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Hemlock: The Land Of Werewolves

Chapter: |0|. Prologue & Bab: |1|. The Land Of Whitackrest


The rain just stopped. Left a characteristic moist in the air. It was a damp scent on the ground and around it.

The moon was still drowning in a swarm of black clouds that didn't want to leave. And the wind of night was howling gently, carrying away the sounds of some little animals.

A little girl was half hiding under a blanket. The cold night crept in between the windows. Right on the edge of the bed where she lay down, a beautiful woman was telling a story to her.

In her curled up sleeping position, the little girl had been lost in the world of the story that she heard solemnly.

"But unfortunately this love story is not destined. One is a human and the other is the incarnation of a wolf. They should not have met from the start." Paused for a moment, the woman sighed and half glanced at her daughter who was still not sleeping.

"And in the end, they decided to separate and thus their love story ended"

"Why did it end like that? I don't like this sad ending story" The little girl complained as she tugged on the blanket.

"Then Cecile is free to change what kind of ending from this story," Said the mother while her hand was stroking her daughter's hair affectionately.

"Really? But how do I change it? it's a fairy tale made by mom. Of course, you have to change it"

Hearing that the woman smiled. Half getting up she kissed her daughter's head and said softly.

"Then this fairy tale now belongs to Cecile. You are free to decide what kind of ending!"


1. The Land Of Whitackrest

In the fertile land rich in natural products. Tropical climate with several groups of tribes in it.

Although different tribes live side by side in prosperity and harmony. With a leader by the respective chieftain in each region.

This land has four tribes. They are Zeath, Sazak, Pataw and Akez.

The Zeath tribe is a tribe that inhabits the western region. They are a group of people with white skin. Known as a tribe that is full of rules and has high discipline.

The Sazak tribe inhabits the eastern region. They are a group of dark brown and black people. Known as a tribe that behaves friendly and generous.

The Pataw tribe inhabits the southern region. They are a group of people with vanilla and olive skin.

And the Akez tribe that inhabits the Northern region. They are a mixed population of various skin colours. Among these tribes, it's the one with the smallest population.

Even though they are a group of different tribes. But their relationship is well established between each region. There is no prohibition to enter every area. They just need to respect and obey every rule that has been set by the chieftain from every region.

This tropical land with a group of tribes is called 'whitackrest'.

The land with satisfactory yields in every year. Million of fresh fishes in the never-ending ocean. And also an abundance of mining materials.

Because all of this is utilized properly. So that the social ranks are formed only the simple, the rich and the richest. No one is poor.

And they all live well and peacefully.


Chapter: |2|. Year- End Festival Night

In the western region of Whitackrest land. Where the Zeath tribe is located.

A year-end festival was held with great fanfare. With colourful lanterns were hung along with the trees of roadside. And the night market was very different from usual.

Special for a night of the year-end festival. Some traders were much more attractive than usual. Where some of them showed their interesting performance to attract the buyers.

Like this one of the sword trader. He was generously performed his sword dance which succeeded in attracting many visitors who came up to his stand.

He was energetically spun his sword to back. Then swung it forward and threw it to the air.

That sword spun around in a while and beautifully blocked the silver moonlight that touched on its tip. At last, it landed perfectly on the ground with its tip stuck to the earth.

Very perfect!

All the visitors gave big applause for his performance. Including Cecile who also enjoyed it from a distance. She clapped her hands while her eyes still staring at the sword.

The show was so dazzling and it almost caught her consciousness for a moment.


Someone hit her on the shoulder. Cecile was snapped out and turned to the girl who had just come beside her.

"What do you see?"

It was her precious female cousin Anne.

Cecile was very grateful for her beloved cousin, who had tried so hard to persuade her father for letting her out tonight. Therefore she could join this festival.

"Ah, have you finished buying snacks?"

Cecile saw some bags of snacks were carried by Anne's hands.

"Yes, do you want some?" Anne raised her snack bags to offer Cecile.

"Later, let's go there first!" Cecile grabbed Anne's wrist immediately and dragged her to the stand where she just saw the sword dance.

Anne was dragged by Cecile just according to where that girl took her.

Arriving at the stand, many people who had just watched the previous performance now was disbanded. Only a few people remained surrounding the stand. Most of them intended to buy a sword.

"What are we here for?" Asked Anne.

"Just a moment!" Replied Cecile.

"Don't belong! The show of a small coconut fibre boat will begin in a while. l want to see it"

"Em!" Cecile nodded and walked away to the stand.

The man who had just performed the sword dance. Now he was busy serving a few customers with a friendly smile on his face.

Cecile found that man was extremely handsome. He had a sharp contour of his face which was almost perfect. With the couple thick brow lines, charming nose bridge, crystal blue eyes and a sturdy facial jaw.

It was a good looking man.

If earlier Cecile was bewitched by his sword dance performance. Now she was enchanted by his handsome face.

That man just finished his last trade with a buyer. Then he focused on tidying up his wares. When he raised his head, accidentally their eyes met.

Realising that Cecile bowed her head in shame. While her hand awkwardly scratched the back of her neck which was not itchy.

After all buyers had disbanded, that stand began to be quiet.

Cecile raised her face again. She saw that man had finished tidying up his wares and was about to close his stand.

"Excuse me!" Cecile walked closer to the stand and tried to be brave for saying a word.

"Ah, you also want to buy a sword?" Said the man when he caught her face.

"No" Answered Cecile embarrassedly.

"Then what can l do for you?" Asked that man again. One of his brows was lifted while his eyes stared straight at the girl in front of him.

"Nothing. I just want to say your sword dance is very great. I impressed"

Hearing that praise, the man was silent for a moment. He was confused about what to respond. Just as his mouth was half-opened to say something—

Anne suddenly came taking Cecile's hand. She insisted she go with her soon.

Seeing that, the man closed his mouth.

"Come on Cecile! The show is about to start" Said Anne was insistent.

Cecile was in a daze, taking a glance at Anne and the man. There was still something she wanted to say to the man. But Anne kept urging her to leave.

"All right come on!" Finally, Cecile agreed to leave.

Before leaving, Cecile turned to the man and they smiled at each other.

Then they went to the lake. Which was the top of the most beautiful and the most awaited festival found over there.

Where they would put a small boat made of coconut fibre to the lakeside. Then they would also put a small candle and a piece of dream paper which they had written on it.

Thereafter they would let the blast of the wind sail it into the middle of the lake. It would bring a thousand dreams of many people.

"How about the trade?"

After two girls leave. The man with the dark brown skin came to that man.

"Made a lot of silver coins," He replied and raised a bag full of silver coins.

Seeing that, the dark brown man smiled with great satisfaction.

"Your majesty," The dark brown man said respectfully.

"Thanks for your help!"


Cecile and Anne ran quickly to the lake. They were nimbly split through the crowd to hurry come to the lakeside.

The lake was already very beautiful with the thousands of candlelight on those small coconut fibre boats which were sailing on the surface of it.

A small coconut fibre boat is also known as a small dreamboat. that's because we can put our dreams on it through the paper we write.

It's the most special thing to do at the year-end night festival.

Many young people, families and couples come to enjoy the beautiful view of the lake tonight.

The most beautiful top is when the whole small boat made of coconut fibre are gathered and already sailing onto the lake.

Where we can see the candlelights on the small coconut fibre boats will reflect a lovely yellow light on the surface of the lake water.

So the night with the moonlight was more sparkling with those all yellow lights. Which made a beautiful reflection and very charmingly view of the lake.

It looked like the thousand stars be scattered on the surface of the water lake. Created a warm atmosphere around and a calm ambience in everybody looking it.

"Need a coconut fibre boat? "Bargained a grandfather, who was produced a lot of small coconut fibre boats which were getting very in demand.

"Give us two," said Anne excitedly.

That girl just fell in love a few days ago. There was a famous myth on the night of the year-end festival. It was said that if you write someone that you love on the paper, then put it on the small coconut fibre boat. Then that person will love you back.

"Do you believe in that famous myth?" Cecile also wrote down her dream paper. But it was just for fun.

"l do" Answered Anne while her hands received two coconut fibre boats that were ready with candles on them. Anne also took out some silver coins to pay.

Afterwards, she pulled Cecile closer to the lakeside.

"Take one for you. "Anne gave one of her coconut fibre boats to Cecile. Then she was enthusiastically put her dream paper on hers.

So she crouched to the lakeside and put her coconut fibre boat on it.

And the small boat made of coconut fibre sailed by the wind. Carrying the name of the man that she loved so.

Anne looked at that voyage expectantly. Hopefully, that famous myth was true and she would find her love requited.

Cecile also just put down hers. Seeing that, Anne impatiently asked.

"What did you write?"

Anne was very curious about what her cousin dreamed about. As she knew, Cecile looked like have no dreams. So far her life was like a dry leaf that flew just following where the wind blew it away.

"Nothing serious," Cecile replied straightforwardly and shrugged.

"What is that?" Anne's black pupils sparkled, still expressing her curiosity.

"Just for fun" Cecile replied casually.

"Yes, what is it?" Anne kept asking still with a curious expression on her face.

"I want to meet a werewolf"

"What?" Anne's eyes opened widely. With her mouth half-opened. She asked by herself, 'Is this female cousin still sane?'

"Why are you overreacting like that. It's just for fun" Cecile explained herself. And slowly her golden-brown eyes were suddenly glazed over.

"Besides, I don't have anything serious to dream" Paused for a moment, took a deep breath and exhaled. She continued.

"Shouldn't that be?"

Unlike Anne, as a daughter of the chieftain. Almost all the things in her life are in arrangement. All because to keep the honour of his father.

Therefore she was very afraid to dream anything. What if her father said no to her dream? She also was doubt to make any hopes. How about she couldn't reach them. She could imagine how painful that would be.

Anne understood Cecile's feelings. They grew up together since childhood.

Of course, she knows how monotonous her life is. Which have always been arranged since childhood.

"But why suddenly a werewolf? Where did you hear that joke?"


Chapter: |3|. Rose Bread?

Day by day come and gone tediously. Cecile spent her lot of time at home. Studying painting, literature and knitting which were very boring.

Once in a while, she watched to the outside of the window in her room. Looking at the beauty of the outside world.

She really wanted to go out and mingle with some friends around her. But her father told her that she should stay at home and learn those boring things.

Her father always insisted it was a must for the chieftain's daughter to have some advantages that were different from others. It would be good known by many people and lived up to his name even more.

Once upon a time, Anne begged her father to take her out. That day she wanted to take her to the market. Thereafter they would think about going quietly at will.

But who knows?

His father allowed her to go but had to take her family's horse carriage. And after finishing their business, the coachman had to take them home immediately.

Everything was getting very tiresome. Especially since her mother was gone from her life. She always felt lonely alone at home. While her father had many things to do outside as a tribal chief.

Although occasionally Anne came to visit her. And sometimes some of the art teachers which his father invited come to teach her.

But all that did not reduce her frustrated feeling which was like being imprisoned in an old house. Cecile felt really wanted to run away and tried to feel how great she could breathe freely out there.

But she never dared to do it.

Knock .. Knock...

The sound of knocking was heard from the front door of her house.

Cecile hurriedly put down her painting brush and left her room. From behind the blinds she peered out.

Instantly her red lips widened with a bright smile. That was her cousin, Anne. She opened the door immediately.

"Anne!" She exclaimed happily and they hugged.

"What is this? Like you haven't seen me in a long time" Said Anne.

Releasing their hug. Cecile pursed her lips.

"You know how lonely I am? Huh!"

"Haha! yeah I understand".

"Come in"

And they went inside. Stepping into the living room, Anne placed the parcel that she had brought on the coffee table.

Seeing that, Cecile furrowed her couple of brows and asked. "What is that?"

Anne did not reply to her question immediately. She only stared at her for a moment and sighed heavily.

Cecile was not stupid to see the oddity. She could clearly understand Anne's gaze as if she were pitying her.

Cecile took the parcel immediately and opened it.

It was bread.

But she was very surprised to see a carved rose on that bread. As if her heart had just fallen into the stomach. She was absent-minded for a few seconds.

Anne, who saw her as though she was about going to drop the parcel. She took it from her quickly.

"Rose bread?"

In the Zeath tribe, the bread which a carved rose on it had a special meaning. It was given to convey implicitly the intention of the marriage proposal.

"Who will be proposed?"

Anne put the parcel back on the coffee table. Then she came closer to Cecile.

"Is that me?" Asked Cecile impatiently. There was a bitter taste in her throat.

Anne took a deep breath and sighed heavily. Her black eyes gazed at her pityingly and again Cecile didn't like that.

"I met uncle on the way before going here. Because he couldn't go home soon. So he gave this to me with a short message..."

"What is that?" A sharp sour taste began to tear her nose. Cecile had a bad feeling about this.

"Please give this to Cecile and tell her that someone just sent a marriage proposal for her and ..." Anne seemed unable to continue her words. She paused for a moment and looked at Cecile doubtfully. Maybe she was hesitant about continuing her words or not.

"And what?" Cecile urged. Her brown eyes were already teary.

"That family will be officially visiting tonight."

After hearing all that. Cecile's tears fell and slid on both of her cheeks. Her straight eyelashes fluttered wildly, kept trying to urge her tears not to come out more.

But she failed. The tears continued to slide and got heavier.

Seeing that Anne pulled Cecile into her arms

while her hands patting her back slowly trying to calm her down.

"Don't worry! Your father doesn't accept this proposal soon definitely" Anne tried to calm her down again.

"No! Dad will accept it"

"Cecile calm down! it's not certain. You still have time to refuse it."

"But my dad has received that rose bread," Said Cecile and she got out of her arms.

"I think... you must understand what I mean"

If the other one accepted the rose bread. It was a sign that their intention was welcomed and the suitor's family could come to talk about it later formally.

Cecile found it difficult for this. She never thought that someone who would become her future would also be arranged by her father. But why did she suddenly feel so depressed about all this? Shouldn't she be used to it?

"We'll wait for tonight! Whether the person who proposed to you is handsome or not, otherwise I will help you to oppose this proposal" Anne said excitedly. She was still trying hard to persuade her.


Cecile only nodded resignedly and drew a bitter smile.


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