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*Leslie: My name is Leslie Katsumi, I am 15 years old and I live in a small village called Vinder in a small island of Yostin, I am at the 3rd year of middle school and I study on a small school here called ``Horizon´´. I am just a regular student, I do not have that much scholars achievements, I just spend my days watching anime, reading manga, studying and playing soccer even though I am not good at it (because of that I am always the last one to be chosen in the team when we play all together in the class). I don’t have that much friends at school, to be precise I just have two friends and girls don’t even talk to me (but I am still happy with my life). Right now, I am heading to the school cause today is Monday.*

...*Leslie arrives in the school at 8 a.m.*...

Doorman: Good morning Leslie. How are you?

Leslie: Fine and you?

Doorman: I am fine too, there are some guy in your class that came to visit the school, you must go there quick.

Leslie: Ok, thank you very much.

...*Leslie runs to his class and after arriving knocks the door*...

Leslie: Excuse teacher, may I come in?

Teacher: Yes, there is no problem.

Leslie: Thank you teacher.

...*Leslie sits*...

Teacher: Now that everybody is here, we can start. Today with have a special guest as you can see, his name is Mr. Ahmed and he came here because he is looking for genius to study in his school the capital city, so right now he is going to apply a test to you, for him to see who is he going to take to his school.

Student A: But teacher we didn’t know about thus, how are we going to do the test?

Student B: Yes, it is not fair, you should have warned us before.

Student C: Yeah, you must be kidding.

...*Everyone at the class went crazy*...

...*Mr. Ahmed stands up and everybody went silent*...

Mr. Ahmed: I don’t know why you are making so much noise, if you are a genius, you must be prepared everyday, so let’s stop this noise and start with the exam.

...*Exam started and after one hour the exam finished*...

Mr. Ahmed: The results of the exams will be announced next week, so see you next week here.

...*Mr. Ahmed went out of the class disappointed*...

Teacher: Students I didn’t like your behavior today with Mr. Ahmed, next time you should apologize to Mr. Ahmed.

All the Class: Yes teacher, we are going to apologize to him.

Teacher: Now you can leave.

...*Everybody left the class*...

*Leslie in his mind: I don’t know why they were making so much noise in the class, it is not like we are going to win something, maybe he won’t show up again, lets see what happen next week.*

\*….. **and the results day arrive**…. \*


...*...One week already passed since we did the exam and today is the day that Mr. Ahmed will announce the result...*...

*8 am in Leslie´s class*

Teacher: So, students today we have Mr. Ahmed again and he will announce who is the student that passed in his exam.

...*Everybody in the class gets excited and anxious*...

Mr. Ahmed: The student that passed in the exam was Leslie Katsumi.

...*Everybody in the class gets confused*...

Student A: You must be joking; this guy is one of the worst in the class and you are saying that he is going to a genius school? I always though that you were sus.

Student B: Yeah, this guy just came from the capital and try to lie to all of us because we live in a small village, this is kinda obvious, look at his name Ahmed and he doesn’t even have a surname, that’s sus .

Student C: Classmate please stop. Mr. Ahmed can you tell us why you choose Leslie?

Mr. Ahmed: It wasn’t me; it was the director that correct the exams and he said to me that the higher score was from the student Leslie Katsumi.

Student C: Your director must be crazy.

Teacher shouts: Students enough, I don’t know what is happening to you this days but I am not liking your behavior!!!

Mr. Ahmed: Teacher calm down, they are just students. So, Leslie Katsumi lets meet tomorrow at 14:39 pm at the restaurant ``la belle vie´´ to talk about your transfer to our school, please bring your parents with you.

Leslie: OK, no problem.

Mr. Ahmed: So then, I am leaving. Thank you very much for your time.

...*Mr. Ahmed leaves the class*...

Teacher: So now, let’s have our lessons.

*Students had normal lessons till 15:20 p.m.*

Teacher: So, students that’s all for today, Leslie don’t forget to meet Mr. Ahmed

Leslie: Yes teacher.

...*Everybody leaves the classroom*...

...*Someone calls Leslie*...

Leslie: Hello Wyatt!

*Leslie in his mind: Wyatt is my friend since 7nd grade, he is short, happy fat boy that played soccer with me since then, and he was also one of the last to be chosen when we played like me*

Wyatt: Hello Leslie, I hear that you receive a scholarship for a genius school or something like that?

Leslie: Yeah, somehow I managed to pass in the exam, that guy that made the exams said to go tomorrow to some restaurant with my family to speak about my transfer and I don’t even know how I passed the exam.

Wyatt: That’s pretty cool mate, you must go there because if you pass the exam is because you are capable to study on his school and no matter if other people say that you don’t deserve it.

Leslie: But wait, who told you about this...

*Someone: Leslie! Wyatt!

Leslie and Wyatt: Oh, hello William!

*Leslie on his mind: William is also my friend since we were kids, he is shorter than me, a bit perverted and all he wants is a girlfriend but things always go wrong*

...*Suddenly William punches Leslie *...

William: Leslie you are a betrayer!

Leslie: What have I done?

William: In the girls talk they were just talking about you!

Leslie: Oh, really!?

William: Yeah!!!

Leslie: That’s so COOL!!!

William: Right?!!!! Kkk

...*William and Leslie start laughing*...

Wyatt: I don’t know how I ended up being your friend, one spies the girl conversation and the other is happy just because girls are speaking about him and he doesn’t even know what they are talking about him.

Leslie: oh, that’s true, William, what were the girls talking about me?

William: They were talking that the guy who evaluated you must be on drugs to choose a trash like you. But look at the positive side, at least they know you exist.

Leslie: Yeah, at least they know me :)

William: OMG!!!

Leslie: Bros, I gotta go home quick cause I need to tell the transfer stuff to my family.

William and Wyatt: Yeah mate, no problem.

...*...Leslie goes home and finally arrives…*...


...*...Leslie arrives home...*...

*Leslie’s family is composed of his parents, his little brother called Peter and his little sister called Nia*

Nia: Welcome home, Oni-chan !

Leslie: Good afternoon Nia!

...*Nia hugs Leslie*...

Leslie: How are you Nia?

Nia: Fine and you Oni-chan?

Leslie: I am fine too. Where is Peter?

Nia: He is on his room, right there.

...*Nia points where Peter is at and Leslie goes see him with Nia*...

Leslie: How are you today Peter?

Peter: Everything is fine with me, what about you Leslie?

Leslie: Yeah, everything is cool with me too. Where is mom and dad?

Peter: They are in the living room.

Leslie: I want to go see them with you and Nia because I have something very important to say to you all.

Nia and Peter: Ok, no problem.

...*The siblings went to the living room together to meet their parents*...

Leslie: Good afternoon mom! Good afternoon dad!

Mom and Dad: Good afternoon son, how are you son?

Leslie: I am fine and you mom and dad?

Dad: I am fine as always.

Mom: I am just tired because i had a lot of work today at my job.

Leslie: That is normal, after a good night of sleep and it will pass.

Mom: Yes, i hope.

Leslie: So, mom and dad I got something very important and urgent to say to you.

Dad: What is it? did you get some girl pregnant?

Leslie: No Dad! Obviously is not that!

Dad: So, are you telling me you are gay?

Leslie: Dad stop! What I got a say is that I receive a scholarship for a genius school in the capital city.

Dad: Oh! Do you thing we will believe that?

Leslie: But it is true, check this paper.

...*Leslie shows their parents the paper that says that he won the scholarship*...

Mom: Son we are very proud of you!!!

Dad: We have to thank God for this opportunity that he gave to you!

...*Leslie smiles because he is happy to see his family proud of him*...

Leslie: Probably I will go live in a dormitory so maybe we won’t see each other for some time.

Nia: NO! I don’t want you to go, I want to be with you always Oni-chan!

Peter: Me too! I don’t want you to go, stay here with us!

...*Nia and Peter start crying*...

Leslie: No need to cry, we will see each other again! We are siblings and it will never change!

...*Leslie hugs Nia and Peter*...

Dad and Mom: Yes, no need to cry, he will return.

Leslie: So, mom and dad tomorrow we need to met with the man who did the exam at 14:39 p.m. at a restaurant called ``la belle vie´´.

Dad: What is his name?

Leslie: Mr. Ahmed.

Dad: Doesn’t he has a surname?

Leslie: As far as i know, he doesn't have.

Dad: Ok, no problem.

Leslie: Ok, so let’s wait until tomorrow.

...*...And the tomorrow arrives...*...

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