The sun rose on the cold frosty roof of the academy, reflecting upon the dew and warming up the ground. Matt wondered into the decaying toilet blocks and flew upwards merging into the office.
Lucifurge explained to him that magic sealed the office of devils off from the mortal world and that it had to be flown into from the roof of the toilet block. Matt had become used to his divine drive and managing his devil magic with his every day life. About a week had passed since Jezebel was destroyed.
Lucifurge: Welcome back. How are you finding your life as a devil?
Matt: Good. What do we have to do today?
Lucifurge: There's something urgent we need to take care of tonight. I've been notified of a fiend near us.
Lana: A fiend is someone who has committed such an evil crime they were abandoned by the underworld completely.
Lucifurge: This fiend bombed a university town killing 10,461 people.
Lana: in devil societies cities form around universities studying major issues in the world. Sometimes they can be found in space on asteroids, The fiend destroyed the university which was covering ways to teleport across time.
This was considered so damaging to society she was cast away. I thought she was destroyed 30 years ago by exorcists but it seems she's back in a homeless man's corpse
Matt: so are we going to find her tonight?
Lana: she'll be most active tonight. You can go home now
Winston: thanks for checking in
Matt: right.
He fell through the floor which ripped in white steam. He landed on the floor and walked into a field.
He walked up to the academy jumped the fence and headed for the office with a bag of holy water and crosses.
Lucifurge: thanks for coming. We're waiting on gwenovier. What's that.
Matt: This is my dads gun, 7 blessed silver bullets. I have 7 vails of holy water and 7 crosses.
Winston: bit paranoid about demons after Jezebel?
Lucifurge: you act like you the Risen Union divine drive. Our magic will be enough you can put the holy water and crosses in the shelf. Take the gun or leave it here but we can collect the holy ornaments
Matt: why shouldn't I return them?
Winston: if we keep them we can sell them to exorcists for a much higher price.
Lana: if holy weapons rest in the presence of devils they become more powerful and lay forever
Matt: wouldn't we weaken them?
Lucifurge: it depends but they might evolve with our power
Lana: like a vaccine
Matt: oh. Well where is the fiend?
Lucifurge: she should be in the warehouse in hader street.
Matt: The old WW2 one?
Lucifurge: yes.
Gwenovier flew in through the open window.
Lucifurge: let's go then
A transportation spell encircled then and shout up into the sky then down again. The disk of crimson light lit up the warehouse and sent sparks flying. The feet of the devils were revealed when the disk lifted up. As it ascended the devils materialised. The magic wore off. Lucifurge snapped her fingers and a bolt of light shot off of the dissipating magic setting the ground on fire. The fire was contained in an invisible sphere which rattled the light about.
Winston: Show yourself bitch
Matt shot into the darkness . A mammoth shadow shot up and emerged. The homeless man's decaying skin crawling with snakes melted revealing a ***** fiend with matted black hair.
Lucifurge: you've got your powers back it seems. Is this why your only making waves now?
Labwratte: I suppose. Have you been sent to kill me?
Matt shot her repeatedly, she dodged and cut his arm off. Winston intervened with a light sword and flung her into an oil pit. He jumped up and threw down swords of fire. The fiend jumped and threw fire at Winston. He elegantly leaped backwards and destroyed the embers with a sword of ice
Labwratte: how many divine drives do you have?
Winston: only 1. The creator of swords and arrows; Metallica.
A light bow and arrow formed in his hands. He blasted away the demon and topped the oil over setting her ablaze again. Lucifurge sent a bolt of lightning down and destroyed Labwratte. Her soul shot out and Matt turned, sniping her down.
Her skin was pulled towards the violet like it was anchored to reality by the bullet. Matt shot her arms and legs down. Winston clenched his hand and sent her hovering slowly into the centre of the room. He sent a flaming cross forwards and vaporised her essence with holy energy. A Phoenix feather fell to the ground before vaporising.
An a Sunday afternoon Matt told his parents he would be sleeping at a friends then left to go to the office. He flew up through the invisible flaw arriving in the dimly lit studio, every devil was there.
Lucifurge: Thank you for coming. We have a few happenings to investigate. There have been sightings of a black dog in the moors up from the village. As soon as it's dark we'll fly there
Matt: got it
Matt went to the corner shop with Winston.
Matt: Why is lucifurge the boss?
Winston: in what way?
Matt: like is it normal for demons to set up power structures and groups around earth
Winston: it's called a vanguard. Pure devils come to the prime dimension, earth, and convert mortals into devils. Our population was destroyed in the Great War of heaven when the Original Satan and God first battled each other.
Then things like the Demon wars devil civil wars and lucifarian revolutions placed caps on the populations of divine creatures like demons and angels. The system of reincarnation was invented thousands of years ago to help us recover.
Matt: is the oldest the most powerful?
Winston: well the King, the original devil, elects a queen, a centrepiece and agent. Then 6 commanders, 2 rooks 2 knights and 2 bishops. An an army of pawns. Lana is the queen I'm 1 knight and Gwenovier is 1 rook. You're a pawn
Matt: so like highschool Dxd?
Winston: you're a ******.
Matt: what do you want?
Winston: Cumade
Matt: right
Later on the devils of lucifurge met at the office. The sun set and they flew up to Bundy Hill, scouring about. They couldn't really find anything. They went down a crevice into a field with some bushes glowing crimson dimly.
A black hunched over figure lay in the centre of the field glowing ominously. Lucifurge formed a spear of antimatter and approached. She extended her devil wings when the beast got up slowly being struck by red lightning many times. It had so many eyes lit up in amber, rich garnet smoke.
It's fur was standing on edge. It retracted thousands of teeth and growled at lucifurge showing it's full black form. The things mouth had a golden frosting and shone scarlet like hell itself was to be found in its guts. It was like a dog in its shape, get covered in spikes blood and the size of 5 men. It was 5 metres tall and stretched on endlessly into the knight. Only it's head and disgusting features could be seen as they were lit up by its maw.
Matt: Can we leave??
Lucifurge: I can teleport and heal you if it attacks. We're here to investigate. It looks docile
Winston: we'll I suppose we've found what was spoted.
It spoke in a horrid deep voice which radiated through each devils skeleton. It's breathing was more words than meaning. It had an ancient accent that was unidentifiable.
Black Shuck: what manner of being are you
Lucifurge: we are devils. We have come to make sure these mountains are a safe place to live.
Black shuck: how's feeble. Where am I?
Matt: Staetzia
Black shuck: I don't know where that is. Am I close to Whitby?
Lucifurge: no that's in angland
Black shuck: is it far?
Matt: yes, across the ocean to the east.
Black Shuck: very well then. I am Black Shuck. I have been hibernating since my defeat. Now I shall find my master.
The creature enveloped itself in red mist and flew off as breakneck speeds as if it was the night itself.
Matt: what the **** was that about
Winston: he was probably some sort of hellhound looking for a vampire.
Lucifurge: I suppose we can go now.
A bolt of lightning hit a few yards away. In the distance a black, man-like figure stood menacingly. Another bolt of lightning struck close to matts face bringing the spectre of death closer to him.
I'm His face looked like a mask, almost etched on. His teeth were pointed but the rest of his face was like a skull. He was dressed in deep complex fabrics and golds, carrying a deformed sickle that glistened in the moonlight.
Lucifurge: **** another one. What do you want?
The Undertaker: I am an omen of death. Soon you will encounter a beast of life. Keep training.
A third lightning bolt struck and he disappeared into the sky as a cloud of dust.
Lucifurge: Who knows what he was. He was clearly at this hill because of us. Let's get back .
The group sat around on a Saturday afternoon. A flash of light brightened up the office. Azazel walked into the centre of the room.
Azazel: your stay on earth is over. By tonight lucifer will expect your entire vanguard at the underworld for a meeting.
Lucifurge: I know I've been keeping up with time.
He cropped down though a portal.
Matt: Lucifer? I thought Satan died in a war?
Lucifurge: Lucifer 2 is my brother. He's named after the original because of his achievements. Also I think it's time you understood the supernatural in more detail, this was bound to come up eventually.
The devils and demons are different. Devils lead by lucifer and demons lead by Satan. My brother took over hell, where the demons live, and accumulated their culture. They were set free of the tyrant Nero Satan and allowed to form a new culture.
Instead of constant war they were allowed to participate in meritocracy rankings games and given the right to vote on a collective Satan. The word Satan now meaning President of the people. Jezebel was a rouge Succubus, a type of demon. We're all devils. Many demons wanted liberation, most old demons accepted it, some ran to a pocket dimension.
Matt: is there much war between you god people?
Lucifurge: there was. Now they're formed an alliance. My brother did a lot to unify all people and destroy the over paid bourgeois who were controlling devils before his time.
Matt: what about azazel and the guy in the trench coat? They had black feathered wings we have bat wings
Lucifurge: Those are fallen angels. They came from the biblical heavens to the underworld after betraying God. God and the original Satan are gone now, aswell as Lucifer the 1st and everyone else. It's best to focus on the new beings.
Matt: Right. Ok. Is lucifer your brother a king?
Lucifurge: only in name. He made an elected board and placed it in political power.
Matt: ok
A Pilar of fire cropped up in the office. An orange seal with a feather crest on resembling The Morningstar family magic seal glistened. A tall man in orange erupted, his hair was ginger and his goatee was blond.
Inferno: Hello your majesty. I am inferno Phoenixborn, the next inheritor of the Phoenixborn clan.
Lucifurge: I met you in the corridor every day before my mission on earth what the **** are you talking about-
Inferno: My brother, Blaze Phoenixborn, has committed 7 crimes against humanity and has broken out of prison with a deformed and cursed vanguard made up of defected devils and desecrated demons. One of them is Jezebel and he has been flying to earth, mainly looking like staetzia. He might attack you. If he does challenge him to a meritocracy ranking.
He fucked off.
Matt: what was that?
Lucifurge: a Phoenixborn was wanted you his culty Satan worship religion. I'm assuming the fallen angel was part of his vanguard or in some sort of peace agreement with him which is why Jezebel could afford loads of dark exorcists and priests.
Winston: shit maybe the defector in the factory was also with him.
Lucifurge: It's a possibility. I'm calling Azazel.
Lana: don't
Lucifurge: why? I have a meeting in a few hours I can't get into fights.
Lana: you'll take him easily. I promise.
Lucifurge: No...? He's older and more powerful than me. Phoenix descendants can live forever is necessary and he has access to ancient demon magic. Plus he has like 3 ties to this town what is there's something bigger.
Matt: what if an eldritch god is trying to force the heavens and hells into war again so it's recruiting defectors of all creeds.
Lana: Thats ridiculous
Lucifurge : why?
A blue magic circle with a key and cross on shone releasing Plato Keters vanguard.
Plato: Have you heard of the escape?
Socrates: Inferno warned us.
Lucifurge: yes. Maybe we should wait here on the roof.
Plato: we'll be won't attack us if we're already in the most populated city in the 9 realms with your brother near.
Lucifurge: there's been a trip arranged.
Plato: oh shit yes.
Lana: actually a space bus would be safer we can just call for one now.
Lucifurge: I'll cancel it
She took them all to the underworld.
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