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[ Episode 01]

hi guys
this is my first time writing bl story, hope you guys support me, I'll try my best to make this story interesting
well I'm actually not new in writing, cuz I'm an author from long time, but is my first time writing story on mt
I'll do my best to make this story better so guys make sure to give me your support and love
back to story
note : [..] for actions : (..) for thoughts
Grandma, I told you I'll be okay. so just relax don't take any stress it's not good for your health
but Mikhel, it's dangerous dear
Mikhel [MC]
Mikhel [MC]
no grandma, you take rest leave this to me.
no you go,I'll do this dear
Mikhel [MC]
Mikhel [MC]
nooo today I'll cook [ pout ]
no dear, you don't know how to cook, you'll burn hand.
Mikhel [MC]
Mikhel [MC]
no. I'm big enough to cook, and today I'll cook [ angry pout ]
[ sigh ] okay but careful don't let your hands burn
Mikhel [MC]
Mikhel [MC]
aye aye captain [ smile and salute ]
[ chuckles ]
Mikhel start cooking while his grandma lay down on couch and watching Mikhel. Mikhel is university boy always top in class and he's the most cute boy in whole Z city but try to hide as is dangerous for him, his grandma not let him roam around in city, cuz she afraid someone will harm him or kidnapp him
Mikhel also make sure to don't get in any danger, if do his grandma will worried about him. so he always comes home on time
Today is the first day of his new semester, and some VIP guest coming. after done cooking. He get ready and comes at dinning table
Mikhel [MC]
Mikhel [MC]
grandma, today is the first day of new semester
Mikhel [MC]
Mikhel [MC]
so I've to go early [ eating ]
ok but come home on time, don't roam around
Mikhel [MC]
Mikhel [MC]
y [ chewing ] grandma
ok stop talking and eat first
Mikhel [MC]
Mikhel [MC]
after having breakfast
Mikhel [MC]
Mikhel [MC]
I'm off now grandma
careful and don't talk to any strangers
Mikhel [MC]
Mikhel [MC]
[ smile and kiss mikhel's forehead ]
Mikhel [MC]
Mikhel [MC]
[ smile ]
To be continued.......
hope you have enjoyed
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[ Episode 02 ]

note : [..] for action : (..) for thoughts
back to story
Mikhel heads to university, he was walking while reading book on sidewalk, focus on reading only, don't even care about surrounding, suddenly a cat come near his lag and rubbing her head with Mikhel's leg
Mikhel stop reading, put that book inside bag and lift that cat up
Mikhel [MC]
Mikhel [MC]
hey are you hungry [ rub her chin with index finger ]
" meow "
Mikhel [MC]
Mikhel [MC]
[ smile ]
Mikhel [MC]
Mikhel [MC]
wait a bit I've something for you
Mikhel put that cat down and open his bag, takes something out again close bag's zip and sits down
Mikhel [MC]
Mikhel [MC]
here this is for you, well sorry but I don't have cat food
Mikhel feed some biscuits to cat and that cat ate it, Mikhel stood up to walk but bumped into someone, he lift his head up and saw a tall man
no buddy
no buddy
hey can't you walk properly, look what you did my whole juice...
Mikhel [MC]
Mikhel [MC]
sorry mister for bumping into you, but I didn't mean it to spoil you juice
no buddy
no buddy
next time watch out, hump my clothes get ruined
no buddy
no buddy
[ walks away ]
Mikhel [MC]
Mikhel [MC]
[sigh] stupid Mikhel keep your eyes open while walking
Mikhel [MC]
Mikhel [MC]
huh? why there's so crowd [ tilts his head ]
meanwhile with crowed man¹: I have heard General of G.Z military coming today man²: yeah I also have heard Girl ¹: I'm so excited to see him Girl ²: my dream prince blah blah blah
Mikhel [MC]
Mikhel [MC]
( who's he everyone crazy for him, well whatever it's none of my business I should heads to university now )
Mikhel steps towards his university, at entrance gate Mikhel passed by a car and enter inside
meanwhile inside car
( who was he )
What happens
nothing [ cold ]
ok so what's your plans after this, Alexander
Alexander [ML]
Alexander [ML]
no plans [ cold ]
To be continued.....
brief Intro
Mikhel living with Grandma cute, smart
Alexander General of G.Z military base of Z city cold, ruthless, handsome
Albert Doctor, work in G. Z military base handsome, quite type
hope you have enjoyed
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see you soon
bye bye

[ Episode 03 ]

note : [..] for actions : (..) for thoughts
back to story
Mikhel [MC]
Mikhel [MC]
( wow there are so many students I thought I had came first but I think I'm not)
Mikhel [MC]
Mikhel [MC]
( but why are they making so much noise )
Mikhel got curious to know so he walked towards a boy group and stood up little far away and heard them saying
boy¹ : today VIP guest is really special boy² : yeah or why not he's the ideal of many boys boy³: yup after all he's the general of strong military base and even president treat him nicely boy¹: I also want to be like him
Mikhel [MC]
Mikhel [MC]
( so today guest is really special )
Mikhel head towards auditorium where today program healding, he walked inside and sit in second row just behind VIP guest row
Mikhel take out his phone then start scrolling some news, there was not so many people in auditorium
Mikhel [MC]
Mikhel [MC]
[ look at time ]
Mikhel [MC]
Mikhel [MC]
[ sigh ]
Mikhel [MC]
Mikhel [MC]
(why is so much taking time)
Mikhel lean back and rest his head the edge of chair, someone tapped his shoulder, Mikhel rise his head to look
Mikhel [MC]
Mikhel [MC]
what took you much time?
sorry actually I over slept [ embarrassed ]
Mikhel [MC]
Mikhel [MC]
[ sigh] did you played game over night
yes [ scratches his nap ]
Mikhel [MC]
Mikhel [MC]
leave it, you won't listen even if I tell you
Mikhel [MC]
Mikhel [MC]
come sit first
no buddy
no buddy
hey Leon
no buddy
no buddy
let's go grab some juice
no, you go
no buddy
no buddy
hey dude, come on don't you feel boring
l said I'm not coming, stop pushing [ little angry ]
no buddy
no buddy
okay dude chill
no buddy
no buddy
[ left ]
Mikhel [MC]
Mikhel [MC]
come on Leon calm down
[ hummed and sits ]
after few minutes peoples start coming and getting sited on their respective seats, by surprising Mikhel heard loud scream, since A handsome man enter with king aura followed by Albert and some other guest ,they get sited
Alexander sit just front of Mikhel, he didn't saw Mikhel
The program get started, but the students focus was on Alexander until then teacher called Mikhel for his award and speech, whole auditorium gets silent. Mikhel stands up and steps towards podium
Mikhel reached on dais, then teacher called someone to give award to Mikhel, and that make everyone shock......cuz teacher called Alexander
and what happened after that was behind surprising, since The great Alexander stood up steps towards podium
( wow that's surprising ๏_๏)
( The great Alexander get up to give minor award and didn't get angry, who hates, when someone called him for some unimportant things)
Alexander gives award to Mikhel and smiles a little which get unnoticed by everyone but one
( I think today I'll die cuz of shocks)
When Mikhel receive award he felt cold hand touching his fingers, suddenly a shiver run through his body, he quickly withdraw his hand from award
award was about to fall but Alexander grab
Mikhel [MC]
Mikhel [MC]
Alexander [ML]
Alexander [ML]
it's okay, here [ give award to Mikhel ]
Mikhel [MC]
Mikhel [MC]
[ take award with shuddering hands ]
Mikhel was about to leave but teacher insist him to say a few words to his juniors as he's the top student of University
Mikhel said few words and quickly steps to his seat
after end of program, Mikhel quickly grab Leon's hand and dragged him away
while with Alexander
Alexander [ML]
Alexander [ML]
what happens to you [ cold ]
nothing [ still in shock ]
Alexander [ML]
Alexander [ML]
[ hummed ]
Alexander [ML]
Alexander [ML]
[ saw Mikhel leaving, a smirk appears on his face ]
to be continued.....
hope all have enjoyed
💕💕shout out to dear julya 💕💕 thanks for your support
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