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The Love Note

The gift

Everyday is the same as usual. All of them start the same way and end the same way, nothing special. I start my day with my usual morning coffee and my usual breakfast, but today i want to do something different, so i took a day off work and went to my best friend's café, when i saw something unusual, the whole place was filled with people, i had no idea what was going on and i didn't even had time to ask, because my best friend was really busy with his costumers, so i took my coffee and went straight to the park where I sat under my favorite tree and started writing about a adventurous life, a life where you don't know what comes next, a life full of excitement and joy, while i was writing i was imagining it too, i just wanted to live this adventurous life. But that was never going to happen, my life was just so different from what i just imagined, i have work, bills to pay and there was just no time for a adventure.

The next morning i was about to leave for work when i saw something on my doorstep. It was a package, but from who, i knew i didn't order anything. There is just no time for me to order what ever i want. I took the package inside and opened it, it was a mirror a very beautiful one. I knew it was an expensive one because i have seen the exact same one several times while I was walking past this expense store not far from my work. But how could this mirror have gotten here, i liked this mirror the moment that i saw it but it was worth more than ten thousand dollars. I could never be able to pay for such an expensive mirror. I knew it was a mistake, because i would never order it and i also knew that no one would buy such an expensive thing for me, I'm not even surrounded by rich people. The only rich person i know is my boss but he would never buy such an expensive mirror for his employee. But that is not the only thing in the box, there's something else. It's a note. A note?

From who as i take the note i smell the most wonderful smell ever, it smelled like fresh flowers pick out of a beautiful garden. That smell came from the note, the note was covered in perfume. I just couldn't stop smelling this wonderful perfume on this note. As i pulled myself together, i opened the note.


...No mirror can stand your beauty, not even the most expensive one. But since you like it so much i just had to get it for you....


I didn't get it. Who could this person be? No friend of mine has this kind of money, and my family doesn't even know that i liked this mirror. So who could it be?

I sat down for a little while but i had to go to work. I couldn't stop thinking about it , i thought about it so badly that I got distracted from work. I knew i had to stay focused to keep my job, so i didn't pay much attention to it. Well I tried to. I went home i tried not to think about it, but i just couldn't. I really wanted to know who had sent it or if someone was stalking me or maybe this could all have been a mistake but the way the person wrote the note, it just doesn't seem like a mistake. After thinking about it so hard i finally fel asleep.

The next day i woke up and really hoped that the hole mirror and note experience was a dream. As i was walking down stairs my hope of it being a dream was gone because i saw the mirror at the exact spot where i left it yesterday. And that wasn't the only thing i saw i saw a other package on my doorstep, this one was wrapped like a gift. I quickly looked around for anything suspicious and took the gift inside. I opened it quickly, i was so curious to know what was is the gift and that's when i saw the most wonderful watch i have ever seen , it was so beautiful. I have never seen anything like it, without thinking i put the watch on immediately. It looked so beautiful on my wrist, it was just to beautiful. This must have been very expensive. I quickly opened my laptop and went on a page where you can get how expensive something is and uploaded a picture of the watch to the page and saw that is was worth over a hundred thousand dollars. I almost spit out the coffee that I was drinking. Over a hundred thousand dollars for a watch! Thi person is crazy, how can someone afford such an expensive watch. Now I really wanted to know who this crazy person is. Because this person is crazy enough to buy a watch that experience, as i looked at the gift box i saw a little piece of paper,it looks like a note wait It was a note. The note said

...Note: ...

...i knew you would like this watch and that is why I got it for you . You deserve all the gifts in the world. And always remember nothing in this world is worth more then your beauty. There will be more doll face....


Doll face no one has called me that in ages. This person sure must know something about me and this person sure knows that i would like it. But as much as i like it i really want to know who this person is and why he or she is sending me these lovely gifts.

The mystery man

Out of excitement of my last gift i went straight to my my best friend's café his name was Samuel but i called him Sam , i just had to share it with someone because it was to much for me to handle. As soon as i got there i started taking about it. At first he was a little bit curious and mad when i told him everything but he started to cooled down as soon as my other beste friend Chealsy came in and started to get all excited when i told her everything thing. Sam was still mad but i thought it just was because he is trying to protect me. After our whole discussion Sam finally said what was on his mind.

...Sam :...

...But Sky don't you think it's a bit weird that someone you have no clue of is sending you all these expensive gifts. Just think for a moment why would someone be sending you these expensive gifts for no reason....

Sam was making a good point just as i was about to answer Sam i got a text from an unknown number.


...Hello doll face i see you were excited about my gifts. And i know you are excited as well to see my message....

I immediately answered

...Answer :...

...How did you get my number ?...


...Let's say i know a lot of people....

...Answer :...

...Who are you and why are you sending me all these gifts ?...

...Text :...

...You can call me the mystery man for now. And the reason why I'm sending you these gifts is because you deserve everything you want....

...Answer :...

...What do you want from me ?...

...Text :...

...Let's say I want you to fall in love with me....


...But I don't even know you....

...Text :...

...Oooh but you do. You will fing out very soon doll face....

And thenvhe went offline. The idea of love kind of shocked me. I have never been in love. I don't even know how to fall in love or what love is. So how could i fall in love with him and from where do i know him because he sure knows me.

My friends saw that i was lost in thoughts so they asked if something was wrong. I immediately showed them the texts and all of the excitement of finding this mystery man turned immediately into a box full of questions. Sam was mad, Chealsy was lost in thoughts too and i could even believe my eyes of what I just read. Chealsy suddenly started to ask all these questions about who he is or what i was planning on doing. But honestly I had no idea what i was going to do and then I hit me. I was going to find this mystery man, i just had to know who he is.

I told my friends the whole plan and idea i had to find this mystery man. Every detail i explained to them and they where so kind to help me with the plan en Sam was helping out even if he still was mad. I was really about to find this mystery man.

After planning everything with my two best friends, i went home as I walked to the doorstep i saw a other gift. I looked around to see if there was anybody there but ther was no one there so i took the gift and went inside. I opened the gift to see a other wonderful gift but i was acting to excited about it because the fact that this mystery knew that i was happy and excited about my gift, i wanted to know if he was stalking me and watching every move. But i forgot the whole idea that i had a plan i had to find this guy so i have to act all happy and excited about the gift that he gave me. So i took the gift again and looked and it with eyes full of excitement. I have to admit that the gift is very beautiful, it is a beautiful bracelet with stars and heart shapes on it and it looked like there were mini diamonds on it. Wait a second, could these diamonds be real?

I quickly looked for a note and indeed there was one.


...Yes love those are real diamonds and I let them put them on a this very special bracelet. Like i told you doll face nothing is worth more then your beauty....

...Love the mystery man....

This guy must be crazy out of his mind to buy me a bracelet with real diamonds on it. If people knew that i had a bracelet with real diamonds on it I would not only be stalked by this mystery man but whole d*mn country. I have to hide this and the rest of my gifts because they are to expensive. As I'm done finding a hiding place for those gifts, i immediately text him.


...Are you crazy ?...

...Answer :...

...Crazy about you...

...Text :...

...You are losing your mind. What if I'm a gold digger or sl*t or what if have just taken these gifts and sold it for lots of money ?...

...Answer :...

...Then you wouldn't be texting me....


...This isn't funny....

...Answer :...

...Get some sleep you have a lot of gifts waiting for you tomorrow....

And then he went offline. Who is this guy ?

And more gifts !

The plan

The following day i started my plan. I woke up early in the morning, i actually didn't sleep just to see who is delivering these gifts. I waited in the living room just to see if someone would come and just my luck, a well dressed man step at my front door and placed a small gift there as the man was walking back to his car he suddenly stopped at the back window. The window started to go down and someone handed him something but i couldn't see who it was, it was early in the morning and still dark. The man came back to my front door and placed a other gift then he went back to his car, he must have been his driver. As soon as the car starts to drive away i quickly took a picture of the car plate, now i got you, you mystery man. I rushed to my bedroom and texted Sam if he could find out who that car belonged to. Lucky me Sam knows someone who can find people quickly by any information they have of the person and the care plate is the perfect information.

As Sam is busy with the car plate, i have to continue with the acting so i pretended not to know anything about the chauffeur and pretended to be excited about the gift. I walk to the door pretending to be surprised about the gifts as i take them inside, i open them up and one of them is a golden pen with my name on it while the other is a creditcard. No way a creditcard !

Its a creditcard to go shopping in the most famous fashion, beauty and jewelry stores of the whole country . What in the world!

This is to much the cheapest thing in those stores are worth over thousands of dollars and here he gives me a card to go shopping to all of them.

I texted Chealsy immediately. As soon as she saw my text i could swear that she kicked the door open just to see if what i texted her was real. When she saw the card she almost passed out, she told me that we should go shopping right away but she is forgetting the plan once Sam has found the mystery man, i would know who he is. I can't go crazy with the shopping, i have to keep focus. I already took a day off work just to find this guy and i can't screw up, as i try to calm Chealsy down, who is going crazy on me, Sam gives me a text.

...Sam's text : ...

...My guy found the location of the car if we go now we can find out where this mystery guy is....

But i had a other plan this mystery guy is way to rich, there is no way that he would keep one chauffeur for the whole day so my plan is to send Sam to find the car while i work on step two of my plan. As i told Sam to find the car without me i tell Chealsy that i was going to send him a text saying :

...Text : ...

...Thank you for the card en pen....

...Answer : ...

...Your welcome doll face....

...Text : ...

...since you have done so much for me i would like to do something for you....

...Answer : ...

...Mmh like what ?...

...Text : ...

...Like sending you something that means so much to me....

...Answer : ...

...Okay love. You can leave it in front of your doorstep....

...Text : ...


Step two of my plan is ready as soon as his chauffeur will take the gift that i have for him i will follow him until he stops. I told Chealsy what i was going to do and she wanted to join me . So Chealsy and i got ready for our mission.

We got in Chealsy's car that wasn't parked far away from my house. We waited in the car until we saw a black limo pull over in front of my house Chealsy and i bought gasped. The limo was so gorgeous and the chauffeur was so well dressed, as the chauffeur took the gift, he stopped at the back of the window and handed it to the person sitting in the back. The limo started to drive away and Chealsy and i started to follow him. It didn't take long until the limo came to a stop in a abandoned warehouse. Chealsy and i stepped out of the car and went in the warehouse, we found a good hidden spot. Suddenly we heard two people talking.

...Person1 : ...

...Boss wanted to see you. He told you to go to his office but you didn't, now he's pissed. He is not happy....

...Person 2: ...

...Is he in the car ?...

...Person 1:...

... Yeah he wants to see you....

Yess this is my moment to see his face suddenly i feel a tap on my shoulder that scared me to death, as i was about to scream Sam held my mouth shut.

...Sam: ...'s me sky, I'm right here....


...Omg Sam you scared me to death. What are you doing here ?...


... i follow the location of the car and it lead me here. What are you doing here ?...


...Chealsy and i left something for this mystery guy at my doorstep and when his chauffeur took it we followed them here. But ther seems to be a problem with those to people . Hey wait a second !...

...Where are those two people ?...

...I don't see them, where are their cars?...

...Did they just leave ?...

As those words leave my mouth i get a text from the mystery man.

...Text :...

... Nice try but you can't get me that easily....

Wait what just happened did he really just trick me. He knew my plan all along. And that is not the worst part at all , the worst part is the gift that i gave him was my father's.

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