NovelToon NovelToon

Mated To The Ancient Alphas Son

The First Encounter

Manny's POV

My name is Manuel Antonio Rodriguez, I was born November 8th 1973 on the beautiful island of Puerto Rico, to parents Gloria and Alfredo. I'm the youngest of 8 siblings, 5 sisters and 2 brothers. Growing up in the countryside of the island with my family was great. My parents worked in the city, and that's where we attended school.


We lived on my grandparent's homestead in a 4 bedroom home, one of the many houses out here on the land. My Papau and Memau had 9 kids, including my dad. We grew most of our own food, lots of fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices. We also raised chickens, cows, goats, sheep, turkeys, pigs and rabbits that we butchered for food.


My Papau also taught me how to hunt and fish. I enjoyed hunting the most, it just felt I don't know.. natural to me. He showed me how to use a wooden bow & arrow first, then various knives, axes, machetes and finally guns. I was excellent at all types of weaponry, it was second nature. 


We sold the land and moved to Chicago's Humboldt Park area in March of 1984. Living in the big city was really different from the countryside. I miss the country life, if ever I am able to, I want to live like that again.


We didn't have a lot of animals anymore, my grandma kept her some chickens though, she loved fresh eggs. We couldn't hunt anymore but could still fish in the Humboldt Park Lagoon or at Lake Michigan. Our school was closer, everything was a short walk away. We no longer grew a lot of our own food or had to butcher any animals. And the weather was much more different, colder. It.. took awhile to get used to. 


I graduated from Roberto Clemente high school in 1991. I decided to join the Marines that summer and after nearly 6 years now I'm back home. I'm eating at my Tios' (Spanish for Uncle) restaurant enjoying a jibarito meal (jibarito is a steak sandwich with grilled onions, cheese, mayo, lettuce and tomato, between 2 flatten and fried plantains served with traditional rice and beans).


It was cozy in here some random telenovela was on the TV and soft Samba music playing in the background. I had been back for about a month now and enjoyed seeing my family and spending time catching up with everyone.


I was able to buy myself a nice 4 bedroom/ 3 and a half bath home and a '98 royal blue Cadillac Deville. My cousin Victor encouraged me to buy a Harley Davidson motorcycle, he said it'll help in getting the ladies to notice me. ME! Oh the ladies notice me, I'm a caramel colored, towering 6'5" tall, ripped 275 pound GOD of a man! Believe me, they notice me bro. 


It was April now, Easter Sunday and the weather was warming up a bit, but still windy as usual. It ain't called the Windy City for nothing. My face has some stubble and I was sporting a bald fade, I'm really looking forward to my hair growing back I had to keep it cut while in the Marines. I had on a blue muscle shirt and black slacks.


"So what are you planning on doing with yourself now that you're back, sobrino (nephew)?" My uncle asked.


"Honestly I just want to settle down unc, being single sucks. I want what you and aunt Marie got, a marriage and solid foundation. I want some little Mannys running around." I told him honestly.


Aunt Marie looked up from the register smiling, then came over and gave her hubby a kiss.


"Awww gracias (thanks) Manny" she told me gladly.


He looked at me a little surprised, "Really?! Already?" I nodded.


"Well just know that it ain't gonna just happen overnight. It takes years of trust, loyalty, honesty, sacrifice, respect and unconditional love to have a great marriage work out, you understand?"


He said turning and tapped Marie on her *** as she walked by. She just looked at him and smirked shaking her head. He was cooking orders behind the counter while talking to me, a few nearby customers verbally agreed with him. So did I. 


"Entiendo Tio" (I understand uncle) I smiled.


I missed my uncle, he and his wife Marie, started off selling plates of food to pay bills and raised enough money with the family's support to open up their own restaurant.


He could retire if he wanted to but he loved cooking too much. My grandpa, his father, told me when I was younger to invest in my future, so I did. Before I went off to the Marines I had bought several shares in various companies that turned out a nice return, so I had a good nest egg to rest on. Just for something to do, I am considering applying for the head security guard position at my old high school starting in August.


I was sitting there lost in thought eating my sandwich when suddenly I felt this pulling sensation in my lower abdomen. It was growing stronger by the moment and then I heard this beautiful voice next to me.


"Hey Papa, my grammy wants to order your delicious rotisserie chicken meal again." The lovely voice sang.


"Coming right up!" my uncle said to her. And he called out the order.


I slightly turned and saw this young, fine *** black chick sitting next to me, and she smelled GOOOOD!.. Like the freshly harvested lavender and ginger root that my Memau used to grow. And it was turning me on like a motherfucker.


She giggled and it was a melodious sound that made my **** jump, and something stirred somewhere deep within me. And I faintly heard the word 'Mate'...the ****? I frowned.


She bit her lip slightly while swinging her legs back and forth, staring excitedly behind the counter watching my Tio prepare her meal when she caught sight of me and said cheerfully, "Hi!" she smiled and it brightened up her face and my day along with it.


"Hello" I say a smirk easing on my face. Her smell was intoxicating and mouth watering. I breathe it in and shivered slightly. Hmm I wonder if she taste as good as she smells. Because I'm starving and would love to take a bite of her. I unknowingly licked my lips. 


Her eyes were the color of molten caramel outlined in dark blue, I never seen anything like it before. She was wearing a short yellow summer dress covered in white daisies with black flip flops with a fake daisy on it. Her thick, curly dark hair was parted down the middle in a zigzag pattern put into two low ponytails tied in yellow ribbons, damn she was cute! I was checking her out but she couldn't tell as I had on my shades. 


She looked curiously at the sandwich that I was holding. I eyed my sandwich then her and asked, "Have you ever had a jibarito before?"


She frowned a bit and cocked her head to the side, "A what?"


"A jibarito, that's what this is."


She shook her head, her perfectly arched eyebrows raised, "No, I've never seen or heard of that before in my life!" She exclaimed.


Then I explained to her what it was and asked, "Would you like a bite?" 


She looked a little surprised her eyes widened, she blinked saying, "Sure!"


I handed it to her, but instead of grabbing the sandwich from me she opened her mouth and took a bite. When her juicy, soft, plump lips touched my fingers as she took her bite, it felt like I was struck by lightning!⚡⚡⚡


*CRACKLE* 'Grrr, 'MATE!'.... 👀WTH?!!!


I shivered a little, felt goosebumps erupt on my skin and my hair stood on end! I was in a daze and I shook my head to try and dispel this feeling. It wasn't a bad feeling at all, quite pleasurable but a little bit overwhelming.


"Mmm that was delicious!" she exclaimed happily. "And its called a 'jibarito'?" she pronounced it slowly.


"Uhh.. yeah you said it right. Would you like me to buy you one?" I asked her, blinking hard a few times. 


"Really?!" she said surprised, smiling.. she's got dimples.. damn, that's hot!


"Yeah I don't mind." I smirked, licking my lips. 


"Sure, I'd love one!"


"Ok, one jibarito meal coming up!" My uncle said happily, "Is it to go?"


"Yes, Papa! Thank you!" she called him Papa because that's the name of his restaurant not because he was her father they were not related.. yet, I thought. 


"So how's your grandmother doing?" my Tio asked her.


"She's much better now that she's out of the hospital." she said. "The doctor says she has something called diabetes. I don't know what it is, but it doesn't sound good."


She looked sad lowering her head and sighing her lip pouting a bit. Damn, even when she was sad she was fine. I didn't like seeing her like that though, it made my chest ache slightly.


"So what are you doing today?" I asked her, I wanted to know if she single.


She glanced over at me warily, "I gotta finish washing clothes and cleaning up, find something to cook for dinner and do my homework," she said casually. I wanted to know more about her, especially if she was single and why the hell I felt like that when she touched me.


"That's quite a 'TO DO' list for such a pretty girl" I told her, she blushed, smiling at me shyly. I was shocked I actually seen her blush, I chuckled. 


"I help my grammy take care of my little brothers and my sister."


"Oh I see, well I'm sure she appreciates you a lot, doesn't she?" I turned towards her giving her my full attention. I had this overwhelming urge to scoop her up and wrap her legs around me, burying my nose in her neck. I felt like I needed to touch her. My fingers were itching for her.


She nodded "Yup, I don't mind." She shrugged. "Because, I love and appreciate my grammy!" she smiled proudly.


I asked her more about herself, extremely interested in getting to know her. I found out she's from Chicago and lives with her Grandma and her 5 younger siblings, she's the oldest. She's 15 yrs old and a Scorpio like me which means she's a super freak, hell yeah.. major turn on. Her birthday is a day after mine, we can definitely share our b-day parties together. If she's up for it she can share a whole lot more like.. my home.. my bed.. my last name.. Fuuuck she smells good, I need her.. NOW!


"Hey, are you single?" She was surprised by my question but nodded shyly, "Yes.. I am." YES! I thought triumphantly. 


"Here you go girl, 1 half chicken meal and 1 jibarito meal." my uncle said handing her the bag.


"I'll pay for it Tio." I said.


Upon hearing this her head snapped towards me with shocked eyes, her mouth agape and out of nowhere she gave me a hug!




There's that feeling again! WTF! I looked down at her and she was looking suspiciously at my chest. Then beamed at me. 


"OMG thank you so much mister I greatly appreciate it!" she said grinning at me.


I was dizzy as **** and just nodded awkwardly looking down at her. I felt like I almost busted a nut when she hugged me. She grabbed her bag turning to leave while I was trying to gather myself.


"Hey!" I called to her, someone near the door told her I was calling her and she turned around. "Yes?"


"What's your name?" I asked. "Oh", she beamed, "I'm Keya and again thank you so much!" she said looking truly grateful.


"Keya.." that's a sexy *** name. "Cool" I nodded, "I'm Manny," she nods.

"I gotta go my grammy is really hungry, goodbye!" she smiled, waved and left.


Keya...what a beautiful name, I unknowingly smiled, My Keya. It's her, I know she's the one, the one I've been longing for. That's wifey right there, hell yeah.. my little chocolate princess..


"Are you okay?" my Tio asked eyeing me curiously.


Hell No I'm not okay with just a touch this girl was able to render me temporarily paralyzed and.. Oh **** is my **** hard Too?! WOW! She is mine! MINE! I wanted to go after her but if I get up this whole damn countertop will go with me. I have NEVER had any woman make me feel the way she just did.. I think I'm in love!


Still shaken up a little I answered, "Uh yeah unc, I'm alright." I glanced towards the door where My Keya just left. My Uncle says, "I think she may be a little too young for you, Manny, you may have to wait on that one." I looked at him pissed and snapped, "No Tio she's mine.. and I don't want to wait!" I smirked mischievously. She's all Mine! 

At Grammy's House

Keya's POV

We just got home from church where they held their annual Easter day service. And I couldn't wait to leave, I'm so over these ancient *** men gawking at and fantasizing about me. I mean some of them are literally old enough to be my great grandfather, ewww it makes me want to vomit. Their nasty lustful stares, I love going to church to learn, but hate it because those men are gross, some have children older than me!


So I turned on the radio, popping in my Aaliyah CD to have some tunes whilst I  clean up the house. I put in a load of clothes to wash, started washing the dishes, when I hear Grammy calling me. 


"Keya, come here gurl!"


I dry my hands on a kitchen rag and walk over to the living room, which is right next to the kitchen only separated by a half bath. 


"Yes Grammy?"


She's in her favorite recliner watching her favorite channel, the Food Network. We love getting ideas for cooking new meals. She's sipping on some ice water in an old Prego sauce glass. 


"I'm hungry, do you know what you cooking for dinner yet?" She asked me.


She had just came back from the hospital on Thursday and her doctor told her to start eating better, if she doesn't want to end up in there again but she's so damn stubborn. She has so many health issues already and it seems like every time she goes back they tack on another, it's quite depressing. 


I take care of my four brothers and my sister, plus help my Grammy also. I keep the house clean, cook almost all of the meals and wash everyone's clothes. If they ever need anything, I'm usually the person to get it done. Doctors appointments, school conferences, field trips, you name it I've done it. I don't mind at all but it leaves me no time for myself really. 


"I'm not sure yet Grammy, but you know I'll put something together." I always do.


"Ok well go over to Papa's and get me one of those chicken meals will ya" she told me. 


I looked at her warily, "Grammy, seriously didn't you just get out the hospital 2 days ago?" I pursed my lips putting my hand on my hip.


"Gurl I don't wanna hear that shit go get me my damn food and hurry on back here!" She snapped narrowing her eyes. Like I said, she's stubborn. 


I sighed and threw up my hands in defeat, I'm not tryna get bitch smacked by my OG. "Ok gimme the money, and is that all you want from there?" 


"Yup" she said handing me a $20 from her purse. I left shaking my head, she really needs to start eating better and lose some weight, she's over 240 pounds and at 5'2" that's just too much unhealthy weight for her in her late forties. 


My brothers were either down the street playing basketball with their friends or riding their bikes and my lil sister was upstairs listening to music. I walked through the back yard to take a short cut and will be at the restaurant in no time. 


I felt like something was tugging at me. Like someone hooked a line behind my naval and was reeling me in and it got stronger the closer I got to the restaurant. What the hell was going on? 


Walking in I noticed this gigantic man sitting at the counter. He looked like a WCW wrestler or something. My feet were on autopilot and the line was dragging me towards him. I tried sitting in other seats but my body wouldn't let me. I found myself plopping down next to him. I was super nervous I greeted Papa and ordered Grammy's food.


Mmmmm damn this food smells good and Papa cooks with such skill and enthusiasm I wish my future hubby could cook like that. I doubt it though I giggled.


I was a nervous wreck sitting so close to this giant that my body wouldn't be still, my feet were swinging and my fingers tapped on the counter. Like my body was trying to grab his attention. 


I felt the giant man turn to look at me, I didn't want to be rude or anything so I said, "Hi!"


"Hello" he says and gave me this super sexy smile, shit he has dimples for days. I mean they look so deep I may be able to lay my pinkie finger in there. Did he just lick his lips at me? And.. what the hell is he eating... a banana burger?!!!!


He asked, "Have you ever had a jibarito before?"


I don't even know what 'it' is. 


"A what?"


"A jibarito? That's what this is."


I shook my head, "No, I've never seen or heard of that before in my life!"


He explained what it was and asked me, "Would you like a bite?" 


Wow he's seriously offering me a bite? Sure why not, "Sure!" So I bit it trying not to bite off his finger and he growled at me.. did I bite him?? So I started chewing the food in my mouth and WOOOW! It was de-fuckin-licious! I closed my eyes in bliss.


"Mmm that was delicious!" It practically melted in my mouth, oh goodness it was orgasmic. 


"And its called a 'jibarito'?" I pronounced it slow hoping I said it right. Then he offered to buy one, hell yeah he could! 


"Really?!" I was so excited. 


"Yeah I don't mind." He smirked, licking his lips, 'gulp' and I felt my panties getting wet. I never knew one action could cause such an effect. 


"Sure, I'd love one!"


"Ok, one jibarito meal coming up!"

"Is it to go?" Papa asked me.

"Yes, Papa! Thank you!" Damn a free meal, today is starting to look up!


"So how's your grandmother doing?" Papa asks me.


"She's much better now that she's out of the hospital. The doctor says she has something called diabetes. I don't know what it is, but it doesn't sound good." If only she would eat better and exercise a little more she would be better. I'm really sad I can't persuade her much. 


Then the generous giant asked, "So what are you doing today?"


Same ol' same ol', "I gotta finish washing clothes and cleaning up, find something to cook for dinner and do my homework." 


Same shit, different day. He seems interested in me but I barely have time to myself, I definitely don't have time for a boyfriend. I wish I did though, a girl could dream right? And he is dreamy.


"That's quite a 'To Do' list for such a pretty girl" he smirked and I felt my toes curl. OMG is he.. flirting with me? Wow, I think I just got a little wetter. I pray this food's done soon..


"I help my Grammy take care of my little brothers and my sister." And I have no social life..


"Oh I see, well I'm sure she appreciates you a lot, doesn't she?" His deep voice is making me leak like a faucet, this is crazy. 


He turned towards me fully and it looked like he was about to grab me; then his shoulders slump forward and he was flexing his hands which were dangling in between his massive legs.. not like I wouldn't let him or I wouldn't mind. But I pray he doesn't, one touch from him and I'd melt into a puddle of juices.


I nod, "Yup, I don't mind." I shrugged, "Because, I love and appreciate my Grammy!" I wish that I could see his eyes but he's wearing sunglasses, I can read people through their eyes. 


We started talking and I found out he's from Puerto Rico, GOD I love his accent everything about him is turning me on, this shit is new to me. Don't get me wrong I've seen some hot guys in my short life but, no one has brought my emotions bubbling to the surface like this guy.


He said he has been living here since the 80's. And just returned home from the Marines last month. He's the youngest of 8 siblings. He's 23 yrs old and a Scorpio like me which means we might have a lot in common with each other. His birthday is a day before mine and he wanted to know where I wanted to hold my party at this year, umm.. why?


He started licking his lips again, inching towards me and honestly I'm sure that this seat is soaked. Butterflies exploded in my tummy and I squeezed & crossed my legs trying to stop the flow but to no avail.


"Hey, are you single?" I stiffened and gasped. Holy Crapola he IS interested in me. "Yes.. I am." I squeak out, my throat going dry. I really didn't want to tell him that I'm single because I don't have time for a relationship but that's the truth. Oh man this sucks royally. 


I gasped as my head snapped towards Papa when he said, "Here you go girl, 1 half chicken meal and 1 jibarito meal." Papa says handing me the bag of food. And saving me momentarily from the advances of this sexy giant. 


"I'll pay for it Tio." 


WHAT?! I was so overcome with gratitude that I wrapped my arms around his chest giving him a hug! He stiffened and growled at me.. wtf? Whatever I can't believe he's paying for my stuff!


"OMG thank you so much mister I greatly appreciate it!" I said beaming up at him. He chest is massive and hard. And the second I touch him I felt something like an electric shock and almost had an ******.. I need to go before I'm not able to walk outta here. 


I let him go, grabbed my food and made a beeline for the door before he tried to ask me anything else. I was almost out the door when someone grabbed my arm, I froze thinking it was the giant man. But thank goodness it was an elderly woman sitting at the table near the door, she pointed at something behind me.


I turned around, it was the giant man and OMG, I'm glad I got away from him when I did because I can see his huge hard-on from here. I gulped nervously, "Yes?"


"What's your name?" He asked.


"Oh", Oh whew. "I'm Keya and again thank you so much!" I was very grateful he paid for everything. 


"Keya.." he said my name slowly like he was tasting wine and enjoyed its flavor. My knees were getting weak, "Cool, I'm Manny" I nod.


"I gotta go my Grammy is really hungry, goodbye!" I smiled, waved and all but ran outta there whew.


Once outside I leaned against the door my legs wobbly, panting, glad I made it outta there. After a few deep breaths I started walking home when, oh no. I spotted Steve, 17, with his cousins, Carlos and Luis. I wanted to say hi, but he might try something like he always does. Ugh he gets on my nerves, so why do I like him so much? 'Sigh' shaking my head, I honestly have no idea. I remember when I first saw him...



It was May 1996, I was in 8th grade at Moos Elementary and we were having gym class outside, I love gym class! I was playing flag football when all of a sudden I can feel this weird sensation. Like someone was forcefully turning my head towards them. I turn and see this boy staring at me intensely as he was walking by. I saw that he was around my age and kinda cute. He maintained eye contact and for the life of me, I couldn't turn my eyes away from him even if I tried. It was like something took control over me it was so weird! 


Our school's playground is a block long and he even turned around to walk backwards just to keep looking at me! Was he having a staring contest with me or something? He got to the end of the block and crossed the street and was STILL looking at me. God he was cute! I don't think I've ever seen someone as cute as him. Then he walked out of my sight I was able to look away finally, whew that was intense! I was a bit dizzy.


I didn't see him again until September when I began 9th grade. I had been thinking about him all the time and sorta happy to see him again. But that was shortlived. He ended up in my homeroom. And every chance he got he would grab on me.


I saw him sitting in the Dean's office most of the time which meant that he did something that the teachers didn't like. He always says dirty things to me like, "Hey girl you got a nice ***!" or "I'll pay you $20 for a blowjob!?" Ughhh he was so rude, I just ignored him as much as I could. 


One day he cornered me in the stairwell as I was making my way to class and grabbed my butt! I have a big butt so he had a handful, "Steve!" I gasped turning around then he grabbed my waist, pinning me against the brick wall and roughly grabbed my breasts and started licking & sucking on my neck. I was so stunned I froze! I didn't know what to do.. I wanted him to stop but then again.. I didn't!?


Someone was coming down the stairs and he stopped, looked at me smirking, licked his lips and just stared at me. I sprinted down the stairs away from him as quickly as I could. He cornered me like that a few more times during the school year. Although it was quicker than taking the escalators, I eventually stopped going in the stairwell if I knew he was around.


And every time he was with his friends or his cousins he would always say nasty stuff to me. Ugh! He was so irritating, but I still.. liked him..? Smh omg it was confusing.


And not only did I have to deal with being groped on by him at school, but also at home by my exboyfriend, Carmelo too. He lived right across the street from me and would invite me over just so he could grab all over me.


Carmelo was 18, my friend Denise's older brother and a bit stronger than Steve. It was harder getting away from him as he would grip my hands up above my head. And fondled my ****** while dry humping me. That punk also ripped some of my clothes while I was trying to escape from his grubby hands. 


And he was always pulling down his pants showing me his ***** asking, "When you gonna let me hit that baby?" OMG WHAT!? This fool is insane! 


"I'm not doing anything until I'm married Carmelo, now let me go or I'm gonna scream!" I told him for the umpteenth time. He eventually broke up with me, I was relieved and sad at the same time. I liked having a boyfriend, but I wish he wasn't so mannish jeez. And he never asked my permission he would just manhandle me. I don't mind it if I'm asked but, I hate being forced to do things! 

[Flashback Ends]


Back to reality...gasp, oh man! Steve saw me! I stopped in my tracks thinking about turning around and going the opposite way. But he might chase me or something. Crapola!... I guess.. I'll just have to deal with him, ughhhh.


I slowly started walking again, they waited for me, I see him whisper something to Luis and they laughed looking at me. I reached their location and he jumps in front of me, "Where you think you're going sexy?"


"Home" I squeaked, I was trying to sound confident, but failed miserably.


"Oh you finally gonna suck my **** then?" he jeered, his cousins laughing.


"NO! I told you already that I don't do that!" I yelled at him embarrassed.


"Oh? " he smirked wrapping one arm around my waist pulling me up against him, grabbing my butt, his other hand angrily gripping my face, I wince,


"So we finna go home and **** then!?" he was so serious all of a sudden, his face was so close to mine. I can smell alcohol and weed on his breath, he was high as usual. I wanted to push him away but like I said, I ..liked him. OMG this is so confusing and frustrating.


"You're gonna gimme this *** one day Keya, even if I gotta take it!" he forcefully pulled me closer to him, squeezing my butt, whimper, I was paralyzed. I started trembling, sweat dripping down my face, panting.. I didn't know what to do..




A car horn blew right next to us, I turned to see.. "Grammy!" Oh I was saved. Steve and his cousins ran away when they saw the car, "One day Keya!" he warned as he ran off.


"Girl get your *** in here, I send you to the damn restaurant and you out here foolin 'round!" she yelled at me.


"But, but I..." I panted, I didn't know what to say as I was still flustered from Steve. I always got like that around him. I got in the car and we drove home. We recently moved out of the Chicago Projects and I couldn't have been more glad. Those places were horrible! I loved this neighborhood because its wasn't as rough as living in the Projects. 


When we got home there was a box in front of the door, I went and looked inside and 3 small kittens were in there! Awwwww, so cute I took the box inside. Grammy said that I can keep them, if I took care of them properly. They were so young that their eyes were still closed. She guessed that they were only a few days old, and should not have been taken away from the mom this soon. And that I'll have to feed them with a medicine dropper because they were so tiny.


I sat the box down and washed my hands. In the kitchen, I took her food out from the bag and put it on the dining room table and gave her the money back. She looked at me bewildered, "What is this!?" And then I told her about the man at Papa's that let me taste his weird sandwich and how he paid for everything! 


"A man!?" she said looking interested, "What man?" 


"His name is Manny, I was tryna get back here with your food and then.. Steve..." I was terrible when it came to him, I always freeze up.


"That damn boy still bothering you! He needs his *** whupped! You have to start standing up for yourself Keya and stop letting these lil boys think that its okay to touch on you like that you hear me?!"


"Yes, Grammy" It was true but I didn't know how to fight back, I don't like hurting others it just isn't me. And people take advantage of my kindness, it makes me sad, I hate it. 


But Mmmmm! Man this food smells amazing! I take my carton of food out the bag and open it up.


"Is that it?" she asked looking at my meal.


"Yep, he says it's called a jibarito" I told her.


"So why he buy you one?" she asked cutting into her chicken.


I shrugged, "He asked if I had eaten one before. I told him 'No I didn't' so he let me taste his. And it was sooo good Grammy, and then he asked if I wanted one? I told him yeah, then he paid for everything!" I explained. 


"Wow! Did he ask you for anything?" she looked at me suspiciously, pursing her lips. "Well yeah we talked about a lot of stuff." And I told her what we talked about and how he made me feel. 


"He kept growling at me.." I told her, frowning shaking my head. 


"Growling?  Like a dog or something?" She asked confused.


"Yes exactly like a dog!" It was weird.


She narrowed her eyes suspiciously, "Did you give him your number?"


Number? I frowned, then my eyes went wide when I realized what she meant, "No I didn't give him my number!"


"Why not gurl?!"


"Because I don't have time for a relationship right now Grammy, you know that!" l said exasperated. 


"Gurl you better make some time! He sounds like a fine *** man, this.. Manny guy. You don't wanna be an old maid do you? Alone, bored, reading old romance novels, living with a billion cats, your ***** collecting cobwebs!" She bust out laughing. Jeez Grammy I couldn't do nothing but laugh also smh. 


"He was fine as hell Grammy, and he was VERY.. interested in me. He even asked if I was single. But I don't have time for me, how am I supposed to make time for a whole other person?" It's not like I didn't want to be with him, I just really didn't have the time is all.


"Listen Keya on some serious shit, you are getting to be a beautiful young woman and men are starting to notice you. I won't be mad if you find you a man. Hell at your age I had 2 kids already." I knew my Grammy had come from a long line of teenage moms.


"But you're a great catch Keya that's why those boys be all over you like that. And always remember, a man ain't NEVER gonna give you something for free, without wanting something in return, you hear me?" she said her eyebrow raised.


"Yes, Grammy, I understand." I said sincerely.


I thought, well I gave him a hug and I thanked him I didn't think he would want anything else from me. Oh boy was I wrong! 

Frustration and Release

Manny's POV

It was now the beginning of May and I had been coming to my uncle's restaurant every chance I got in hopes of running into My Keya again. So much so that upon me walking in my uncle said sounding a bit peeved,

"No she hasn't been in here today, Manny."

Damn! Where is she?! I thought.

"Uh, ok thanks Unc" I laughed awkwardly.

"Manny, I think that you need to take a break from searching for her and look for someone else." My Tio said, I knew he was concerned about me but I was irritated by him suggesting I be with someone else, I didn't want someone else. I needed her,

"I wish it were that simple Tio, pero (but) I told you how she made me feel. No woman has come close to making me feel like that, not even a fraction of that!"

I said a bit louder than I wanted to and some customers turned around looking at me. I didn't care. His uncle noticed the stares,

"I understand that nephew, but there are other women in the world you know?!"

I was pissed! "I don't want any other woman, I want her! She's MINE! And I will have her!"

I yelled and stormed off. Some of the customers looked startled and were gossiping. His uncle looked at them laughing nervously,

"Young love, what can you do?" He said throwing up his hands.

Outside Manny was fuming and pacing, he wiped his hand down his face to try and calm himself down. ****! Where is she? I couldn't do nothing but think about her for the last 4 weeks straight. Dreaming about her at night and daydreaming about her all day, even praying about her at church every Sunday!

His mind started to wander again.. her incredible smell.. her soft lips on mine.. what it might feel like to run my fingers through her curly hair.. how she looks as my tongue delved deep within her *****.. what her voice would sound like calling my name as I was balls deep inside her...

'RING RING' My cousin Victor was calling, knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Hey cuz!" he said.

"What's up, Vic?"

"Shit, what you up to today?"

Losing my damn mind over this girl is what I wanted to say but, I let out an exaggerated sigh, "Uh, nothing much, why what's up?"

"You up for a ride?" he asked.

"Hell yeah where you at, I'll meet you?"

"Aight let's meet up on Division and Cali in 10, cool?"

"Yep, bet"

"Bet" I hung up, took a couple of deep breaths.

I went back inside to apologize to my Tio, it's not his fault, he's not the one that's sexually frustrated, he was just trying to help.

"Lo siento Tio, (I'm sorry uncle), I was wrong, I gotta go, love you!"

"Love you too, nephew!" Manny left, his uncle shook his head chuckling, "Kids!"

I got on my bike and drove up the street to meet Vic. I spotted him on his bike when I pulled up, he was smirking. I pulled up and gave him some dab, putting my shades on my head.

"You good cuz?" he asks. He knew that I had been looking for her too. I nodded, he looked at me skeptically,

"You sure, because your eyes are grey."

I sighed, I don't know why but my eyes change color depending upon my mood. Grey when I was horny, green when I'm pissed, brown when I'm sad and blue when I'm happy. I know weird right?

I gave him a look like 'Leave it alone, Vic'. I pulled my shades back on. He threw up his hands in surrender,

"I'm just tryna help you out bro."

I let out a frustrated sigh, wiping my hand down my face,

"I know, thanks cuz. I just can't get her off my mind tho." I said feeling a bit down.

"That girl gonna be in trouble whenever you do find her!"

He chuckles shaking his head. He ain't lying about that, she got me out here on a damn emotional rollercoaster, I'm gonna make her pay for that tenfold. She ain't gonna be able to walk for a damn WEEK!

"Well I'm here to help, you wanna go to a party?" he asked looking at me hopeful.

"Hell yeah, I could use a party right about now!"

He chuckled, "That's what's up! Let's roll then, fool!" He start up his engine pulling off and I follow his lead.

We drove a few minutes before I heard some loud Tupac music playing. He slowed down near Palmer Square park on Kedzie & Palmer Blvd. It was some kind of Cinco de Mayo cookout going on. Smirking, smh he always knew where the best parties were lol.

We park and head over to the festivities and I recognize some of the people here, some of my old high school friends. Jessie, Carla, Jose, Lupe, Matthew, Annmarie, Big John, JoMari, Tyler, Lenette, and Sonny.

"YO! Its been forever since I seen y'all, what's up?!" I hug or give high fives to everyone.

"What you been doing with yourself Manny?"

JoMari asked, if I remember correctly she used to have a huge crush on me, I see her cheeks are red.

"Nothing much I just got back from the Marines a few months back, but how you been?" I say checking her out.. a little.

"I got 3 kids now and I work as a CNA over at St. Mary Hospital," she said looking flirty and shy she has a huge smile on her face..

As the night goes on I drink a little something something, and smoke a few joints. She dancing all up on me, grinding her *** all on my ****. I hold on to her bouncing her *** into my crotch to the beat of the music. She turns around and says to me, "You wanna go back to my place?"

"Alright let's jet!" We get on my bike and she tells me where her apartment is.

Once she opened her door some young girl that looks like her twin says, "Finally you're back, Jo!"

JoMari gives the girl $40 and says, "Manny this is my younger sister, Yesmina. Yessy this is Manny, we graduated from Clemente together. Are the kids sleep? Any problems with them?"

Yessy puts the money in her bra then grabs her bag saying, "Yes they're sleeping and no problems, good night sis" she hugs JoMari and looks at me lustfully, licks her lips and smirks, "Night Manny." She leaves closing the door after her.

JoMari goes and checks on her kids, while I take a seat on the couch. My mind went straight to thinking about My Keya, like what was she doing right now? She said that she was single, I hope I see her again soon. I'd rather be with her tonight licking her from head to toe.. slapping her *** while ramming my cock into her relentlessly.. hearing her moan my fucking Name, 'MMMMannyyy!'.. I wonder what she taste like?..


I opened my eyes and see JoMari looking at me smirking. "I hope your **** got bigger because you were thinking of me just now?" She said straddling me, pulling up my shirt, sucking on my neck. It's been years since I've gotten laid and now that I've found My Keya, she's the only one that I want.. that I need.

But I really need to get one off right now. So I grabbed JoMari by her *** and rock her back and forth on my ****. She's only wearing a miniskirt, thongs and a tube top. Im not interested in fucking her but I will dry hump the daylights outta her. She grabs my nipples and rubs them roughly between her fingers, it just intensifies my build up and I rocked her faster. Her moans are growing loud as ****, she whimpers and shudders I feel her coming, soaking through my slacks. But I don't stop, "Say my name!"

I feel her trembling in my grasp, "I won't stop until you say my fucking Name!" She whispers weakly, "manny.." I shake my head and slap her on her *** 'SLAP' she whimpers, "Say my fucking NAME!" I nearly roared at her. She flinched her eyes wide, lips quivering. I can see she couldn't handle me, her face was as red as a beet, panting, "Ma.. Mannyyy!" She came again and was a shaking mess on top of me. I groaned my release, "Good girl" I smirked she wasn't half bad. But I'm sure My Keya will be better.. perfect.

I lifted her limp self off me and lay her on the couch, seeing movement behind me I turned. A boy maybe around 3 years old was slowly walking into the living room rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand holding a small teddy bear, "Mommy?" I sigh, man I can't wait to knock up My Princess.. Well that was my cue to go.

I leave her apartment get on my bike and head home. I shower and go lay in my big, cold empty *** bed, wishing My Keya was here, to warm and soak these sheets with the river I'm gonna make run from between her sexy *** thighs, right next to me.

It also gives me some time to figure out several puzzling issues like:

What was that weird pulling feeling?

Why the hell I felt like that when she touched me.

And what was all that 'Mate' shit I heard?

Hell yeah I wanted to mate with her. I want to **** her senseless, **** her till she knows that she is Mine! **** her till she never even thinks about another man! I NEED her, I think I am in love with her.. I think I'll go visit my parents tomorrow to ask them for some advice on this matter. Thinking about her instantly makes me hard, so I beat off like I've done every night since I first met her, yelling her name as I ***. Envisioning her in my arms I fall asleep..dreaming of My Keya.

The next day I visited my parents home, I had been telling them about Keya too, and my mom told me, "If it's meant to be, then it will be Manny. If the Heavenly Father has made her for you then she is for you and no one else." My dad added, "Yeah son, if she is truly for you, it will happen when it is time for it to happen. So don't try and rush these things, have patience and remember, can't no one close the doors that The Heavenly Father has opened or open up the doors He has closed okay?" "Yes, thanks, I truly needed to hear this, I love y'all" I went and gave them both hugs and kisses. I love my parents they were forever by my side.

On my way out my Papau stops me, "Hey there kiddo, hear you're having lady problems" he says chuckling. When my family moved to Chicago my grandparents moved in with my parents and have lived here ever since. I always love coming to him for advice he has great wisdom. "Yeah sorta.." I say rubbing the back of my neck. We go sit on the patio on their backyard. "Well spill" he says grinning.

I take a deep breath, "Well I met her on Easter at Tio's restaurant and Papau she was perfect!"

His eyes grew and twinkled in awe, nodding for me to continue.

"She's short maybe 5'3"ish, 145lbs with curves in all the right places. Perfect ******, a fat ***, beautiful brown eyes. Thick curly shoulder length hair, dark chocolate skin that makes me wanna pour her on every fucking Sundae I eat! And she smells amazing, do you remember those fresh lavender flowers Memau used to grow?" He nodded looking excited.

"That's what she smells like!"

My Memau walks onto the patio with a tray full of glasses of lemonade and says,

"She smells that good? Whoa! Sounds like you're in love, hijo!" she exclaimed kindly. She came and gave me a kiss on my forehead. I looked at her, biting my lip in excitement,

"Do you really think so?"

She smiled widely, "Yes I think so, is she constantly on your mind?"

"Yes it's hard to think at times, all I can think about is her, its crazy!" I said. My Papau shook his head,

"Not crazy, its just she is your Rib!"

My Rib? "What do you mean?" I asked curiously. "When the CREATOR made Adam, the first man, HE saw how lonely Adam was so he put him in a deep sleep. Then took one of Adam's rib from his body, I'd like to think it was the rib that covered his heart most likely, and created a female for him, Adam named her Eve. She was made from him, for him!"

He said eyes full of wisdom and confidence. Then he turned to his wife and I seen his eyes hold such love and compassion for her. Yes, that's exactly what I want with My Keya.

Then I thought of something, "Do you think she is like my soulmate? I kept hearing.. or thinking of that word when I was around her. And when she touched me, oh man, it was just muy caliente. If you know what I mean." I say wiggling my eyebrows, grinning.

They turned to me like I had a revelation, "Yes exactly! Especially if she feels the same way about you." My Memau said. Now I have to find her, I have no doubts. I'm completely sure that she is mine now, My Keya.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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