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Revengeful Rebirth! "Happy" Ending


"What...why? Why would you do this to me, after everything I've done for you, you pay me back like this?!" Jessie said, trying to believe that this reality was nothing but a dream.

"Ha! You think that I loved you?! You were nothing to me but a mere tool, all I ever wanted was your mother's company, mansion and a good life with Lyla!!" Nick stated with a nasty smirk on his face.

"What.... so you never loved me it was all a scheme, all you did was scheme against me, to take my money?!!!"

"Ha, so you finally see the truth, oh!well since we are on this topic, and you are about to die, I will give you a little goodbye present." Nick said, raising his hands, giving a signal to someone outside.

Soon after, Jessie saw her best friend lyla entering the room which she was locked in.

" were in this too?!" Jessie asked, still trying not to believe this.

"Well at least you are not that stupid, do you really think nick and I met for the first time when you introduced us to each other, ha what a blind cat you are!!" Lyla said mocking Jessie

Jessie could feel the pain in her heart tearing her up, it was as if someone took a knife and stabbed it deep, tearing her heart, she could not have raven breathed properly. She could hear something in her mind telling her:

"This is what you deserved!!"

"This is what you deserve!!"

"This is what you deserve!!"

Those words felt like poison running through her mind, she was sad, she felt guilty, she felt angry, she felt revengeful!! All of those feelings came into her and tortured her, like a prisoner!!

Those words formed itself into hatred and tears. It flowed and flowed down to her face, then it began to burn her cheeks because it was cut, the cut also brought a lot upon her!!

"I will leave you two to say your goodbyes" nick said while exiting the room, and then added "oh and Jessie...don't blame us for you being so blind!!"

As soon as nick left, lyla came close up to Jessie more, she took up a knife and put it by Jessie's throat.

Lyla: "I'll not kill you this way!" Lyla said, "but I will kill you slowly another way. Oh! Wait I am already killing you slowly!"

Jessie shocked by Lylas words, then remembered that in the past lyla or Nick would always bring her something to eat or drink at the hospital where she worked, they tasted the same way, but Jessie never bothered about it much because, they would find an excuse to come out of it, she felt something was wrong with the food but nevertheless she ignored it.

What...what did you guys put in there?!!" Jessie asked angrily

"Oh, that! Just a little medicine to make you lose your job and well of course to kill, you" lyla said proudly

"What have I ever done to you to make you hate me...!!" Jessie said, tearing up.

"Oh, I suppose you should know since you're dying!!"

"You had EVERYTHING, you had NICK, YOU HAD A NICE FAMILY YOU HAD ALOT OF FRIENDS WHO CARED ABOUT YOU, YOU WERE ADMIRABLE BY ALL BECAUSE YOU ARE A VERY TALENTED DOCTOR, BUT WHO WAS I ? I WAS JUST YOUR FOLLOWER!!!!" Loyal shouted angrily then added, "your mother no matter what she always believed you, so I added a little fire and made you hate her, oh how pleasing that was, but your mother found out what I did, so I did what had to be done and killed her in that car crash, I tampered with her brakes and paid the cook to drug her food!"

Jessie was shocked when she heard that, she never thought that the friend who have always been by her side no matter what, was the one behind all of those stuff, this made her feel angry, and she wanted revenge on them so bad!!

Lyla then said, "oh, and do you think that the child you miscarried belonged to nick? Ha! That day never came where he was the one who took your virginity, that was all planned by us. We spiked your drink at your birthday party!!, tho we don't know how you entered the wrong room, it still made us satisfied that you would be this shameless!!"

Jessie was angry and mixed with emotions. An evil, cold and merciless smirk appears on her face, "ha! What a perfect match the two of you make, how I wish you a "happy" life, but just know you will be "happy" in this life, but know that in then next life, it will be a living hell!!!, my mom adopted you out of good because she pitied you, your father abandoned you, and she took care of you, so if that was how you repaid her, I'll give you back 10-fold of how you repaid her!!!!"

The cold gaze in Jessie's eyes made lyla tremble! She had never realized that the weak and timid Jessie's stare could make her weak in her knees, but she stood still to save herself face.

Nick then came in and said, "it's finished, let's go!!"

Lyla: "okay, let's go"

Lyla then turns around and said, "oh my sister, good luck on That one, that's of course if you get a second chance, but who will give you one anyway!!"

The two left the building, leaving Jessie alone chained up in a dark corner of the room, she could feel the poison running through her Brain and the pain stabbing her heart, and she could smell smoke, "oh seems like the fire is finally starting to blaze" she mumbled to herself, if I have a second chance and rebirth I'll be sure to make them pay for what they did" Jessie said in rage.

To be continued...


Thank you for reading!!

A Second Chance!

"If I have a second chance and reborn, I'll make sure they pay! Even if it meant loosing my life again!!"

Jessie could feel the fire burning her skin, hurting her painfully, but it was not as painful as being hurt by the ones she loved.

As she felt the pain, it soon started to feel numb, and her mind went completely blank, as if she were dying.

The sounds of the house collapsing with her in it, everything went silent soon!!

"Is this how it feels to have everything one day, but lose it because of a foolish decision?''

This was the last thought she had and everything stopped, she could not see anymore, she couldn't hear nor smell anything anymore!!



"What's happening...where am I" Jessie questioned herself

Noticing darkness around her, she could hear something saying "get revenge, get revenge!!"

The words "revenge" were stacked in her head, then suddenly she could hear the voice of her mom, crying over her...

'" Jessie said, she couldn't help but call out for her mother, looking for hope and a beam of light to be shined upon her.

Then it happened, Jessie's eyelids were very heavy, whiles struggling to open her eyes she could see someone above her l, but their face was blurry, She struggled, struggled and struggled, she wanted to reach out to the beam of light above her and grasp it.

However, she could barely even move an inch... she was completely weak. Managing to look around the private ward which she was in, this scene was too familiar to Jessie that she thought back... then hit her that when she was 18 years old yet naive, she had been tricked by lyla and drank a glass of which lyla claimed to be "water" when it was vodka, lyla knew that Jessie could not drink alcoholic beverages especially vodka because, she would have a panic attack and faint

Why you ask? Because Jessie experienced something very traumatizing in her childhood, no one knows about this except the people closest to her, of course Lyla did not know about this very traumatic thing, but she used her father to find out.


What happened


Lyla paid one of Jessie's maid Quinn to put vodka instead of water inside the glass.

The way Lyla had Quinn (the maid)

To do this is in exchange to pay for her mother's medical fees for treatment and the huge debt Quinn's father left for her, and mom, to pay off.


End of What Happened


Jessie finally woke up and scanned the room, but disappointed to find no sign of her mom, the door clicked, and she jumped up, to see who it was, but it was the doctors.

The doctors asked her questions, but she did not answer, she could not hear anything they were saying.

Then her mom came in through the door.

She began to hear in an instant

"MO..." before Jessie could call out her mother's name, her mom ran to her and give her a hug.

Jessie then started to cry,

" I'm sorry"

She said

"For what darling, I'm the one who should be sorry, I would not have lashed out at you like that"

"It's okay, I deserved it" Jessie said with a guilty feeling, I should have listened to you when you said that Lyla was bad company, and that you suspected she was not a true friend."

"Mom, I don't trust her. So you must not get close to her", Jessie said to her mom

"Why honey I thought you guys were good friends. I hope you are not abandoning your friendship bec...."

"It's not because of your mom, but because of what she did." Jessie interrupted her mom from blaming herself and added, "and I should be supportive of you getting me a new father, because it's time you moved on."

"Oh honey thank you" her mom stated, with very teary eyes.

To the thought she remembered that in her last life Lyla came in around 1:30pm to apologize and act pitiful, Jessie believed her and forgived her.

Lyla told Jessie that Quinn the maid was the one that threatened Lyla and told her to give you her the vodka to drink.

Jessie believed her, and fired Quinn, from that day forth Jessie believed everything that Lyla told her.

Jessie checked her watch and saw that it was only 1:15 PM, and it was only 15 minutes until Lyla came and put on a pitiful act. So she explained to her mom that she wants to protect her mom but won't reveal to Lyla that she knows what she did.

To be continued...


Message from author:

There will be an up daily temporary until I give you guys a great gift!!

Thank you so much for reading. I'm going to put in my all to make this story even more UNIQUE!!😊

On Time

Jessie's mom knew that, her daughter acted differently and that she had a huge change she was proud of her but at the same time, she was worried. She wondered what had her daughter gone through that day to overcome such a huge change in a week of being in a coma in the hospital.

15 minutes later.

Jessie looked at the clock in the hospital room and saw that 15 Minutes had reached already, she smirked and said "the game is on."

And stared at the door.

Her mom looked at her, wondering what she was speaking about, but Jessie did not have time to explain and left it as that.

The door suddenly opened, and a girl came through she looked stressed her face was pale, and her long purple hair was messy, like it had not been combed for days

You could see that she had overused her face powder to make her face look pale, and her lipstick color was not correctly on, under her eyes you

Could see that it was dark, and the person had not had a good night of rest.

Girl: "Jessie!! Thank god you are okay!!! I don't know what happened, I'm so sorry."

Jessie could not stand that pitiful act, it made her angry to the fact that she wanted to slap the girl so bad.

Jessie: "She dared to act pitiful, such a scheming girl, can't believe I took her as my sister! Calm down Jessie, hold in your anger!! Humph! Someone is on time, now let's play along with her."

Jessie: "Who...who are you?"

Girl: "ah! Mom, what happened to her?!"

*This ***** actually dared to call my mother mom!

Girl: "don't you remember me Jessie, it's me Lyla your sister!"

"Ho, it seems like that this stupid girl

Lost her memory."

Jessie: "Lyla?! What happened to you why do you look so pale?!"

Lyla: "I... I was worried about you, I could not sleep properly I was worried about you, I could not eat or anything." (Fake crying) "what! She didn’t lose her memory?!"

Jessie: "hmph if you were really worried about me the minute I woke up I would have seen you taking care of me, and you would have been checking up on me!!"

Jessie: "what happened, why did you give me vodka to drink?" "Do you hate me that much?" (Acting sad with tears)

Lyla: *panicking* "'s all my fault *weeping* I should not have listened to the maid\, she threatened me and told me if I did not follow her orders she would have me killed." *fake crying*

Jessie spoke 'panicking' What?... I can't believe that lowly maid, she dared to do such a thing!!"

Jessie: "what's up with me, I can't believe that I actually believed that I believed her lame excuse, whatever I'm going to make sure that I get my revenge on her and her lover!!"

Jessie's mom (Lucy): "I will be sure to fire that Maid and let the police investigate this!!"

Lyla: "I'm so sorry!!.... but don't hurt the Maid (Quinn)"

Lyla: "damn, if I let them fire her she might use this and actually threaten me, to give her more money!!"

Jessie: "sister" why don't you wanna hand this over to the police? What's wrong?!" "Are you hiding something from us?!"

Lyla: "not that it's just, I don't want to cause trouble to you, please don't take it on!!" (Acting)

Jessie: "ok, we won't take it on, as expected of my "sister" she is still so kind to everyone" smirk

Lyla: "why do I feel like this idiot knows something ... no no that's impossible, she is stupid!!" Lyla laughed

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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