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(*car horns)

Alora!!? your dad's back

Back ?? isn't it too late, today is Tuesday he's supposed to be back early.

Did he?? (hand trembles)

Mom what's wrong, why are you shaking , are you sick?

Am home ( pecks his wife and hugs his daughter)

Dad??? what's happening

Nothing much dear

Dinner's ready!

Thanks babe , common Lora lets eat.

Huh , kk dad

( Drags his wife to one corner)

Babe I really need to talk to you after dinner

Why were you trembling earlier while you called

I'll tell you everything let's eat first,okay??

Yea sure

Dad? Mom?? are you both okay

( replies at the same time)

Sure we are (both sigh's)

(Alora's thinking: I don't think so, hmm something's fish)

Thanks Dad , thanks Mom , I really enjoyed the food ( yawn's) I think it's time for me to retire to bed.

Good night sweetie

Have a wonderful night darling

Yeah you too, goodnight.

( Hurries to her room and takes out her spy audio recorder and rushed to her parents room, puts it under their pillow and runs out)

Okay it operation time( grins)

( Back to the dinning table)

What's wrong dear

Let's go discuss in the room

Okay if you say so

(Walks her upstairs to their room)

...Takes a sit ( both seated)...

( Back at Alora's room, with her laptop and earpiece connected to the audio recorder)

I can't be kept in the dark all the time , it's show time !!! ( smiles evily)

What's the problem dear?

Am in* Big trouble!!!

I don't understand , explain yourself?

I was fasly acussed of MURDER!!

What !! you're joking right??

Does it look like I am??

I don't still get....... how come??


...*ANCHOR'S COMPANY again????...

They threatened to kill us all

But why us??? (tearing up)

I don't know, am equally confused as at now, but this isn't the time to cry , we need to act and act quickly!

(Nods, and cleans her tears)

I'll think of what to do

Can't we runaway or get out of the country?

Run?? ahhh , there's no place we'd run to that will make us far from even his nose

Then what are we going to do??

The most important thing now is to keep Alora safe from his reach

( Good thinking papa)

How?? she's entering* Senior secondary School 2 by next month

Then let's change her identity

I can't seem to get you

( confused: what on Earth is dad thinking???)

We'll hide her in school they wouldn't dream of

( confused)

What about hiding her in an all boy school

( Both at the same time)


Father!!! you never stop to amaze me (shocked)

Snap out of it Andre, there is no way am going to let that happen, how do you want her to survive in hell , what kind of a father are you!!! ,an all boys school no darm way


We'll hide her in a school they wouldn't dream of.

(confused) I don't get you

What about an all boys school

(Both mom and daughter at the same time)


Wow!! dad you never seize to amaze me, first of all you two lied to me my whole life and now you're sending me to hell ?? how much more do you have under your sleeves.

No, not at all! I totally disagree.

Don't you get , when I fucked up 13 years ago, he almost killed Alora, have you forgotten so soon.

He was behind her kidnap??? (trembles)

So are you still against the decision.


(softly) Jenny ,it's for her safety dear

I'll sleep over it.

Let's go to bed.

Yea, goodnight.

(Back at Alora's room)

Now I get it , so this was the great secret you guys kept from me all this year's. Fine I'll act like I don't know anything like before. The Game Is On!!! (yawns) let's sleep for now , goodnight lovely laptop (Falls asleep)

( Alarm 6:00 am rings , wakes up immediately)

(yawns) Great morning to myself, I know I slept well , Let's take a bath.

(Got up from bed , brushed her teeth, had her bath, wore a jumpsuit and immediately went to her laptop)

Okay let's hear what mom has decided (wears her earpiece) Okay!!!

(At her parents room)

Hey babe, you're up early.

Yeah, honey I've it some thought and as her mother her safety is much more important than mine, I don't want what happened 13 years ago to repeat itself again!! So am all in.

Thanks babe.

But I have a condition .

Am all ears .

We'll tell her everything we know:your job, her kidnap 13 years ago. Deal??

No, No , not at all , we can't tell her.

(Frowns at her dad)

Then am sorry , I'll go against the decision, we can't keep her in the dark again, we better tell than for her to find out by herself.

(hesitate's) Okay fine, we have a deal.

(I'll forever love you Mom , okay I'll look forward to our meeting) (sighs)

(5 minutes after)

Alora (shouting) Breakfast is ready .

Be down in a minute Mom.

Good morning dada and mama .

(both) Good morning sweetie,have a seat.

Your dad and I have a something very important to discuss with you.

Sure ,no probs mama.

(Boths sighs)

Okay (looking at the table with wild eyes) what have we got here(scans the table and sights a jar) OMG!! Mom really (smiles happily) peanut butter,my favorite, Love you both so much.

(Both laughs)

(Deeps her bread in the peanut butter jar packing almost all of it) Arghhh!! that the feeling.

Such a messy eater.

She takes after her mom.

(Frowns at her husband) ( All laughs)

Mom,can I ask you a question.

Yes am all ears.

Do you know what happened to me 13 years ago.

Have you by chance regained your memory??

No, just curious.

( sighs)

Am done eating, thanks alot ,I really enjoyed it.

(both) You're welcome dear.

So can we chat now cause am somewhat busy in my room.

( shutters) oh...oh ye..ah ,yes we can take over honey.

Okay( hesitate's) Alora (softly) I want you to listen carefully ,okay???

Huh?? okay Dad

I got into trouble at the company I work at .

You worked at a company dad???

Am sorry I didn't tell you, sincerely sorry darling.

No problem dad, so??

And their imposing a great threat on our family, especially you.

I don't understand (pretends to be dumbfounded)

Alora ,what your dad is beating around the bush is that what happened 13 years ago is bound to happen again.

My kidnap 13 years ago which I have no memory of will take place again?? wait a sec ,why me again, isn't it supposed to be dad why am a the target.

Because he is your dad.

Dad???? what have you caused .

Look sweetheart it's not my fault,I was fasly accused ,you need to believe me.

I do believe you dad ,so what about my safety.

We've both given it a thought and have come to a conclusion.......

Which is ...

You'll get into an all boys school.

WHAT!!! I can't do that (pretends) it's against the law ,I could get arrested or even expelled if caught, Mom you even agreed to this!!??

But that's nothing compared to your safety,your dad would make all arrangements, don't you worry.

Which school would that be??? (curious)

It's All - B - Art school


Registration in progress....

W**hich school would that be??

It's All- B - Art school

What !! you mean the biggest and most famous school in town ranking Number 3 in the world??? but dad doesn't that requires an explanation??

Well the owner of the school is my uncle and he is going to take care of your registration process himself.

What about myself?? how am I going to hide the fact that am a girl in an all boy !

Your mom bought you a male skin suit

A male what???

Skin suit dear, I bought it for you.

We're going to the school today for the registration, call me if you're ready.

Ready??? well I am right now. shall we??

Y.. ea sure, I didn't expect you to reply this way .

It's for my safety isn't it??? and we're running out of time.

That's my daughter! I'll go get the car keys.

Wait a minute dear, I need your credit card .

What for??

I need to get a lot of guy clothes for our daughter.

That's right , here you go.

I'll be off first, bye.

Bye Mom, Dad hurry!!

Alora , before we go put on a hoodie, facemask and a cap.

For disguise???

Yeap !! exactly.

Let roll out!!!

To the guy school!!!


What the prob girl.

I think we're being tailed , a black dark screen car has been following us since we left home , plate number 5efc777.

Yes I noticed it.

Can't we lose it dad, drive faster, step on the accelerator or anything an getting scared.

I understand dear calm down am speeding up already.

I think we lost it already, it got stucked in the red light, wooo!!!! dad you were amazing.

Hey drop that , call your mother.

Do you think she's in danger too??

I just have a hunch.

Hello Mom ?? Dad wants to speak with you.

Jenny listen to me , I want you to get all our belongings and get the **** out of that darm house now!!!

Babe something's wrong here, the house is in disarray, everywhere is scattered, am getting scared babe!!

Pack and get the **** out of there , we'll be in the school, meet us there now!!!

Okay, I will.

We're here, common let's go ehmm arrange the facemask properly.

Good to go dad.

First , the reception.

Dad I think that office over there is it.

Let's go there.

After you.

Hello Miss , please I need to see the Owner of the school now.

Okay , am placing a call now: hello Mr James a man is seeking to see you sir.

What's his name???

Please your name sir?

Andre, just tell him your Andre is here.

He said your Andre is here.

Let them in immediately!!

This way sir.

Thanks a lot , son let's go.

Knock!! knock!!

Come in.

Hey James, longtime no see .

You can l eave us.

Okay sir.

Hey bro , look at you , looking fresh as morning leaves, is that your daughter????

Reduce your voice, okay?? what's the problem??? why is she dressed like that??

We're in a bit of a situation now , I need your help for the safety of my daughter..

What do you want me to do???

Please I want you to keep her here , her life is in great danger.

Anything for Alora, what about her disguise??

Mom already got that covered.

Okay for now just fill the registration form.

Dad I don't have a guy name yet..

That's true , ehmmmm.... Shayne .... John.

Shayne John??? I like it.

Here is the form.

Okay, you're good to go, wait a minute , let me place a call on your homeroom teacher.

No probs.

Hey Mr Ranger, you'll be having a new student in your class today, but he won't start attending class immediately..

Okay, his name sir??

Shayne John, got that ??

Yes sir!

He'll meet you in front of the dorm in about 1hr30min okay??

Got that sir.

One more thing, he'll be staying in room 52 with Phoenix and Maynard.

An exclusive student??

Yes take good care of him.

Sure sir, you have my word!

Okay then, am hanging up.

Uncle James ??

Yes Alora....

Does that mean we're ready to go .

Yeap, you're more than ready.

Knock!!! Knock!!!

Come in ..

Mom!!! are you alright...

Yes dear am alright. Babe everything is ready, James thank you very much for helping, she's now in your care.

No problem, Alora is my blood to, so what about you guys???

We'll be heading to the countryside...

Countryside, no problem , I need to make a call: Anna, please send me Amy.

Okay sir placing a call on Amy ...

...Tell her to meet me at the garage...

Okay sir.

Babe ,did you pack everything??

Yea I did, together with Alora's female clothes.

Let's head to the garage then.

Let me open the booth.

It's open Mom.. which bag has the guy clothes.

...The blue travel bag, you'll have to change now ....

Mom did you see any old looking iron box when packing.

I did saw one (check in the girly bag.)here you're.

Thanks Mom.

I wonder why you're keeping a box with no key to open.

That's why am keeping it,what about my electronics???

They are in the guy bag .

Amy is here, she'll be your personal assistant.

Good day people , who's the lucky child???

Take her to the store room so she can bath and change.

Don't forget to put on the skin suit!

Yes Mom I'd remember..Bye mom,bye Dad.

We'll contact you as soon as we arrive there .

Okay Dad.

One question Uncle James??

Yes Alora..

Is there a separate bed and bathroom??

Ehmmmm, clearly that answer is No.

I don't understand you???

There's one king size bed in the room and one bathroom .


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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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