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The Cold Witch

Chapter 1

My name is Diana King, I'm 25 years old and oddly enough, I didn't look like that 10 years ago.

I come from a wealthy family that owns a chain of luxury hotels around the world, mainly in the noblest area of the City of Diamond.The Kingdom luxury hotels.My little world started to crumble when I was just eight years old.

I was a beautiful child. All my friends at school kept telling me that. I had long hair up to my hips, black in color. It was very beautiful indeed. My eyes were also black, so black they could be compared to the darkness of a night sky. And my skin, white as snow.

My parents always said that I had unparalleled beauty. They said that all my characteristics were the perfect combination.

But that beauty of mine that I was said to be, was no more important than my family.

It was a day like any other in my life. A sunny day, with several butterflies flying across the field of flowers that we had near our home. I was quietly picking some roses to give to my mother. I had inherited her taste in flowers. Whenever I picked them, my mom would put some around the house and my dad would always tell me not to forget to get one especially for him. He loved blue roses. My mother preferred red roses and daisies.

But a tragedy has happened. Upon returning home, I came across a stranger shoving a knife into my father's abdomen and my mother's body on the floor of my father's dead office.

I managed to hide, but I realized that he was looking for me. I had dropped the basket of flowers on the floor of the room, which made this stranger realize my presence, so I ran away from home for 2 days.

When I returned and finally had the courage to enter my parents' office, I saw their bodies lying on the floor, just as the stranger had left.

My luck was a letter that my mother had given me a few months before this happened.

In the letter it said:

"- My dear, if you are reading this, it is because something happened to me and your father.

I know you are very obedient and would only open when Mom said it was meant to be opened, in extreme case of despair.

Honey, starting today, you're on your own. Trust no one. If possible, change your first and last name. Dad had a partner who was very selfish who wanted all of our fortune just for him. He was the one who hurt Mom and Dad.

Try as much as possible to live away from him, because he will try to hurt you too.

Here are all the places in the house that have money for you to get out of here as soon as possible. Never forget that we always love you. Long live my dear, for us."

I obeyed all the instructions my mother had left me and left.

At first I didn't know where to go. I thought about going to my uncle's house, which was in the same city as ours. But my mother had warned me about Dad's dangerous partner. I was brief for a moment.

I had an anger that was inside of me and questions that didn't go out of my head:

"Why my parents? They were great people. They never hurt anyone. Quite the contrary, they were always helping as many people as possible."

I couldn't stop thinking about such things.

My mom wanted me to run away to live, so I did, but I went looking for a place where I could train martial arts, learn to use all kinds of weapons so I could avenge my parents' deaths. I was too young. , but my parents always stimulated my intelligence and my creativity. So I knew exactly which way to go and where to take shelter for a while.

I walked for days, but I passed out from the heat of the scorching sun that was over my head when I came near a place that looked like a desert. I had no food and only drank water after many hours of walking without rest. body was exhausted.

When I woke up, I was lying on a bed with a cold compress on my forehead and a little lady who looked very nice telling me to rest and regain my strength.

But I just lay there, I wanted to know why that lady is helping me. I was watching the place for a few minutes. It was dark, so I couldn't see perfectly, just feel. The bed was made with wood from trees and with lots of leaves, but It was comfortable. Since I was little, my parents taught me the value of humility. If at that time I no longer had my luxury, a bed of leaves was much more comfortable than sleeping on a cold or sandy floor.

After a few minutes, she came back with a vegetable soup that was smelling really good. I couldn't help myself and asked:

- Why are you helping me?

- Because I found you passed out and weak. In the place where you were\, it is route for several men who are in search of beautiful women to make them prostitutes and profit from it. - she answered.

Even though she told me that, the memory of my mother's letter telling me not to trust anyone don't leave my mind. We were silent for just a minute, when she decided to speak:

- I know you are just a child\, but they would also take advantage of that fact. They say that a child is worth much more than a woman already an adult.

- Thanks. - was the only thing I managed to say at that moment. Then curiosity hit me again and I had to ask: - What is this place?

- It's the Southern Forest\, it's at the foot of Hill of the Moon. - she replied.

So I thought it might just be the destination, as that was exactly where I wanted to go.

- Stay for the night\, if you want you can leave tomorrow morning after you regain your strength. - the lady told me.

- Thank you\, but I prefer to leave right now. I have a lot of road ahead. Thank you for the food and your care. - I waved\, took my things and left his small residence.

Chapter 2

It was made of planks, the ceiling was made of palm leaves. The ground outside was wet. I wondered if it had rained during the time I was unconscious. When I looked ahead, I immediately saw the hill. a few steps to see if someone was around, I didn't want to run into anyone else during this journey that I was doing.

I started to climb that huge mountain and I soon realized why few people had the courage to climb this hill. It was one of the highest that was around here. But even so, I remained firm in my purpose. It took me three days to reach the top, but I arrived at my destiny.

There was what I was looking for. The Hill of the Moon martial arts school.

I spoke with one of the masters who accepted me willingly, because I omitted my real goal to learn to fight.

Seven years was the length of my training. When I was ready to leave, Jensen, a friend I made there and who I thought was impossible for him to look at me the same way I looked at him, confessed his feelings to me and I gave up leaving to be with him. reason for happiness in my life that had been only sadness during those years. I saw it as the love of my life.

It was the biggest mistake I could make at that time.

Our relationship didn't last long, just five months, but it was long enough for him to do everything bad for me.

He cheated on me, cursed me, but even so, I thought he would change. How silly I was.

Until one day, I caught him in my bed with another girl and that was the last straw for me.

I said everything that was kept in my heart that I had never said not to generate more fights between us and that I wanted to end. It was at that moment that he got angry and hit me. All these years of training I had were not enough to defend myself because I was in shock. I never thought he would be able to get to that point. But that wasn't the worst.

He hit me but kept me awake so I could see him taking advantage of me, taking advantage of my body while I didn't have the strength to resist.

It was then that I felt the same anger that I felt when I saw my parents being killed unjustly.

I felt a cold spreading all over my body. It was like ice running through my veins instead of blood. Suddenly, I felt an inexplicable force gathered all over my body where this "ice" had passed.

I pushed Jensen away from me without touching his body and saw his look of despair. Looking at myself in the mirror I saw, my hair that was black as darkness, now white as snow falling on the ground in a winter day; and my eyes, a blue that reminded the blue of a sunny day sky. I looked at my hands and saw a blue tint in them that glowed. I looked at Jensen again and the desperate expression had not left his face yet. The ice that flowed through my veins healed all my wounds and bruises he had made on my body. Before I left, I realized that snowflakes were coming out of my hands and my nails were a little bigger than before.

I went over to Jensen, he was huddled in the corner of the wall, he didn't dare say a word if he wants to or leave the room. Then I said:

- I think the time has come for you to pay for all the bad you did to me.

- What are you going to do with me\, honey? - he dared to ask me.

- Never call me sweetheart again. You don't even deserve to speak to me. - When I finished speaking\, I put my hand on his left chest and dug my nails\, which got bigger just as I thought I wanted them to stay. They touched his heart\, which stopped beating at the same moment and his blood started pouring out of the holes that my nails had left in his chest.

I put on a cape that had a hood and was long enough to cover my entire body and left martial arts school leaving everything behind and promising myself that no one else would hurt me.

That was the day when the sensation of killing what made me bad, caused me immense pleasure.

Chapter 3

When I left school, I felt such inexplicable relief. But I wanted to know what had happened to me. This power that suddenly arose in me, completely transformed me, making me stronger and more confident of my strength.

I went down the hill and looked for the most isolated place in the forest to know the immensity of this power that flowed through my veins. A cold that didn't bother me, made me feel welcomed. I found a place where the trees were so high that it was impossible to see the sky.

I reached out with one of my hands and thought about what I wanted to happen, then a blast of ice came out of my hand, cutting one of the trees in half, making it fall to the ground. I also realized that I was able to freeze things and I was very surprised with all that. It was at that moment when I decided it was time to go back to my house. I don't know how, but I got home in less than half an hour after leaving the forest. I didn't have to rest to catch my breath.

My house was in the same shape that I had left seven years ago, but it was possible to see recent footprints of people on the grass in the garden. That meant they were still behind me. I went into the house and went to the office that was I felt a great sadness when I remembered that terrible day, but at the same time a great happiness, because now I had what it took to avenge them.

The house was all dirty. Little by little I was cleaning and organizing everything the way my mother liked. I also realized that these powers, in addition to being controlled by my mind, also depended on my emotional. When I totally calmed down, my hands returned to Only my hair remained white and my eyes blue.

I took a long shower and went out into the city to see what had changed during the seven years I was away.

When I arrived in the center, I came across an abandoned building. Then I realized it was one of the buildings in my family's hotels. It gave my heart a hard time to see the building that way. That's when I noticed that snowflakes were falling in that place. I took a deep breath to control myself. I didn't want people to see me that way. I didn't want to live isolated and being called a monster wherever I went. I went into a cafeteria and went to eat, took the opportunity to ask the girl who was in cash register what had happened to the building.

- Ah\, after they found the bodies of Lord and Lady King dead\, the partner who took everything went bankrupt the whole business.Now he lives in decay\, but does not give up the luxurious mansion he acquired when he occupied the presidency of the Kingdom group. - she told me.

I thanked him for the information and left looking for the biggest mansion I had in the city. When I found it, I was astonished. It was three times bigger than my house, which was quite large and in front was the family name, King.

Incredibly, that bastard who had my parents killed and was still looking for me, was my uncle, Augustos.

My father's younger brother.

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