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Private Teacher JK FF

Chapter 1 : the new homeroom teacher


Inside the classroom. Morning. Sara's POV.

"Sara! we should sit together!", Jihyo called out my name excitingly.

I nodded with a smile while looking at her. I'm also excited to sit next to her again just like every year.

After a long school holiday, it feels like I haven't seen her for ages eventhough we're always calling and texting each other everyday.

I went to her excitingly but our new homeroom teacher's instruction makes all of us stop moving.

"This year, all of you guys should sit seperately....".

The class are now filled with groans.

Every year, our class always sits beside our partner. What's make it difference this year? Was it just because it's our last year?

But still, why? It's not even the exam yet! The school just had start reopen!

"What's wrong with sitting seperately? I'm afraid you guys would something irritate me when sitting together....especially the couple one....".

That's such a common excuse. Who is this new homeroom teacher anyway?

"I haven't introduce you guys yet...".

After we all sit down to our own sits, all our eyes are looking at our new homeroom teacher that we have never met before.

"I'm your new homeroom teacher this year...".




"My name is Jeon Jungkook....".

"I'm your new homeroom teacher and also new to this school...".

"You guys can call me Sir from now on...", he said it seriously and also firmly.

He then went out from the classroom after his introduction but all of a sudden, ever girls in my class went fangirling.

"Our homeroom teacher is sooooo handsome!!".

"He's so young to be a handsome teacher!".

"My school life are gonna be great!".

I rolled my eyes with such an annoying words from their mouth.

Most of the girls in my class knows two things; 'date and hotties'.

"You should get use to it...", said Jihyo while patting my back. She knows how much I hate this kind of things.

She's my one and only bestfriend ever since we were a kid so it's obviously she knows everything about me.

"What are you gonna do tonight?", she asked after she came closer at me.

"My mother want me to stay at home...", I said with a sighed.

"Why not go out once in awhile?", she said and I was hesitating at first. I really wanted to but I just can't.

After awhile, I agreed. "Okay then...", I said.

My mother is so strict at me. I'm going to think what I'm going to say at her so that she can let me go.


Author - It's been a long time I make JK FF and this time it's novel.

Hope u guys like it tho since I made this story since Jan but I post it late since many story request keep coming to me...😅

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Chapter 2 : her richness


Afterschool, Sara's POV.

"How's it going?", asked my mother.

My mother and I are sitting on the backseat while her secretary driving at the front seat.

"Fine...", I answered.

"What did you learn today?", she asked again.

"Why would they teach us first day at school...", I said with no emotion in my tone.

"Do you want to be stupid just like your father?!?!", she said furiously.

I sighed, here we go again.

"Your father almost lose the company because of how incompatible and also how stupid he is!", she said.

"My father lose the company because of how greedy you should know that...", I shot her back.

"It's not greedy is called an advantage or an should know that...", she said.

I went silent and then turn to the other side to look out from the car window.

My family is very very rich but those richness doesn't make me happy at all.

My father is the only one who adores and cares about me the most in my family but unfortunately, my parents got divorced.

Why? It's because of 3 years ago....


I was peeping my parents shouting from my room. They are fighting against one thing and it is wealth.

"What did you just said?!?! Did you just said quit?!?!", my mother was shouting madly.

"I said I can't take it anymore! I'm getting old and the company is not stable like it used to be! we should just let someone take it over...", my father said frustrated.

"Are you going to give it to someone else?!?! What is wrong with you?!?! Sara is not even 17 years old yet!!". ( She was 15 at that time )

"If you want to quit....then quit...", said my mother. They looked into each other eyes but the way they look like they're strangers.

"But with one condition....", she said.

"What is it?", my father said but he seemed to be so uncomfortable.

"Give me the whole company...I will take it over...", she said.

"Can you-", I could see my father expression was worried.

"And divorce with me....", she interrupted him.

I was so shocked at that time. My mother's family helped my father so much. I can't believe this is the end of them.

But what makes me can't believe right now is that they divorced just because of one thing.

Why is my mother so obsessed with wealth? Why does that makes her feels good? Shopping acessories? or is it she wants to be richer?

My mother is born rich, why does she want to be more rich?

So to keep those wealth, my mother used me to be the heiress of the company.



At Sara's mansion.

We have reached home that doesn't feels like home.

The driver opened the door for me like always. I could only smiled warmly at him.

I think I'm more better than my mother. She only knows how to ordering people around like slaves.

I prefer being alone and quiet all the time in this mansion so my mother decided to let one housekeeper.

"Do you need lunch miss?", asked the housekeeper.

"What did I told you? Call me by sounds so weird to be called like that...", I said.

"Okay, do you need lunch Sara?", she asked.

But all of a sudden, my mother interrupt.

"She doesn't need lunch...she needs to study and get into a best college...", she said.

Then suddenly, she looked at up to down with a frowned expression.

"You should check your weight and don't forget to be on a diet...who knows if I get a call from the magazine...", she said strictly.

I just went silent. I was going to shot back but I know it will only make things worst so I ignores her and went straight towards my room.

After I get inside, I laid my body on the bed while heaved out a deep sighed.

There is so many stuff that keeps playing and bothering inside my head.

All my entire life is in her hands just like right now. She does what she likes and what she wants eventhough I hate it so much.

No mother could do like that to her own daughter. I always think she's not my mother but....I just don't know.

How could a person like her can be a mother? and what's more, my mother.

I took out my phone and texted Jihyo.

[ I can't make it... >

< It's okay...☹ ]

Then suddenly, someone knocked onto the door of my room.

"Come in...", I said.


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Chapter 3 : "make her mine..."


Nightime, Sara's POV.

It was Aunt Janice, the housekeeper.

"I know you need lunch...", she said while smiling warmly. I smiled back at her.

She put the food tray on my study table. I was watching on my phone but she were still standing so I look at her.

"Is there something you want to tell me?", I asked.

"Your mother is going on a business trip tonight...", she said.

"When she will be back?", I asked.

"She will be away for two weeks...", she said.

A smile occured at the end of my lip. If she's not around for the time being, I can do whatever I want.

My mother surely instruct Aunt Janice to watch me over and do what I should do but she doesn't know how close I am with her.

"Have she told you what I should do?", I asked.

"She only told me to keep an eye on you...", she said.

"Okay then....", I said then she went out.

I let out a sigh. An 18 years old girl like me should have more fun and time. I never felt so warmth towards my mother.

I really miss my father so much. The last time I see him was 2 months ago and we suddenly lost contact since then.


The next day, in classroom, Sara POV.

"Whoa! you got high marks again!", compliment Jihyo.

I could only smile. "Oh! I heard your mother on a business trip...", she said. I nodded for response.

The moment she was going to talk something, the teacher called me.

I come towards him and asked, "What's the matter Sir?", I said.

"You got really high marks...", he said and I could only smile.

"Do you have any tutor?", he asked. I shooked my head for response.

"Okay then and if you need one, just tell me...", he smiled warmly.

But all of a sudden, my heart suddenly skipped a beat. His smile was so charming.

"If there is something wrong, you can tell me even if it'snot related about school...", he said softly.

He sounds really so soft and gentle but I suddenly shacked the thought away.

He's my teacher!! What is wrong with me?!?! Just because he looks young and handsome, he's still a teacher!

But why did he said like that just now? No one have ever told me so soft and gentle like that. I mean, not even one man.

Does he background? If he knows, it's not a good thing to me.


Breaktime, Sara's POV.

"Do you know what Sir had told me earlier...", I said while munching my food.

"The same like other teacher said last year?", she said while looking at me and I nodded.

Whenever someone knows my background, they would definietely acting so good at me. I really hate that kind of people.

"But does Sir really knows about it?", she asked.

"I don't know but I'm afraid he knows...", I said.

"If he knows, what are you going to do about it?", she asked.

"Doing what's right...", I said.


Afterschool, Sara's POV.

I'm going back home by walking and since my mother is not around, I want to be alone for the most of the time.

Jihyo is having a great time with her family right now. She wanted me to join but I couldn't because I don't want to be such a burden.

Her family always being so good at me that makes me felt so happy and warm.

I really wanted and needed a family like her. Simple, funny, gentle, supporting and warm. She once told me they sometimes fought at little things but it's a good thing.

Fighting for something little or childish, atleast they can make it up and keep loving and supporting each other.

I sighed, no matter what....I'm not going to let my mother control me. I have to fight back even I know the end of it will get worst.




At home, Jungkook POV.

After having a nice shower, I wore my clothes and then get onto the bed.

I couldn't believe anything about what I'm doing right now. It's been years I keep searching for her.

I thought she would be in the same age as mine but she's actually a highschool student.

But I didn't regret myself searching for her. She saved my life and even comforted me at that worst time.

I fell for her at first sight but I don't know about her at all.

I don't know what she likes and dislikes. I don't really know everything about her and now, I'm going to know more.

Will she remember me? What if she don't? Forget about it. Even if she don't, I'm going to make her mine.


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