NovelToon NovelToon

Bts Fanfiction

When he saved me from getting assaulted -Kim taehyung

It was 12:30 pm now. Just half an hour more for lunch break ,I thought and sighed. I looked up and saw my teacher writing down maths problems on the board.

I quickly copied it in my notebook and started answering. I wouldnt say that im good at maths but im not bad either. I finished answering all the questions and turned my head to the left to see taehyung doing the questions.

His face was glowing as sunlight hit it. His soft brown hair falling to his face.

Kim Taehyung is one of my classmates who has been with me since primary school. But we dont talk much .I have had a big crush on him since 3 years.

Only my best friend, kate knows about it tho. He was very popular and many girls had crushes on him.

"Y/n ? "

I heard my name being called and snapped back to reality. Taehyung was looking at me .

"Hey are you okay?'"

He asked me.

"What? Um yeah "

I replied ,blushing .I have been staring at him for a few minutes now,ahhh what would he think of me ,I thought ,facepalming myself.

"Y/n can you answer this question on the board please"

said my teacher.

"Yes mam"

I replied ,going to the board. After explaining the question, I went back to my seat as the teacher called another student to explain the next question.

"Psst, y/n? "

I looked to my side and saw Taehyung calling me

" what ?"

"Can u explain that question to me again please?"


I explained the question to him again.

"Thank you y/n"

"You're welcome Taehyung" I smiled.

Just then,the bell rang,indicating the end of the period. Now we are free for 1 hour to eat our lunch.

I stretched my hands above me and sighed.

"Aah finally ,im soo hungry"

"Well,then you should go get lunch "

Taehyung said,chuckling.

He then went out of the class along with his 6 best friends -Namjoon,Jin,Suga,J-Hope,Jimin and Jungkook. They were always together.

"Hey girl,there's some drool in your mouth "

kate said.

I glared at her.

"Okay okay ,no need to give me that look. How many years has it been since you like him,why cant you just go and propose to him"

"What if he says no?"

"What if he says yes? Think positively y/n. I think this is the best time for you to go and propose him."


"You will go propose now or I will tell him that you love him by myself."

"Nooo kate!!"

"Then go!"


"Fineeee "

I said

"But you should come with me,im so nervous"

"Okay,you go take your lunch and sit with them,ill go to the washroom and come soon.Okay?"


I walked out of the classroom with her.We both went in different directions. I went to the cafeteria and she went to the washroom.

I took my lunch and went to find a place to sit.

I saw Taehyung and his friends sitting at a table,laughing together. He saw me and I looked away. He then whispered something to his friends and they all nodded their heads.

"Hey y/n " taehyung waved at me

I waved back .He motioned me to come near him . I went to him .

"You can sit with us"

" But wont I be disturbing you guys?" I asked them.

"No not at all, its fun to sit with you " Namjoon said.

"Okay ,thank you "

I placed my plate next to jungkook . But he whispered to me in my ear,

"Y/n ,can you please sit next to taehyung"

"Why tho" I asked

"Ummm well,I like your best friend,kate ,so I was thinking if she could sit next to me since there's only 1 seat empty . "

I giggled and said,

"Okay kook"

I then moved my plate towards the seat next to Taehyung and sat there. I was a little nervous since I had decided to confess to him today.

I started eating my food.

Suddenly Taehyung handed me a cupcake and told me ,

"Here you go y/n ,I got this today and I don't like cupcakes that much."

He handed me the cupcake while jimin looked at him and whined

"Taehyung-ah ,you could've given me the cupcake, "

"Oh ,jimin,if you want you can take it "

I said handing him the cupcake.Jimin was going to take it from my hand when taehyung gave him a death glare.

"You know what,I think i'm full.You can eat it yourself y/n"

"Okay then"

I said,suppressing my laughter.Just then jungkook asked me ,

"Y/n ,where is kate? I haven't seen her and the lunch break is almost finished."

"I think she must have had some urgent work to do . I'll take her lunch to her then. "

Just as I was about to get up,someone tapped on my shoulder .

I turned around to see a girl holding a note, looking at me


"Are you y/n ?"

"Yeah,that's me"

"I was asked to deliver this note to you"

She said, handing me a note.

"Oh okay ,thank you"

I said. She then walked out of the cafeteria . I sat back in my seat while all of them were looking at me.

I just smiled and opened the note.

The smile slowly went aways from my face as I read what was written in the note


I was gaping at the piece of paper when Taehyung called me.

"Y-yes Taehyung"

"Are you okay?you look like you got a shock"

"Huh?oh its nothing,kate just asked me to bring her lots of food,I just cant believe how she's gonna eat all that by herself"

I laughed nervously,hoping that they would believe it.

"Oh okay"

Taehyung laughed while giving me a worried look

"Well then,I should get going,byee"

Getting up from my seat,I walked out of the cafeteria and went to the ladies washroom. I took out the note and read it again

(The note says:-)

"If you don't want your best friend to die,you better come to the old building near the school .

If you tell this to anyone else,your best friend will suffer and die. I've got my people watching you so don't try to pull any tricks

P.s. come alone

- anonymous"

I read it so many times and was still not able to believe it. I hoped that it would be a prank and went to my class to check if kate was there. But she wasn't.

I was getting scared .I shook my head and decided to save her. She was my best friend and I loved her so much,so ofc I have to save her. Since the kidnapper had warned me, I decided not to tell anyone about this.

I knew that the kidnapper must be a student since only students and teachers could enter the school and the chance that he would be a student is more than the chance that he would be a teacher.

I started walking towards the building mentioned in the note. It was an old building which was sort of ruined .

It was near the school building so a few students go there to do things like smoking,etc. They never got caught since no teachers would go near the building and the students never talked bout it.

After a few minutes ,I finally reached in front of it. I took a deep breath and knocked the door.

It opened and a pair of hands pulled me in.I couldn't see anything,It was dark in there. Suddenly ,a light was switched on and I saw a figure sitting on a chair.


I shouted as I ran towards her. She was tied up to the chair and a piece of cloth covered her mouth. Her eyes were closed .

"Kate?!wake up! Are you okay?!"

I shook her and her eyes slowly opened. Her eyes widened seeing me in front of her. I quickly untied the cloth from her mouth.

"Y/n?! What are you doing here?"

"I came to save you"

She broke down crying and I hugged her.

"Who did this to you?"

I asked her,my blood boiling because of the state she was in .

" I was --"

"It was me "

I turned around shocked that the voice was so familiar.

There he was ,standing in front of me . I was so shocked that I was gaping at him.

He laughed at me .


"Yep . You never guessed it right y/n? . I wanted to surprise you. Seems like i have succeeded in it."

"Why would you kidnap kate?!"

"Don't you know the reason?"

Flashback( 1 week ago)

"Y/n ,will you please go out with me ?"

"How many times do I have to tell you that I wont ,jake?"

Jake had proposed to me ,in front of the whole class,(Jake and Y/n were classmates). He thought that I would say yes because everyone was there.

But there's only one boy that I love and that's Taehyung.So I always said no to jake whenever he proposed to me,which was very frequently.

As I shouted at him, everyone gasped as jake was one of the popular boys in the whole school and any girl would say yes to him.

But I didn't care and I left from there. Jake stood there, all by himself,embarrassed.

"I will make you mine for sure,y/n"

Flashback ends

"Are you mad? Why would you kidnap kate because of me?!"

"I wanted to make you come to me willingly"

"The problem is between you and I ,release kate now"

"Okay okay i will release her but you have to do one thing"


"If you want kate to be released,you will have to stay here and be with me ."

He smirked. I knew what he would do to me but I cant risk kate's life for saving mine. After all she is the only one who was with me through thick and thin amd I loved her very much.


I said,my breath shaking a bit.

"Good girl"

He then asked his men to untie kate .

Kate ran to me and hugged me.

"Please don't do it y/n . You can leave me here. I dont want anything to happen to you"

"I don't want anything to happen to you too kate. And I made this mess ,so I have to clear it myself . Now,kate,when you are out of this building,you should run and not turn back ,okay?."

She nodded and hugged me again,crying on my shoulder while I patted her back.

"Times up ladies "

Jake said. He then asked his men to take kate outside. I waved at her smiling through my tears.I then saw kate running away. I prayed that she would be safe .

"Now,where were we ?hmm?"

Jake looked at me with his lust filled eyes. I looked around and saw 3 of his men standing around him . 2 of his men were outside .Suddenly,jake came close to me

"Look at me honey"

I grabbed that chance to kick him right in the crotch. He yelled in pain as I pushed him out of my way .

Then I hit one of his men amd he fell down too. I then flying kicked the other two men. (Im sorry but i don't know how to write fight scenes🤡)

Hearing noises inside the room ,the two men who were standing outside, came in . I was gonna punch one of them in the face when something hard hit my head and my vision went black.

I opened my eyes slowly.My head was paining so much.I looked down and saw that my hands and legs were tied to the chair I was sitting in.

I couldn't move a bit.I struggled and shouted for help.suddenly the door opened revealing jake.

'you finally woke up baby'.

'Let me go ' I shouted.

'let you go?after all you did to me and my gang?'he said

'I wont let you go until u learn a lesson' he smirked.

'Lay her down in the table '

jake ordered his gang.

They came to untie me,I decide to take this chance to fight them.but suddenly,

'if u move one muscle im gonna shoot you'

Jake said pointing a gun straight at my head(don't ask me where he got the gun from🤡).I was too scared to move as I knew he would do what he said.

I was freed from the ropes and taken to the table. It was a cold metal table.Jake ordered me to lay down ,still pointing the gun at me.

I followed his orders and laid down praying to god that someone will come to help me .

As soon as I laid down,my hands and legs were handcuffed to the table.I struggled trying to get them off.

'Don't waste your energy when u know that you wont succeed'

Jake said smirking at me.

'The rest of you can go out,I want her all to myself'

he said ,coming towards me .A shiver ran down my spine.He traced his finger along my arm observing me .

'U don't know how much i've wished to touch you.But you never wanted that.Why?am I not handsome enough for you?"

he asked me.I couldn't say anything because I was too scared that he would shoot me.


I flinched,hearing him shouting.

'Jake ple..please don't anything to' i begged ,tears streaming down my eyes.

'Look at you,you were fighting me and my men a few hours back and now you're crying.'

He laughed. Suddenly I heard distant shouting from outside. I looked at jake but he didn't seem to hear it.I hoped that that someone would come and rescue me .

'I cant control myself anymore y/n,I want you all to myself'

he said,unbuttoning my shirt slowly.He kept his gun in his pocket.I took this oppurtunity and shouted,


At the top of my voice. Jake slapped me and put his hand over my mouth saying,

'Shut up you b***h'

Suddenly,I heard a loud bang .I looked at the door and saw Taehyung standing there, glaring at jake.

His gaze shifted to mine and his eyes softened.I was so happy right now.Then I saw his six friends standing behind him.

Jake realised that he cant fight them all by himself and took out his gun and put it to my head.

'If u move one more step,im gonna shoot her'

Taehyung was scared that he would shoot me so he told the others not to move.

'That's what I thought.Now where were we'

Jake asked me,smirking .

'Don't you dare touch her Jake'

Taehyung shouted.

'Oh,i will'

he said ,his hands making way towards the hem of my shirt.He looked at me for a moment and Taehyung took this chance amd kicked him real hard ,sent him flying back hitting the cupboard(lol).

His gun was on the ground and Taehyung picked it up and pointed it at jake's head

'I warned you not to touch my girl'

My girl?I was so shocked when he called me that. There were butterflies in my stomach.

Still looking at Jake,Taehyung asked his friends to release me. Jungkook and Jin came and unlocked my hands.

I smiled at them which they returned. Jimin helped me get up from the table. Namjoon ,Jhope and Yoongi went to jake with ropes in their hands and tied him up.

He did not dare to struggle since he knew Taehyung would shoot him if he did so.After jake was tied up, Taehyung turned to me.

I was shocked to see tears in his eyes .He came towards me and hugged me

'I was so worried about you, why did you go without telling me'

I patted him on the back and said

'Im okay now aren't I ,you don't need to worry now'

I couldn't believe that he was worried about me .

He suddenly pulled out of the hug and looked at me

'I want to tell you something y/n ,I.....'

I could see he was shocked ,but I didn't know why.


He cupped my right cheek,looking at it. I winced since it was paining a bit.That was when I realised that there must be a red mark from Jake's slap.Clenching his jaws,he asked me,

'Did he hit you?'

I slowly nodded ,looking down.Taehyung suddenly went towards the tied up jake and slapped him real hard on both his cheeks.

'How dare you hit my girl.I will make you pay'

he said ,angrily.

He then came towards me and helped me walk towards Jake.

'Give him back what he gave you'

he said looking at me with his soft brown eyes

I smiled at him and looked at Jake .I raised my hand and gave him two tight slaps,releasing my anger. I looked at Taehyung and said,

'Thank you for saving me Taehyung'

'U don't need to thank me y/n'

He said,blushing.

'Btw taehyung,what were you going to tell me before?


I looked at him. He took a deep breath and continued,

'Y/n ,i've controlled myself for so long,I cant keep it hidden anymore,I love you Park y/n,I've loved you since the moment I saw you.

I was so shocked with his sudden confession.I stood there gaping at him.


I shook my head and asked him,

'What did you say?

'I love you y/n' he said more confidentially.

I was so happy and I hugged him and said,

'I love you too Taehyung'


'Yes. I really really love you so much. I also loved you but I never told you because I was afraid that you would reject me.'

'I would never reject you y/n. Will you be my girlfriend?'

'YESSS' I shouted happily.

Suddenly he kissed me. I was blushing so hard that I was red like a tomato. I kissed him back ,my hands around his neck and his on my waist.

His friend were clapping and shouting,they were happy for us.

We handed jake to the police and finally we were all happy.

10 years later,

'Mom ,i am gonna be late for school'

lily shouted.

'Coming honey '

I said taking my bag and phone and rushing to the living room. Lily was mine and Taehyung's daughter. She was 8 years old. We got married after we graduated from college.

Taehyung took his dad's company and I became his secretary. Right now,we were on a day off but i had to drop lily at school and buy groceries.

'Bye dad' lily kissed him goodbye.

'Bye baby' he smiled and kissed her.

'I'll come soon after dropping her and buying some groceries '

I said and gave him a quick peck on his lips.

'Dont be late or you know what's gonna happen'

he said and smirked at me.I blushed and went out.

We lived happily together .


When he saved you from his girlfriend - Kim Taehyung

Warning:- The content ahead might be disturbing to you since there is mention of violence and abuse. please do not continue if you feel uncomfortable

Your pov

'Cause I I im in the stars tonight

So watch me bring the.....'

I switched off my alarm ,sitting up on my bed

"Aaah its so good to hear one of my fav songs first thing when I wake up"

I stretched my hands above my head,looking at my phone. It was 7 am. I went to the washroom and washed myself .

Then I put on my uniform, combed my hair and put on lip balm. Taking my bag ,I went out of my room. Getting a sweet smell of coffee,I rushed downstairs

"I told you not to run down the stairs y/n!"

My mom shouted at me.

"Sorry mom"

I said,sitting on the chair next to my dad who was reading newspaper, at the dining table.

"Do you have any tests today y/n?"

"Yes mom,I have a science test today"

"All the best honey,do it well"

"Thank you mom and I will"

"Lets eat breakfast then"


She gave me a plate of pancakes with maple syrup on the top(🤤) .

I ate it, hugged both my mom and dad and headed out. I walked through the streets,to my school.

I smiled looking at the autumn leaves falling from the trees. It was a bit windy and the sky was filled with dark clouds. I loved this weather so much.

Suddenly someone tapped me on the shoulder.

I turned back and saw taehyung,smiling his boxy smile,standing there. I smiled back at him.

"Yo y/n"


"Do u like this weather?cuz I saw u enjoying ur walk"

"I love this weather. Isn't it so nice to walk this deserted street,savouring the feel of cool breeze and absorbing the beauty of nature."

"Wow y/n you should be a poet"

"What are talking about"

I chuckled.

"What?the way you described ur surroundings was beautiful. You really would be a great poet ."

I laughed out loud while Taehyung chuckled,looking at me.

Taehyung pov

I was walking to my school along the deserted streets when I saw someone ahead of me.I realized that it was y/n. She was skipping and jumping and walking,enjoying the weather.

I smiled,looking at her. Then I ran and caught up to her.

Tapping her on her shoulder,I smiled at her,which she returned.

The way she described the weather was so beautiful.

And when she laughed, I thought,

"Why is she soo beautiful"

She was such a sweet girl who was also every quiet. But shes also very friendly.

I chatted and walked with her and within no time,we reached our school.

End of Taehyung's pov

We finally reached the school building and I started wishing that the walk had been a bit more long.

I liked taehyung. A lot. I've had a crush on him since middle school,which was when I moved here,into seoul. He was the first friend that I got when I came to this school.

He has always been so sweet to me. He was also very good at singing. Oh my,his voice,it sends me to heaven everytime I hear him.

We parted our ways and went to our respective lockers. I took out my books amd closed the locker. I was gonna walk to my class when my way was blocked by someone.

Hoping that it wasn't the person I was thinking about,I looked up.

Ugh,why is god never in my favour. It was none other than my enemy,miya. She also had her 2 loyal best friends behind her.She was the most popular girl of my school and Taehyung's girlfriend.

Yeah even I dont know what the hell Taehyung saw in someone like her.

"Hello ugly duckling"

"Hi miya"

"So,tell me why I saw you and my boyfriend entering the school together? Huh?"

"I-well miya um i-"

She slammed me on the locker,sneering,

"How dare you even talk to my boyfriend you ugly bitch"

"Miya,im sorry I wont do it again."

"Good girl. But you still need punishment "

I widened my eyes as I looked at her .no.not again.


"Oh you know very well what I meant. See you later miss ugly y/n"

I was so scared.Miya has always been torturing me since I entered this school.

But I never said anything about it to anyone since I knew id get in trouble if I did. Miyas father was the chairman of the board of directors of this school and hence no one dared to go against her.

I tried to clear my head and went to class.

After all the classes were finished,I took my bag,getting up from my seat and walking out of the door. I tried to walk as fast as possible so that I could get home soon,away from Miya.

But,again,god wasnt with me. I felt something pulling my bag from the back and turning around,I saw Miya and her friends,smirking at me.

They dragged me out of the school with them and pushed me into a car. Miya's car.

She asked her driver to drive us to her secret place. It was a bit away from miyas home and only me,miya and her best friends knew about it. It was hell to me.

They would drag me here whenever they felt like it and would vent their anger or anything on me.

I was like a toy to them. Once we all were inside, I started struggling while ella and liya,miya's best friends,gripped my arms,dragging me to a wooden table which was placed there.

They put me there while I tried to free myself.

"Stop struggling or you know what's gonna happen"

Said miya .Yes I knew what will happen. She'll ask her father to kick me out of this school,which her father would do since he always spoils his daughter.

I stopped struggling amd hoped that it would end soon. They had done it to me twice amd it hurt like hell.They handcuffed my hands and legs and removed my uniform.(dont think of anything,your author very innocent😇)

Miya came to me with a whip in her hand and a smirk,plastered on her face. I was getting more scared now.

Suddenly liya and ella started tickling me. I laughed and laughed,tears streaming down eyes. It started to hurt now. And that was when miya started to hit my legs with the whip.

She hit the sole of my foot and I screamed. It hurt so much.

They continued to hit and tickle me.

"Now you know what will happen to you if you speak to my boyfriend again you bitch."


I suddenly heard a shout and it sounded quite familiar. I turned my head a bit to the side,my body hurting with every movement I made.

I saw a figure rushing to us. I couldn't see who it was clearly since my vision was blurred due to my tears. But miya just made it easier for me.


She shouted,surprised. I was so shocked .

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I came to surprise you miya,but it turns out that I was the one who got surprised."

"Tae its not what you thin-"

"How dare you do this to y/n ,miya?! Dont you have any conscience? Even a little humanity?!"

"Tae I just did this to -"

"Shut up miya. Stop talking."

He pushed her aside and came running to me.

He pushed away liya and ella and looked at me.

I was smiling weakly at him .


I suddenly fainted and Taehyung quickly picked me up and started walking outside.

"Taetae ,please stop and listen to me . please"

Miya begged him.

"STOP IT MIYA! We are done. Dont you ever even let mw see your face again.Also,I will bring each one of you in front of law for what you did to y/n"

He said,taking his phone which was popped up behind a photo on the shelf.

*Ta**ehyung's pov*

I was coming back from school when I saw a flower shop with beautiful flowers. I decided to buy them and give them to my girlfriend,miya.

She will surely like these .

I thought of surprising her at her secret house,which she thinks I dont know about. But I've heard her talking bout it. I opened the door and enter the small house.

The first sound to reach my ears was screaming. I decided to check out what was going on and went to the door hallway. The sight I saw there shocked me so much.

Miya and her best friends were torturing y/n . I wanted to rush to her help but before that,I took out my phone,switched on the video recorder and placed it behind a photo which was placed on the shelf there.

I needed evidence after all. Then I rushed to them and a saved y/n. She suddenly fainted and I took her into my car and went to the Hospital.

The doctor went to check om her as i took out my phone which I had jist taken from its hiding place. I saw the video and decided to send this to the police .

I didn't want y/n to feel uncomfortable to I tried to blur her in the video as much as possible.

Suddenly the doctor called me into his cabin and asked,

"Are you min y/n's family"

"Yes doctor,im her friend"

"Oh okay. Well look here. Miss y/n has been tortured and there are whip marks all over her body and I hope the people who did this,get what they deserve."

"Ill make sure of it doctor. So how is she now?"

"Shes better now. You can go see her."

"Okay doctor, thank you"

I walked out of the doctors cabin and into y/ns room. I saw her laying on the bed and sat beside her. I realized the abuse that she had to bear.I felt so sad for her.

Suddenly I felt her moving and saw her eyes opening.

End of Taehyung pov

I opened my eyes and saw Taehyung beside me. I wondered what happened.

"What happened taehyung?why am i in the hospital"

"Just after I saved you,you fainted hence you're in the hospital."

"Thank you so much for saving me Taehyung"

I said,breaking down into tears.

I hugged her and rubbed her back

"Hey now,don't cry. Oh and y/n, why didn't you tell anyone what they did to you?"

"I was scared taehyung"

"Its okay now. You dont need to be scared anymore. I'll be here for you and they'll get what they deserve. "

"I hope so. But taehyung,isn't miya your gf?"

"Not anymore, I broke up with her today"


"Actually y/n, I never liked her. Ive always loved this one girl .She's been in my heart since a very long time. I knew that I couldn't get her so I decided to date miya to take away my feelings for her. But that didn't do .I still love her. "

"Oh taehyung,then you should tell her"

"You think so?"


"Well then,y/n,I love you"


"I love you"

"Wait,so I was the girl that you were talking about??"



I blushed,looking away.

"So,what do you say y/n? Will you be ny girlfriend?"

"Yess ofc I will. I love you taehyung"



He suddenly kissed me. I was too shocked that I didn't react. Realising this,he pulled away

"Oh im sor-"

I didn't let him complete his words before I pulled him towards me by his collar and kissed him.

"Ehem ehem"

We suddenly pulled away to see the doctor looking at us,amused.

"Well,you both can continue at your homes when the patient is discharged,which is tomorrow. So you need to be patient,young man"

"Thank you doctor"

We said. He chuckled and went away.

Me and taehyung looked at each other and laughed.

(Miya,liya and ella were expelled from their school and miyas father was kicked out from the board.they got what they deserved )

-***THE END***-

When he accidentally saw you changing - Kim Taehyung

"No.Absolutely not"

"Oh come on,its just one time"

I was currently talking to my enemy aka Kim Taehyung.

We always argue like cats and dogs. Right now,he wanted me to go to the mall with him to help him buy a gift for his girlfriend.

"Why do you want me to go with you"

"Because you're a girl,duh

And I have no idea what to give her on her birthday."

"Then why cant you ask some other girl."

"Does it really matter?I just want you to help me."

"Whatever you say,im not going with you"

"Well,well y/n,so you wanna do this the hard way."

He said,coming closer to me .I gulped,stepping back. His face was so close to mine that we could kiss at anytime. He was so handsome

Wait what?what am I even thinking ,I thought

He brought his mouth close to my ear and whispered.

"Guess who's old photo is gonna spread around the school."

I gasped,remembering it. A few years back. I looked very ugly(im pretty now😌). I had braces and glasses and all.overall I was the ugliest girl in our school. And taehyung happened to be my classmate since grade 1.

So unfortunately he had my ugly photos. And now,he uses it to blackmail me and get his things done.

"Well?what do you say miss y/n?"

"Fine. Just this one time."

"Yay" he said,showing his boxy smile.

I chuckled looking at him. He was cute.

"Well then ,il pick you up at 5pm."


I said,walking away to my class.


"So,should I wear a dress or jeans and top?"

"You're just going to help him pick a gift. Just wear anything. Or Is it that you want to impress him?"

"Yaaa,I just wanted to look good since im going out."

"Okay then ,wear a dress"

"Okayyy "

"And good luck for the date"

"Its not a -"

*beep beep*

"Aish,this girl"

I took out my fav violet dress which reached till my knees. I did some light makeup amd let my hair hang loosely.Taking my purse and phone,i looked at the mirror one last time,before heading downstairs.

"Mom,dad,im going out"

"Okay darling, be safe"

I stepped out of my house,closing the door behind me. Taking my phone, I checked the time,it was 4:55 pm.

Taehyung will be here any minute now,I thought. Suddenly I heard a honking sound and looked up to see Taehyung at my gate,with his car.

"Get in loser,we're going shopping"


Rolling my eyes,I opened the car door and got in.

"You look pretty today "

I blushed and looked down smiling to myself.

"Omo,don't act cute. It feels weird. And btw,I was just joking. You're looking ugly ,as always."

"You little-"

I gave him a death glare while he sat there,laughing at me.

"Lets go,shall we,miss y/n"


We listened to songs and argued,again. And finally,we reached our destinatiohim.

We checked a few shops inside the mall.

"What does she like?"

"Umm well,ig she likes diamond earings."

"You're lucky you're rich then"

We went to a jewellery shop and the lady there greeted us.

"Hello sir,ma'am,how can I help you"

"Umm we want diamond earrings."

"Please come this way"

She showed us many earrings with different designs.

"So which one do you like ma'am?"

I raised my eyebrows at Taehyung who was busy playing on his phone. I got angry and snatched it from him.

"Yaa give it back."

"You dragged me here and now you're playing on your damn phone. Why did you bring me here then. "

"Okayokay,im sorry"

"Very well,I've narrowed down the best earrings I saw and now its your turn to choose one."

He looked at the 3 earrings in front of him.

"Oooh this is nice "

He pointed at a earring.

"Okay then,please pack it for us"

I said to the lady. We got up from our seats,heading to the billing counter.

After paying the bill,we headed out of the shop. After walking a bit,suddenly,Taehyung pulled me into a shop. Looking around,I saw that it was a dress shop.

"What now? Don't you think you're wasting your money buying all these"

"Aish,I wanted to buy a dress for you since you helped me "

"Oh. You don't need to do that"

"Well,if you don't want it,then okay,we'll go back"

He turned around when I gripped his arm.

"I was just kidding,come on, you choose 1"

He chuckled and walked with me through the dress section.

"You look good in dresses so,i'll buy you a dress."

"Okieeee taetae"

He widened his eyes when he heard me.

"Wha-what did you call me?"


He looked away,blushing.

"Umm,well i'll go pick a dress then"

He went off to pick a dress while I just looked at them.

After a while,

"Hey,can you try on this dress.I liked this the most out of all of the dresses."

I looked at the dress he was holding. It was a black dress,which reached till my knees

"I love black and this dress is beautiful."

"Go on,try it on then"

He handed me the dress and I got into the changing room while he sat outside.

I closed the door and saw that it didn't have amy bolts . So I kept the chair,which was in the room,to block the door. I slowly unzipped the dress I was wearing and stepped out of it,letting it fall down.

I was in my undergarments now.Just when I was about to put on the black dress,the door opened,revealing Taehyung.

"Y/n your phon-"

He suddenly stopped when he saw me in my partially *****. I tried to hide my body with the small dress.


But instead of getting out,he came into the room,closing the door behind him,his eyes still on my body.


I shouted at him. Suddenly,he came close to me,and placed one of his long delicate fingers on my mouth,stopping me from saying anything. I looked at him and saw him staring at my eyes and then my lips.

"You have such a beautiful body y/n. Why are you hiding it"

He said in his deep voice, sending shivers down my spine.


I stammered,not being able to say anything else. We were so close noe that his hot breath was fanning my neck.He brought his lips close to mine and I closed my eyes.

After a second,I felt his plump soft lips on mine. We shared a sweet kiss from which I pulled out,saying,

"Taehyung, we shouldn't do this, you have a girlfriend and you dont love me-"

"Who said I don't, I got a girlfriend just to make you jelous y/n. I've always liked-no loved you. And my girlfriend,emily,knows that. She was just helping me get you. "

" I -"

I was so shocked when he confessed all of a sudden. I had feelings for him too but I never thought he did .

Suddenly,he pulled me closer to him,by my waist. He looked at me once more before closing the space between us,kissing me again.

The kiss was deep and passionate, our lips moving together just like they were fitted for each other.

After a good few minutes,we both pulled out,gasping for air. I gathered up my courage and said,

"I love you Kim Taehyung."

We hugged each other after which he said,

"I cant believe I finally get to be with you after so many years."

"Me too"

That's when I realized that I was still in my underwear. I quickly tried to hide my body again while he stopped me ,

"Don't hide it babe,I don't think ill have enough just by looking at this hot body of yours"

I giggled as he smiled, looking at me.

-***The End***-

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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