NovelToon NovelToon

Nanomancer Reborn

Chapter 1

"Where do we start? How about at the beginning?

"I was a village girl. Typical except for the fact that I was a little prettier than average.

"Normal family, normal life. I wasn't that interested in a partner. But then again, I was still just a child. Romance wasn't really on the table.

"It was during my 14th birthday that my village was raided. Parents were killed yadidadida… you get the idea. I was shocked at first but got over it since I had more important matters.

"I was taken into an underground facility. I was blindfolded at the time so I didn't know where, though now I do and it was so far away from my village I never bothered to return.

"They experimented on my body. I'm pretty sure they said something about there being millions of previous experiments as well. I forgot the number. But would you believe it if I told you those scientists or whatever didn't give me anaesthetic!? Ridiculous right? I could have died from shock.

"Alas, I didn't.

"So there I was, the first success of their experiments. I became the first Nanomancer. A mage wielding the powers of science along with magic. I could theoretically make anything I want should I have both the mana and the understanding.

"And obviously, as the first success, they put some fail-safes into me. Made it so that I couldn't revolt.

"Time passed, I continued to improve and they never gave me a chance to learn something to help me leave their control.

"Then Mr Hero came with his posse. Raiding the lab as he had the understanding of the underhanded deeds they have done.

"I was sent to intercept them as a defence but Mr Hero took pity on this missy. Disarming me, he proceeded to destroy the labs before he came back with a device to free me from control.

"I was grateful yes, but I didn't feel a blind worship to Mr Hero. I mean sure he saved me, but I didn't mind being killed you know.

"He offered me a place into his party and I accepted since I had nothing else to do.

"We levelled up together, grew stronger together. Well, I grew a little too strong.

"Ah, if you're wondering about levelling then I'll tell you about what everyone calls the system. Though you probably already know. We receive it the moment we are born. Our attributes, our race and our growth is recorded by the system.

"I did wonder where the system came from at one point of my life, but the more hung up you are about these details the more restricted your life will become. So I just accepted it as a part of my life.

"So I was saying, I became too strong and the Hero became wary of me. His own ego and Hero complex couldn't stand someone stronger than him so he recreated the device and tried to block my powers.

"The device only took a little of my power making me just a little weaker than the hero.

He killed me in the end and I woke up again here. Out in the snowfields with Mr Wolves growling at me.

"And the rest you know. Well 'knew' since you are in fact the skull of the wolf I killed." A girl said as she looked at the decapitated head of a wolf amongst other corpses.

"Goodness. Not even an hour here and I'm already talking to a bloody head." She muttered standing up.

She had long black hair and azure eyes. Her skin was pale as it made her seem like a doll. Currently, she was wearing a silk-like white dress which fluttered gently. She was roughly 5ft 3 a little on the short side of height. But then again, she was a snow 'girl' at this moment in time.

[Name: Shiro

Race: Snow Girl (Evolution Criteria yet to be met)

Level: 3

Class: Snow Girl, Nanomancer

HP: 190/250

MP: 390/500

STR: 10

VIT: 10

INT: 30

AGI: 20

DEX: 15

DEF: 10

Unassigned points: 15

(Adult Human Male Average: 20 points)]

"I'm a god damn glass cannon." Shiro muttered sitting on a corpse.

The most important stats for a Nanomancer was no doubt INT, AGI, DEX and STR.

INT/ Intelligence to provide her with the mana needed to formulate her equipment. AGI/ Agility so that she could dodge. DEX/ Dexterity so she is able to handle the weapons with better proficiency and reload faster. STR/ Strength so she could actually lift the weapons.

Though that's not to say VIT/ Vitality and DEF/ Defence were not useful. They were, but the four aforementioned stats were the focus of her class, Nanomancer.

However, with the addition of Snow Girl. She wasn't too sure how to distribute her stats. From what she knows, Snow Girls were a low class monster ranking roughly in E ranks. The ranks go from the lowest E to the highest SSS.

Although Snow Girls were the lowest rank of E. When they become a Snow Woman or Yuki Onna, they belong to the C to B ranks. This was one of the main reasons as to why people would kill Snow Girls when possible to avoid them evolving.

Snow Woman were known for their magic as it allowed them to wield the power of Ice. They were annoying foes since they would slow your reaction time down or even downright cause you to fall into a coma due to the drop in temperature.

From what she understands of the Snow Girl class, it would probably be most beneficial to juice up the INT stat due to the fact that they would give her both mana and magic damage.

"Since Nanomancer is already a MAX level SSS tier class, most of the skills are unusable due to my lack of mana and strength." Shiro muttered looking at her class skills.

[Snow Girl:

Asfaifgiu Scaiil-

Tier 1 Ice Magic, Passive Regeneration, Blessed by Ice]


Available Skills-

Dagger Creation]

"Hmm… I'll put 10 points into AGI and 5 into INT first. I'll focus on the rest later since these two matter the most to me right now." Shiro muttered. Her dagger creation was redundant at this moment of time. She neither had the strength or mana to sustain the dagger or multiple daggers for that fact.

Therefore, her best bet was to go with a Snow Girl's magic offence for now.

[Name: Shiro

Race: Snow Girl (Evolution Criteria yet to be met)

Level: 3

Cifll: Srmj Gazi, Nfrmqfrhuz

HP: 250/250

MP: 430/600

STR: 10

VIT: 10

INT: 35

AGI: 30

DEX: 15

DEF: 10

Unassigned Points: 0]

Due to the nature of the Nanomancer class, each of her skills needed an insane amount of mana to sustain since the class itself wasn't meant to be possessed by a low level person. It's not a SSS class for nothing.


Shiro paused when she felt her stomach rumble with hunger.

Looking over at the wolf corpses, her mind started to drift.

'What do monsters eat in the first place? I don't think I've heard of Snow Girls being carnivores.' Shiro thought.

"Hmm… Mana stones maybe?" She muttered as she reached out for the wolf's heart.


The sound of flesh and blood rang out while her hands searched around inside the wolf's body.

Crushing the heart, she sighed since there were no mana stones to be found.

Low level monsters like these wolves had low chances of dropping mana stones to begin with.

"Urg. I want food." Shiro complained whilst she searched the other bodies.

Yet none of the corpses had any mana stones.

"Haaa…. Just my luck. Forget it. [Collect]." Shiro said as she collected her loot from the wolves.

Mana stones had to be manually excavated because the moment she chooses to collect, the wolves bodies would disintegrate into natural mana before scattering. This includes the mana stone which would just be a waste.

"Mn?" Shiro paused when she smelled an enticing aroma. The source seemed to be the mana the wolves disintegrated into.

"Ah! I can eat this!" Shiro exclaimed as she quickly suċkėd all the mana into her mouth. Though she pouted a little since she had reacted a little too slow causing her to waste the mana from the start.

Rather than a meal, it was like she drank a soup. Neither filling nor unfilling. She was satisfied for now.

Turning back to her inventory, she had a look at the bounty.

[Wolf Fangs x4]

[Wolf Pelt x4]

[Wolf Eye x7]

[Broken Bones x10]

"Che, just a bunch of miscellaneous items. This missy isn't a blacksmith nor a pharmacist. Give me a weapon or something." Shiro complained before she scrapped the items for some gold coins.

[Currency Gained – 40 USD]

"USD? Isn't the currency of Aria; gold, silver and copper?" Shiro muttered seeing the unfamiliar currency.

"Maybe I'm far into the future and the currencies changed?" Shiro concluded. She did have another theory which was world travel, but that was a bit ridiculous.

Sitting down, Shiro hugged her legs as she finally decided to look at her surroundings.

While it was a snow forest, Shiro knew she was in a dungeon. Probably around the low to mid levels of the tower due to the low levels of the wolves.

"[Location]" She commanded.

[Snow Forest Dungeon 2F]

"Snow Forest? Doesn't that mean my magic would be weak to the dungeon boss?" Shiro said seeing the location. Even if she did spend all of her points to focus around her Nanomancer class, using a cold weapon such as a dagger would do minimal damage to the boss. Heck, unless she creates a gun, she wouldn't be able to use her Nanomancer class to clear dungeons.

"No! This missy has just received a second chance. I refuse to be trapped in this dungeon… wait. Since I'm a Snow Girl am I a monster spawned in the dungeon?" She paused in realisation.

"Can I even get out? Killing the boss means a dungeon reset. A dungeon reset means wiping all the monsters before restoring them again. Wiping all the monsters means also wiping me out. ARG! HOW DO I LEAVE!" Shiro shouted in frustration. She had just been given her seco- no third chance if you included her escape from the facility. How could she let a dungeon lock her down?

Though it seems like her shout had attracted unwanted attention. Or would it be wanted since she was needing food anyways.

More wolves seemed to have appeared as Shiro turned towards them.

"Come here Mr Wolves. This missy is just a harmless lady." She smiled softly. Though the scent of blood on her just made the wolves bȧrė their teeth.

'Why aren't they attacking yet?' Shiro thought since they seemed to be wary about something.

She decided to turn around and run before 'tripping' over nothing.

"Aiya~ I've tripped. How can I run away~" She said peeking over at the wolves who did nothing.

"Seriously?! You did nothing?" Shiro said and she crossed her legs.

She seemed to have gained an idea as she waved her hand around before laying on her back.

"Since you mutts don't want to attack, this missy will sleep. I need some bodyguards anyways." She said closing her eyes.

[MP: 250/600]

During her wait, she heard the sounds of flesh being ripped causing her opened her eyes to five wolves being impaled by the traps she set down earlier.

She wasn't afraid of them not working since she had already tested out the traps on the first batch of wolves. The only downside to this was how much MP it would use. It was a combination of spells which when combined, expressed more potential than normal Tier 1 spells.

The idea of combining spells was learnt during her time in the hero's party. Even though her Nanomancer class didn't need it, the mage had always said it was better to learn as much as you could in case of unexpected situations.

Looking through the hearts of the five wolves, she found a single piece of Mana stone the size of a pinkie.

Throwing the piece in her mouth, she chewed it as she found the taste similar to candy.

Licking her lips, she couldn't help but complain at the low drop rate of the mana stone.

"[Collect]" She said once more causing the wolves' bodies disintegrated. This time she made sure to drink every last drop of the mana.

Scrapping the miscellaneous items once more, she gained 50 USD.

[Name: Shiro

Race: Snow Girl (Evolution Criteria yet to be met)

Level: 3->4

Class: Snow Girl, Nanomancer

HP: 250/250

MP: 430/600

STR: 10

VIT: 10

INT: 35

AGI: 30

DEX: 15Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #'ve-become-a-snow-girl_%!d(string\=14064812306272705)/snow-girl_%!d(string\=37755100957047180) for visiting.

DEF: 10

Unassigned Points: 5

Balance: 80 USD]

Each level up from 1 to 20 gave a person 5 points. The first 20 levels were more of a testing period as it didn't really matter how one distributed their stats. The levels after 20 were where one would start to focus on their main attribute. It is also at level 20 when a person would get their first class up. At the class up, they would start to gain a certain amount of passive points per level which shows you which area you want to place your focus in.

Plugging the points into areas she knows she would have to place her attention on, Shiro nodded at her stats.

[Name: Shiro

Race: Snow Girl (Evolution Criteria yet to be met)

Level: 4

Class: Snow Girl, Nanomancer

HP: 250/350

MP: 480/650

STR: 11

VIT: 11

INT: 36

AGI: 32

DEX: 15

DEF: 10

Unassigned Points: 0

Balance: 80 USD]

Dusting herself, she looked around for a temporary home as camping in a dungeon wasn't uncommon. Therefore, the knowledge about how to camp safely was required to be learned.

Due to a lack of resources, as well as the fact that she can't be bothered. Shiro decided to perch herself on a tree.

Hugging the tallest branch, she looked for the obelisk. The obelisk was a panel which allowed you to either climb higher into the tower or lower.

Her aim was to see if she can leave this dungeon as it was disadvantageous for her class to combat the boss.

"Found it." Shiro smiled seeing the tower towards her left.

The tower seemed to be made from a matt black material as the neon green lights made it stand out against the surroundings. When the light is red, it means you cannot use the obelisk. There are a few situations concerning the inability to use the obelisk. The most common being a boss fight. Unless the party is dead or the boss is dead, they wouldn't be able to use the obelisk.

Due to the lighting getting darker, the monsters become more frenzied. Therefore travelling to the obelisk right now would be a bad choice.

Laying her back on the branch, Shiro looked up at the starless sky. Her peaceful aura made her seem profound right now as if she was thinking about something deep. Something that would make a person question the very meaning of life.

'I wonder if I can eat a wolf should I cook it, though it seems like I'm living off mana instead.'

...or not.

Monster meat can be collected and cooked. Though without sufficient storage, most would just choose to [collect] the drops as the body would disintegrate.

There are benefits to monster meat, some grants temporary buffs to stats whilst some were poisonous.

There were some monster meat that even granted permanent increments to one's stats such as dragon flesh which increases DEF, STR, AGI and VIT. Which is why every part of a high-ranking monster was precious and should be harvested without failure. Though raw flesh would be more harmful than beneficial.

Naturally, humanoid monsters didn't escape this fate either. Snow Woman flesh seemed to grant a significant increase to one's INT. That being said, female humanoid monsters like the Snow Woman were also used as high quality 'stress relief' for the high-level adventurers.

Shiro wasn't unfamiliar as she has seen humans mating with a humanoid monster weaker than them.

The most common monsters to mate with were beings such as Elves and Female Beast kin who retain more human features than beast.

But due to the uncomfortable terminology of monster's, they were more widely accepted as Demi-Humans or lesser humans.

Looking at her arm, Shiro couldn't help but wonder if someone would try to eat her. Both figuratively and literally.

'If they try to 'eat' me, freezing their crotch and crushing them should do the trick.' Shiro thought with slight humour but understood the consequences of being caught when she is still weak.

Setting a few traps around her, Shiro closed her eyes as she fell asleep.

Chapter 2

Standing atop the tree, Shiro looked around to find some easy prey for breakfast.

"Bear, level 10. Bear, level 8. Bear, level 15." Shiro muttered seeing a few bears roam around.

She wanted to look around for a few wolves but it seems like they've moved territories as the Bears invaded the local area.

The main reason for migration would be due to a stronger monster spawning or a leader class monster expanding its territory.

Monsters have classes within their ranks as well. These go from [No Class], [Rare Class], [Elite Class], [General Class], [Vice Leader Class], [Leader Class], [Noble Class], [King Class] and so on. The rest wasn't important for now.

Shiro was currently a [No Class] type monster.

The Class is set up in a way that a D rank [No Class] could most likely defeat an E rank [General Class] with relative ease. The higher the ranks, the more this disparity becomes. An S rank [No Class] could clean its ȧss with a B ranked [King Class] monster.

That being said, being awarded a [-Class] is a feat in itself. A class is only awarded when the monster undergoes a mutation after reaching the peak of their class. For example, if Shiro underwent a mutation of her Snow Girl class at the peak of level 20, she would gain a [Rare Class] or an [Elite Class]. Though it would only happen if she doesn't Class Up. When she does, the [Class] would then disappear.

Rubbing her stomach, Shiro decided to hunt at least one bear to fill her stomach up before leaving.

Walking around carefully, Shiro make sure to single out a low-level Bear. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #'ve-become-a-snow-girl_%!d(string\=14064812306272705)/%5Bleader-class%5D_%!d(string\=37763578970824049) for visiting.

[Bear LVL 6 – Empowered]

"Oh damn. There really is a leader class here on the 2nd floor." Shiro muttered seeing the status of the bear.

Empowered meant that the monster was getting a buff from the leader class monster. A LVL 6 empowered bear would be roughly the same as a LVL 12 or 13 normal bear.

'Can I defeat him? Hmm….' Shiro thought as she needed to be careful. She was just a harmless LVL 4 Snow Girl right now. Neither her mana nor stats allowed for her to be ballsy to challenge an Empowered bear. Not that she has any balls to begin with. They belonged to males.

'Nope. This missy is outta here.' She thought and decided to retreat. Maybe if she was a LVL 10 Snow Girl, she may stand a chance.

Ignoring her hunger, she treaded carefully to not draw the aggression/aggro of the monsters whilst moving towards the obelisk.

Though the situation made her want to cry. The frequency of high-level Empowered bears became more common the closer she went. Meaning the Leader class bear took refuge near the obelisk.

'Can I not get a break?!' Shiro thought in her mind as she had to keep quiet or else her life would be forfeited.

Ruozfhare vuz lounl, lvu zuopzrut om ovu mpouz hazhiu md ovu gufz ouzzaomzw.

'If I kill a few wolves and level up, I should be able to sneak past or at least survive long enough to use the obelisk.' Shiro thought, making her target for now; Reach level 10 and kill a few bears.


It took her 3 days to level up to LVL 10 as not only did the Bear's territory increase causing her to slow down, but the number of Wolves she needed to kill to level up once increased as well.

However, she had to bear it for the sake of survival.

But her hard work paid off as she felt slightly confident to fight against the lowest level Empowered Bear.

[Name: Shiro

Race: Snow Girl (Evolution Criteria yet to be met)

Level: 4->10

Class: Snow Girl, Nanomancer

HP: 550/550

MP: 1200/1200

STR: 11->15

VIT: 11->20

INT: 36->45

AGI: 32->40

DEX: 15

DEF: 10

Unassigned Points: 0

Balance: 2300 USD]

Tvuzu jfl frmovuz gurudao om caiiare ovu jmisul om zufhv LVL 10. Svu vft qfrfeut om efar f duj aouq tzmnl dzmq ovu jmisul. Tvmpev lmqu juzu tmjrzaevo pluiull.

A person has six main equipment slots. Head, Shoulders, Chest, Arms, Pants and Feet. In addition of the six main slots, there are a few minor slots. To name a few would be, Earring, Rings, Necklace, Crown, Bracelets and so on.

Whilst there wasn't a limit to how many accessories one can have, the more accessories a person wears the faster they break. This was due to the fact that the mana gathered around the accessories would repel one another. With too many, the mana damaging each accessory increases causing them to break faster. The best combination so far would be two earrings/two rings, a necklace and two bracelets.

Shiro's current equipment was:

[Helmet – None

Shoulder – Wolf Light Guards

Wolf Light guards (White) LVL 5

+5 INT

Chest – Wolf Light Armour

Wolf Light Armour (White) LVL 5

+5 INT

+2 DEF

Arms – None

Pants – Wolf Light Pants

Wolf Light Pants (White) LVL 5

+10 AGI

Feet – None]

She only chose these pieces since the others would hinder her speed too much. That and also most of them didn't suit her since they were either heavy pieces of armour or the stat bonuses brought more negative than positives. One being the Wolf Heavy Guard. It was a piece of green equipment but the -10 SPD and the +10 DEF would destroy her current balancing. It was more effective for a tanker but not for her.

As for the Equipment Grade colours, they go from: White -> Green -> Blue -> Purple -> Orange -> Red -> Black -> Rainbow.

In her loadout, she was also missing a few pieces of equipment since she didn't receive them. Wolves were more of a low-level grind mob that helped low-level people to get stronger. No other purposes. Therefore, getting a few drops from them were pretty lucky.

Bufzl mr ovu movuz vfrt…

Shiro smiled thinking about the potential drops.

Her current stats with the boost of her equipment was:

[Name: Shiro

Race: Snow Girl (Evolution Criteria yet to be met)

Level: 10

Class: Snow Girl, Nanomancer

HP: 550/550

MP: 1700/1700 (1200+500)

STR: 15

VIT: 20

INT: 45 (+10)

AGI: 40 (+10)

DEX: 15

DEF: 10 (+2)

Unassigned Points: 0

Balance: 2300 USD]

()\= Equipment Bonus

The equipment wasn't visible since it had three options. Visible – Energy – Hidden.

Visible was as it says, visible. Energy means having a faint energy outline of the equipment over what you're already wearing. Hidden means not viewable at all. A homeless person could be wearing a full set of Purple equipment for all you know.

As for weapons, she didn't get lucky enough to procure a weapon. But it wasn't too bad since she probably wouldn't be able to make use of it in the first place.

Stalking her prey, Shiro waited for the LVL 5 bear to be far enough away from the rest before striking.

Her goal was simple, strike the weak point.

Unfortunately, the weak point was the anus.

The Bear seemed to sense danger as it wanted to turn around and fight the danger. However, the spear was already travelling up its ȧss.

Shiro made sure to run around the Bear before making a block of ice to stop the Bear's screams from reaching the other monsters.

"Hush Mr Bear. Just a little anal probe!" Shiro shouted quietly as she used Ice to trap the Bear down.

The Bear thrashed around wildly causing the Ice to show signs of breaking.

"Come on, just a little further." Shiro said as she hopped behind the Bear and continued to push the spear.

The Bear seemed to have gained a sudden boost, clenching its anus and snapped the Ice Spear in half.


The Ice broke as well freeing the Bear. Turning around, it glared at her with bloodshot eyes.

[Bear LVL 5 – Empowered + Enraged]

"Hm, I like to say that your anus muscles are very healthy" Shiro smiled as it served to make the Bear angrier.

It opened its mouth to scream but Shiro made another spear and stabbed it through the mouth pushing it down the throat.

Since the first spear still had a piece inside the Bear's anus, Shiro grinned before clasping her hands together.

Her MP dropped quickly as the two spears joined together skewering the Bear to death.

"Yikes, killed through penetration of both holes even though you're a male. You have my condolences." Shiro prayed even though she had a grin on her face.

[Name: Shiro

Race: Snow Girl (Evolution Criteria yet to be met)

Level: 10->11

Class: Snow Girl, Nanomancer

HP: 550/550

MP: 480/1700

STR: 17

VIT: 20

INT: 47 (+10)

AGI: 40 (+10)

DEX: 16

DEF: 10 (+2)

Unassigned Points: 5->0

STR +2 INT +2 DEX +1

Balance: 2300 USD]

Making sure the Bear was dead, Shiro dug her hands into its heart as she pulled out a Mana Stone the size of her thumb.

"A little bigger than the Wolves I guess. But then again, it's still just a level 5 Bear." Shiro said chewing the stone.

Once again, the stone tasted like candy. But this time it had a fruitier taste than the Wolf mana stone.

[Bear Paws x2]

[Bear Pelt x3]

[Bear Eyes x1]

[Bear Heavy Arm Guards (Green)]

[Bear Claw Gauntlets (Green)]

"Wow~ Two green drops straight away." Shiro smiled whilst she drank all of the mana from the corpse.

Although she couldn't use the equipment from what she could tell, she could still recycle it using her Nanomancer class.

It would make it so that the equipment she crafts using Nanobots later would be more powerful than what it would be without recycling some trash equipment.

With the Nanomancer class, she was a walking recycling machine.

Leaving the area quickly, Shiro sat on the tree and watched the three newly arrived Bears look around the area where their comrade fell.

'With my current stats, I would probably put up a decent fight with a top tier E rank adventurer.' Shiro thought since her highest stat was halfway to the three digits.

To become a D rank adventurer, one of the requirements was to have a three-digit stat in any given area. Naturally, with a D rank adventurer being 5 times more powerful than average men could only mean those higher up in the ranks were monster amongst men.

They could sneeze and accidentally kill you.

While she was almost three times as strong as average men, Shiro knew any random D rank adventurer could swat her to death.

Standing up, Shiro smiled seeing the three bears leave.

Targeting another low-level Bear, Shiro jumped across the trees as she would occasionally swing on a branch to increase her distance travelled. Since she is a Snow Girl, she also had the choice of floating, but that would take quite a bit of MP per second and not worth it in this moment of time.

[Bear LVL 7 – Empowered]

Silently forming another spear, Shiro grinned before she took aim towards the anus of the bear.

Mana gathered in her palms as the spear shot towards the ȧss.

However, luck was not on her side since the bear stood up in this moment resulting in the spear hitting the hide and shattering.

The Bear's head swivelled towards her location causing Shiro to pause feeling the anger rising in the Bear.

"I'm sorry?" Shiro apologised with a twitching smile. This fight could have been much easier if the bear didn't suddenly stand up.


The Bear roared, alerting the nearby Bears as Shiro quickly turned and ran with all her might.

'Oh hell no.' She thought in her head. She didn't dare to look back.

The previous fight seemed easy as she had made sure to target the weak points of the anus and the mouth. But if she aimed for the hide, then not only would it deal minimal damage, it would also incur the bear's wrath. But that's not to say that probing the bear wouldn't.

Quickly thinking up a solution, Shiro dashed towards the Wolves with four Bears chasing behind her.

She didn't need to see their tag to realise they were Enraged. Just their roars gave her a hint.

It didn't take long for Shiro to reach the Wolves since she understood their pattern over the course of the few days she took to hunt them down.

Allowing the Wolves and the Bears to fight, Shiro escaped.

The sounds of combat and roars rang out behind her as she sighed in relief.

'Sorry Mr Wolf. But this miss needs her life more than you.' She thought, leaving the area quickly.

After making sure she was far away from the sounds of combat, she targeted another lone Bear.

[Bear LVL 6 – Empowered]

This time, she took extra care to remember the Bear's movements as she stabbed it in the anus without any mistakes.

Instead of connecting two spears together, she opted to make the spear explode into shards which then expanded to kill the Bear.

It proved to be a better method since not only did this method help her level up a few times, the Bear's wouldn't be able to endanger her as much.

In a single day of hunting Empowered Bears continuously, she managed to reach LVL 16.

[Name: Shiro

Race: Snow Girl (Evolution Criteria yet to be met)

Level: 16

Class: Snow Girl, Nanomancer

HP: 1200/1200

MP: 1950/1950

STR: 27 (+3)

VIT: 25 (+8)

INT: 53 (+10)

AGI: 45 (+10)

DEX: 16

DEF: 10 (+4)

Unassigned Points: 0

Balance: 4200 USD


Helmet – Empowered Bear Helmet

Empowered Bear Helmet (Green) LVL 10

+3 STR

+3 VIT

Shoulder – Wolf Light Guards

Wolf Light guards (White) LVL 5

+5 INT

Chest – Wolf Light Armour

Wolf Light Armour (White) LVL 5

+5 INT

+2 DEF

Arms – Empowered Bear Paw Guard

Empowered Bear Paw Guard (Green) LVL 10

+2 DEF

+5 VIT

Legs – Wolf Light Pants

Wolf Light Pants (White) LVL 5

+10 AGI

Feet – None]

Chapter 3

Her task today was to scout out the [Leader Class] Bear.

If the situation is good, she would try to defeat it or rather try to escape as fast as possible. If it is bad, she'll still escape as fast as possible.

'Aiya~ So many high-level bears.' Shiro thought seeing the Bears in the area.

[Bear LVL 20 – Empowered]

[Bear LVL 18 – Empowered]

[Bear LVL 20 – Empowered]

[Bear LVL 20 – Empowered]

Most of the bears were close to or at LVL 20. She had to make sure that she doesn't draw their ire before she reached the obelisk.

The reason as to why she needed to reach the obelisk today was due to the fact that the Bears have almost conquered the entire floor. Staying longer wouldn't be advised.

Zipping through the trees, Shiro made sure to try to be as quiet as possible.

It was only after a few hours did she finally reach the edge of the forest. The obelisk stood in front of her but so was the bear.

[Ice Elemental Bear LVL 20 – Leader Class – Empowered]

It only made it worse that it was an Ice Elemental Bear. Her Tier 1 Ice magic can't even be used to clean its ȧss.

'The [Leader Class] title will probably give it some Ice resistance, not to mention the fact that it is an Ice Elemental Bear.' Shiro thought while she looked at its hulking figure.

Standing at 3 meters, the bear had void black fur with Ice protruding out of its spine. The Bear's eyes glowed blue as he looked at his guards.

He had 5 LVL 20 Bears around him and reached out for one of them.


Hitting one of the Bear's, the [Leader Class] Bear threw the corpse into his mouth as he began to chew.

'Did… Did he just one shot a LVL 20 empowered Bear?!' Shiro thought, her eyes widened in shock.

Spzu, lvu qfw vfsu vufzt vmj lozmre f iuftuz hifll jfl, gpo luuare mru jfl frmovuz qfoouz ar aoluid.

'I will definitely die if I try to face it with my Ice magic. I need to leave using the obelisk.' Shiro thought with a frown.

Staying still in her place, she surveyed the Bear's movements to check when it was most optimal for her to reach the obelisk.

It took a few hours of observation, but she came to the conclusion that every moment was the most optimal as the god damn Bear didn't move a single bit.

She tried to draw its attention by throwing rocks to create noise in another location but the Bear sent his underlings instead.

Throwing the rock once more, Shiro decided to make a run for it when the Bear had the least amount of company.

'NOW!' She thought dashing in a bee line towards the obelisk. Her heart was pounding with nervousness since the [Leader Class] locked onto her almost instantly.

Quickly making a block of Ice to substitute as a shield, Shiro hoped it would block the Bear's paw long enough for her to avoid it.

The Ice was nothing more than air as the paw easily shattered it. Jumping forwards, Shiro protected her head with her arms whilst she tried to roll.


Tvu ezmprt lvmmc larhu ovu nfj qallut vuz rfzzmjiw. Hmjusuz, ao loaii luro vuz diware dmzjfztl hfplare vuz om zmii vufsaiw fhzmll ovu ezmprt.

[HP: 680/1200]

"Urg… God damn Bear." Shiro muttered feeling pain all over her body.

The Bear didn't give her a chance to recuperate since a second paw was already heading towards her.

Thankfully, the force of the first attack sent her next to the obelisk.

[Obelisk Teleportation]


[2F] <-


Immediately tapping 1F, Shiro saw her vision shift as she was teleported to the edge of a forest.

Saevare ar zuiaud, Svazm ifat gfhc jfaoare dmz vuz HP om zueuruzfou.

When a person used the obelisk, it wouldn't teleport them to another obelisk. Rather, it teleported them to the edge of the floor and he/she would need to make their way to the obelisk once more.

Lucky for her, this meant that she was closer to the entrance of the dungeon.

Taking a few pieces of mana stones she kept in her inventory for rations, Shiro chewed on them whilst she thought about the previous fight.

'His STR was higher than I thought. To shatter a Tier 1 Ice block like it was air means his STR is around the 200's or higher. A LVL 20 [Leader Class] Bear should be roughly a LVL 30 to LVL 40 [No Class] Bear monster.' Shiro thought when she realised that this meant the Ice Elemental Bear was akin to a Low/Mid-Level D Rank monster.

'No wonder he took half my HP with a missed attack.' She thought in relief that the paw missed. If it hit, it would definitely kill her in one swat.

'This miss has been hit by a variety of attacks. I refuse to be killed like a fly!' Shiro thought in her mind as she stood up. She wanted to leave the Dungeon as soon as possible.

The gate of a Dungeon was as it says. A giant gate. It wasn't too hard to spot since a giant set of doors could be seen not too far from her.

Walking towards the door, Shiro could see the engravings on the door itself.

"Bears, Wolves, Ice Elementals… Just a typical E rank Dungeon huh?" She muttered as the gates of a Dungeon would give people some idea of what was inside the Dungeon itself.

Suuare qmsuquro mr ovu tmmzl, Svazm guhfqu saeaifro fl lvu ypahciw vat guvart lmqu ozuul frt immcut fo ovu efou mnurare jaov rfzzmjut uwul.

A party of 5 appeared and they seemed to be novices since their equipment was rather sub-par. The aura they emitted gave Shiro no danger either as she understands she could probably kill them easily in a 1V1.


The doors slowly closed when the party of five entered. They were chatting without care as if they were having a picnic.

"!!!!" Her attention was drawn away when she saw movement on the door.

The initial carvings and images shifted as they morphed and the overall picture changed.

Dungeon Mutation.

There was a low chance of a Dungeon Mutation happening since it would change the Dungeons fundamentals. Out of a hundred Dungeons, there would probably be one or two that would mutate.

Right now, the dungeon was changing as an orange light appeared in the centre of the forest.

[Dungeon Mutation Occurred]

[Cpzzuro Lmhfoamr – Fazu Eiuqurofil Cvfzzut Fmzulo 1F]

[Rank – E+/D-]

'Fire Elementals? Lucky for me.' Shiro thought with a smile, this meant her Ice would actually do something. She could probably grind for a few levels and maybe challenge the Ice Elemental Bear. Or rather a Fire Elemental Bear due to the mutation.

One question remained in her mind though.

'Why wasn't I affected?' She thought.

'Could it be that I'm technically not a part of this Dungeon? So if they beat the Dungeon and the Dungeon wipe occurs I should be safe from it… Let's not gamble for now.' She thought as her hypothesis could be wrong and erase her ȧss from the face of this Dungeon.

The party of five seem to be panicking too since they hit the door a few times but it refused to budge.

Sneaking closer to them, Shiro wanted to see if she could gather some information about where she was and which time period.

Peaking her head out slightly, she exposed her two azure eyes as she glanced over.

The scout seemed to have noticed something since he shot an arrow towards where she was.

"Ah!" Shiro was surprised at how they shot without warning. Quickly ducking, she looked at the arrow embedded into the tree.

'How rude!' She thought, turning back to the group.

[Xin Feng– LVL 15 – Swordsman]

[Jin – LVL 14 – Archer]

[Clare – LVL 15 – Priest]

[Bonney – LVL 14 – Assassin]

[Trevor – LVL 18 – Guardian] Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #'ve-become-a-snow-girl_%!d(string\=14064812306272705)/dungeon-mutation_%!d(string\=37787118059192267) for visiting.

They took their positions with Trevor at the front, Xin Feng and Bonney behind him. Jin and Clare were situated at the back.

Trevor slammed his shield down as he shouted at her.

[Taunt Failed]

"Huh? Aiya! You five want to kill this miss!?" Shiro shouted jumping back to avoid another arrow.

Sliding slightly on the ground, she looked up to see the Guardian charging towards her with his shield.

Conjuring up a block of Ice, she blocked the charge causing the Guardian to be stunned for a moment.

Rolling to her side, she avoided the stab of the ȧssassin. Her instincts were kicking in since she wasn't the strongest person in her previous life for nothing.

Mid-roll, she aimed her palm as a Tier 1 Ice bullet shot towards the Assassin.

The ȧssassin was hit, but her body flashed with a white light healing her up.

"Tsk." Shiro clicked her tongue before she retreated back into the forest. A group fight was disadvantageous for her right now. They were weaker than her if she fought them 1 on 1 but this was currently a 5 v 1.

She landed on a branch and quickly stabilised herself.

Looking at the five who were vigilant against her, an idea entered her mind as she gave them a provocative sneer.


This was supposed to be our graduation exam. We had to conquer the E ranked Dungeon before we leave.

We were at the top of the class so the teachers were confident in us beating the Dungeon.

"Check your minimaps. We don't want to be ambushed near the entrance." I called out to my long-time friends.

"I know I know." Jin, our scout, replied.

Our group talked for a little while but we froze when we felt the mana jump.

"Feng! This Dungeon is mutating!" Clare shouted out whilst me and Trevor tried to open the door but failed.

"We'll have to wait for the teachers to send in D ranked members or higher to pry this door open." I said with a frown. The situation wasn't looking too great but we could survive as long as we hold our ground and wait for rescue. Some would try to clear the Dungeon but we knew better.

Mutated Dungeons meant the monsters became stronger so it would be suicidal to try to proceed without ample preparation.

Only when there were no other options would a party try clear one unprepared.

Jin seemed to have picked up a monster because he shot towards the location where the monster was.


We heard a soft voice cry out in surprise as we became vigilant.

[Shiro – LVL 16 – Snow Girl]

[HP: 1200/1200]


A named monster!

There were instances where a monster would be named. Not only would they give more loot, the EXP you would get for killing one increased by a lot as well.

Even if she wasn't named, we would have needed to kill her anyways since she could go get reinforcements which would endanger our safety.

We looked at each other before we entered a formation the school taught us.

Trevor used Taunting Shout but the Snow Girl seemed to be unaffected. Jin launched another arrow to see if he could hit her.

Dodging backwards, she opened her mouth as she started to talk but all we heard were wordless echoes.

"Feng, I think she might be an intelligent monster." Trevor said with a frown.

"I think so as well." I replied. This would make the fight harder because she could very well lure us into a trap.

Trevor charged towards her with Shield Bash in hopes of stunning her. However, what he hit was a block of Ice as Bonney quickly tried to stab her so Trevor would be safe.

The Snow Girl rolled on her side before firing an Ice Bullet at Bonney. Clare didn't dawdle as she quickly healed Bonney up.

"Jesus, it's like fighting an instructor." Bonney said with a frown whilst we looked at the Snow Girl standing on the branch.

"Isn't a Snow Girl supposed to be a weak E rank monster?" Trevor said keeping his guard up.

"But this one is a named monster. We can't judge named monsters with the same logic." I replied as my friends nodded gravely.

The Snow Girl seemed to pause for a moment before flashing a provocative sneer. She turned around and disappeared into the forest leaving us here.

"Hmm… Don't follow. Even if she does bring reinforcements, we need to wait for the teachers." I said as my friends agreed. Chasing after her would bring us more danger.


"They didn't follow?" Shiro muttered seeing the five not following her.

"And here I thought they were greenhorns. Seems like they know the more important basics." She said sitting down on the branch.

"Hmm… current goals, current goals. Number 1 – Reach LVL 20. Number 2 – Leave this Dungeon." Shiro muttered while a flaming fox jumped at her.

She waved her hand as a spear of Ice stabbed the fox through the mouth killing it instantly.

Since it was a fire attribute monster, it had a weakness towards Ice and water resulting in an instant kill.

"Weak." Shiro said, kicking her legs back and forth.

Her initial goal was to lure the party in the forest so she could ambush them and capture them one by one. Now that was out of the window, she'll have to find out about her surroundings when she leaves the Dungeon.

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