her?!

The Diminishing Spiritual Essence Pill was a lethal poison that could make a cultivator's spiritual essence rapidly exhausted while using spiritual qi and after a long time the dantian will finally focefully broken and the cultivator cannot cultivate for a lifetime or worst it might also can take a person's life! I was quite fortunate enough for me to recieved severe internal injuries instead...Only it would be almost incurable!

But still hopeless, it also have unrelated side effect which can cause a total blindness.

I regret not being careful enough. I don't even realize that they spike my drinks! If it was not for me, having profound knowledge about alchemy and medical knowledge for two lifetimes, I may not live until now.

Using the long lost acupuncture tecnique on the book that my master gave me -a very very very old book that pages were almost torned out and words already unreadable, I accurately pricked the acupoints needed in process as instructed.

After working for half a day on expelling the poison I immediately treated my injuries through my secret: blood fast healing...

My blood was some kind of miraculous medicine that can heal or cure many diseases or the likes.

Luckily I was alive but on the same day, I lost everything helplessly like you've been thrown into a bottomless dark abyss. I didn't get kicked out of the clan earlier because I made myself a little genius in cultivation but sinse I lost the duel also my cultivation, I became the biggest disgrace of the Yun Clan.

Too, my fiance who's a prince of Jiajing the one I foolishly infatuated in was snatched by someone dear to me.

My oldest sister who was kind to me whom I loved and respected the most betrayed me and all those happy memories with her were just...lies. I couldn't believe that she'll stole my fiance and the elders even approved to it.

I looked at her blankly. I couldn't see her. Everthing was white. Not even a blurry image can be seen. Be angry or not? I don't know what to feel. My oldest sister, Yun Lian Yue, was the most beautiful, kind, gentle and talented lady in the capital city, the Soaring City, and many people told me that I was nothing compared to her. I also thought so.

But little did we know, the image she showed in front of the people was just a pretence. In front of me the maliciousness replaced her gentle self. How I know? I heard her sinister laughter.

Uh... Finally she showed her true self. I have been fooled by that her fake personality for many years ehaha... I don't know that she can act well and she can really hid it deeply. I bet she's always felt awful when she spoke those gentle and kind words to nobody like me.

"Why?" That was the only thing I can utter in confusion. I don't know her expression but I can feel a few fluctuations from her. My hearing elevated a few times much better than I  the time I can see.

"Third sister Tian Hua... Or should I just call you Xian Tian Hua? Hehehe Brother Xilian was right! You and I were not related! You're not a Yun! You're not one of us! I hate you! I only get back what's belong to me! And prince Jing Fang An was mine and my lover since a very long time. If not only for you suddenly came to our lives maybe..."

That was she said before she left me behind, hastily.

"What?! What do you mean I'm not a Yun?! Why do you said my name is Xian Tian Hua?..."

Many questions in my mind surfaced it's just that my words were unheard and unanswered. I couldn't imagine that there's such a huge secret hidden to me for so many years.

From her brief exclamation I learned many things. I'm not a Yun. Prince Jing Fang An was already together with my eldest sis-no it should be senior Yun Lian Yue even before we have an engagement. And senior Yun Lian Yue hated me.

I'm so confused. Everything was chaotic! I felt nothing but only react heavily to her words. Maybe because I still can't accepted the fact that no one in the Yun Clan was kind, everyone was not good, pretentious and have hidden personal intentions.

Well since I'm not a Yun then maybe that's also the reason for their impartiality and hostility towards me.

Everything was crushed. From poisoning me so I will deliberately lost the duel to snatching my finance and also people calling me jinx, I see... They planned everything from the beginning.

Is my life... really just a lie? What shall I do then? Shall I continue or end everything here?

I felt devastated. I could only cried silently, smiled bitterly and swallowed all the grievance by myself. I didn't have people to rely and lean on. I can't utter a single word to anybody 'cause I  knew that no one wants to listen, no one...

I didn't thought that I was kind enough to stop pursuing this matter and starts anew after everything... On account of blood relationship. I can't make myself hate them especially my eldest sister- I mean senior Yun Lian Yue.

I let bygones be bygones. I left the Yun Mansion and ready to embark on a journey. I need to live! Even just for myself. My life was already a greatest gift given to me by my mother whom I didn't even see.

Few days later...

I wandered aimlessly in the woods. I use my other senses to stay alive. I ate leaves and drink water from lakes or rivers. FortunatelyI didn't met any danger yet. Everything was great but that's just that.

After everything, I didn't expected that they would send assassins to kill me. It broke my heart. I felt inexplicable pain that much more heartbreaking than the past.

But soon it turned cold and numb. Why? It was bugging me. Didn't I'm almost powerless and dying, why wouldn't they let me go?

Executing a plan. Assassins plunged me but I immediately slipped away. They didn't saw me but illusion fooled their minds. I scatter a power poison at them. After then, I heard a loud thud. It seemed  like they collapsed.

Cold sweat tickled down from my forehead. My heart throbbed fast, so was my breathing. I'm nervous, this was the first time I will do something like this.

Clenching my fist and took a deep breath, I sprinted away.

Can't take it anymore, I just left my Yun Clan member's identification token there as buried and dirtied in the ground. I'm afraid that they suspect that they'll know I'm still alive.

Ahh I need to leave...

...*<{C2 Finished}>*...

...{[To Be Continued]}...

...¤☆¤(C3 In The Next Entry)¤☆¤...

Extra #1 & Character's Profile (MCs)

Poem for the first chapter

Chapter 1: Life is Meaningless, Just Die

"Night of Heartbreak"

One cup of wine raised high

Chugged and drowned a handsome guy

Silver moon make it a highlight

Portraying a pitiful sight

Accompanied by his loyal subject

Mocked as his love was a reject

Blame who my dear but oneself

Sweet love was nothing but a stake

He who loved a beauty became fool

Blinded by fake affection, white lotus toke over to rule

Letting her go as her wish surely hurts,

Longing and sadness trailed one's heart

Carried away by unstable emotions

Every reason have in life fades away

Here comes the end of his day

Ended by own claws and take imaginable actions

At his last breath saved by the beauty

Yet still thinking the one he loved dearly

Thus resulting to be mistaken her badly

Well this savior's face really have a similarity


Do you think this is ok? Maganda ba? Ayos lang no? Naisumarize naman yung story. I hope you enjoy reading! Do you like it please comment. Thank you...

This poem... I planned to put it at the beginning of the chapter sana but I think I'll make the story boring so...

That's it.

Character's Profile (FYTH)

Male Lead



(The scene when he's drinking wine to get rid the sorrow of being heartbroken)

Name: Yang Huo Yi (Sun Fire One)

Age: One thousand one hundred twenty- one years old after three years

Gender: Male

Birthday: The thirteenth day on nineth month of lunar calendar ????

Status: Lord Beast King

Wealth status: Very Rich, Uncountable, Unknown

Strength status: Unmeasurable, Unknown

Being: Descendant of White Tiger King (a mythological ancient creature), secretly rule all the land in Jingzuan Continent, ruler of all beast in the continent

Appearance: Have a perfect contour shape of face where lies his sharp blue eyes with diagonal oval irises that could changed to red if he is angry. And attached to it was long lashes that could make women died of envy.

His black eyebrows were not too thick or pointy, it's just right. Those cherry colored lips can hold candles of many girls you have may seen. He have pointy nose that matched perfectly to his feature.

His complexion was not good and it's not as much like a snow in color but still so white and pale. Then a character 'king' appeared in his glabella for a short while before it disappeared. (Here you cannot see the king character because it's side view and his hair covered his forehead).

Also, he have long silvery smooth hair.

He appeared like a normal human on the surface. The only difference was his furry and soft ears and tail. He also have long and sharp nails that only appeared at his own will.

Personality: Loyal, fool at love, intelligent, good ruler, decisive, scary

Personality when drunk: Talkative, emotional, and hot- tempered

Dislike: Liars, trouble, seducer, and disobedient people

Lover: Lian'er (a mortal spiritual qi cultivator at Intermediate Peak Level 9 Master).

Relationship: fall out

Reason: Relationship like love is not allowed between beast and mortal. Also his lover Lian'er already married someone high and has a two years old son.

P. S: The truth this is not really mine... I... I just did some plastic surgery on the photo hehe.



(The original pic from the manhua entitled "Savage Beauty" in the app called Bilibili).




(Another one that I colored

Female Lead



(This is the upcoming scene when she will became adopted daughter of the Sun Sect's Clan leader, Sun Yin Yong. In the next update pa).

Name: Yun/ Xian Tian Hua (Cloud Heaven Flower)

Age: Fourteen years old (before three years ago)

Gender: Female

Birthady: The twentieth day on the fifth month of gregorian calendar

Status: Exalted Third Young Miss Yun

Being: Demi- goddess (Half immortal and half mortal)

Wealth Status: Poor but eventually became rich

Strength Status: Broken dantian, crippled, lost all cultivation

Appearance: She have phonix eyes if she regained her eyesight, pointed nose, plum flower colored small lips, white skin, long skinny legs, petite figure, red-green eyes, charcoal colored hair, small waist and 535 cm tall.

Personality: Cheerful, kind, beautiful, carefree, mysterious, sometimes cold, guilty,

Personality when drunk: Flirtatious, talkative, bossy, unpredictable

Dislikes: Scumbag men, two- faced bitches, Liars, narcisstic and hypocrites

Lover: Prince Jing Fang An of kingdon of Jiajing

Relationship: Canceled Engagement

Reason: He loves her eldest- her Senior Yun Lian Yue since the very beginning and she is not meant for him.

P. S: The truth I just colored this... I know that it is not so great and there's still too much to improve. But I hope that I can portray and show to you what is my characters look like... Thank you. Hope to see you guys on the next update.



(The original from Google).

P. S: Honesty is the BEST policy.


Thank you those who read or see these story. It is a great help for me.

By shistine

I apologize, I cannot show the pictures of the characters in the last entry I hope you can forgive me. If you want to see the original it's in the app "*******". Just go to the *******. Search my user name "shistine" and click "Finding Yun Tian Hua" and enjoy reading.

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