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Catch Me, If You Can

Dead or Alive

Where am I ? The lights were blinding and i could hear the high pitched whistling sounded same, from when i was a child. I was no longer at home near the beach side in Hawaii, there were no sounds of crashing waves and people standing and talking near the sunset. i tried steady myself by standing but it was no use i fell back so instead i laid back on the comfortable sofa i was laying on and tried to think back on what happened. All i could remember were my thoughts and the pain i was in.

My eyes fluttered open as i heard soft footsteps approach me. "Brother, she's awake.", he turned towards me and said," You've been through quite a lot my child and i'm afraid your actions lead to the awakening of something terrible, chaos on earth awaits you and only you can stop it with our help." He helped me up and looked at my neck very closely, that's when i started to feel the pain around my neck, it was definitely bruised and i suspect broken but i was alive still. I knew what i had done and that i had died and that now i was in the hands of the angels. "I will be your guide as you figure things out, I am Raphael an angel that has watched over you for centuries as you passed onto each life i'm glad we finally got to meet but the circumstances are quite terrible".

As Raphael begins to heal my neck and parts of my back another angelic being walked into the room. He seemed rougher as if he had gone through much more then Raphael but they looked quite similar."Brother, here is the tonic for the gifted powers, but do you still think its right to give it to a mere mundane. she caused this and-," Raphael cuts in before the other angel can continue," You know that this is the only way and that this day would have come anyway, Markus has been plotting this since she was born in this life time, we should have looked into it more but we didn't so its our job to present her with the gift and help her learn."

The two talked as Raphael healed me and eventually i drank the tonic that was said to give me gifts that will last and be apart of my soul as i live on through out my lives.

They explained that the tonic will have weird effect so before returning to earth i needed to know the basics and also needed to know the basics of my new human life. They left me to rest in a room and i dosed off all i remembered is one name, Markus Lucks.


Something to remember as you read more of the story, when the name Eve is mentioned it is Vy the present name given to the female protagonist of the story. Eve is the name given to the protagonist before her death, well temporary death. Okay now go on reading the story, the chapters do get longer I just was procrastinating a lot and had some mental health issues to sort out when i started this book but it will be much more consistent moving forward!

Secrets while mundane

White gleaming lights, soft white glow. I'm walking towards it, must be the angels calling me for my next lesson. Looking down i can't seem to see my hands or feet its weird like i'm floating, are they teaching me to fly? "Hello Eve, i've been waiting to meet you.", a deep voice starts to talk from about a meter away from me.

Red, black, purple flashes zoom by me making me dizzy but i hold my ground. I sense danger. Chills run down my spin as my blood runs cold. I could smell the metallic blood, demon blood, a higher demon for sure. I stood my ground as he got closer, his breath on my neck, right where the bruises were. "Markus, its you isn't it? Are you ready to make your move?", i said in a laid back tone. I wasn't scared, not of him anyway. He snickered "soon my darling, soon...", and with that he lunged towards me and then came complete darkness.

Screaming, Cursing, Sweating, i lunged from my bed in the apartment i shared with Lexi Rose. Lexi rushed into the room baseball bat in hand like Archie Andrews fighting the Black Hood, it was quite a sight to see and any other day i would rolled out of bed laughing but not today as today i was in a panic because after four years Markus the hell i released upon earth had made his first move through my dreams, i think. After processing it and telling Lexi it was just a horrible terrible nightmare. I stood up and stabilized myself and not a sight of fear was seen in the colors of my eyes. It was time to see the angels once again, it was time to use my secrets in this mundane world.

Lexi was my friend from when i was a teenager.

We've known each other for years but that was before i died, after i resurfaced on earth i was sure to find her again but this time she wouldn't remember me. Everyone in my past has forgotten who i am that includes my family, friends and anyone who knew me really.

I found Lexi again, even though she didn't remember me we instantly connected and i knew that in the long run i needed her on my side. Lexi was a year older than me and right now she my best friend and my manager.

Manager as to my singing career. Even though i died as a suicide, it wasn't because of her or our plans for the future was ended, it was my fault.

She had the same dreams as me and we bonded over the same dreams. She and I wanted to end up in the music industry, we wanted to live together and be together in life, a platonic friendship indeed was what we wished for. We helped each other in the darkest times of our life, i never wanted to leave her but in the end of it all emotions overpowered my mind and the situation only worsened until the very end. She deserves to be happy, everyone who cared for me did that's why i removed their memories of me, so that they didn't have to feel that pain because it wasn't their fault, again it was mine.

   I entered the coffee shop near my university ordering a Frappuccino as i always do. Right now i'm in my second year of university in Seoul. Korea was a place i had always wanted to go to especially for university because although my roots are in the states i was always mesmerized by the dramas i watched as i grew

up, the places people went, the shops, the schools, everything stood out to me as everything was so much different then the states. After Ralph and Michael taught me more and more things about my powers i realized that i couldn't back to my life from before and i didn't want to either. So i got to choose everything in my.. "rebirth", per say.

I could be a whole new person although i was still the same looks and personality wise, i could be whoever i wanted because it's just something someone in my situation could do. I already knew the life i wanted though, everything i planned with Lexi i wanted and i knew all the details we had discussed, even if she didn't remember.

As i came back from my thoughts i realized i was standing right in front of the door of the coffee shop, "are you okay?", someone called out as i came back from my thoughts, "huh, ah yes, just lost in thought", i replied.


If you would like character descriptions then let me know!!

Dazed encounters

The person in front of me curiously cocked his head when i told him i got lost in my thoughts as though he was judging me, which i absolutely hated, "is there some problem? Have i got something on my face or are you just stupid?", I don't know why i was getting mad, it's just that the way he looked at me was too judgmental for me to handle. Growing up my relatives and family were judgmental and their ways of telling their opinions was toxic, so to me any person who even looks at me like i'm not capable of anything or something is just triggering.

   "i- didn't mean to offended you, you just looked quite puzzled?", he told me questioning whether i was in my right mind. "I'm fine, thank you.", was all i said in the manner of someone who was ice cold because in reality that side of me was always under the surface. I walked out of the cafe pushing aside the boy who made me mad so early in the day and i sighed as i walked the few blocks i needed to, to get to my university. Lexi should be in college with me but she graduated early with her heart set on her future outside of anything studies related, so i'm quite lonely while i'm in University but i don't really mind because i'm just comfortable being on my own. The company of others that i don't really know irritates me if i'm being honest, not because of the person but just because i struggle trying to be perfect around them. Perfection is something i know i cannot achieve but pretending to be that way, although hard is just what i'm used to.

  My first class was only in the afternoon but i got to my destination earlier to use the music room, a place that's rarely used by people other than me. The music room in our university has everything i need including the relaxing atmosphere and instruments too. I use this room often when i need to practice my music and writing, or just need to relax. Like i said before i have my secret career in the music industry with Lexi as my manager. I haven't signed to a record company because nothing really suits for me. There are many problems i'd face if i had signed to a record company, the main ones being my freedom as a creator, my identity and i just feel it would completely change the outcome of my own creations. Although i have quite a following my identity is a secret as i wear a mask that me and Lexi created, in our old lives. The soul purpose of keeping my identity a secret is so that nobody would try to recognize me as anything else but me, my personality and talent. I don't want to be judged by physical features and i don't want to risk the memories of the people who knew me to come back, it shouldn't be possible but i'm always cautious.

  I spent about two hours in the music room until i realized i would be late to class if i didn't get going now. I'm studying as an english major just like i wished i would as a kid. I won't lie it does feel good to be able to choose what i want to do and to have my angel brothers to help me as i go through everything in my mundane life. Sometimes, especially when i'm indulging in my music, i forget what i have to do as half an angel. My missions that i have to accomplish with my supernatural side is really draining but i chose to do it because i felt i owed it to the world and its a way i can watch over the people i wish to while on earth. As i think about all of this i remember the dream i had this morning, i have to go see my brothers who i wouldn't say i've been avoiding but just haven't seen them in awhile because of Markus. Ugh, Markus, that dream what does it mean?

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