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Trauma From Bullies

1: Being weird

Hey guys! Here’s a new story! Just a warning, this one will contain some heavy bullying and psychological themes. Please read only if you are comfortable with that. I intend for this series to be a bit shorter than the others but that depends on how much you guys like it so let me know what you want!
Now let’s begin.
Dean and Alexander have been best friends since high school started. Even within their friend group, Dean and Alexander spent the almost time together
But at some point during their senior year, Dean started to develop feelings for Alexander
Katie Mecca
Katie Mecca
Come on Dean, you have to confess your love
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
I..I know. But what if Alexander doesn’t accept me? What if he hates me?
Katie Mecca
Katie Mecca
He won’t! At worse he would respectfully reject you, but my brother isn’t the type to discriminate against you because of your sexuality
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
(*trying to be confident*) Okay, I’ll do it!
Katie Mecca
Katie Mecca
Great, now here’s your chance! He’s coming this way 😄
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
(*frantically looks around*) WHAT?!?!
Katie Mecca
Katie Mecca
Shh, he’s right there!
Dean looks behind himself and finds Alexander walking towards him
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
Hey Dean! Are you ready to head home?
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
Umm yeah, let me just grab my things
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
Okay, take your time…oh Katie you’re here too
Katie Mecca
Katie Mecca
Hey big bro, tell mom and dad that I’ll be home late today. I’m going to hang out with a friend (*winks at Dean*)
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
Oh okay. Dean and I will just go alone then
Katie Mecca
Katie Mecca
Alright, see ya guys 👋🏼
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
(*smiles at Dean*) Shall we head home then?
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
(*nods*) Umm yes, let’s go!
Dean and Alexander walk side by side, laughing and talking
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
So what were you and Katie talking about earlier?
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
Oh…umm…it’s nothing
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
(*stops walking*)
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
Huh? Is something wrong?
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
I don’t know, you tell me. Did I do something to upset you Dean?
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
No, why would you think that?
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
You’re just being a bit weird. It’s like you’re keeping something from me
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
(*flustered*) Oh no, it’s nothing like that
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
(*suspicious look*) Well all right then. I’ll just take your word for it
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
💭sigh, I could have just confessed. Why am I over thinking it so much?
Dean and Alexander continue to walk together until they get to an intersection
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow Alex
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
Wait! Hold on
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
(*looks at Alexander*)
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
Why don’t you let me go to your house for once?
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
(*wide eyes*) What?
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
I’ve known you for 4 years now yet I’ve never seen your house. Why don’t you let me come?
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
Oh…umm…my parents just don’t like visitors…that’s all.
In reality, Dean lives alone in a tiny cheep apartment. He’s too embarrassed to show Alexander what his life is actually like since no one actually knows
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
Oh I understand. Why don’t you come to my house then? Katie won’t be home for dinner so there will be an extra seat at the table anyways
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
Are you sure that would be okay?
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
Yeah of course! My parents love you anyways
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
Okay okay, I’ll come then (💭Maybe this will give me more chances to confess)
And so, Dean follows Alexander to his house and eat dinner there. Everything was going just fine until the end of the night
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
Alright, I should probably head home now
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
Aww, why? You should just stay the night here
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
WHAT? No away!
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
Huh, why not? You’ve done it before
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
(*blushing*) Well I just…umm…you know…
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
Hey you look kind of red right now. Are you feeling okay?
Alexander suddenly puts his hand over Deans forehead to check his temperature
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
(*gets more red and pulls back*)
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
(*sigh*) Seriously Dean, what is going on
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
I just…I have to go
And with that, Dean grabs his things and runs out of Alexander’s house
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
💭Gesh, what was that all about? I just wanted to spend some more time with him. Wait…what am I even thinking
Dean quickly runs home as his head continues to fill with thoughts
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
Ahh, what the heck was that all about?! Why do I always have to make it so obvious! It seems like everything he does makes me blush at this point. Why does love have to be so hard to bare
Dean finishes his homework, takes a shower, and goes to sleep…worried about how he could possibly keep his secret for another day
-At school in the morning-
Katie Mecca
Katie Mecca
So you just couldn’t do it huh? Even though I got you guys some free time
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
I got nervous 😞
Katie Mecca
Katie Mecca
You know, I kind of get the feeling that my brother actually like you too
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
What?!?! Really?!?! What makes you think that?
Katie Mecca
Katie Mecca
Well he talks about you a lot, and you guys are always together. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has noticed
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
(*thinking*) Still…there is no way I can tell Alexander my true feelings yet. I just don’t have the confidence
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
True feeling? What are you talking about?
Dean and Katie quickly turn around and see Alexander walking towards them
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
(*eyes go wide*) 💭Oh no…no no…this is very bad
Katie Mecca
Katie Mecca
(*awkward laugh*) Oh brother you’re here too. Why don’t we go to class now
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
Katie, stay out of this
Katie Mecca
Katie Mecca
But Alex I…
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
(*approaches Dean*) Go on. Tell me what you’ve been holding back for so long
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
💭oh how I wish I could just disappear into thin air

2: Suspicious

Dean can feel his heart practically pumping out of his chest as Alexander gets closer
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
Katie, you should leave. I’d like to be alone with him
Katie Mecca
Katie Mecca
But brother, Dean just…
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
I won’t ask again Katie.
Katie Mecca
Katie Mecca
(*nods and leaves*) 💭I know how Alex feels about Dean. I’m his little sister after all. Still, I can’t help but worry if I’m actually wrong about this
Alexander is now just inches away from Deans face
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
Alright, now tell me what you want to say
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
(*blushing very hard, flustered*) Umm…well…I just…you know…
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
(*grabs Deans chins and lifts it up*) please speak clearly
It takes Dean all the confidence he has to finally confess
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
I…I LIKE YOU (*quickly closes his eyes*)
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
(*smirking*) Hmm, is that so 😏
Dean opens his eyes just a little to take a peek at Alexander’s expression
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
Umm…so…I’ve said it now. I’ll leave then (💭Ah I just want to disappear again)
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
(*grabs Deans hand*) Hey, where do you think you’re going?
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
(*looks down*) I…I’m going to class
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
No. Not until you answer a few of my questions
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
Like…like what?
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
Since when did you like me?
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
I don’t know.
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
Have you told anyone else?
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
Just Katie.
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
Do you want to know how I feel?
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
💭Oh no. This is the part where he calms me a disgusting homo, right? (*Nods head*)
Dean suddenly feels a soft kiss land in his lips. When he opens his eyes, he relieves that it came from Alexander
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
What’s that look on your face? Isn’t this what people who like each other do?
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
Wait…you like me too?
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
(*smiles*) I wouldn’t be kissing you otherwise silly
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
Do…do you really mean it?
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
(*kisses Dean again*) do you believe me now?
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
Ha, I can’t believe this. You have no idea how happy this makes me feel
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
I’m just glad we feel the same way
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
So what do we do now? Do we start dating?
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
Of course, but you must not tell anyone
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
Huh? Why not?
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
People will hate us because of our se.xuality. No one can know, otherwise our life will become he||
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
(*nods head*) okay, that makes sense actually
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
(*smiles at Dean again*) Good, now let’s go to class now before anyone gets suspicious
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
(*nods head*) Okay, let’s go
~In the future, Dean always wondered if Alexander was being genuine in this moment. It’s hard to tell when the lies started and ended~
-The same day, during lunch-
Dean and Alexander sit beside one another as Neil and Jacob sit across from them
What did you get on the test guys
I barely passed
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
I did pretty well actually
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
Yeah, me too
Well of course you guys got similar scores
Yeah, you’re always studying together
Neil and I will start to feel left out if you guys keep doing that
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
(*nervous*) Ah sorry guys. I didn’t know you felt that way
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
Yeah, we can all do things together more often
Hmm, well all right then. I just want us all to have a good time since this is our last year in high school
Exactly, I wouldn’t want anything to mess it up
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
Like what?
Well one of us getting into a relationship, for example, would totally throw off the balance
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
Umm…do you mean with each other?
Eww, what the Why would you even think that?
Yeah, I definitely meant with a girl
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
(*looks at Dean with a worried expression*)
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
(*trying to laugh it off*) Oh I see, I was just confused for a moment. That makes more sense
Hmm, well while we are on the topic, I heard that someone in another class came out as gay
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
Hmm, well whatever
What do you mean whatever? That’s totally sick! I wouldn’t be surprised if he started to get bullied
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
By who?
Well that’s none of our business, but I’m sure people from his friend group will treat him differently
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
(*trying to fit in with the conversation*) Right, that’s how it usually goes
Dean starts to feel uncomfortable with his “friends” making homophobic comments and remarks
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
Umm, I have to go to the bathroom real quick (*gets up and leaves*)
Gesh, what’s with him lately?
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
Who, Dean?
Yeah, he’s been acting a bit weird around us
I’ve noticed that too! He also started to tense up when I mentioned the gay kid from the other class
Hey…do you think maybe…
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
No. There’s no way
What? How do you even know what I was going to say?
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
You were just going to start claiming that Dean could be gay, but that’s not true
Why are you being so defensive about this?
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
I’m not. I just don’t want rumors to start
Well I guess you have a point. Still…i can’t help but notice how extra friendly he is towards you
Alexander realizes that defending Dean would only make himself look suspicious too
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
I don’t know what you’re talking about. We should probably head back to class though
Aren’t you going to wait for Dean?
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
(💭I want to, but I can’t make it seem suspicious) Nah, he can walk on his own. Let’s just go

3: Deceived

Everyone goes about there day just fine
Days turn into weeks and weeks turn into months
Dean and Alexander are able to keep their relationship a secret. That is, until one very unfortunate day
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
Hey look, it seems like no one is here
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
Oh nice, we can finally have some alone time
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
Yeah, i can have you all to myself for a bit 😄
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
(*blushes*) So…what do you want to do
Alexander gently grabs Deans wrists and guides him towards the bench. He then takes a seat and places Dean in his lap
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
(*looking into Deans eyes*) I don’t think I tell you enough just how much I love you
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
(*blushes even more*) You have told me everyday for the past 3 months
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
Haha, well I still feel like I don’t say it enough
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
(*kisses Alexander*) That’s okay. There will be plenty of time for you to tell me
Dean and Alexander continue to kiss. Dean is so caught up in the moment that he doesn’t notice how Neil and Jacob walked onto the roof top. Alexander noticed, however, and was quick to react
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
(*pushes Dean off of him*) GET THE FU.CK AWAY FROM ME
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
(*falls to the ground and hurts his wrist*) Ahh, Alexander what was…
Well well well, looks like our suspicions were correct
I knew there was something going on between then. To think that they were both homos this whole time
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
Oh he|| no. Don’t lump me in with that
Aww come on. That’s no way to talk to your lover
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
This freak came onto me okay! I thought we were friends but it turns out he’s a filthy gay. I’m just as surprised as you guys
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
(*absolute shock*) Alex…what are you saying. I…I thought we…
Dean suddenly feels a cold slap land on his face. It came from Alexander
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
What? You thought we would be lovers or something? I would NEVER go out with a filthy like you. You disgust me
At this point, Deans face is full of tears and he just can’t hold back
Oh no, he’s crying
Hey I can give you a real reason to cry. Do you know just how angry I am to know that you’ve deceived all three of us for nearly 4 years
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
Yeah! That’s so creepy dude. But don’t worry. From here on out. Your life will be a living he||
Haha, come on Alexander. Let’s get out of here
Alexander walks behind Neil and Jacob as they leave the rooftop. He takes one last look at Dean who is sobbing
Alexander Mecca
Alexander Mecca
💭Sh!t. I was worried something like this could happen. But did I do the right thing? I was able to save myself, but what will happen to Dean now?
Dean skips class the rest of the day. Instead, he goes straight home and cries in bed until he gets a phone call
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
📲 hello?
Katie Mecca
Katie Mecca
📲 Dean, where are you? What happened
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
(*starts crying*) 📲 Katie…he…he betrayed me
Katie Mecca
Katie Mecca
📲 Shh, it’s okay Dean. Just send me your address. We should talk about this in person
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
💭No one has ever been to my house, but I could really use the company right now
Dean sends Katie his address. She arrives within 20 minutes with a little basket of chocolate and candy
Katie Mecca
Katie Mecca
Hey Dean, are you okay?
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
Katie Mecca
Katie Mecca
(*hugs Dean*) Hey hey, it’s okay. Let’s talk about this inside
Katie enters Deans house and is shocked to see it. She had no idea how bad his living conditions actually were
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
Thank you for checking on me. You’re the only friend I have now
Katie Mecca
Katie Mecca
Oh course, but Dean…what will you do?
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
Katie Mecca
Katie Mecca
You can’t stay at our school. The rumor will spread and you will start to get bullied
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
I…I know. I guess I will have to move schools then
Katie Mecca
Katie Mecca
I can help you with that. My family is rich and I do some modeling so I get a pretty good monthly allowance. I can even get you a new apartment
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
Why…why are you being so kind to me
Katie Mecca
Katie Mecca
I just don’t want you to suffer anymore than you already have thanks to my as.shole of a brother
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
Thank you Katie. You have no idea how much this means to me
Katie Mecca
Katie Mecca
Of course 😄 it will take me about 2 weeks to get everything arranged though. Do you think you can hold out for that long?
Dean Archer (MC)
Dean Archer (MC)
(*wipes tears*) Yeah, I’ll stay strong till then
Katie Mecca
Katie Mecca
Good. I believe in you Dean. I will take my leave now. I hope you sleep well

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