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Forbidden to Fall in Love, Jason

Episode 1

Jason Collins stood before the mirror, scrutinizing his attire for the tenth time that evening. He was set to attend his cousin Magaly's birthday party. Dressed in a fitted black tee, green distressed jeans, and a pair of unassuming sneakers, he didn't have the physique of an athletic boy, but his good genes were undeniable. With striking blue eyes, wavy black hair, lips of a soft pale pink slightly plump, and a cute, upturned nose that was the envy of every girl—except for his cousin, who enjoyed the same advantage.

Jason worried only about mingling with his cousin’s attractive friends. Magy was the cheerleading captain—charming, smart, but most notably, one of the high school's main attractions, with a circle of friends best described as otherworldly in their perfection, like celestial beings crafted by God for everyone’s pleasure. Jason wasn't far behind, but self-care wasn't a priority, and tonight he aimed to be the center of attention, too.

"Oh, my sweet baby, you look beautiful," his mother's voice sounded.

Jason turned to see his mother's pale and ailing face. He rolled his eyes and walked towards her.

"Mom, what are you doing up?" he said, flashing his radiant smile and gently guiding her back to her room.

"Honey, I'm fine. There wasn't any pain today, and I wanted to see my son get ready for a party after such a long time. Be a normal teenager." She smiled, caressing her son's soft face.

A mere year ago, an unusual illness had stricken his mother, affecting a small but significant population, potentially fatal if left untreated. From then on, Jason juggled studying and working to forward the medical expenses, as his mother had taken leave from her role as a sales manager.

A new drug discovery promised a cure but at a steep cost. Even one dose would relieve her pain and temporarily halt the disease. The 17-year-old did anything possible to save up, landscaping on weekends in a residential neighborhood, and manning a convenience store by night. Tonight, he'd secured time off work after Magy threatened to emasculate him should he not show up. The spoiled girl was actually conspiring with her aunt; they both wished for Jason to enjoy a normal life, at least for one night.

"Ma, you sure about staying alone tonight?" The concern in Jason's eyes was apparent, even as a smile played across his lips.

"Of course, and I won't be alone. Elisa will come over after her shift. Go and have fun," she said, stroking her son's cheek and planting a sweet kiss on it.

"Alright, just call if you need anything, okay?"

"Just go have fun; I'll be okay. Be wild for a change." She laughed and tousled Jason's hair.

"What kind of mother encourages her son to stay out late?" Jason chuckled, and the sound was like a salve to his mother's spirits; her son’s laughter was a blessing.

"Well, at your age, I loved going out. That's how I met your father, a handsome blue-eyed boy just like you."

"Do you miss Dad?" Jason asked as he sat beside her.

"Terribly, but he left you with me, and that's kept me strong. Now, less talking, off you go," she urged, nudging him to rise.

Jason's father had passed when he was only four, leaving him with faint memories. Ever since, it had been him and his mother against the world.

"I love you, see you later."

Jason hailed a taxi, shedding his worries, and set out to enjoy himself. He pulled out his phone and texted his best friend Frank.

"How's it going, strawberry?"

"F*ck off, I've told you a thousand times not to call me that."

Jason delighted in teasing Frank, especially since learning his friend had contracted chickenpox while looking after his younger sister at a kid's birthday party. The memory of Frank wanting to scratch at the nearly red spots always triggered laughter.

"Come on, don't be such a sourpuss. You looked adorable all red and dotted."

"Yeah, keep laughing, Jason. By the way, you heading to my goddess's birthday bash?"

"Yeah, my manhood was on the line; I couldn't skip it."

"Ha, true. Magy would've not only snipped them off but also probably put them in a jar to parade around school."

"Ha, for sure."

Jason watched the streaming lights outside his taxi window, relishing a moment of leisure he hadn't felt in ages. His phone vibrated with a new message, and his blue eyes gleamed brighter against the screen’s glow.

"Just have a blast, dummy. Quite jealous, to be honest, but I won't present my still-mottled face at the party."

"You're gorgeous, Frank."

"Nothing more thrilling than a friend that steams up your ear—or something like that."

"Go to hell," Jason laughed, shaking his head.

"Right, have fun, hook up, and forget all about it by morning. That's the best way."

"That's how you roll, not me. See you Monday, strawberry."

"Go to hell, Jason."

Laughter off, Jason switched off his phone and leaned back to witness the night vista unfold.

Forty minutes later, he arrived at a house so lively it seemed close to bursting. Classmates and unfamiliar faces alike streamed in and out, drinks in hand, to the pulse of electronic dance music.

"There you are, princess!" Magaly exclaimed, rushing over with a large red cup filled with a presumably potent alcoholic cocktail.

"Happy birthday, Magy," Jason replied, embracing her tightly with a kiss on her flushed cheek—an obvious sign of early festivities.

"I just want to let you know I'll get you a gift soon. Hope you forgive me," Jason said, sheepishly.

"Hey!" Magy smacked his arm with such force he had to rub the sore spot. "Don't be silly. The best present is you being here. Love you." Wrapping her arms around his neck again, she swayed to the music's beat.

"Now, let's drink up!" she yelled, dragging her cousin off to the kitchen.

An hour passed and Jason felt disconnected, watching the revelry around him yet preoccupied with thoughts of his mother.

"Drink up. Magy sent this over, said to fix your mood," Jack handed him a mysterious concoction, fixing him with a stare. Magy had commanded this easy-going playboy to ensure Jason didn't leave sober.

"Come on, Jason, let's dance!" Jack, part spilling his drink, tugged Jason into the crowd.

"Hello, baby, finally joining us?" Nara shouted, draping herself over Jason as her ample bosom pressed against him, his cheeks reddening without warning.

"Oh, you're so cute when you blush," she purred, inching her face closer.

Dizzied, Jason wasn't yet accustomed to Nara’s unrestrained nature; she kissed or hit as she pleased, proclaiming life was about seizing every sensation, as no two felt the same.

"Let him go!" The rich, deep voice behind Jason sent a shiver down his spine—it was that unmistakable voice, belonging to the boy haunting his dreams.

Yes, Jason was gay, a secret only Magaly and Frank were privy to, including his hidden yearning for the brunette behind him.

"Bill Brennan! Must you always spoil my fun?" Nara released Jason, but not without planting a kiss on his cheek before retreating.

Bill brushed past, offering Jason a half-smile which he returned with an unblinking gaze; the world around him ceased to exist.

Nearby, his crush danced with two stunning girls, their bodies winding against his as his large hands rested on the defined hips of a blonde grinding against his lap—a sight even a gay man couldn’t ignore, evident in how Bill was captivated by the feline beauty.

"Stop drooling," Magaly whispered in his ear, jolting Jason. Her playful face and wild curls matched the mischief in her voice.

"I-I wasn't..." Jason stammered, wiping his mouth, realizing it was dry.

"Got you, pervert!" Magaly laughed, seizing her cousin's hand, leading him towards her friends.

"Damn it," Jason muttered as he was pulled along.

Episode 2

The evening was shaping up to be interesting. There they were, all of them drinking, laughing, and having a good time as if nothing else existed beyond those moments of pure pleasure.

The dark-haired one was finally able to relax after a long time.

"Let's play!" Daniel finished off what little remained in his glass.

Daniel is the captain of the rugby team. At a glance, he seems like the tough guy, but those close to him enjoy his antics.

"Grow up already."

Magaly rolled her eyes. These two had been declared enemies since sophomore year, when a misunderstanding led to the end of their relationship. Over time, everything became clear, but they were so stubborn that neither would give in and they decided not to try again.

"Come on, Magy, I want to have fun!" Nara shouted, completely drunk.

"Easy there, goddess of lust." Cameron caught his friend before she hit her head on the floor.

Cameron is the bohemian of the group, a prodigy pianist. His beauty is just a bonus. He’s the one who brings calm to the group and keeps Nara's twisted secrets.

"What's going on?"

Bill sat down next to Jason, who suddenly froze, holding his breath feeling the touch of the one who nonchalantly squeezed in tighter to join the circle.

"We're about to play, that is if Miss Sourpuss here allows it." Daniel jutted his chin in the direction of the birthday girl.

"Fine, fine, let's play." Magali waved her hands as if she didn’t care one bit.

"But let's make it interesting, let's play for money." Jack added.

Jason swallowed hard. He hadn’t brought cash and wasn’t willing to spend it; all his savings were for his mother.

"I... I..." His soft, embarrassed voice was drowned out by the music, except for Bill, who noticed he was trying to say something.

"What?" Bill's piercing green eyes felt like daggers on the boy's face.

Jason's eyes widened even further when he felt Bill's face incredibly close, heating his cheeks, and he was thankful for the dim light covering his embarrassment. He wasn't the shy type, but around Bill, all his senses went numb.

"I'm not playing."

"Oh," Bill got it and nodded.

"Jason doesn't want to play," he announced in a loud and clear voice.

"Of course, you're going to play!" Magaly shouted. Before her cousin could refuse, she launched missiles through her eyes, making Jason agree without protests.

"How much are we betting?" asked Daniel.

"No, let's set an amount and split it among us all to gather the money," Jack spoke up.

"That sounds good," agreed Nara, trying not to vomit as she spoke.

"10,000 dollars! Let's play for 10,000," exclaimed Magaly. "It's my birthday, you're not allowed to refuse."

Everyone nodded except Jason, who couldn’t understand how this was at stake.

"Just explain the game already, Daniel," Bill ordered with his sexy, cocky smile.

"Okay, the game is called Thirty Days. We all put... let's see... here—" Daniel placed a hat in the center "—our names. We'll draw them, the first two will form the first couple and so on."

"I don't get it," Nara complained loudly.

"Calm down, I'll explain later," Cameron soothed, patting his friend's head, who offered a silly smile in return.

Daniel continued, "Each pair will date for thirty days. Whoever completes the challenge wins the 10,000 dollars."

"It's that easy," shrugged Magaly.

"It is if you get a guy, but... what if it’s Nara?" Daniel teased.

"I wouldn't mind; I've kissed my fair share of frogs," Magaly raised her eyebrows. Further explanations were unnecessary; those present knew who those words were directed at.

"I just won't accept being Jason's partner. That would be disgusting."

Jason and Magaly exchanged disgusted looks—everyone laughed.

"Don't worry, if that happens, we'll draw again," Jack assured.

"Now that everything's clear, let's start already!" Jack yelled excitedly, rubbing his hands.

"Are you sure?" Bill asked, frowning.

"Come on, Bill! You're a beast in the games covering for me, and you're scared of this?"

Bill sighed. "Okay, screw it, let's play."

"Alright, the rules are simple," Daniel continued.

"You must treat your partner as you would someone in a real relationship."

Kissing, caressing, dating, gift-giving—everything must be as if the relationship were real.

"Nobody except the participants will know about the game."

If any of us talks about the game and how the couples were formed, you're automatically disqualified.

"Everyone must believe the relationship is real."

The relationship must be so convincing that all the students at the institute believe it.

"What? No, that's too much!" Magaly protested.

"It's a game!" yelled Nara.

Jason felt uncomfortable, but the prize was a step closer to his goal. While 5,000 dollars wasn't much, since he'd have to split it with his fictional partner, he wouldn't mind if it meant fewer work hours. He promised himself he'd be the best boyfriend, despite his lack of experience. This game was the closest he'd been to someone in his 17 years.

"The breakup must be public and believable."

"This rule I like," Daniel said, rubbing his hands with glee. "It should end in public and be epic."

"And lastly, falling in love is prohibited."

A bottle fell just behind Jason, making him turn to see what happened.

"Did you hear?" Bill asked, touching Jason's shoulder to get his attention.

"Huh?" Jason looked at him, intrigued by having Bill so close he could feel his breath—a heady mix of alcohol and tobacco.

"The last rule," Bill repeated.

Jason gazed at the face of the boy he liked, details even clearer up close.

"Falling in love is off-limits, Jason." Bill said, flashing his beautiful smile.

Episode 3

Falling for Jason is off-limits.

"Wha-what?!" Jason exclaimed, thinking that Bill had found out and was mocking him.

"Falling in love is forbidden, that's the final rule," Bill reiterated, grinning.

"Ah, okay." Nervously, Jason nodded repeatedly as if his head might snap off. Bill couldn't help but watch, struggling to suppress a laugh.

He's really endearing... But damn it - Bill thought, shaking his head to dispel the ludicrous thought and refocusing on his friends.

"That rule is ridiculous; how could one fall in love in 30 days, especially with a friend? It's improbable." Nara pointed assertively with her index finger as if issuing a command.

"Exactly, thirty days is enough to have fun, but not enough to get hurt," Daniel confirmed with conviction.

"Guys, I'm sorry, but I'm out. If I do this, my girlfriend will kill me," Cameron clarified.

"You're forgiven, babe!" Nara exclaimed, planting a kiss on Cameron's cheek, who gently pushed her away, caressing her head like a little puppy.

Everyone scrawled their names, joining four additional guys who had heard about the game.

Jack and Nara were the first pair. The redhead launched herself into the blond's arms, sealing it with a fierce kiss before settling to sleep on his shoulder while he simply laughed, stroking his temporary girlfriend's back.

The next couple shrugged off being the game's first same-sex pairing.

"Third..." Daniel drummed on the floor.

"Me! Who will have the pleasure of enjoying this hot body for thirty days?" Daniel playfully boasted, eyeing a stunning blond newly in the game.

"Quit the nonsense and read the damn name already," Maggie complained with crossed arms.

"Shhh." Daniel gestured for silence, finger to lips... "My partner is… No, damn it," he tossed the paper to the center. The laughter ensued nonstop, and Magali covered her face upon realizing her unexpected luck.

Only four remained in the game: Jason, Bill, a freshman who'd crashed the party, and Eva, a cheerleader and Magali's friend.

Bill's gaze lingered on Eva, having tasted that forbidden fruit he knew how fun thirty intense days could be.

"Bill and Jason!" Daniel announced, causing Bill to choke on his beer. Coughing and shaking his head, he rose unsteadily, "No, no, no, don't even dream about it," biting his inner cheek nervously.

Jason just stared at the floor, humiliated to be rejected so publicly, even as part of a game.

"It's okay," Jason stood up with a forced smile, heading to the bathroom, just wanting to escape the awkwardness. It was then that Bill realized what an utter fool he'd been but also understood that Jason, like him, would feel uncomfortable with this pairing.

Uncomfortable, right? He thought.

"You're an idiot!" Magali shouted. "It's just a game; my cousin isn't contagious, he's just a guy."

"I didn't mean to, Magy, I'm sorry."

While friends scrutinized Bill, Jason on the first floor washed his face with cold water, scolding himself for fleeing like a jilted maiden. He was always sociable, hardworking, self-assured, but everything crumbled near Bill. Maybe that was why he always avoided eye contact or conversation with him.

Emerging from the restroom, Jason bumped into a classmate.

"Hey Jason, how are you?"

"Good, Sam, and you?"

"Just looking for my boyfriend; seen him?"

"No, sorry."

"You still working at the grocery store?"

"No, I'm at a 24-hour shop now."

"How's your mom?"

"Getting better."

"My mom said they talked about an experimental drug; hope you can get it. I know it's expensive."

"Yeah, but I'm halfway there."

"You've saved $10,000?"

"Not easy, but it'll be better when I'm 18, with better jobs."

"I'm sure you will. Now I’ve to find Thomas, likely puking somewhere."

"Yeah, haha." Jason waited a moment, mustered courage, and rejoined the party, ignoring the laughter and drinks, thinking he may need to revert to his old plan to save the remaining money.

"Jason, what took you?" Daniel invited him back.

Jason noticed Bill's attentive gaze and averted his eyes, finding it awkward.

"Just bumped into a classmate." He smiled, returning to the circle.

"Shall we continue?" Daniel asked.

The group agreed, and Daniel began listing off the pairs, including Jason and Bill again.

"Sorry," Jason stammered, the crowd turning to him and Bill intently.

"I... well..." Words choked in Jason’s throat under the intensity of green eyes staring at him.

"We're paired up," Bill stated directly at Jason.

Jason's eyes widened in astonishment. But you...

"I know, but it's just a game. Don't take it seriously, and neither will I," Bill shrugged, offering a smile. As Bill spoke, Jason struggled to breathe, unsure what had changed in his absence.

"Now that that's settled, how will we know which couple is best if we all last the thirty days?" Jack asked, awaiting the mastermind's response.

"Good question, buddy," Daniel chuckled.

"It's simple; the gossip site for our school will just start with rumors about these couples," he pointed out, "and the most talked-about couple after thirty days wins."

"Cool, I like it," Jack said, holding the still sleeping redhead close.

"Let the game begin."

Daniel raised his glass, and everyone followed suit, including a shaken Jason, contemplating spending thirty days as Bill Brennan's boyfriend.

"You're not driving, no way, hand over those keys," Jack snatched the car keys from Nara.

"Ooh, love you, baby," Nara slurred, clinging to Jack's neck.

As guests departed, Jason hugged Magaly and bid farewell to everyone, Bill's gaze fixed on him.

He grabbed his coat and walked home since it was late and taxis were scarce. He'd lied about a taxi pickup to save every penny. A few blocks in, a Dodge Tomahawk - 536 km/h motorcycle stopped beside him.

Jason, surprised, didn't recognize the rider until he removed his black helmet and scanned him curiously.

"Need a ride?" Bill smirked.

"Bill," Jason gulped.

"Hop on, I'll take you," Bill gestured with his head.

"No worries, it's close by." For the first time, Jason felt timid.

"Come on, you're my boyfriend, can't leave you stranded," Bill teased, watching Jason nibble his lip and look around nervously.

"Don't worry—I..." Jason tried to refuse.

"Get on, now." Bill's deep voice was sexy yet intimidating, and without further argument, Jason climbed aboard.

Grasping for a hold, Jason's insecurity became apparent, Bill shook his head and guided Jason's hands around his waist.

"Hold on tight, sweetheart."

"Sweetheart?" Jason queried, but before he could respond, Bill's acceleration forced him to cling tightly to Bill's frame, feeling the heat from his body.

Jason reveled in the scent of cologne mixed with alcohol, not generally appealing, but it was Bill's scent - the boy he'd liked since the first year, his cousin's friend, someone he shared only a few moments with due to different classes and his foolishness.

Feeling Jason's head rest onto his shoulder, Bill enjoyed the closeness, contrary to thinking he was disliked. Jason often avoided him, gave short replies, and left quickly or simply ignored him. However, tonight, his cousin was sleeping on his back, and it felt warm and comforting.

Once home, Bill watched Jason in the mirror, captivated by his fair skin, until a dog barked, awakening him.

"We're here." Bill cleared his throat and looked away, feeling out of sorts.

"Thanks." Jason dismounted and strode toward the entrance until Bill's voice halted him.


"Eh?" Jason turned, puzzled.

"You're my boyfriend, right? I'll pick you up Monday." With that, Bill vanished into the night.

"Boyfriend," Jason whispered, closing his eyes tightly, fists clenched in silent celebration.

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