Seconds, Minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years all go by so slowly for some people almost like your body is lifeless...
He's walking down the street with everybody staring at him looking, glaring, a look of disgust in everyone's eyes. James hates this, he hates how everyone looks at him like this but, he's kinda getting used to it, since his whole life he has been made fun of and bullied because of the way he looks and walks. His body is lifeless like a zombie when he walks and how his body is like hell for people's eyes. You can see the tissue and muscle and the flesh and blood veins. Sometimes he wishes he could bite someone like in the shows to make others look this way too.
James isn't hated by everyone though he has 3 friends Emily, ben, and bailey they all have been friends since birth. they were all born in the same hospital and their parents met there. His friends never cared about the way he looks or the way he walks. They love his personality he is always funny. He makes jokes that always make them laugh and always make them feel like they matter and belong in this world. But one day James went missing.
NEXT Chapter
James was kidnapped by some scientists trying to find out what's wrong with James. James then notices that there are more people with the same conditions....
Two weeks earlier, in London
Ah!!!! What the f*ck is happening to me. Charlie is in distress because his skin is falling off of him and he starts seeing his flesh, muscles, blood veins, and tissue. It seems to him as if the zombie apocalypse has started and he was the first infected but after everything stopped falling off he doesn't seem to have a desire for flesh and hasn't lost control of his body but then something else began to happen...
He began to float and when he screamed fire came out of his mouth. Charlie then spent the next two weeks learning how to control his powers but his friends left him because of the way he looked.
Present-day, scientists labs location unknown
James wants to find answers about what the f*ck these a$$h*le scientists wanted. James notices the others 6 people that look like him are all using weird power's. One has ice abilities, another can bend and shape metal into anything she pleases, the next person never talks but has a mussel on her. James finds out it was because her voice makes people do whatever she says to do. and it seemed although the scientists were scared of this fact.
The scientists every day would take roll call saying Jasmin, Abigail, Bentley, Joseph, Caleb, James, and Elizabeth. They started to shed light on why everyone was here and what they want and what their reasoning was for kidnapping them.
The scientists wanted to do tests on them to see how and why this happened to them. They started by asking when and where the weird effects happened. Jasmine said that it happened while she was sleeping and it happened in Japan, Abigail said it was when she was at soccer practice and in Texas, Bentley said it happened when he was at school in Canada, Joseph said he was also asleep and was in Russia, Caleb, James answer was the only one who said he had this problem since he was born, and Elizabeth had to write it because she can't talk with the muzzle she wrote "that she was in Brazil when it happened and when she was dancing in a parade but no one saw because she was covered with makeup and had a mask on.
The scientists didn't allow them to have cellphone devices but allowed them to watch TV. While they were watching the news they noticed that murder was running around and killing people but no one had seen the murders face but all people killed were burned and looked like they were zombies you could see their flesh, their blood veins, muscles, and tissue. Everyone screamed and yelled in a panic thinking that they would be next if this murder would find them but, the scientists told them that these people normally didn't look like Jasmin, Abigail, Bentley, Joseph, Caleb, James, and Elizabeth but that someone made them look like it. Alas, they were all calmed down. But they had more questions like was the murder like them, why would they make people look like them, and lastly what did the murder want.
The scientists explained that they have no idea what they want, why they are making their victims look like them, but they are positively sure that the murder is like all of them because the fire wasn't like normal fire. the burnt part of the dead bodies had someone else DNA in it but not because of the murder touching the victim but it was fused in the victim's body even in the person's blood there were traces of the murders DNA.
James had now been missing for months so his friends got the FBI involved but they closed this case telling the friends to keep their mouths shut and paid them money to do so. The Friends agreed due to if they didn't they would be executed. (p.s. The author here yeah hi just so you know James was an only child and all of his family members are dead)
The FBI, the scientists, and the secret service are all trying to get to the bottom of who the murder is but sadly, the DNA in all of the victims that were not belonging to the victims was untraceable to find out who the DNA belongs to.
Jasmin, Abigail, Bentley, Joseph, Caleb, James, and Elizabeth all started to learn how to use their powers while the scientists tried to figure out how these things happen to these people. They wanted to find a way to make these peoples body's look the same as a normal human but for them to keep their powers so that they could use them to help fight wars and crimes. but the scientist's especially studied, James because he was the only one who was born with this thing but did not have a single power.
The scientists have been focusing on working with James since he doesn't have powers and he was born like this then maybe he might be able to help with the cure of how the people look while letting them keep their powers.
They test James' blood and all of the blood of the other to see what they all have in common in their DNA. They found out that they all have the same entirely different blood than everyone but still have the same blood as they had before these things happened to them.
Meanwhile, in Venice, Italy
I need to make everyone feel the pain and discomfort, the suffering of this, and the humiliation I felt when this happened to me. as I burn them with my fire as I fly above them and make them look like me no one is safe and nobody can stop me muahahaha.
Jasmin, Abigail, Bentley, Joseph, Caleb, and Elizabeth start mastering their powers. The FBI and secret service start training them to become the secret weapons and stop this mass murder.
With everyone's families and friends at heart, they begin to start feeling depressed not wanting to go on. They also have to bear not to have their phones and no connections with the outside world. The scientists decided to go on a vacation taking a break from this life in the labs but of course, they have to go to a private island or place so no one notices that they are missing persons and so that they can still practice their training.
James and Jasmine start spending a lot of time together making them notice that they are starting to like each other. With this new profound thing between them, they spend more time together.
The Couple
As James and Jasmine keep getting to know each other they keep falling for each other more and more. Now not one of them has told each other that they like the other because they are both waiting for the other to make the first move.
One day jasmine goes missing while everyone was on a hike. Everyone begins to start worrying about her and then starts yelling her name but there was no response. This makes James's heart start to ache. He starts running around the whole Island, he went and traced back everyone's steps. With hearing a distance whisper for help. He runs as well and fast as he could. The world became a blur as nothing else existed in the world and all he could see was jasmine and what he needed to be able to go through to get to her.
When the trip was over James realized that he never wants to feel like that again and that he wanted to make it so jasmine was safe forever. With everyone around him back in the laboratory, he asked Jasmine to become his first girlfriend, and she was so excited that he had finally found the courage to ask her. she said yes of course, but they knew that it would be hard to go on dates in the laboratory.
With some time and talking to the scientists about them wanting to be able to go back into the real world. The scientists agreed to let them have each weekend off and that they could go be free for those days. The scientists and the FBI spent three days to make fake/new identities and give them money to spend since they can't get a job. The new couple went on so many trips together getting to know each other better than ever. They soon decide to move into the same rooms together.
Three Weeks Later, in some random Carnival
I'm here... muahahaha
The couple was at a Carnival having the best time of their lives when they meet an uninvited guest...
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