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The Billionaires Surrogate


In Orchid Orphanage, a little girl of about eight to nine years was seen surrounded by other children her age, with a pitiful look on her beautiful face,she seemed to be crying,

“I didn’t steal it,it’s mine,you stole it from me.” She pointed at the girl in front of her,almost the same age like her but the latter was chubby with the crying girl was so skinny but beautiful,

“It’s a lie,our Jasmine isn’t a thief and she won’t steal your jade.” A young girl from the crowd yelled,

“I’m not lying,the jade is mine,my mama had given it to me before she….”

“You’re a liar and a thief,our princess Jasmine is no thief like you.” Another child yelled,

The girl who was accused didn’t utter any word,she just stood by and watch the other kids

defend her against the crying one,with a wicked look on her face,she seemed satisfied watching

the skinny child cry.

” Thief!”


“Thief” The kids sang mockingly at the skinny child,she tried defending herself but none was

paying attention to her,

“Gianna!” An older voice called,the other children kept quiet at the appearance of the young

lady who was one of their teachers.

“I didn’t steal it,its mine.” Gianna stammered but no one was ready to give her a listening ear,

“Gianna and Jasmine,come with me.” She ordered, the two girls followed her while the rest kids

kept murmuring as some went in suite, then others went back to play.

When they got to the director’s office,the two girl were asked to wait for the director of the

orphanage to come out,

“Jasmine,are you sure its your?” Miss Lena asked again to be sure,the girl nodded while Gianna

couldn’t say anything,

No one ever listens to her.

Thanks director finally came out,an older man in his early forties,he was kinda average height

and has a potbelly,with salt and pepper hair and strands of it falling over his rough face,

“What’s the matter here?” He asked Miss Lena immediately he sat down,

“Jasmine reported to me this morning that Gianna here was fighting with her for this piece of

jade,she claims it to be hers but Jas here said it belongs to her.” The young woman explained to

the man,he took out his glasses, cleaned it and wore it again adjusting it to the bridge of his


“Jas,can you explain to me what happened?” He asked her lovingly casting an angry look at


“I saw my jade on Gianna bed and I took it,she came this morning and stated accusing me of

stealing her jade.” The girl said,

“It’s a l…” One look from the director, the crying girl couldn’t finish her word,tears were just

streaming down her eyes,

The director turned to Gianna with an angry face,not giving her the chance to explain,

“You little thief,how can you steal from your fellow kids,” He scolded her,her tears knew no


How can she be accused and not given the chance to explain herself.

This is so unfair

“It’s mine,she stole it….” Infuriated at her lies,the director gave her a sounding slap,the other

child smiled while she wailed,

“Take her to the lock up room,no food for her today and tomorrow.” He ordered,Miss Lena

forcefully dragged her from the office,

“I didn’t do it,I didn’t steal the jade,its mine.” Her cross fell on deaf ear,

No one can save her now.


“Kids,remember to behave yourselves when he comes,one of you would be lucky to get adopted

by the De Marco’s today.” The director told the kids as they sat on their seat,

“Remember what I told you last night,anyone that doesn’t stay good would stay in the lock up

room for the night,who wants that?” He asked the kids,

“Not me!”

“Not me!”

“Not me!” They all chorused,except one child,Gianna.She sat alone, no friends and no one to

talk to,secretly hoping that a nice and loving family would just take her away from here forever.

“Now you all stay here and be good,they’ll be arriving here any time soon.” The kids nodded

and the director left with the few teachers working with them at the orphanage.

Immediately they left,the kids turned to themselves, talking or doing one thing or the other in

their various group.

Awhile later,the long awaited Mr De Marco came,actually he’s the great master of the De

Marco’s and he’s come to look for something precious.

His lost daughter’s child,recently he got a report the child was at this orphanage, so he’d come

to get her and take her to their mansion to lived as the young mistress of his grandson


“Master,welcome sir.” The director greeted the old man,

“Hmmm,where are the kids?” He asked not having time to reply his greeting,what he really

wanted was the girl.

“They’re at the playground, Sir what child do you want to adopt?” The director asked the man,

“I got wind that the young mistress from my family’s here,,so I’ve come to get her.” He brought

out a jade from his pocket,

“The child has something of this sort.” Showing the jade to the man,something struck his


Jasmine has a pair of this jade.Is she the De Marcos young mistress?” He asked himself,

“Sir if it’s so,then I’ll have to go get the girl,she’s here.” With great assurance, he ran to the


“Jasmine!” He called out to the young girl who was busy chatting with her friends,

“Jasmine, come here.” With the realization she has been called,the girl stood up and went to the


“You called me?” She asked the man smiling, he nodded,

“Follow me.” She followed the man not asking any questions. When they got to his office,the

old man was still sitting down looking at the piece of jade in his hands.

“Sir,here’s the girl.” The director pushed Jasmine to the man,whose gaze fell on her

neck,revealing the piece of jade.

“Young girl,who gave those to you?” Mr De Marco asked the girl,who seemed confused but had

a perfect answer,

“My mom….” Before she could finish,the man pulled her into his embrace.

“My long lost daughter is back.” When he left her,he made her remove the jade,putting it and

the one he was holding,the two pair matched,he turned to his assistant.

“Send message home, I’ve found Katerina’s daughter.” Pulling the girl close,he couldn’t let her

off his embrace,like she would disappear if he does that and he’s gonna have a lot of problem

finding her like what happened to her mom.

The did every necessary formalities and transferred a huge sum of money to the director’s


“This is for taking care of my young Katerina for me,I’ll take my leave now.” He took the girls

hands and they went into the car,driving away quickly like when they came.


Gianna and her adoptive mother walked into the hospital,she was so nervous as they walked

down the hall and some of the nurses threw glances at her.

“Should I borrow you my legs so you can walk fast?” Her adoptive mother asked angrily,

“Ma,I’m…..” She couldn’t finish her statement cause the woman’s glare shut her up.

“You don’t have to say anything,just go in there and do as I’ve told you okay,I won’t tolerate

any nonsense from you.” The woman scolded,she couldn’t say anything rather she followed the

woman like a sheep heading for the slaughter house.

When they went inside the office,the secretary was already there waiting,

“What took you so long?” The woman asked the duo when they entered the office,

“Sorry,I had to put something in order before we start coming.” Carol replied,smiling.The

secretary nodded and gestured for Gianna to follow the doctor,

“The boss said you should run some few more tests to be sure you’re healthy before signing the

contract.” Gianna nodded and followed the doctor not uttering any word for the fear of being

reprimanded by her adoptive mother.

After running the test,she came out and sat down while the doctors facilitate the test results,

“Here it is,she’s healthy and fit.” The doctor replied handing the results to the secretary,

“I’ll confer the result to the boss,then we’ll sign the contract thereafter.” She said to Carol,taking

the result and leaving the office.

“Let’s go home,make sure you don’t utter any word of this to my husband,okay.” She

nodded,Carol don’t need to tell her the consequence of telling the man.

“Yes Ma.”She replied the woman and they turned to leave,Carol turned to the doctor,

” Thank you sir.”The doctor nodded and she dragged Gianna from the room.

Nine years ago,Gianna was adopted by the McKenna’s, the couple already had a seven year old

daughter but they wanted a son,since the man’s sick,he couldn’t father one,so they opted for


Tony McKenna was walking around the Washburn Orphanage with his wife,when he saw a

young girl of about eight years,she was sitting alone in one corner of the playground, not paying

any interest in what’s going on around her.

The girl seemed to be sad and very quiet,when he wife went to play with some kids,he walked to

the young girl and squat in front of her.

“The girl was so lost in her world she didn’t notice the man in front of her,

” Hmm hmm”He cleared his throat and seem to jerk they girl from her illusion,

“Young girl,what’s your name?” He asked the girl,

“I didn’t steal it,its mine,she stole it from me.” The girl’s tiny voice mumbled,it was evident

from her face,she has been crying a lot.

“I didn’t…”

“I’m not a thief,don’t take me to the cops.” Moved by her pleas,he placed his hands on her


“I know you didn’t steal it,I believe you.”

“You do?” The man nodded,

“You’re to cute to be stealing,I trust you.” He said,she nodded as he wiped the tears in her eyes

and took her with him.

“Director, I want this child.” Tony said to the director, the man looked up and saw Tony with

Gianna,he sighed at the sight of the girl.

“Are you sure?” Tony nodded,

“Honey, who’s she?” Carol came immediately,she didn’t see any child that fell in the category

she wanted.

“I want to adopt her.” He answered his wife,smiling at the little girl.

Carol wasn’t happy at all,she and her husband had decided they wanted a five years old boy now

he’s changing plan because of this girl.

“Sir, you’re sure you want to adopt her?” The director asked,

“Why do you ask?” Carol asked,waiting for the man to say something bad the girl,so her

husband would forget about her.

The director cleared his throat,

“This girl ehm,what's her name again” He massaged his temple,thinking of the girl’s name.

“Gianna.Well,last week she stole her friend’s piece of jade and she seems like she unwell,she

behaves autistic and all,always keep to herself,cries and night and refuses food.” Carol was

happy,she strode to her husband,

“Honey,would you want to adopt a thief into our house,I don’t want her to come and corrupt my

little princess.” She tried to talk him out,

“I didn’t steal it,I’m not a thief.” Gianna said in a tiny voice,

“Shut up kid!” Carol yelled,feeling irritated at the girl already,

“Well Mr Director,I want to adopt Gianna.” He said firmly,

“Honey?” Carol called but the man was adamant, he wants the girl and no one else.

“Okay,if you say so.” He brought out some files from the drawer and opened it.

Filling the necessary formalities and signing legal documents, Tony took Gianna home as his

daughter even when his wife and daughter refused to accept the girl as their family.

He loved Gianna so much and was willing to give her anything she wanted.

Now nine years has past and Tony still doted on Gianna,he loves her even more than his

daughter and thus make Carol and her daughter unhappy.

They mistreat Gianna whenever Tony isn’t around calling her all sort of names but she never for

once told Tony about it.

She wouldn’t wanna cause any ruckus or be the reason why the family isn’t at peace.

When Tony’s business started having crisis, Carol was the one who forced Gianna into the

surrogacy contract.

She’d seen the advert,since they were in need of money,she forced Gianna into it telling her she

has to show appreciation to the family for saving her nine years ago.

The young adult couldn’t do anything than comply with the condition,she has to show

appreciation to the man now the family’s business isn’t blooming,so this is the only way she can

do that.

The next morning,the secretary called Carol,

“The boss said you can send the girl over,the boss has signed the contract,she’s fit for the

process.” Carol shrieked with happiness,this is a he only news she need.

Her daughter ran outside to know what’s the problem,

“Mom,what the problem? Why did you cry?” She asked sitting beside the woman,

She gestured for her daughter to keep quiet,she’s on call.The girl nodded,

“When is he transferring the advance payment?” Carol asked,the only thing she’s after is just the

advance payment that would be given to her,the payment after the contract belongs to Gianna.

“Well,very soon but make sure you send the girl over,the boss’s order.” The secretary hung

up,this woman’s so greedy,

Who in her right sense would force her eighteen year old daughter into something like this?

“Ma,what happened?”The young girl sat beside her mom,

“Camille, they’ve accepted her.” She said joyously,

“Accept who?” The girl asked dumbly,Carol hit her playfully on her thighs while the girl


“That wrench of course,they be accepted her for the surrogacy.” The woman said

whispering,cause she wouldn’t want her husband to hear them talking about this.

“So when are they sending the advanced payment?” The girl asked scratching her thigh,

“Soon.” They woman replied,making a mental list on how she would spend the one million

dollars coming her way soon whilst the daughter was also making her own list of things she

would demand from her mom once the money comes.


For the next one month,Gianna was like a pawn to the secretary and her so called boss,she

hadn’t seen him but he has been giving orders on what she should be and what not to do,

*No phone:She can’t contact to anyone,no family or friends, in fact,no connection to the outside


*No outing:She isn’t permitted to go out unless she’s going out with the secretary which is very

rare case.

*Eat whatever you’re given:She’s to eat whatever is being prepared,her diet’s being controlled

by a dietician and the gynaecologist comes in every week to check on her.

She’s to abide by all this rules because the boss won’t want an unhealthy child.

“Can I ask for a favor?” She asked the secretary, the woman she has gotten accustom to seeing

every morning for the past one month,

“What is it?” The woman’s tone was flat,she can’t do anything from the ordinary,

“Can I see my father?” The woman looked at her,

She’s gonna say no but I need to persuade her to allow me go.

I haven’t seen him for almost a month and the worst is that he has no idea where I am now.

He must be so worried about me.

“Why do you think I’ll grant you your wish?” The woman asked her,


“I’ve told you to address me with my name,Lilian.” She reprimanded, Gianna nodded.

“Lilian,I just want to see him and talk to him so hell know I’m fine,I know he must be worried

about me just leaving home and not returning for almost a month now.” She explained,the older

woman was so sympathetic,

“Okay I’ll allow you but this should be out little secret and it’ll definitely not be today.” The girl


“But why?” She asked with a frown,

“The boss is coming today,so you’ll need all the strength you can get to meet him,so I won’t

want you have an emotional breakdown when he’s meeting you.”She said making specific airs

on the ‘meeting’ and that really embarrassed Gianna,

” You don’t need to feel embarrassed, its normal.” The woman mouthed, Gianna frowned

Who wouldn’t be embarrassed at this shit she’s into?

Getting laid by a man who haven’t seen and the worst of it is that you’ll have to do it with your

eyes close or probably blindfolded.

You aren’t permitted to touch him or kiss him and he won’t do same to you.

What if she gets clumsy? She has never had any boyfriend and has never been into all this

intimate and kissing shit.

Seeing herself having sex is a wild thought she has never pondered on and now,she’ll be doing it

with a complete stranger.

She heard he’s the wealthiest in the State and no one knows his net worth but that isn’t her


Her only problem now is how to get done with this contract,get paid the remaining five million

dollars as the first one million has been paid to her adoptive mother.

She intended on transferring the money to her fathers account cause she’d come here for him not

for herself.

Watching how she has been well taken care of in the past one month,she couldn’t help but


‘Surrogacy, hmp.’

She’s more of a quarantine patient than a surrogate mother,every thing she takes is being

checklist by someone or some group of professionals.

Ham,bacon and other healthy food were served to her three times daily,less sugary food and

more fruit and veggies.

Though she looks younger and has frail body but one could tell that she’s under a good

diet,most of her bony sides have been covered by flesh now.

All this for a healthy and fit baby.

How ironical,she couldn’t even remember series of things from her childhood,not like she had

an accident that wiped out her childhood


Far from it,she had done a self induce memory loss.

She’d made herself lock up things from her past cause they don’t matter to her.

Now,someone out there’s going through all this,spending millions of dollars just to have an

healthy baby.

And it became much more ironical when she,the girl with the rough childhood had to be the

mother of this fit baby.

She was the chosen one.

The girl in a million.

A surrogate mother at eighteen.

“Okay Lilian.” She nodded,

“And also, you’ll be going to the Auston Villa tonight,that were the boss would be meeting

you.” She nodded,

It just like every other orders she had taken in the past month.

Lilian once told her that the boss fiancé, the young mistress has congenial infertility and cannot

birth any child,so the great master had opted for a surrogate to secure his progeny.

That evening as the limo pulled at the Villa, she slide down the windows, allowing fresh air

from the sea side grasp her.

“You love the view?” Lilian asked her,she nodded but didn’t smile.

All her life,she’d only seen thing like this on TV and haven’t been privileged to be in one but

now she’s in one.

When the limo parked,she got out and so did the secretary,

“Follow me please.” The woman said,she followed her not asking any question.

Every time Lilian looks at Gianna,she sees the daughter she couldn’t have,she couldn’t help but

pity the young girl.

When kids are age are busy whipping up from parties and enjoying their early adulthood, she’s

busy being a surrogate to save her family from being poor.

Gianna is an extremely beautiful girl with very frail and fragile body,with an almond shaped

eyes and a rosy lips,men couldn’t stand a chance in her beauty.

She was the girl every man would want to keep,with beauty and brain,she was certainly a rare


She’s more of a petite brunette with good curves and good body,she was flawless.

Taking another look at the young girl walking behind her,she couldn’t help but pray the boss

goes gentle with her.

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