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The Tyrant Duke Is The Father

Chapter 1 - Treasure

When a shooting star cuts the sky into two, only for a small second, a portal opens up between two worlds.
It's telling people that, somewhere out there, in the vast world of the unknown, someone is looking at the exact same shooting star as you are.
You no longer feel alone, and even if you're looking at it with a stranger, the warmth doesn't disappear just like that.
My Mother used to tell me that tale, one of centuries old. Out of all of her stories, this one was my favourite.
Even if she was ostracised for giving birth to a child out of wedlock, she still adored me.
I was her little Rosie, and no one could take me away from her.
I was reassured by those words, however, I never expected that life take her away from me.
An epidemic shot through all of the villages of the North, killing hundreds upon thousands.
No cure was found... and just like that, my Mother whom I adored passed away.
That very same day, a man came to my house and was surprised to even see me.
He knelt down and smiled warmly, telling me that I was his daughter and that I belonged in the House of Julian.
I didn't like him. The expensive clothes that he wore, the golden cufflinks and the necklace encrusted with rubies would have been enough for the whole village to survive on for four years.
But I had no choice but to take that hand and get pulled into the trap that was noble life.
From the moment I took his hand, my life was no longer my own. It was the property of my Father, to use as he pleased.
I hadn't realised that until it was much too late.
He brought me in, at the age of 5, to his home, where he introduced me to his wife, May Bertha Julian, and my half-sister, Annabeth Fredemay Julian.
Count Frederic Julian
Count Frederic Julian
This is your home now... and this is your Mother and sister!
Annabeth hated me, but not more than her Mother.
I never once called that woman my Mother, and I think that she liked that I didn't.
After all, I looked nothing like my Father or my step-mother.
All of my appearance, including my pink hair and beautiful yellow eyes, was thanks to my Mother.
May Bertha Julian
May Bertha Julian
Clean this up, Rosalie.
Annabeth Fredemay Julian
Annabeth Fredemay Julian
Haha, look at the mess that she's in!
Although I was the illegitimate daughter, they soon understood that it wasn't a good idea to bully me.
Count Frederic Julian
Count Frederic Julian
Do NOT undermine Rosalie just because she is new in this household, May.
Count Frederic Julian
Count Frederic Julian
She's my daughter, which means more to me than a replaceable wife.
My Father spoiled me unconditionally, but I knew that it was only because I resembled my Mother so much.
He told me how they met and fell in love, but because of the Dukedom and title, he had to marry the daughter of another Count in order to gain more power, so he left my Mother.
Count Frederic Julian
Count Frederic Julian
We loved each other so much. I promised her that I'd always love her.
I despised my Father, how someone so materialistic could have made my Mother fall for him and give herself to him was beyond me.
Not only that, but get married to another woman and make lxve to her so many times that a baby popped out.
But slowly, he began to redeem himself little by little in my eyes, protecting me and even announcing that he was making me his legitimate daughter to the world.
Though he wasn't cruel to me and made sure to gift me as much as I wanted, his intentions were... blurred.
Little did I know the reason why he was buttering up to me all of those years...
If I had known, would I have run away?
-End of Chapter 1-
Misty Plume
Misty Plume
Thank you for reading my book! Make sure to like if you've enjoyed the story and want more. Subscribe by tapping the heart button so you don't miss any updates. Doing that would mean a lot! Leave a comment especially! I love to read them~. Every two votes is a chapter updated!
Welcome to my new fantasy novel, "The Tyrant Duke Is The Father".
As you've probably seen from the picture, this will be a story with a little baby that you guys get to protect and watch grow up, along with a cold and possessive Duke and a Count's illegitimate daughter.
I hope that you guys enjoy!
What are the Count's true intentions? A. To sell Rosalie off to marry some man for power. B. To force Rosalie to marry some man for power. C. To trick some man using Rosalie so that they get married and give him more power. Put your guess in the comment section below! I love reading all of them!

Chapter 2 - The Party

My half-sister's 18th birthday was fast approaching, right after my 18th birthday that had just occurred 5 months prior.
Her demands of extravagance were a little too big to laugh at.
After all, my Father had to finance it all, and that made me a little uncomfortable knowing that all of this money was being poured into a birthday and not into helping the villages who were in desperate need of financial help.
Count Frederic Julian
Count Frederic Julian
Rosalie, honey!
I turned my head and saw my Father walk up to me, opening up his arms widley.
Count Frederic Julian
Count Frederic Julian
Don't you look gorgeous? I knew that you'd look perfect in that new dress!
The dress that he was talking about was pure white with embellished black rhinestones around it.
Count Frederic Julian
Count Frederic Julian
It was made by Rhinedone, that famous designer who is quite the rage in the Capital right now.
Rosalie Julian
Rosalie Julian
Wait, you got a Rhinedone gown for Annabeth too? Father, that is too expensive!
Count Frederic Julian
Count Frederic Julian
Oh, I should employ you as the treasurer! No, your sister got one pre-made.
Count Frederic Julian
Count Frederic Julian
This one is especially for you!
Spoiling his other daughter on the day of his daughter's birthday?
I can't say that I approve.
Count Frederic Julian
Count Frederic Julian
Anyway, why aren't you down in the hall yet? The party has just begun!
I hate being subjugated to the judgey stares and sneers of people...
Rosalie Julian
Rosalie Julian
I'll be down in a second!
Count Frederic Julian
Count Frederic Julian
Good, I have someone that I'd like you to meet.
Count Frederic Julian
Count Frederic Julian
He's the Northern Duke, Cassian Bastillos.
Rosalie Julian
Rosalie Julian
The man who ransacked the village that I grew up in only two months ago?
Rosalie Julian
Rosalie Julian
I won't meet with him!
Count Frederic Julian
Count Frederic Julian
I've never acted this way in front of my Father...
I've never refused his requests, but this one, I need to put my foot down.
Rosalie Julian
Rosalie Julian
Father, I can't! He's-
Count Frederic Julian
Count Frederic Julian
Okay, okay, okay! I won't force you, dear.
Rosalie Julian
Rosalie Julian
He won't? He always complained to Annabeth for acting spoiled.
Count Frederic Julian
Count Frederic Julian
You seem against it, so you don't have to talk to him.
Count Frederic Julian
Count Frederic Julian
Here, some juice before you go.
Handing me a glass of my favourite strawberry juice, I smiled and took it from his hands.
Rosalie Julian
Rosalie Julian
Thank you, Father. I apologise for being unreasonable, but this-
Count Frederic Julian
Count Frederic Julian
You don't have to explain it to me, honey. Here, why don't you sit in your bedroom for a little while and come out when you feel like it?
Rosalie Julian
Rosalie Julian
Count Frederic Julian
Count Frederic Julian
Of course, anything for you, my daughter.
I should have known that under those sugar-coated words was a trap, one that I couldn't easily break out of.
And it ended up being the cause for my demise.
-End of Chapter 2-
Misty Plume
Misty Plume
Thank you for reading my book! Make sure to like if you've enjoyed the story and want more. Subscribe by tapping the heart button so you don't miss any updates. Doing that would mean a lot! Leave a comment especially! I love to read them~. Every two votes is a chapter updated!
What do you think of the Count? A. He's really nice. Rosalie is lucky to have him as a Father. B. I don't trust him, I need to read on to find out. C. Don't trust him! Run Rosalie!!! Put your guesses in the comment section below.

Chapter 3 - Hot (18+)

I walked towards my room and opened my door, slowly walking inside before talking off my heels and falling back into my bed.
This isn't normal. My Father is normally adamant that I attend every party, especially my half-sister's birthdays.
But I won't complain. Perhaps he feels bad for making me want to meet that tyrant of a Duke and gave me the evening off.
He even gave me a Rhinedone dress!
I fell back into my bed and sighed. After a few minutes however, I noticed how ragged my breathing was.
My chest felt like it was about to explode, and my legs...
Then, suddenly, my door opened and I went to sit up weak.
A man walked through the door, almost falling onto the floor.
Rosalie Julian
Rosalie Julian
T-This... this is my room, what are you-
He looked up at me and I shivered once I saw his cold eyes.
That crest of his lapel...
That's the crest of the house of Bastillos!
This man is the Northern Duke, the tyrant who murders innocent children and women!
Cassian Bastillos
Cassian Bastillos
You will have to do.
Have to- what?
He walked towards me and pressed me against the bed, making my heart suddenly race even more.
I felt so scared, my heart was thumping out of my chest, desperately trying to escape.
I went to push him off, but he was too strong for me.
I was about to remove my hand when I noticed how fast his heart was beating as well.
He grabbed my dress and ripped it off, pressing me aggressively down onto the bed.
Cassian Bastillos
Cassian Bastillos
You dare scream... and I'll kill you.
Cassian Bastillos
Cassian Bastillos
This is your fault. You wanted this.
Rosalie Julian
Rosalie Julian
N-No, this is a misunderstanding-
However, by then, it was too late.
The place between my legs tingled, desiring something, anything.
The man above me overpowered me, making me feel like prey while at the same time giving me all that I needed.
Eventually, he ripped what was left of the dress onto the ground and looked at me from above.
Cassian Bastillos
Cassian Bastillos
I despise the House of Julian.
And with that, I felt a prick of intense pain between my legs as I felt something move in inside of me.
I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, all I did was lean into him while he thrxst his shaft inside of me.
It was painful, so painful, but it satisfied the itch between my legs that was dying to get scratched.
Rosalie Julian
Rosalie Julian
A-Ahh... t-this... aghh...
His stick went extremely deep inside of me, desperately teasing me until I felt something happening with my body.
Rosalie Julian
Rosalie Julian
I didn't know how to put it into words... I didn't even know if it was going to kill me or not.
All I knew is that I needed to get rid of this satisfying pain.
I bit my lip as I felt myself go up to the heights of the world and fall down to the floor subsequently.
Then, I felt something fill me up inside, almost expanding my stomach.
The itch... it was not gone yet, but it was much better.
I went to push myself up off of the bed but my waist buckled as I fell on top of the baxtard people knew as the Tyrant of the North.
Cassian Bastillos
Cassian Bastillos
You're seducing me... you little vixen.
Cassian Bastillos
Cassian Bastillos
This is why I hate the House of Julian. You'll do anything for power.
Cassian Bastillos
Cassian Bastillos
But in the end, you aren't going to get anything from me.
My eyes went wide when I felt him thrxst his stick inside of me from the top, making me fall down against his chest while he went up and down, desperately making me say embarrassing noises.
Rosalie Julian
Rosalie Julian
A-Ahhh... t-that...
Rosalie Julian
Rosalie Julian
Rosalie Julian
Rosalie Julian
I couldn't even think logically. All I wanted was for him to never stop thrxsting...
And he felt the exact same way.
For the rest of the evening, all I could feel was his warm hands, his snarls and groans, the pitter-patter of his heartbeat and the overwhelming sensation between my legs.
And I cried when I thought of how it was all my Father's doing...
-End of Chapter 3-
Misty Plume
Misty Plume
Thank you for reading my book! Make sure to like if you've enjoyed the story and want more. Subscribe by tapping the heart button so you don't miss any updates. Doing that would mean a lot! Leave a comment especially! I love to read them~. Every two votes is a chapter updated!
What do you think of the Count now? A. Baxtard!!! B. Baxtard!!! C. I'm going to kill him. Who's with me? Put your answers in the comment section below.

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