NovelToon NovelToon

Destin To Love

Arranged marriage

I was looking out of the carriage’s window. The safety and the warmth the house that i grow in was not far behind.

While our carriage was cracking up and down through the narrow road between two kingdoms, i was just wishing that all these nonsence was a dream. I would wake up in the morning and my loyal and kind handmade Mary would smile at me as complaining about my laziness.

But instead, she was sitting across to me in the small carrige, and trying to smile at me as always. But this time, the nervousness was all over on her face. She did not admit this whole thing is insane and she tried to claim that this marriage will be beneficial for all parties.

Though, everybody says the same thing for two weeks now, and I am really exhausted to explain how this is insane. But, at the end of the day, how can a woman speak for herself? My father made this deal with the neighbor kingdom, and both parties is happy about this business agreement.

“Love is an unaffordable luxury for the nobles.” Said my father. He had that luxury once in his life with my mother. Sometimes I wonder, if my mother were alive, the same thing would have happened to me?

The carriage has halted suddenly. I have tried to see the front of the carriage but I’ve couldn’t.

Suddenly a fierce scream has been heard from the maids that riding in the other carriage.

I felt fear as the first time this tense in my life. One of my guards has shout in a hurry,

“No matter what you hear, stay inside of the carriage princess.”

Then he ran towards to the other carriage in front of ours. We were traveling with three more carriages other than ours. And also with fourteen cavaliers, still I was trembling like a leaf before the wind, and I was just thinking how to hide the locket that inherited me from my mother, in case of this danger is coming from thieves. I wasn’t sure what was happening outside, though.

The shouts of the swordsmen and screams of the maids have been raised. Mary has came and sit next to me and hold me tightly. She was mumbling a pray under her breath. I wasn’t taking any breathe.

Then suddenly, all shouts and screams has been cut. Instead, a cold and dead slience has been collapsed on the carriage. I was wondering what was going on outside, but I was horrified to find the answer that had come into my mind.

Just a second later, which had taken years for me, we have started to hear a couple of footsteps coming nearer. I hoped that would be our men’s. I was wrong.

Suddenly, a huge veiny hand has dived into carriage from the window of opposite side of the carriage where we sitting at. Every where has been covered with broken glasses. One or two pieces of the shuttered glas has shot through to me and caused small cuts. But I’ve couldn’t even feel it. I was petrified and couldn’t even move an eyelash of me.

The hand grasped the door of the carriage like it is maden from cardboard and smashed it out. And we have seen the arm after the hand. A bulky and veiny as the hand, has reached in the carriage, it catched the arm of Marry and pulled her out from the smashed open gate.

I was trying to hold Marry’s hand and I was screaming as loud as I can hoping the swordsmen would help. Meanwhile, the door behind me should have been opened, before I understand, two strong arms as big as the other horrifying one, gas grasped me from the waist and pull me out of the carriage.

It was so strong and tense holding and I was feeling like I am not capable of breathing in. But this was the first time I was seeing what was going on. There were blood everywhere. I have seen the dead bodies of cavaliers’ and maids’ lying here and there. There were six men as I was seeing at the first time in my life and one of them was holding Marry from behind, he was trusting a dagger to her neck. Someone was also holding me from my waist, I felt the pressure again, I was just trying to think.

Never say you are a princess, give whatever they want and promise to give more if they let you go. I was saying to myself.

I was just bargaining in my brain then I saw him for the first time in my life. The source of my future misery was standing before me for the first time.

He was tall and thick like an oak three. His feet were standing on the earth like the big roots. His tanned skin was covered with countless scars and a big tattoo was seen from the open button of his shirt and looks like it was going through to the chest of him. His chest was as big as a trunk and his wide jaw was clasped angrily.

When I dared to look his eyes, I saw two merciless black jewel looking back at me. His long bangs were falling onto his eyes, his big and curved hawknose was giving him a more threatening air. His surprisingly shaped and plump lips has opened and he talked. Morelike he thundered.

“Be obedient, or you will die!”

I was already not thinking any other option. I was ready to cooperate until reaching out my father and giving them as much as ransom for our lives. I have gathered all of my courage and tried to speak. But the firm grasp around my waist wasn’t helping. I have cleared my throat loudly to let them understand I am preparing to talk. It worked and black jewels fixed on me.

“We are not willing to cause any trouble. We will be obedient until agreeing on a convenient ransom money between you and my family. I am the daughter of a rich duke and my father can give you a high ransom in return of us. Please don’t hurt us. “ I was thinking I am smart. But I was just wrong.

“The daughter of a duke ha?” His plump lips has been curved with a smirk.

“Yes, my father is very rich. Can give you anything you want.

“Rich indeed. He is a king afterall.”

I was aghast. He has known my fater who really was. I opened my mouth to argue with it but I have seen the uselessness of it in his eyes. He was aware who he really captured. There was no use to fool around. So I spoke throughly.

“What is your demand? “

“ I demand you, ma lady.” He said it with a playful voice but his eyes were different as cold as an iceberg. All of his men laughed exaggerated at this little joke .

I have understood that their intention was not gathering some money from a royal. Whatever their plan is, it was obvious that there was a bigger goal behind. I gulped.

“Who are you?” I asked as arrogantly as I dare, which was natural for a royal born. I thought if he knows that I am a princess now, then he acts according to that.

“Now we are revealing our true nature aren’t we? “ he asked. Then he continue talking.

“I am Tharon Aldragon. The son of the Thenin. And you are Kathleen Zayarin. The one and only daughter the king Atalen. And from now on, my prey. “

I was shocked. He said Aldragon, isn’t he? The family that swear to end mine for centuries? The kingdom of North. Big and deserted lands of grudge. That kingdom and my kingdom were fighting for centuries. Even my arranged marriage was to avoid any danger coming from north and stand more stable with an ally who bounded my kingdom with a marriage. My marriage.

My fater was hoping a grandson from this marriage to pass his power and lands.

But even he didn’t see this coming. It was bad. Very very bad.

I was trying to think but god’s sake, the arms around my waist wasn’t giving me enough air to make my brains work. I have struggled a little but there was no use. Marry was crying, this Tharon guy was smirking more than ever and I was just trying to take breath. Than I have done the stupidest thing I can ever do. I have bit the hand of the guy who was holding me. He gave a loud cry and let me go for one second. I wasn’t in intention of running but suddenly I felt like I have to.

I ran directly to the woods. The trees was coming nearer, it was happening, I was running away… but feeling a powerful pulling at my arm, nearly was dislocating my shoulder didn’t take too long. I fell down on the mud.

I turned and saw the face of Tharon guy and I sweared. Not like a princess or not even like a lady. It was more like a drunk from the horsehead inn. I said,

“ What the f*ck you think you doing you idiotic bastard of the Aldragon. You are a bastard’s son. Your father must have f*ck a pig to have like a small brained idiot like you. You were nearly dislocating my arm. Haven’t you have been taught how to act to a lady you disgusting pig?!! “

He was shocked. I was shocked too. If any of my noble friends or my governess would have heard me they would have been shocked too. But I couldn’t help. And it was coming from my disguised travels to the city. I will tell it later.

The shock that he was feeling didn’t take too long and left its place to anger. He furiously raised his hand and slapped me on the cheek.

That was all i remember for that day. I just felt e severe pain on my face. I am saying face, because his palm was so big, it was enough covering my whole face. Then I blacked out. I fon’t know how long I was away but when I came to my senses, I was lying on a horseback behind Tharon. My hands were tied in front of me. I briefly look around to see Marry. She was sitting behind somebody else’s back on a horse. I thanked to my god for she hasn’t been killed. But I was not expecting too much from the future at all. Maybe, we could be lucky if we were killed. I wasn’t eager to pull any attention this time, my face was still throbbing. But before I do anything, the guy coming from behind our horse shouted.

“She is awake your majesty!”

Then everybody stopped. He get down from the horse back and pull me down either. Hold me from both of my arms and pulled me nearer to his face. His breath was hitting my nose and tickling it.

“ If you do anything such as the nonsense before, I will kill you this time. Are we clear?”

“Yes” I mumbled in a thin voice.

“I didn’t hear you?!”

I have cleared my throat and said it louder.


“Good. Now climb the horse back. If you do anything wrong I will feed the wild animals of black forest with you. “

Black Forest? I must have unconscious for a day at least. Because from the point that we have been attacked, the black forest is one and a half day away. It looks like we will be on the roads like one week more. It will take that much at least.

No one will recognize that we are lost for an another ten days because we had nearly teo weeks ahead to my arranged kingdom Nazilah when we were caught.

I hope we can survive until then.







To the unknown lands

We haven’t stopped for a moment from morning until dawn. I was not feeling my legs anymore. I was always complaining about carriage rides but, compare to this back horse riding, it was heaven. From the moment in the morning until I came my senses, I was riding behind of the Tharon.

First, I rejected to hold him, and tried to hold the saddle of the horse, but the lands got bumpy and rough, and the inside of the forest was dark that you cannot see anything. Black forest, was giving due to its name. I was getting scarier and lands was getting rougher, on a one bump, I was nearly falling down from the horse. Before I know what I was doing, I have hugged him from his back with a flashing instinct as I was trying not to fall.

His stiff neck has moved a little and he throw a gaze at me, but he didn’t say anything. We have continued to riding. I was just trying to hold him loose, I wasn’t willing to lean on somebody who has mercilessly beaten me and kidnapped me. However, it was hard to balance myself. A short while after, we heard a howl from the deeps of forest.

"What was that sound?”

“Werewolves” he said briefly and calmly.

I panicked for a brief moment, but then I thought, there was no such thing as werewolves. He was just trying

to mock me. I have look around and I saw smirking faces of the other riders. I felt angrier than ever. He has kidnapped me and now insulting me? That was too much. I have released my arms around him and turned back to holding the saddle. I was too determined not to hold him again but maybe it was a wrong call.

Not too much after than I release him, the horse suddenly afraid of something and it rose on its hind legs and reared up.

I was falling. I have tried to hold saddle desperately but it has no use. I was sure I was going to hit the floor this time and maybe lose some of my teeth if I am lucky. Then I felt that firm grip again on my arm. This time I was happy to be pulled up like that tough. He just easily lift me like I have no weight and put me in front of him on the horse. He wrapped one of his arms around my waist and hold me firmly.

He slowly leaned to my ear and whispered.

“Stop acting like a child and stay still. I am not dying to hold you close either.”

I have flushed. I knew that he was not liking me in any kind, and he was aware of despise of mine but, I was not know that he feels despise for me too. I felt insulted. Since I am a princess, I was thinking that being close

to me is a blessing. I was too young and inexperienced. That was the first time a man was this close to me, and he despised by me.

After that, I haven’t done anything. Not even twitched a nerve. While sun goes down, it was becoming impossible to see the road. At that point, we had to stop. There was a creek and the group chose its bank to camping.

He got down from the horse and hold me from my waits with two enormous hands of him, which were can touch each other around my waist, and get me down. We were riding from since morning. We have just stopped a couple times for horses and he did not let us get down. The moment he put me down, I have couldn’t feel my legs and collapsed. He catch me one more time. He just wrapped one of his arms around my underarms and pulled

me close to him. We were so close that our breathes were hitting each other. He looked me directly in my eyes. His black jewel eyes were penetrating. I thought he was seen my soul for a brief moment. Then he pulled himself together instantly. And, make me seated on a big rock at the bank of the creek.  I was puzzled and exhausted. I didn’t know where we are or what to do anymore. I was just feeling lost.

In couple of minutes, Mary has come nearer to me and we have talked for the first time after all this madness has started. She just whispered,

“Don’t worry my precious princess; I am sure your father will rescue you as soon as he finds out the situation. “

“He will rescue us, Mary. I won’t go anywhere without you. “

“Thank you my lady.”

We have hold hands of each other. I felt relieved for the first time after all these things happened. It did not last too long.

“What are you whispering abut?” One of the men has caught us talking. When he said that, Tharon looked us fiercely, come across the group, and get near to us. He grasped my arm again without saying anything and lifted

me. He dragged me behind and put me on a clutter of fabrics that I assume they were blankets.

One of the men has set a campfire in front of us. I wasn’t complaining. The heat of the fire was warming my joints, which were pushed harder more than ever in my life. I was feeling hungry and exhausted. They have cooked something on the fire, which smells delicious and juicy. But, I wasn’t planning to go and eat the meals my kidnappers has cooked.

As I have expected, the Tharon brought some food and put it in front of me like throwing to a dog. I have turned my head. He did not paid any attention to me. He sat next to me and eat his own meal. He was holding a big drumstick of a chicken and eating it with his bare hands. He was looking so barbaric, which was suiting his behavior too. He was looking like he was going to eat the chicken with its bones. If I have to admit, I was feeling very hungry, and seeing him eating with this much appetite, was making me hungrier. However, I had no intension to eat whatever

they cooked. It was an insult for me.

At the end of the meal, he looked my dish and talked,

“Are you planning to eat those or not?”

“No! I won’t eat your stinky meat. “

“Your call, princess. But be aware that we won’t stop for meals

that often. You need to eat whenever it is offered. “

“Well, thank you obviously generous kidnapper…” I have said it

with a tone of mocking in my voice, “I don’t take lecture from bandits.”

“Okay than, get up from bandits’ blankets so we can all sleep.”

As I have guessed, I was sitting on blankets. I got up, he took the blankets and distributed to his men. He gave one to me and one to Marry. Marry took the blanket and wrapped it around her shoulders quickly. It was a wise

thing to do, because the wind started to blow very strongly. However, I wasn’t planning to surrender that easy. My bones were frozen, my ears and fingers lost their feeling, but I was sure I won’t use any of their offerings.

He chose two watchmen, and decided them to shift in 2-3 hours and rotate. He sat down next to me, trusted his back to a tree and fell asleep. I have tried to sleep too, but it was kind of impossible on the bare ground.

Everybody except watchmen and me were sleeping. I have tried to use dry leaves as a comforting element. They weren’t help that much but, I was so exhausted, even in these conditions I have succeeded to fall asleep.

During my sleep, I have felt a warmth was covering me. It was like my mother’s arms hugging and whispering me everything going to be just fine. When I woke up with the noises of men around me, I have seen a blanket has been

thrown on me. I kicked the blanket off me and threw furious looks around. I was acting furious, but was glad in a way. That blanket has prevent me freeze to die.

In the morning, he gave us some hardtack for breakfast. I didn’t eat that either. Then we have started our annoying travel all over again. This time, he didn’t let me to sit back of the horse. He took me in front of him and hold me with one arm. Noon came by, then it turned to night, we were still on the road. If we keep riding like this, my one-week road estimate would be wrong. I believe they were aiming to reach there in three days.

The second night, they let Marry to come near me for a brief moment. As soon as we get back together, we hugged each other in tears. While hugging me, Marry left something in my palm secretly. It was dried fruits. She was

aware that I am not eating and she tried to feed me with something. I was about to cry. After my mum passed, she was the only one I have. We have looked each other, didn’t talk anything because as soon as we start talking they were separating us, cried silently. After a while, they came and took Mary again.

I was hungry, cold and tired. But I was happy to have Marry with me. I opened my palm carefully and saw the fruits again. I ate it without letting anybody know. Maybe, It was not enough food for anybody but it was something

to give me some strength. I was not eating too much anyway.

Then it was the time for sleeping again. This time I didn’t turn over the blanket and crawled underneath it. I was just wishing to skip the days and face whatever is going to happen to me.

In the middle of night, I felt that I have to go to bathroom. By bathroom I was referring to the woods of course. I woke up. Tharon was sleeping next to me. I quietly sneaked near from him and found one of the watchmen. I explained what I need to do and he took me through the woods. It was blind dark out the camping area. I was waiting to my eyes get used to the dark, but there was no use. He took me to a group of bushes and started to stare at me. I said.

“What are you staring at? Turn back! “ He said,

“How can I know that you are not gonna run?”

“I won’t. I have to do that, but I cannot, if you keep staring at


“Okay” he said and turned around. I have found a blind spot and crouch down. Suddenly I have felt eyes on me. When I turned back, the watchmen was next to me and looking at me with a hungry expression on his face.

“What are you doing?” I asked in a shock. He did not answer my question but I was aware what was going on.

“If you do something to me, Tharon will punish you.”

“What do you know about Tharon you b*tch. Do you thing that anybody cares what happens to a h*re  from Havalin


He started to undo his pants. I have pulled out my undergarment in a hurry and tried to run away but he attacked on me. Now I was lying on the ground and this stinky pig was on me. I have tried to fight back. I have tried to scream but he blocked my mouth with his greasy palm. He was so heavy. He was smashing my light bones with his huge weight and he was trying to pull down my undergarment with his other hand. He ripped out a part of my dress from the upper side.

There was a ringing sound in my ears. I was about to black out from his weight still trying to fight my way out. I have managed to bite his hand. I bite it so hard even I tasted his blood. For a brief moment, he pulled his hand off my mount and swore.

I catch that opportunity and I screamed. As soon as I screamed, he blocked my mouth again. This time he

was swearing to all my country and my family with me.

“You f*cking b*tch. Did you think you could escape from me? I will going to f*ck you so hard as f*cking all of your country. Useless Havalin Kingdom’s juicy princess. You gonna be f*cked like a pig”

I was crying like a river, the teardrops was ponding on my eyes and blurring my view. I knew it was the end. Either this pig would kill me or I would kill myself if he violates me.





Is he a good guy?

That pig was still on me. I have couldn’t breathe normally and my conciseness was fading minute by minute. I was just realizing that he was ripping my clothes.



What was happening? I have heard something like a tense wind and I have felt some air then the pig has gave a big cry. Now he was lying still on me. He was crushing me and I was not sure how much I could resist more.

Then somebody pulled him off me. It was so dark, but his jewel black eyes were shinning at the moonlight. And he was holding a sword at one of this hands. It was him. Tharon has saved me. I was still in shock and couldn’t give a reaction but he was just saved my life. I wanted to thank him. Thank him a million times.

He reached out me, pulled me from my wrist, and helped me to stand on my feet. As soon as he hold me in his arms, I have started crying. It was all too much for me. Two days ago, I was a princess with all of those

servants and respect. Now I was lower than a commoner. I was a slave. I have been beaten, insulted, and now this happened. I couldn’t take it anymore. I just let him pull me close and I let myself go.

I was crying as I had never in my life. He picked me up and carried me. I had no objection. I was just feeling comfortable. It was nice to be cared of right now, even though he was my kidnapper.

He carried me to the camping area. He did not say a word. While carrying he just hold me tightly and listened my sobbing patiently. When we got back to camping area, he put me near to the campfire, and gone to get a blanket

on me.

That was the first time I was seeing my dress’ condition. It all was teared out. One of my breasts’ rosebud was all out. Because one arm side of my shirt was totally gone. As soon as I figured out my situation I have looked in his face fearing that if he saw it or not. He just did not rise his head. He even gave the blanket without looking at me. I have wrapped it on my shoulders, hid my dress and continued crying.

He came and sit next to me. I wasn’t know why, but it was soothing to have him around me. I was crying and thinking about this madness as watching the flames. Than I have started trembling, I couldn’t stop it. My

whole body was shaking. He noticed that. He came close, without saying anything, hugged me and made me lie down on his knee. He caressed my hair while I was trembling and he just said,

“Hissshhhh, its’ all gone know. Rest a little.”

I don’t know if I was too tired or his touch was magical, I fell asleep right away. Before I notice, morning has come. When I have opened my eyes, I was still sleeping on his knee, and he was awake. It was impossible to stay up all night but he seemed tired like he did.

I have pulled myself up and let his knee go. He rubbed his knee. It must be numb after all night. Everybody were all up right now and started packing for the road again. Marry was looking at me with considerate eyes. I think I was looking awful.

Tharon washed his face with some water from a bottle and he came back next to me again. Suddenly he started taking off his shirt. I was frozen. He opened the buttons one by one and his enormous body has been revealed. His chest was as wide as a trunk. He was unbelievably muscular. His tanned skin covered with scars, and the tattoo.

When I first saw him, I have recognized a tattoo going down from his throat through to his chest. It revealed now. It was a giant lion tattoo. The symbol of the Zeyda Kingdom. My history and strategy teacher has mentioned me once that only the nobles could have such a tattoo in Zeyda Kingdom. I have understood before that he is in the royal family by his family name. I wonder how close to king he is. Gosh! I needed to listen those lessons more carefully. What was the name he said his father? Thenin something? Who was he? I believe somebody important, because he said it with a pride. Maybe a general or a duke.

While I was thinking, I spaced out and my eyes were fixed on his tattoo. And it was looking like I was watching his body. As soon as I got it, I have pulled my self and turned my head however, I couldn’t help but flushed. He smiled covering it with a cough and hand me his shirt.

“What is it for?”

“Are you planning to complete the ride with this blanket? It suits you tough.” He smirked again.

I have pulled the shirt angrily and imitated his smirk. He was looking so amused.

I have tried to wear the shirt inside of the blanket but it was too hard to arrange it without making any flash. He came in front of me to a very close point and turned back. He was like a giant human curtain. I understood what he mean. He wanted me to use him as a screen. It was really easier while he was in front of me. I have pulled up the shirt quickly and made the buttons. Then I thanked him. He didn’t say anything and left to see the arrangements.

This morning I have eaten what he offered me. It was nice to eat something. This was the first after dried fruits Mary gave. It was hardtack again and some salted meat. However, it was like the best meal I have ever eat after all that starving. Still I was trying to finish my breakfast; Tharon’s thundering voice has been heard.

“Everybody, on horses! We have one day ahead. No breaks. We will keep riding until get home!”

By the order of Tharon, all of us were on the road again. It was exhausting. Being on the horseback for all day, sleeping on the ground for all night meanwhile escaping from rape was painful. I was feeling awful. Once I

have found myself trusted my head to Tharon’s chest and sleeping. I woke up with a high snoring noise. Then I found out it was me. It was comfortable all right, but he was still a kidnapper. And I had to stay tough.

We have ride for all day until night fell down. Normally they would stop when it was this dark but they did not stop this time. I was thinking that, the incident that happened last night affected this. We kept riding nearly until mid-night. Then we saw high walls of a castle and small town around the castle with smoking chimneys.

The men have shouted by joy.

“Huhaaa! “



Home? That was their home, but it was a prison for me. However, the thought of having a bed to sleep on, was nice. I was thinking that they would treat me like a princess. At least was hoping that.

We finally succeeded to get into the castle. I cannot say they were very welcoming. All eyes gazing me filled with hatred. We slowly continued inside of the inner wall of castle. A group of servants and swordsmen has welcomed us. They bowed on the Tharon with respect. One of them talked.

“Welcome, His Royal Highness, Prince of Zeyda. It is a pleasure seeing you at home safe and sound. “

Did he say prince?

“All arrangements has been completed for you and well (hesitated)…your guest. His Imperial Majesty is waiting for you in the study. “

“Thank you Gulfrick. Please make sure Princess Kathleen’s comfort. “

“I personally will, Your Highness.”

Then Tharon got down from the horse and helped me, too. While he was going through a corridor, I was looking after him. Gulfrick cleared his throat and talked after catching my attention.

“This way Your Highness Princess Kathleen”

At last, somebody addressed me properly and showed me the kindness I have longed for. He was not looking pleased though, he was acting respectful. He led me to a room.

At the door of the room, I asked about Mary.

“What about my maid? I want her by my side. “

“I am so sorry your highness but I have been directed to take her to another room. However, please be on ease. We will host her with our best, too. “

Then he opened the door. It was a gorgeous room, with its own bathroom and a small guestroom. Gulfrick, informed me that the bath is ready and maids were waiting inside of the room. I cannot be happier. Finally, I could get a proper bath.

I directly went to bathroom and asked the maids leave. I have took off all of my clothes including the borrowed shirt and dived into the bathtub. It was too hot first, but it was like healing potion for my crying body. I don’t know how long I stayed in the bathroom. But I have stayed enough relaxing all my body.

I have completed my bath, took the towels they left beside of the bath. I jumped onto the bed with only towels on me and I just fell asleep. The second my head touched the pillow, I blacked out.

I was not sure how long I have slept but when I opened my eyes, sun was shining. There were three maids in the bedroom. One of them opened the curtains; one of them placed a big tray with many meals on a coffee table

and the last one was waiting next to bed with clothes on her arms.

“How long have I been sleeping? “

“It’s been two days my lady. “

“Two days?”

“You were exhausted my lady. We have prepared some food for you and brought some dress. Today the tailor of palace will also visit you and will prepare you new dresses.”

“New dresses? I don’t need new dresses. How long they are planning to keep me here?”


I wasn’t expecting them to answer such a question. But, it was just went out from my mouth. I was thinking aloud.

“Anyways, tell me about Mary. Is she okay. What is she doing? Where is she now?”

“My lady, it is forbidden us to talk you anything about anybody. We can just serve you. We cannot inform you. It is a restrict rule, otherwise we will be punished. “

“I see. Just tell me she is okay or not at least?”

“She is okay my lady. Don’t worry.”

“Thank you. What is your name?”

“My name is Lily.”

“Lily, am I allowed to go out or am I a prisoner?”

“Well… His Highness Prince Tharon said that, you are allowed to walk around in the inner castle my Lady. But, it is forbidden to go out of the inner castle, even if it is outer castle.”

“Why, outer castle is still castle isn’t it? Why I am not allowed to? “

“Outer castle hosts are more variant. There are soldiers and secondary nobles also traders and such. Maids stays in the outer castle area too. I believe they are trying to protect you. Inner castle is only and solely belongs to royal family and their directly invited guests. Nobody can across from the gate of inner castle without permission or invitation. So you will be more safe here. “

“So it is my cage then?”


“I want to have some breakfast and dress up. “

“I can help you with dressing up my lady?”


I wasn’t willing to cause any trouble this kind maids. I knew that they were trying to do their jobs. I let them dress me. The fabric of the dress and the undergarments were so soft and high quality. I wonder, where they found these dresses. Were they planning to capture me for a long time?

After I have dressed up, I stand across the cheval glass and looked myself first time after all those horrible days.

My small and white face was looking pale. I was always pale and fragile. Even my father, King Atalen was always teasing with me that I was looking too skinny that everybody would think he is not feeding me.  Even though, I have never seen myself this pale in my life. There were gray circles under my eyes. I was looking more thin

than ever.

The dress they have given me was beautiful. There was fine embroideries on the front side of the dress. Some roses and birds. The fabric was emerald green. There were tulle layers above layers and a big shiny belt covered with beads. I really liked the dress but, it was a little big for me. My green eyes were complimented with this emerald green dress and it was looking good with the bright red hair strands of mine falling on my shoulders.

“Okay, you can leave now.” I said to the maids. As soon as they left, I sit down next to breakfast tray and helped myself to full my belly with delicious meal. There were many things to taste. Soup, eggs, bacon,

freshly cooked warm bread, olives, cheese and a lot of other stuff I don’t know what they are really is.

It was like showering in pleasure. Hot bath, good room, comfortable sleep, beautiful dress and an amazing breakfast. I was about to start thinking that being a prisoner not that much bad.

I was wrong and I was about to learn it from the hard way.





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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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