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...Huff huff huff i'm out of breathe Kate ....

Keep running Emma and stop complainingfor goodness sake.

...We've been running for hours my feet are sored and we don't even know where we are added to that there's no network around here.We should rest for a minute....

Ok ok as you wish you win and I think We've gotten a little bit far from them so...

Finally! Emma sits down immediately trying to catch her breathe from running. They were drenched in sweat dirty with messy hair but had no time to notice as thier lives were in danger. Why are they even after us Kate? We don't even know them and i don't recall owing anyone anything .

What can I say Emma? we the poor can't do anything. The rich can just come after our lives cuz they find it interesting to see how we fight for it. Kate dives her hand into her pocket and takes out her cigarette. Smoke? she asks Emma

No thanks. you know I hate that

I thought you'd change your mind looking at the situation we find ourselves in. Kate lights the cigarette and takes a smoke then sighs heavily . I've got to stop doing this job its really tiring. hah( kate murmurs to herself)

stop doing what? Emma asks

smoking you know I should probably learn from you. she says with a nervous tone

Are you hiding something from me Kate? you sound pretty nervous.

No no why would I hide something from you whe we're best friends ? Emma don't you trust me?

^^^I do Kate I do but it seems like you've been hiding something from me cuz you've been acting wierd these days. But if you don't feel like talking now we could when we get out of here. She smiles^^^

You'll know the truth soon enough. Just take it as a surprise ok ?

^^^surprise? come on you know I hate those . they make me really anxious.^^^

If I were you i won't love to see the suprise.

Why do you say so ?

lets say there are always pleasant surprises and bad ones and i can assure you that.....

guard1: over here guys I heard some noice

How did they catch up soo quickly ?

Its not time for questions Emma run! she throws her cigarette on the ground and stumps on it.

I'm trying my best kate

Damn Kate grabs Emma by the hand. This way follow me I know the way

Strange Kate earlier said she knew nothing about this forest something is definitely fishy. she stops running. Kate stops too

why the sudden halt? don't you see that they are behind us?

Kate didn't you say you knew nothing about this forest but now you're leading the way . What are you up to?

Kate looks at her in silence....

Say something will you?

Why must you be soo smart huh Emma? couldn't you just follow me quietly ? I don't think its necessary to hide it any longer.... I would have made it look like and accident and handed you over but you've ruined it. Guys come out.

What are you talking about Kate.

Can't you see that I'm handing you over to them? I'm literally selling you

What!? Kate we're best friends how can you do this ?

Take her away I've got nothing to say to her

Kate talk to me what are you doing .. I thought we loved and trusted one another..

Emma look... how much do you think they gave me huh? You know I'm penniless and I'm tired of working day and night when i can easily get a lot of money to sustain me for a long while. Befriending you was just part of my plan (she smiles)

Ha hahahah hahaha. You're gonna pay for this Kate. You're gonna pay I swear. Can't believe I sacrificed so much for you . you're gonna pay big time i can assure you.

Smirks! do you think you're gonna leave that place alive!? its a journey of no return Emma . but for the sake of our friendship I'll make you a fine tomb. Hahaha... Take her away from here I don't wanna see her.

Die well Emma we'll meet in hell!


October 12 2013

I'm Emma Stone a 20 year old broke girl and Kates best friend. people say we became friends way too quickly but I don't think so. I've known Kate for 2 years now and that's enough time for me to consider her as my best friend. We've helped each other so much since we both are in thesame situation. "Broke orphans" . we both grew up in an orphanage since our so called parents either died or just didn't want us

Emma will you stop day dreaming and come help over here?


When will you stop being so lazy ? if we don't finish here we'll be late for lectures so you better help me round this up quickly.

Kate when will you stop nagging like an old lady!? just take it easy.

Look Emma we're trying to earn a living here and if you can't take it serious then you could look for another job and stop bothering me ok!?

ok I'll stop. Hahh. Kate is just like a mother to me always nagging.

customer1: excuse me

Emma : yes mister (smiles)

customer 1: can I please have an ice -tea pretty lady

Emma: in a minute sir

Customer 1: just call me..... ( Emma walks up to another customer before he could finish his sentence). Wow she's so pretty how I wish I could ask her out. I only ever come here so I can see her.

Emma was an unusual beauty but wasn't interested in dating at all.Her whole life centered around her school ,work, and most importantly Kate.

waitress: Emma look over there I've noticed that the guy over there has been staring at you in a very strange manner

Emma: just ignore them and lets get back to work

Waitress: I dont think its something you should ignore. You only ever attract trouble.

Emma : Don't worry no one can ever do anything to me you know ive been practicing boxing from a tender age

Waitress :sigh. why are you just too stubborn. You better take my advice and watch out.

one more thing... you better keep an eye on that friend of yours. My gut is always right..

Emma: Yes Becky i will. But xhat can she ever do to me anyway.

Becky: you're to innocent that it makes me sick.

you may not have noticed but the way she stares at you

Kate: the way who stares at you

Emma: oh we were just talking about that strange guy over there.

Kate: how many times am I gonna tell you to mind your own business.

Becky: excuse me! mind her business? hah that weird guy comes here everyday never orders anything occupies space just to stare at Emma and you're adking here to mind he f**cking business? what type of a friend are you anyways?

Emma: Becky calm down will you? come on breath in breath out

Becky: ha ha I'm calm im calm ughhhh. I'm keeping my eyes wide open Kate. im watching you

Kate: tch ! whatever

Emma: I'm speechless. lets get back to work ok?

Becky: yeah great idea(she shouts)

suspicious 2

Hah I'm exhausted !

Kate:Emma go get ready we're leaving

Emma: when did you change? and why dont you ever get tired after working this much?

Kate: you're just lazy that's why you find work tiring

Emma: hmph... not everyone can be like you

Kate: go change already I'll wait for you at the back

Becky: Emma leaving again without taking out the trash?

Emma oh sorry i forgot. but im changing right now can you please help me out

Becky : you're so hopeless... Why's the the trash so heavy.....

Stranger: when are we going to recieve our package

Kate: patience ok I'll tell you when she's ready

Becky: hah! whats she doing with that stalker man? I knew this Kate was up to no good . I better take a video of their conversation.

Stranger : our boss is getting impatient..... If not you're the one who will go instead

Kate: No she yells... hah. who will like to experience that hell once more

Emma : Kate I'm done . Where are you ( oh she said at the back)

Stranger: you better get her if not you know what awaits you

Emma: What are you doing?

Becky : ahh Emma you scared me. Look at who your friend was speaking with

Emma : dont you know that what you're doing is espionage ?

Becky : but shes soo suspicious. Look i got the prove

Emma: i dont want to see it ok. just stop what you're doing before you get into trouble

Becky: hah trouble? you're the one who's getting into trouble and I'm here trying to help you out. you... you'll regret this! Becky furiously throws away the trash and goes back in

Kate: whats wrong!?

Emma : oh its nothing. I just had an argument with Becky. But what were you doing over there with that man?

Kate: oh was just wondering why he always stared at you and had to talk with him.

Emma: oh! is that so? ( why's she lying? she always fidgets when she's does)

Kate: lets go shall we?

Emma: yeah. ( anyways she probably has her reason or maybe Becky was right? no that can't be )

Kate: Emma will you hurry or we'll be late for class.

since they worked during the day they took the evening classes. Emma was known as the campus belle while Kate the bookworm. Who didn't know this two on campus. even the day students will sometimes stay just to see them especially Emma.

Kate : Emma hope you've been reading We've got exams next week remember ?

Emma : ah yes ! being the campus belle didnt make Emma lag behind though. she and Emma were always the top in their class even though Kate was slightly had better grades.

Despite being best friends Emma and Kate chosed different study fields. they knew how hard life was as such no mistake was tolerated . Kate loved science while Emma loved Programming. So they only saw each other after school.

Kate: umm Emma I'll love to take you somewhere tomorrow since its week-end

Emma : haha how can I ever refuse. you know I love free stuffs especially when you're the one offering.

So tomorrow at the central park at noon !

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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