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Time Reflection


When there is a threat to humanity we don’t care, because it doesn’t associate with us but when it jeopardizes us we take immediate action, then you realize that there is no turning back.

I can gracefully say my life is simple but extremely difficult.

Let me ask you a question: if you could meet your future self, what would you do or say? Or when your future self is right in front of you with a bullet in his/her lower abdomen, yes this is my story. It began a long time ago than expected but i never really care so shall we start. “My name is Brian yes ironic I know, and I'm the epitome of someone you call broke I mean I can afford a ramen noodle I own a café which would later be one of my investment points, but that's not the point

Currently, we are in America and the year is XXXX. I know unconventional things, and I'm a student who works two jobs and still doesn't have enough money to pay rent. You technically won’t call it a job, more like running a business. My life is the same. I have the same routine, and nothing really surprises me. “But on this day I wish I can erase from my head, but it was on a Monday I vividly remember the time was exactly 11:59:59am time froze or maybe my imagination was wild but yeah I was taking garbage out after a long day at work oh, and I work at a coffee shop” I met someone which left my jaw on the floor like rhetorically, and it wasn’t the president or a celebrity no it was Me... Yeah, I met myself and the first thing that came to my mind was how is my future self-more handsomer than me, I mean we are of the same flesh and blood. But he has a full-grown beard with long hair which is silver and weird because mine is black. “Why is he not talking? Talking to myself internally

Is he okay, what's wrong with him? Is he mentally unstable? Hmm, only then is when I realized that he is holding his lower abdomen I see blood” oh no” I said to myself. I picked him up before anyone noticed and took him to my secret place in the café at the back where I laid him in my bed which was covered with white sheets "Things I do for myself” as I put him down. I tended to his wounds and went back upstairs to make sure business was okay.

5 hours later

(in those five hours, Brian went to the pharmacy to get some medication. He came back and paid his employees, went to his office and counted how much they made today and see how much profit he made) Also the café which includes a bookstore belonged to a man named Ivan Mooney, but he later dies and since his children travel out of the state and his wife left him(tragic) only for him to become rich and die and so his café was left with me, and I'm taking great care of it)

AHH, wheeze. Huff. Puff…as I breathe heavily, another dream if I was back on earth 0 my wife would probably be asking what I dreamt about. You Know I like nightmares. When I wake up, they leave me deeply valuing my reality. “Anyway, where am I?” I ask myself. As I got up from the bed, I saw pictures of myself all around, that when I realized that I'm current the past a couple of years before it all started because after the war is ended the world is in a dystopian society where the power survives and where people use the mutation as an excuse to kill the people that are struggling. They say humans are the smartest creatures on the planet, so we were able to build an irresistible immune system which made us basically immortal, and I haven't seemed to die yet because I remember getting shot, so I guess it still works as I go back in time.

Mirro II

So I guess it still works as I go back in time. I walked up to the door and opened it, knowing that if I fail, I am going to vanish from the face of this earth and never see my child be given birth to. I turned my head to see my present self it was like look in the mirror the only difference are the fact that I have tattoos and a silver hair and there is no corny rule where I can't come in contact with myself, you would think it's very easy to talk to yourself but in reality we are both frozen and everything seems to have gotten clearer, the clock is loud I can hear sirens and horns from miles away, and coincidentally I can read his mind, and I'm guessing he can read mine but what's there to read, my mind is blank. They say that twins have a type of connection. Do we both have that same type of connection? But that's me, my reflection ``I asked myself. Say something I said to him in whatever connection we have. No he said then he said “was sup” that casual me “who are you” he asked me “I guess you can say I'm you from the future from a different earth which is ahead of your current earth” I replied, he looked at me with an obtuse look(the look of what's that supposed to mean). So 10 year in this current earth is a year in the future, you don’t need to understand what you need to know is that in 1985 the government secretly experimented on the human body and how it would react to different climates in other planet which you could say it was fifty percent successful so when it was time for the expedition to get to Milky Way which would last for 25,000 years to reach the middle of the Milky Way and would return during the year 2050, “that was 65 year long” my present self said(Lets just call him Ryan) yes, but that was earth years, but it was less for those on the ship because they were in a cryosleep and years later scientist found metal in our atmosphere which was unexpected because it had been a long time, and it was a secret, but the ship was not the only thing that returned to earth there was something even worse, but it was found by the government which they locked away on a private island. The ship last stop was Gliese 1214 b and that's where scientist believed that the creatures were from which may be true but while scientist were studying the animals, the animals themselves were evolving… “Wait, wait, wait”! Where does this happen? He asked. It happens in a multi-space dimension called PST -19… “What!” he replied. So in the universe there are multiple spaces which we call dimensions and in these dimensions there are the present past and future” which means they are all related to each other” Ryan said “Yes in a way” I replied and for example in dimension PST -19 which is the past, it's an earth where everything in the past happens but only a certain time period which was where I was supposed to head to, but I had a technical issue, so I was brought to the present. “So let's say you were able to make it to your final destination, how were you going to stop the past in order to persevere in the order of the future” he asked. Well, it took sometime to figure out how to kill the creature, and I was going to go to the past and show them how to kill the thing.'' I replied. “Since you got sent to the wrong place, how are you going to figure out how to get back or make it to where you needed to go” he asked, “well I have a plan, but I don't know how solid it is, I still need to think-so we can talk about it tomorrow. See you at home” I told him, “Which home do you even know where I live,” he said. “I guess you forgot that I'm you” I told him one last time before heading for the door.

The Plan

 “I guess you forgot that I'm you” I told him one last time before heading for the door.

Next day

“Screams” “I figured it out” I said “huh what” Ryan said dumbfounded I figured out how to get to the past.” “Really now” Ryan grunt. What time is it… bro it's 5:30 did you not even sleep”… as he sat up on the couch. I turned on the light and went to sit next to him. '' so here’s the plan but i first here’s where it went wrong so when I was transporting I decided to also transport a cargo plane which I forgot that it takes lots of energy, but the plan is we are going to break into the military base call area 928. They are testing on a Particle accelerator which can send us into a dimensional space and hope we make it to the past and save the world. Well in the future we use Space prisms to supply earth with energy from space which is endless, and it was founded by your boy more details later, but we need to get ready for a road trip. Only to turn around to see him go back to sleep without saying anything. Like they say, “preparedness is the key to success and victory

(Author breaking fourth wall and speaking: In the meantime, while the characters are asleep, here is the future one’s story. So  he founded the company named IT-TECH-19, which would become the best tech giant over the next century. They did almost everything from clothes to making weapons to phones. I never really came to a concussion on its name but let's roll with it. After he created it was a new startup which would happen in upcoming months but would never see the spotlight until the midway through the war, so he came up with this idea that the element named Plutonium also be used for  firearms instead of atomic bombs and with the metal Tungsten it can cause significant damage. He then went to see sponsors about this idea which could bring them riches but no one believed him and said that he should but it aside and focus on the thing that actually mattered, but we both know that he was never going to do that. And with that he went and created his own company which made apps and other things, but he never forgot about the idea of his, and he used the money he made and bought a ton amount of plutonium and created the most technological invention ever. And while he was doing all those stuff, a woman walked into his life I mean he’s seen his fair share of woman but “she was the real deal” they all say that until the end, but she really was, and she was inspired by the actress “dove Cameron'' she became pregnant during the war(wrong time to get pregnant and when disaster struck he was able to secure himself and family in the Gold Tower where he lived at the top. Back to story)



Well he still decided to go with his plan and said that he is going to get something from the store and would be back and the only thing he told him is get change and get ready and wear comfortable shoes and that we are going to France, he didn’t even tell me how we are going to get there I know we're going to have to fly but with which plane, “wow you

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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