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Reborn Of The Malicious Woman


"Death to evil woman!"

"Kill her!"

"Cursed woman!"

Insults and curses were thrown at the young woman as she walked down the path toward the guillotine. Her disheveled violet hair which was cut messily moved slightly against the winter breeze. Her eyes looked dead, there was nothing could be seen in those ruby like eyes while her expression was devoid of all emotion. The people who threw insults at her were blurry in her view, but their words pierced through her heart.

'Well.. it couldn't be help..'

'I did many evil things..'

'..that's the truth...'

The young woman who looked like in her twenties mused inwardly. As she was forced to kneel in front of the guillotine, her head was placed properly. The young woman lifted her gaze and saw a man who sat on the throne. Blonde short hair, strong jaw, fierce eyes which filled with hatred and disgust when it was directed at her. As she stared at the man who, from the first time she laid her eyes on him, always managed to take her breath away, the young woman finally realized something.


'...My heart doesn't beat hard for him anymore..'

He who took her breath away..

He who had stolen her heart..

And the one who broke it to pieces..

"Audelia Elizabeth Von Leonhart.. You are malicious and wicked woman who has done many evil deeds." The man on the throne spoke, his tone filled with utmost coldness.

"For that, you shall be sentenced to death."

A soft smile appeared on her face as she stared at the man who she had given her heart to. The man on the throne frowned upon seeing the peaceful smile on Audelia's face. Why did he felt uncomfortable seeing such smile?

Unbeknownst to him, the reason why Audelia let out such smile was because of her heart. She had let it all go, be it her love toward him and her resentment toward the woman who managed to catch his heart.

'..Jonathan Lemian De Rozenkrenzt.. finally I have freed myself from this painful love.'

'Indeed I have done many unforgivable and evil deeds.'

'I have regretted how I was so obsessed with you.'

'Because of that.. my family...'

'If there is a next life, I want to atone all my sins and become a better person.'

"Do it."

Jonathan's voice could be heard as he ordered the execution of the malicious woman he despised so much. Yet, despite his disgust toward the woman, his heart grew uncomfortable.

Closing her eyes and resigned herself to death, Audelia made such wish in her heart. The blade dropped and cheers erupted upon the death of the malicious woman. As if awoken by the cheers, Jonathan's eyes widened as an important memory emerged in his mind. The promise he had made to Audelia before he met Seraphina. The promise to love her for eternity and to marry her once they became adult. Jonathan had forgotten about it all.

Yet.. what they didn't know was that the heaven had heard Audelia's wish and decided, for better or for worse, to grant it for her..

Got Reincarnated?!

"This is.."

The moment Audelia opened her eyes, what laid before her eyes was the canopy ceiling. She stared in a daze, thinking how beautiful the canopy ceiling was. It had light pink color, filled with flower decorations. If this was the reception in the after world before putting her to hell, it didn't feel bad at all. More over the room she was in was similar to her own room at the duke's residence.

"...The bed is comfortable too." Audelia muttered softly. "This is quite a VIP treatment for highly malicious woman such as me.. Maybe I should thank the God of the underworld when I meet him later."

1 Minute passed....

2 Minutes passed.....

3 Minutes passed.....

4 Minutes passed.....

5 Minutes passed...

"Why there is no one coming and drag me to hell?" Audelia asked such question, confusion was plastered on her little face as she kept lying with hands spread wide and legs parted on the comfy bed.

However, it didn't take long for the door to be opened from the other side and a maid entered the room.

'Speak of the devil and he will come'

Audelia mused such words and turned her head slightly only to frown. The person who entered the room was none other than the maid who used to serve her. Was god of the underworld trying to satisfy her this much? Quite a service she got here..

"Ojou-sama, it's morning. It's time to have breakfast." The maid smiled gently at Audelia.

Audelia stared at the maid for a while, "Hmm.. even the voice is similar. This is quite a treat indeed."

"Ojou-sama?" The maid asked in confusion.

Lifting her body and getting off the bed, Audelia said with a helpless smile. "Well, the real Natalie won't be in hell. She died because of me after all."

"Pardon?" Natalie, the maid asked as her confusion grew even more. "Me? Died?"

Stretching her body, Audelia didn't even reply to Natalie. "Well then Demon who looks like Natalie, Let's meet the god of the underworld now! I am ready!" She said with a grin plastered on her face.

"Pardon me Ojou-sama, is this a new trend of joke?" Natalie asked, clearly didn't understand why in the world the young lady, the princess of Grand Duke of Leonhart, wanted to meet the god of underworld.

Moving her feet, Audelia ignored the question from the 'demon' who took a form of Natalie. As she was moving toward the door, Audelia stopped her feet abruptly when she caught a glimpse of a figure on the oval mirror. She stared at the figure that was reflected on the mirror. The figure on the mirror was the picture of a young girl whose eyes opened wide like a small saucer, jaw slackened and idiotic expression. Truly an ugly sight..

Audelia was wondering who this ugly girl was and noticing that the girl had similar face as her. Okay so the ugly was her.. but..

"I HAVE SHRUNK!!!" Soon after realizing that the reflection on the mirror was herself, Audelia shouted loudly.

"Uh.. By shrunk.. you mean..?" Natalie who watched her young lady acting so weird, asked the question.

"I used to be tall!"

"Tall? but you--"

"I used to have beautiful, curvy body!"

"Beautiful, curvy body you said.. but--"

"I used to have that sexy aura that makes men serve me!"

"I don't know if you are in delusion or awaken the narcissistic trait over night.. but Ojou-sama.. if your mother hear your inappropriate last sentence, she will punish you, you know.." Natalie said in tired tone, looking exhausted as she watched her young lady's weird antics.

Audelia who was not listening to Natalie's words, stared at her reflection on the mirror. She had turn to six years old. Was this the so called 'Reborn'?

'No way.. I have been reborn again..?'

Just as she mused the words in her mind, Audelia felt more memories surged from the dark corner of her mind. Yes.. it was the memories of her past life in a country called Japan. She was Yamamoto Kaguya, the heir of Yamamoto group, which ruled over Ginza, Kabuki-cho and Harajuku. One of the famous Yakuza family in Japan. However, even though Kaguya was an heir to Yamamoto group, she worked as a high school teacher instead. She died because of a gunshot on her 28th birthday.

"Not because of Truck-kun or Car-chan.. but I got reincarnated due to gunshot instead huh.." Audelia muttered softly under her breath.

"More over.. I was a malicious woman before this too! How can Gods be so cruel?!" Audelia complained loudly as she raised both small fists to the air.

*pant* *pant*

'Well I got reborn again anyway.. no complaint to that..' Audelia mused inwardly.

She remembered the vow she made before her death. She wanted to pay for all the sins she had done, she wanted to make it right. Just like a song from a certain famous boy band, she gotta make it right~

(Note : *Cough* Author is an Army *Cough* XD )

"Alright! Let's work hard! FIGHT- OH!!!" Audelia raised one fist to the air and shouted loudly, cheering for her new life. However the good atmosphere was destroyed by the tired tone of Natalie.

"Ojou-sama, I don't know why were you shouting just now, but can you please clean yourself first before going to the door."

Audelia who moved her feet and headed toward the door, stopped and turned around awkwardly and headed to the bathroom.

"Right.." She replied in awkward tone.

Grand Duchy Of Leonhart

Grand Duchy of Leonhart, was located at the east side of Rozenkrenzt Kingdom. It was a green land filled with many riches and possibilities. However, due to lack of knowledge, those possibilities were buried and didn't have the spot to shine. That's what Audelia, who had the knowledge of modern world, thought.

'Well, I am going to learn all about the Grand Duchy soon anyway. I don't have to be in a hurry.'

Audelia mused inwardly as she walked toward the dining room with Natalie Bright, her very own personal maid, followed her from behind.

As Audelia arrived at the dining room, what greeted her was her family. Audelia stared at them for a while. Their beautiful and handsome feature looked so dashing and sparkling as if they were born as supreme beings in this world.

'Maaan this is really Isekai (Another world) indeed.'

'There is no way this sparkling people can exist on earth, they can create world war III just by using their looks.'

'Then again, I am glad to be reborn. I can't let my family wage war with Rozenkrenzt Royal Family and get them executed for treason.'

'This time for sure, I will do anything to protect them'

Audelia greeted her family, "Good Morning everyone." she smiled happily.

"Good Morning, Audelia." Answered a woman who looked like in her thirties. She had light blue hair and light pink colored eyes. This woman's name was Catherine Helliana Von Leonhart, the Grand Duchess of Leonhart and Audelia's mother.

"My, you look beautiful today as well."

"Thank you, Okasama." Audelia expressed her gratitude with smile.

"Audelia, your cute smile is blinding." said a man who looked like in his late thirties, he had the same violet hair and ruby eyes like Audelia had. This man was her father, The Grand Duke of Leonhart. His name was Rugbert Eli Von Leonhart.

"Father, Elia's smile is always blinding." said Audelia's eldest brother. He had the light blue hair and ruby eyes. His name was Gregory Remio Von Leonhart, The eldest among all siblings and the heir to Grand Duchy. Well basically speaking, this man was the next Grand Duke.

"Eldest brother, not only Elia's smile is blinding, her face is beautiful! just like a goddess!" said Audelia's second brother. He had violet hair and light pink eyes, this man was the second brother Audelia had. His name was Justin Waynard Von Leonhart.

"Oh my Justin, I agree with you~" The eldest sister of Audelia added, she had the same light blue hair and light pink eyes that Audelia's mother had. Her name was Juliana Hestia Von Leonhart, the twin sister of Justin.

Audelia's lips twitched slightly upon receiving the worshiped and adoring eyes that came for her family. Yep.. they were the VERY reason why she became so wicked, selfish and malicious. Anyone who received such treatment from a very young age tended to be wicked because they would think that they were higher then others.

'Seriously.. my family..'

'Can't they show their love in moderation?!'

'No wonder I became malicious and selfish!'

Audelia complained inwardly but her smile stayed in place outside. "Please don't praise me so much or else I will become selfish, Otousama, Okasama, Onisama and Onesama." Audelia retorted as such, hoping to make them realized that excessive praising would not bear a good result.


"How can you say that?! Your beauty and cuteness needs to be told to the whole world!" Rugbert, the Grand Duke of Leonhart retorted, standing up and lifted his both hands to the sky.

'No, please don't! Why do you have to announce it to the world?!' Audelia refuted inwardly.

"You are right, dear! Audelia is the most beautiful angel of all! I shall tell this to all noble madams and have them appreciate her beauty!" Catherine, the Grand Duchess of Leonhart also stood up, laughing 'Ho Ho Ho' with her hand covering her lips.

'Not you too! Why do you have to tell the madams?!' Audelia responded such inwardly.

"Then we shall--"

"EVERYONE!" Audelia who couldn't stand anymore from the embarrassment, decided to cut in before her older brothers and sister said foolish words. Having her parents uttered foolish words was enough for her to want to dig a hole and crawl into it.

"Let's have breakfast peacefully, okay?" Audelia said while giving them her sweetest smile.

"Okay~" All the members of family answered it harmoniously.

Audelia sat on her seat while heaved a weary sigh. As she ate her breakfast, Audelia grumbled inwardly of how tired she was. This family always acted like normal human beings but when it came to Audelia, they behaved like crazy fans acted towards their idol.

'Now I can understand how those idols feeling..' Audelia added inside her mind while kept eating.

"Audelia, here is chicken meat for you." Gregory said as he put the meat on her empty plate. He smiled at her lovingly, full of petting.

Audelia returned the smile, "Thank you Greg Onisama."

"Ah! not fair! Father too!"

"Mother as well!"

"Me too!"

As the rest members put the chicken meats on her plate, Audelia stared at it with flat, dead fish eyes. She was just a six years old girl! One chicken meat was fine but this many?! Are they trying to kill her with these chicken meats?!

"Th-Thank you everyone." Audelia smiled at them stiffly, wondering how she finished all of it.

The members of Leonhart family didn't realize the internal complains Audelia had inside, they saw her smile became stiff and thinking that the meat was not enough for her. Rugbert immediately ordered to bring more chicken meats to the dining room. Christine even ordered to buy more chickens for the future and stocked it in the ice room for Audelia. The breakfast time turned into chaos and Audelia just sat there, flat expression on her face while seeing how ridiculous her family could be.

'Yep.. Let's get the hell out of this house..'

'Once I turn 10 years old.. I will become an adventurer and get the hell away from these weirdos..'

'Let's do that..'

The six years old Audelia (?) decided that in her heart.

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