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The Great Storm

0: Introduction

*Quick note. Although some characters are similar to other works of mine, this story is on its own and does not tie in to any others. Enjoy*

In the year 2019, strange creatures arrived on Earth, undetected. They would latch onto a human host and developed a connection with them. Once the "connection" ran deep enough, the creature could reveal itself.

Giant, humanoid creatures, standing about 5-6 meters tall. There human host, would go inside the creatures heart and "pilot" it from here. The creatures were given the codename Storms, due the fact that they seemed to be made out of air.

Most Storms were bad and had to be hunted down. The worst Storm of them all, Nightmare, attached itself to the most dangerous criminal in the world, John Fryer.

Once confronted, Fryer allowed Nightmare out and they fought against military forces. During the battle, Nightmare was wound and started "bleeding" but once his blood made contact with human tissue, it mutated it into a smaller version of Nightmare, known as a Nightmare creature. One bite or scratch from on of these Nightmare creatures would turn another person into one. Whoever wasn't killed by the Nightmare creatures, became one.

In response, massive Outposts were created to hide the last of humanity from the Storms and Nightmare creatures. But one Storm was willing to protect humanity and he resided inside of a young man named Reo Kitagawa.

1. Attack

The sound of cannon fire echoed through the air. Creatures, crawling on all fours, attempted to climb the Outpost wall. Soldiers with AK-47's opened fire on them but to no affect. "We won't hold them off much longer." yelled one of the soldiers. The ground tremmored and something big started moving towards the Outposts wall.

It looked at the Outpost through pure white eyes. Its entire body as black as night, or even darker. Its fingers tipped with sharp claws and a mouth full of sharp teeth. Sharp spines stuck up along Its back and a long tail with a spiked end branched from its back. The creature stood up on its hind legs. "Call command right now. Nightmare has appeared. We need reinforcements." said one of the soldiers.

John Fryer smiled after seeing there reactions. His body was suspended in a inky black void. His arms and legs wrapped in a strange substance and black "tentacle" branching from his back into the abbas. "The look of terror." he said. "Now, let's show them what true terror looks like." Nightmare's voice whispered in his head. Nightmare got back down on all fours and charged at the Outpost wall. The cannons on the walls fired at him but he dodged every blast. He lunged into the air and began clearing the wall.

One of the wall cannons was turned towards him and was fired. The blast hit Nightmare in the stomach causing him to bleed. His blood rained down on the soldiers and began to stick to their skin. It began consuming them in a black substance, transforming their bodies into smaller versions of Nightmare.

Nightmare landed on the other side of the wall. A group of tanks opened fire on him. He turned towards them and kicked one backwards. Whilst the tanks kept Nightmare occupied. the commander of the Outpost went up to the communications center. "This is Outpost 4 5 8 command center, we are under attack. Nightmare has breached our defences and those Nightmare Creatures are starting to infiltrate the Outpost. If anyone gets this message, please send help." he ended the transmission. As he sent the transmission out, Nightmare through a tank at the signal tower, destroying it.

Three F-22 Rapters flew over and fired at Nightmare. His tail lashed foreword and tore through one of the aircrafts. He swatted the second into the Outpost wall, blowing a hole in it. The third readied to fire but Nightmare grabbed it. "How about we flood the Outpost with those Creatures of ours." said Fryer. Nightmare tore the hole in the Outpost wall open. Then he reached inside with the aircraft still in his hand and crushed it, blowing his hand to pieces. The fragments of his hand stuck to anyone nearby and turned them into Nightmare Creatures.

Both Fryer and Nightmare smiled. "Now, who will respond to their distress signal. I guess, the fun isn't over yet." said Fryer

To be continued...

2: Ready for battle

Tokashi Shinoda walked into the communications center. "What do we have?" he asked. His voice was cold and rough. He looked a lot and sounded a lot older than he actually was. ""We received a signal from Outpost 4 5 8. The tower must have gone down shortly after because the entire message isn't here." said the man at the radio. He played the message. "W-we are... attack. Nightmare h... appe..ed." the message ended in static. "If Nightmare breached there defences, then Outpost 4 5 8 is bound to be destroyed." he walked out of the communications center and into the command center.

"Mike, I need you to assemble the tank squadrons. Hans, ready you team. Yashiori, weapons as many as you can carry. Kisha, find Kitagawa and tell him to report to the armory as soon as possible." said Tokashi. "Yes sir." The five of the left the room. "Any specific weapons we need. Like are we looking simple ammunition, small explosives or 'We are about to destroy a city' explosives?" "What you just said worries me. Standard ammunition and rocket launchers, maybe weak explosives." said Tokashi.

Tokashi and Shindo 'Yashiori' entered the armory. Tokashi walked towards a workbench in the center and picked up a strange metal glove. Aerial Mobility Gear or A.M.G for short. It allowed fighters to fend off against Nightmare Creatures and still keep a safe distance. He slipped his hand into the glove and tighten it. "So, what's the actual problem Captain?" asked Hans, tighten his own A.M.G. "An Outpost close to us is under attack by Nightmare. Our mission is to rescue any survivors, but if there is an opening, you and you team have full permission to assassinate that monster." said Tokashi.

There was the sound of fast footsteps and Reo Kitagawa ran into the armory. "I'm here." he said, out of breath. "Armor up. I hope you are going to be ready to "pilot" because where we are going, Nightmare is waiting." said Yashiori with a smile.

After the soldiers had armored up, they headed out to the tank yard. Tokashi climb onto one of the tanks and Yashiori and Reo followed him. "Shouldn't we get inside the tank?" asked Reo. "When we get there, we need to act fast." said Tokashi. The tanks, with soldiers standing on them, moved towards the Outposts wall-gate. The gate creaked as it lifted and the tanks drove through it.

As they approached Outpost 4 5 8, Nightmare spotted them. "Nightmare Creatures on the outside of the wall, dispatch of them." commanded Fryer from inside Nightmare. The creatures turned and charged at them. "Divert, now!" yelled Tokashi. He raised his arm towards a nearby tree. He slid his thumb up, flick the trigger switch on the A.M.G and a grappling hook fired into the tree. He released the trigger switch and the A.M.G reeled him towards the tree. The rest of the soldiers, including Reo, did the same.

"Everyone, make sure you hatches are locked because here they come." said Mike. The tanks treds grinded over a few Nightmare Creatures as they attempted to attack. Yashiori pulled the rocket launcher from over his shoulder and fired at the Nightmare Creatures. The rescue mission had begun.

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