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Horror Ghost

A Knocking At The Door

This incident is very recent, a week ago in fact, and although I was a bit shocked at the time, I would appreciate other peoples take on it.

Okay, I don't sleep for long periods at night for a number of reasons. Firstly, my youngest son is Autistic and amongst other disabilities that go with it has ADHD so has an erratic sleep pattern and sometimes wanders at night so I always sleep with one ear open!

Also I have developed carpel tunnel syndrome in both hands and am currently awaiting an operation to fix this so I don't sleep well due to the pain from that. I have found I usually start to drift off about 4 am and get about 2 hours before my alarm wakes me at 6 am.

My youngest son has a habit of knocking on the door before he enters, knock knock knock... Mommie... Knock knock knock...mommie... Knock knock knock...mommie! Exactly like Sheldon Cooper a character in The Big Bang Theory, it will become evident why I have mentioned this later in the story.

Anyway,a week ago I was laid in bed reading and it was getting close to 3.50 am. I started to feel drowsy so I turned over and felt long awaited sleep wash over me.

I was woken up at 4.20am by knock knock knock on my bedroom door. I waited for the rest of the ritual, thinking it was my little boy. When it didn't come I called his name, no answer, so I got out of bed and opened the door.

There was no one there. Ok he must have got back into bed so I went to check on him. I found him snuggled up with his Roobarb and Custard cuddly toys and in a deep sleep. I could hear my oldest son snoring away in his room so knew he hadn't been out of bed.

Thinking I was probably tired and imagining it, I got back in bed wondering if it was worth trying to sleep now. I had just settled back down when knock knock knock again on the door.

I jumped out of bed and ripped the door open slightly annoyed (and extremely tired!) to find an empty hallway. I'm the most skeptical person but I hissed out a "Stop it! I'm tired and cranky this isn't the time!"

I closed my door and got back into bed, no longer tired, and decided to read my book. A few minutes later I heard my oldest son wake up, cough, and then dash for the bathroom, followed by the sounds of him being violently ill.

I jumped out of bed and rushed to see if I could help him, he was being violently sick. After a few minutes he came out and said he felt awful and was going back to bed.

I gathered up a bucket, bottle of water, face wipes, and a towel and made sure he was comfortable. He said "Sorry ma, I didn't mean to wake you, I know you're having trouble sleeping". I replied "Don't worry, it's fine. I was awake".

I went back to my room, sat on the bed and although as I said I'm a bit of a skeptic, I said "Whoever that was, I'm sorry, and thank you." Because at that moment I truly believe someone was keeping me awake so I could make sure my son was ok. If I had fallen asleep as I usually do I may not have heard him being ill. It transpired he had a virus and was in bed for three days.



And i think i will write 40 chapter today so bye


He's Really Bugging Me

I should start by saying I have always be in strong believer in the paranormal. I have had many of my own experiences, as had many of my family members. The story that I am wanting to share with you now started about two years ago.

My husband and I bought our first house together in February 2013. We lived in the house peacefully with our three young daughters until early 2014.

I was in the bathroom and thought my oldest daughter was up. This was a little after 10 pm. I walk into the kitchen and I see her walk into my bedroom. I go into the bedroom to make her go back to bed. That is when I realise it was NOT my daughter. I watched a very tall man walk straight into my closest and shut the door. I ran to the door and opened it and there was nobody there. After telling my husband what I saw we both blew it off cause I didn't feel "threatened".

The very next night I was having a hard time falling asleep. I felt as if I was having a hard time breathing. (I might add that I have heart problems so this is not uncommon for me.) I wake my husband up an he gets me some water and meds and soon falls back asleep. While laying there, wanting so bad to fall asleep, I feel someone watching me. I look to the corner by the closest and HE is standing there. This time an uncomfortable feeling comes over me. We are staring at each other and he calmly walks back into the closest.

A couple nights later, again laying on bed alone cause my husband was at work, I turn towards the wall and there be is. Standing over me. I was scared to death. He kept trying to say something but I couldn't tell what it was. Soon after that we blessed the house and things went back to normal. With the exception of my sleep paralysis that started right after the blessing.

I am writing this now because it is back with a vengeance. Things started out small and now it is getting worse. My children are noticing thing and are afraid to even go to the bathroom alone. We are having laundry baskets thrown across the room, smacks, scratches, and the feeling of having our feet stomped on. Whatever this is mainly messes with me but occasionally my husband will have an experience, or my girls will says something is scaring them.

I am open to suggestions on how to get rid of this thing. We have tried blessing, sage, and just plain telling it to leave that it doesn't belong there anymore. I can't help but feel this thing is following me. As I said earlier I have had many encounters throughout my life.



song -

..."We Don't Talk Anymore"...

...(feat. Selena Gomez)...

...[Charlie Puth:]...

...We don't talk anymore...

...We don't talk anymore...

...We don't talk anymore...

...Like we used to do...

...We don't laugh anymore...

...What was all of it for?...

...Oh, we don't talk anymore...

...Like we used to do...

...I just heard you found the one you've been looking—...

...You've been looking for...

...I wish I would have known that wasn't me...

...'Cause even after all this time I still wonder...

...Why I can't move on...

...Just the way you did so easily...

...Don't wanna know...

...Kind of dress you're wearing tonight...

...If he's holdin' onto you so tight...

...The way I did before...

...I overdosed...

...Should've known your love was a game...

...Now I can't get you out of my brain...

...Oh, it's such a shame...

...That we don't talk anymore...

...We don't talk anymore...

...We don't talk anymore...

...Like we used to do...

...We don't laugh anymore...

...What was all of it for?...

...Oh, we don't talk anymore...

...Like we used to do...

...[Selena Gomez:]...

...I just hope you're lying next to somebody...

...Who knows how to love you like me...

...There must be a good reason that you're gone...

...Every now and then I think you might want me to...

...Come show up at your door...

...But I'm just too afraid that I'll be wrong...

...Don't wanna know...

...If you're looking into her eyes...

...If she's holdin' onto you so tight...

...The way I did before...

...I overdosed...

...Should've known your love was a game...

...Now I can't get you out of my brain...

...Oh, it's such a shame...

...[Charlie Puth & Selena Gomez:]...

...That we don't talk anymore...

...(we don't, we don't)...

...We don't talk anymore...

...(we don't, we don't)...

...We don't talk anymore...

...Like we used to do...

...We don't laugh anymore...

...(we don't, we don't)...

...What was all of it for?...

...(we don't, we don't)...

...Oh, we don't talk anymore...

...Like we used to do...

...Like we used to do...

...Don't wanna know...

...Kind of dress you're wearing tonight...

...If he's giving it to you just right...

...The way I did before...

...I overdosed...

...Should've known your love was a game...

...Now I can't get you out of my brain...

...Oh, it's such a shame...

...That we don't talk anymore...

...(we don't, we don't)...

...We don't talk anymore...

...(we don't, we don't)...

...We don't talk anymore...

...Like we used to do...

...We don't laugh anymore...

...(we don't, we don't)...

...What was all of it for?...

...(we don't, we don't)...

...Oh, we don't talk anymore...

...Like we used to do...

...We don't talk anymore...

...Don't wanna know...

...Kind of dress you're wearing tonight, oh...

...If he's holding onto you so tight, oh...

...The way I did before...

...We don't talk anymore...

...I overdosed...

...Should've known your love was a game, oh...

...Now I can't get you out of my brain, whoa...

...Oh, it's such a shame...

...That we don't talk anymore...

The Baby, The Large Lady, and The Bad Feeling

Not sure how to start... I am a lady in her fifties with no supernatural/paranormal talents. I have been reading stories on this site for a couple years, so I thought it might be time for me to do my part and put my story out there for others to think and wonder about. I haven't done it sooner because the length, but here goes.

My husband and I moved to El Paso, Texas in fall of 1998, along with our two year old daughter and three year old son. We first moved into a rental home. I only mention it because of the bad vibes there. The previous owners were drug cartel members who kept Rottweilers and were hauled off by men in black suits according to the neighbors. The house had broken doorframes on the front door and master bedroom, and other damage throughout that someone searching would do so we have no reason to doubt the neighbors.

The front bedroom was the smallest, and had the worst vibes. Our daughter never slept there a night if she could avoid it. She just waited until we were asleep and crawled in with us. We stayed there only six months, but other than general creepiness and ugly feelings nothing happened there.

We moved to our present home in spring of 1999. It was built in the 1920's, is a two story stone house with three bedrooms upstairs, living room, dining room, kitchen on the main floor, and a full basement. It is on a large corner lot with an unusual amount of trees and shrubs for the desert, and others have told me they think it is spooky.

The first odd thing we noticed was a large black and white photo of a baby boy, maybe 12 to 18 months old, blown up to almost poster size, hung in the smallest upstairs bedroom. It is so large it is blurry. You cannot help but think they would have taken a better picture if the child were alive. It is expensively framed and looks to be from the early 60's or even 50's. Couldn't leave that there - kind of afraid to throw it out - so I ended up putting behind the headboard of the bed in the master and kept unpacking.

Being the smallest bedroom, the picture room fell to the smallest child, but this was never a problem. From the very first night on, the daughter slept in her own bed and didn't bother us unless she had a bad dream or tummyache or some-such. We chalked it up to the bad vibes in the rental being gone, but we were very surprised at the sudden change.

My husband and I did not sleep so soundly. Three times in the first two months we went to bed only to hear a huge crash downstairs as soon as our heads hit the pillow. It sounded like a cement block crashing through the front window onto the hardwood floor. We would rush downstairs and find - nothing. No broken glass, no large object, nothing at all. We rationalized things like maybe all those VCR tapes the kids had out had fallen from an end table, but I really thought they were on the floor anyway and there wasn't something to blame it on the second or third time. Seems like something that sounds like breaking glass and a boulder crashing onto bare wood would be pretty easy to spot anyway. We chalked it up to 'something' or 'that was weird'.

About two months after we moved in, the hubby and I finally moved the last three or four large furniture objects to the floors they needed to be on and we were exhausted. When my head hit the pillow and I heard that crash I still sat up, but Hubby didn't. I looked at him and said "I'm not going." He grunted affirmative, and we went to sleep. We never heard another one of those crashes again. However, I would never stay down on the main floor at night alone. I had a creepy uncomfortable, unsafe feeling, only at night. I assumed I was wimpy and just went upstairs to read or something early if Hubby was away on business.

About a year later, I woke up one night to a child's voice softly calling "mamama, mamama" from outside the master bedroom. My son used to give mama an extra ma so I assumed it was one of the kids, probably him. I dragged myself up and out into the hall (more of a large landing) between the bedrooms. I was facing the bathroom, which had a kid's bedroom to either side and stairs to my right. I paused for the next "mamama" to figure which way to go. It came from the stairs. I stopped dead and listened, straining to wake up as fast as possible, wondering what the little bugger was up and roaming around for. It came from further, like the downstairs hall. Then the kitchen, and finally it sounded like it was in the back yard (I did not hear a door). We have an open window downstairs because we had an evaporative cooler at that time, not central air. That is how I knew it was the back yard.

I was just standing in the hall in shock, until I shook it off and took a couple of steps into the boy's room - he was sound asleep, ran a couple steps back to the girls room - SHE was sound asleep, and then I hauled back to my own bed and smashed up against Hubby with my eyes bugged out and hid up under the covers. I did not tell him what happened. I was too shocked. I DID NOT like it that the ghost used mamama like my kids. To me it meant it was watching us.

About a year after that (it was probably around 2001 or 2002), we were at my mother-in-law's house sitting around on the front porch one night and some of the family started telling ghost stories. Supposed to be true ones. So I got brave and told my mamama story; this was the first time I had ever told a soul. To my surprise, my husband said that he had SEEN the baby. He said that since we had moved to the house there were nights when he would wake up and see a baby at the foot of the bed watching. He has bad eyesight and without his glasses he assumed it was our daughter, so he would tell her to come up into the bed, but she would turn and go back to her own room. He had recently realized that this baby may have been the same size as the daughter when we first moved in, but now she was much taller - kids grow three or four inches a year at that age. Our son was always much larger than that, so Hubby had recently concluded that this was not our kid that he was seeing! Our daughter said it wasn't her, she always climbed in bed if she came over to us. I believer her, though she was only three.

My mother-in-law kindly sent me home with a Gatorade bottle full of holy water (Hispanic Catholics are prepared for the supernatural) and the next day I went around the house and blessed everything. Doors, windows, closets, open spaces, EVERYTHING. I prayed especially long in my daughter's bedroom where we found the photo. I talked to the baby and told it to call its mom, dad, or grandparents, and I talked to God and asked him to send loved ones to get the baby, or angels if need be.

We never saw or heard the baby again. Seeing as I had only heard it once, and that was at least a year before, you could say that nothing happened, except that I immediately noticed that I wasn't afraid to be alone on the main floor at night anymore. Now I was terrified of the first corner of the stairs.

Our stairs had three triangle steps creating a 90 degree curve at the very bottom. At night I was terrified to turn my back at that corner and go upstairs. I would run like mad up that first flight after I turned the corner (remember I was 40ish at the time - this was just silly). The corner itself didn't scare me, it was just having my back to it. I ended up getting the holy water back out (Gatorade is a pretty big bottle - I still had a lot) and blessing that corner and putting a religious statue and a decorative plate showing the life of Christ nearby and blessing those just to be safe. The fear was much less but iffy for a while, then it faded completely away like it just left or slowly wore away.

About six months or so after that the weirdest thing of all happened. We had left the kids at one of the sister-in-law's for a sleepover with the cousins, so we were alone in the house that night. I woke up and it was morning. Sun was up and bright. Hubby was not in bed, so I thought that maybe he went to sleep downstairs. It was May and pretty warm already (can get up into the 90's or even higher in the desert in May) and we didn't have the cooler working yet.

I wasn't worried until I got out of the bathroom, then I suddenly had the most horrible feeling that Hubby was downstairs dead on the floor and that I should go check on him immediately. I didn't; I shook it off and climbed back on the bed and lay down. Well it shook. Like shake-a-shake-a-shake. I sat up, and it did it again. Shake-a-shake-a-shake, I looked at the ceiling fan to see if it was an earthquake, and at everything in the room to see if anything was swaying like an earthquake and nothing was moving, but the bed shook again, shake-a-shake-a-shake. I leaned off around the bed to see if anyone was doing it and hiding, and nothing (Hubby wouldn't fit under it, trust me). Then I heard Hubby cough downstairs. Immediately the shaking stopped and the horrible 'Hubby is dead' feeling left. I went back to sleep, believe it or not. When you have your first night without the kids since they were born you do that.

I went downstairs an hour or two later and was making coffee in the kitchen when Hubby called me from the living room. He wanted to know why I had come downstairs earlier and gone out to the back yard. He had heard me come down the stairs and even heard the back door open and close.

We have a theory about this - that Hubby may have really been having trouble breathing. He has sleep apnea, and can stop breathing for long periods of time. Maybe the ghost was genuinely concerned.

Notice that the mamama voice went down the stairs and out to the backyard and now the bed shaker did the same thing.

That was the last really unexplainable thing that has happened in the house, and it was over 10 years ago. Recently we did some painting/fixing up in the kitchen that may have triggered a dream visit this past summer, 2015.

I was taking a nap, and in the dream I was in the living room when I heard a key in the front door lock, and the door opened. A very tall (around six foot?) lady came in, a little heavy but not terribly overweight. Her clothes reminded me of how my mother dressed in 60's, even the hair was a variation of what we kids called 'helmet head', popular with ladies back then. I did not know her. I would guess her age to be thirtyish. I was shocked and ran screaming up to her, telling her to get out of my house. She completely ignored me, gazing around over my head (I am not much over five foot). She looked around slowly and walked through the house, not in any rush. I ran circles around her like a mad hen, threatening her to get out. I felt strongly that inside she was empty, hollow, devastated, in an emotional dead space past pain and grief.

It didn't really register with me because I was focused on getting her out of my house, but I felt it. She walked through the house to the back door and went outside to the yard. In the dream I was trying to wake up because I was so upset, but no luck. I found a cell phone in the kitchen, and I called the cops, all the while looking out the window at the woman, who was just standing in the yard. A cop came and I showed him out back. He got her attention and spoke to her. He wasn't threatening her at all, just talking, but she looked at him, pulled out a pistol and shot him dead! I was still watching from the kitchen window, shrieking hysterically to police on the phone. Another cop was coming over the back wall when I woke up.

I almost never dream, and my nightmares are either dinosaur attacks or being ***** in public. I can't but help thinking this was a message. This is my house (I have a key). I choose to ignore you (I treat you like a ghost). I want to be left alone (killed the cop).

That is our haunting; I am pretty sure the dream is part of it. Not the scariest ghost story, but that is because it happened over several years' time. If it all happened in a week or a month we may well have moved. Hubby has not had any additional experiences. My kids are 19 and 21 years old now and neither ever had an experience.

Most importantly, the house is too big for us now. What do I do with that giant baby portrait if we sell the house? I moved it to the back of a closet in the basement a few years ago, but I still have it. I really want to throw it out, but the other family members think that would be asking for trouble.


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