**chapter 1 :the mall**
steven is a survivor of the glacial age...it have been 5 years since planet earth can take life again ,he is 19 years old so...yeah ,plus he was born 5 years before it happened so ,he was in a cryogenic sleep for 9 years ...he was 14 years old since he woke up and got out and ever since then he survived alone by learning by himself and by reading books that the others and the past government left him,well yes others, but they were not there when i woke up ,so he think that they are dead or in another town or country...so here he is all alone going to the mall....
[present time]
Steven is walking in the road looking for an open door ,then he see the 'corral 'entrance open and he decide to go in ,he see flowers and plants surrounding him but he don't care and he keep walking through the hallway,then he see a big market and he decide to get a carts and to go in to see if there's some food .He walk in and look besides him and see the washing product parts ,he go in and take a brush, a shower gel,a shampoo,some razors and some make up because he always wanted to try some.He continue walking ,then see the can' parts of the store so he go in look at the data and see that it's still good because of thr fact that it have been -15° outside for a long time it have been well conserved ...He take some potatoes and say:
"woah it have been a long time since i have eat that !"
then he keep taking can' ,beef , shrimps, fish, avocado, fruits , vegetables and other things ,then he go more in the market and see the alcohol parts , he go in it and take some rosé and some beers ,but right after he heard a sound so he take out his sword
s-"who is it, come out!"
then a dog come out and steven take a big breath and say:
"hey little mutant dog, what are you doing here ?"
the dog go near him and start licking his arm,but steven needed to go in the garden parts,so he start walking and he arrive in it and take some poison and a hammer. After that he decide to go on the second floor,he walks by the moving stairs (even tho they are broken)and he arrive in the books and dress parts so he go take some well conserved yaoi and romance and he go to the dress parts ,he see some chains and black outfit so he take it and go back down .When he finally arrive by the entrance ,the dog come back and keep following him ,but steven didn't care and he just keep walking out the mall ...
[out the mall]
he walks by and see his mutant horse so he put his bags on his back and he go at the building shop were he take a lot of glue...after that he come back ,the dog who keep following him start to harf and steven see something move by the corner of his eyes ... he pull out his sword ...
chapter 2: new people ?
he put his sword in front of them and say:
s-"who are you and what are you doing here?"
?-" we just arrived in Marseille we are from aix,and you are?"
s-"i'm the protector of this city and it's the first time i see people who are still alive..."
?-"you don't have a group?"
s-"no,they were not there when i woke up. "
?-"so you were alone for 5years?"
s-"no, i have my horse and my cat"
?-"is the cat here?"
s-"yeah...kitty come here!"
a big mutant appear and sit behind steven ..
s-" that's my cat"
the 5 person look at it like they are going to die
s-"what you have never seen a cat before?"
?-"this is not a cat !that's a fricking tiger!"
s-"yeah and no ,he's half cat ,he is a mutant "
?-"ok ,*shocked *c-can we enter the mall now?"
s-" yes ,but left food and stuff for eventual passants"
?-"we promise you..."
s-"ok then ,goodbye "
steven jump on the back of his cat and start playing the flute ,the horse and the dog follow them while they are going home,a lot of shadows surround them ,but the group don't see it so they just enter the mall ,will steven surrounded by shadows leave.
?-"hey willy ,do you think we should go find him later?"
w-"i don't know brian but we should ask the others"
b-"guys ! should we go after him later!?"
?×2-"we don't know ,he seemed lonely so...we guess we should "
b-"what do you think of it ,léa?"
l-"meh,if it was me i would just find a house to stay the night but,since he live here and he protect the city he must have taken a house at the top of the city ,so it would be a benefit for us and for him"
b-"yeah and lili and tristan stop fighting!"
{lili and tristan are twins .that's why the ?×2 from before}
[pov of steven]
steven just arrive at home which is a mansion and put the stuff in the kitchen,he look at his horse and say:
s-"you can take your original form now..."
the horse make a weird sound and become a half horse half human ...
horse-" hey master ,i think they are going to search for you later, do you want to see if they are good at finding people?"
s-"temi, that's a great idea, plus it can be interesting "
so steven and the horse start to go find them and stalk them...
[pov of the group when steven is already here]
w-"hik ! stop!"
b-"what ? we know that you have a chocolate can' in your bag"
l-"stop let him be...."
steven and temi are up the roof of the building right next to them ,watching them...then he see that they are going in a building who is gonna break down, so he take his flute again and start playing ,then some shadows appear and fly and push them away from the building...the 5 are shoked but ,just after that the building break down...the shadows who have been cast by steven just saved the life of the group ,then steven stop playing in a hurry and hide and temi hide too ....but, even if they hide Brian already know it was steven because of the sound ,brian still want to find the mansion by himself so, he decide to stay quiet and help the others..
s-"that was close"
t-"ya' but ,what if they have seen us ?"
s-" i don't think they did ,they were focused on the souls. "
t-"if you say so..."
s-"let's go"
t-"yes, i dont want to lose them"
steven and temi keep stalking them ,brian and the others keep going through the city and enter a motel...
b-"guys! let's go on the last floor like that we will have a better view of the city !"
l-"that's a good idea "
they open the stairs room and start going up ...
w-"hey guys, don't you think that the sound that we heard before was similar to the one this guy was playing at the mall?"
l-"well,yeah but what was those things?"
b-"maybe that's particular of his group, i mean we can control plants what if they can control something?"
l-"like the shadows that we've seen?"
w-"guys! we're here !"
willy open the door and the 5 of them run through the hallway and go at a big broken window to observe the city...
by cjc if you want you can comment ideas (it may be taken for the next chapter)
chapter 3 : the dinner
*li-"woah ! guys do you see that !? it's the beach!"
tr-"that's so cool ! ... and there's a mansion up there* "
brian look at him and say:"tristan , you're a genius! that's maybe were the guy from earlier lives "
steven hearing that start going back home... temi transform back in to a horse and steven jump on his back....
*s-"let's make some food for them and for us "
t-"yeah,but can we have some couscous?"
s-"i was already planning to do that"
temi go faster and go home in ten minutes ....brian ,lea , willy, lili and tristan are at 1 hour from the mansion so, steven know that he have the time to make food, steven and temi are finally home . Temi take a chicken and throw it to the kitty who's name is lulu.
*t-" hey lulu! we're back! you were hungry were not you ?,you have eaten this chicken in no time "
s-" temi, pass me the ingredients! "
t-" yes chef !right now chef*! *LAUGH* "
steven start cooking,he wash 5 times the couscous and take a fork to crumble them ,then he boil some water ,and he take another casserole and start doing the sauce ,he put tomatoes ,potatoes ,he add colombo and he put some carrots then, he take off the boiling water and put it in the couscous,after that he wait 5 minutes and he go back doing the sauce ,he put the chickpeas and wait for 30 minutes, after that, he put the table ,he put 7 chairs ,he put the plat ,a bottle of water and some beers , he go back in the kitchen to stop the fire. (explanation : he has light up some wood since you know he can't do fire with electronic )and go wait for them down stairs...
[after 6 minutes they finally arrive]
*knok knok*
steven, who looks like a model (he wear a suite and his chains) open the door and see the 5 people standing there ,*b-" well i guess it isn't a surprise...."
s-" yeah but ,come in, i have made some food*. "
so they enter the mansion and follow steven ,they go on the second floor and go straight in the hallway ,then steven open the doors in front of them and they are looking at it, amazed by what they are seeing ,they enter the dinner room and see a beautiful table, beautiful windows ,chairs ,plates and the food who look delicious.
b-" woah men! it's so cool! and the food look amazing! "
temi walk in walk in and say:"of course it looks good! master have done all of it!"
the five turn around see him and start wondering if steven have betray them when he said that, he have never seen a human alive before...
t-" hi !I'm the horse of master steven! "
they look at him from the bottom to the top
l-" you are the horse from earlier today? "
t-" well yeah i am and you 5 will pass a test this week, to gain master trust, like i did before and don't worry there will not have anything dangerous "
w-"so ,this week we are going to pass a test to gain your master trust ?"
t-"yeah, but don't worry if at the end of the dinner you still don't know if you want, then we will let y'all some times to decide youself on that and if ypu don't want then y'all can go "
s-"let's eat before it gets cold "
everyone sit down and start eating...
b-"sorry for our misbehave, it have been a moment since we have eaten like that "
s-" it's ok*smile* "
*brian blush*
hey everyone i hope you like it ,heh, steven is so cool...
i have created him but still...
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