NovelToon NovelToon

The Tycoon Revenge

time will tell

Introduction of character

Aditi ; fl of this novel

Shravan; ml of this novel

Leena; sister  of Aditi

 Other characters will

we introduce by their entries


The tycoon revenge 1

It was morning, the light had spread all around, but there

was only darkness in his life,

The first bright rays of the day made their way and spread

everywhere. Flowers were coloring the world for the warm days to come,

The city of Mumbai, where millions of people take their

dreams, only a few of them get their dreams fulfilled.

In the colorless building of the prison of the same city, a

girl was sitting in the dark wearing the clothes of the prisoners,

Even though she was calm, but there were tears in her eyes,

marks of bruises at places on her face, marks of old injuries on her body.

Some new injuries were also clearly visible.

The wounds of the hands and feet with a sharp object, in

which the blood had dried up, the clothes were stained with blood, only one

word was written scratched on the wall of the prison,

time will tell

It seemed that she is being tortured everyday, I don't know

what hope she was still breathing.

Maybe there was something that was stopping her from dying,

She got tired of sitting, so as soon as she was about to lie


Suddenly there was an inexplicable sharp pain near the

stomach when darkness fell in front of his eyes.

She herself did not even know, and she fainted,

When she regained consciousness, a face like dim blurry  appearing. So a sergeant stood outside

He looked at her with a smile and said

Hey Aditi, get up and eat, today I am giving you this food

for the last time, then I do not know when I will meet, you are releasing


After saying this, the constable opened a small mesh and put

the food inside.

Then Aditi also saw the constable and said without any emotion, "Hmm".

He didn't even know when

the night was over.

Sliding herself, she

started lifting the plate towards her side, but now she did not have enough

courage to eat food by herself,


she had not learned to give up from the beginning,

bear all the pain,When he mixed some rice and lentils from

the plate and put it in his mouth, tears started coming from his eyes.

The constable had left, after having his meal, she lay down

at his place.

Eyes were closed, breathing was going very slowly, due to

fatigue, pain, eyes started closing,

Then she started going back to the memories of 2 years ago,

all the scenes started coming in her mind again.

She was standing in the court room, there was noise of

people everywhere.




to be continued

miss @mittal

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my revenge

Eyes were closed, breathing was going very slowly, due to

fatigue, pain, eyes started closing,

Then she started

going back to the memories of 2 years ago, all the scenes started coming in her

mind again.

She was standing in

the court room, there was noise of people everywhere.

Why not the noise,

Aditi Raichand is a well-known name, the younger daughter of the wealthy family

of the city, who was to be sentenced today for leaking the secrets of her own

husband’s company,

She was standing in

the dock.In front of him the person who ruined him was sitting on the bench

smiling comfortably,

A devilish smile on her face, little nose lipped with

lipstick, her lower lip clenching lightly with her teeth.


Raichand, the eldest daughter of the Raichand family, was sitting in the front

row wearing a gucci long sleeveless dress, applying a layer of thick make-up on

her face, moving her short hair back and forth with her hands, she stood in

front of Aditi burning her eyes to watching  aditi’s condition,

A devilish smile on her face, little nose lipped with

lipstick, her lower lip clenching lightly with her teeth.

This habit of seeing

what she saw was enough to drive millions of people crazy after her , as

beautiful as an angel, but equally evil with heart and mind, lousy, evil,

vicious, vicious, do anything to anyone for his own sake .This is Leena


And today because of

this she is standing in front of the dock, Aditi's sister,

Sister,,,,, not,,,,

not,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, sister actually  step sister,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Aditi Raichand, may

be a little daughter in the eyes of the world, but in reality she was an

illegitimate child of Mr. Satish Raichand

Aditi's mother and

Satish had a love affair in spite of being Satish's riddle wife, Aditi was the

daughter of both.

Maybe that's why

Leena hated Aditi so much,


A man was sitting with Lena,

A man wearing three

suits, a Rolex watch in his hand, a light beard, a sea-like calmness in his

eyes, a handsome long nose, not much emotion on his face, with a cold look he

would sometimes look at Leena and sometimes Aditi, quite a lot.  Height, whoever sees it just becomes crazy,

then when his assistant came near his ear and said something, his eyes lit

up.  Like a calm lake, he put his hand on

his heart and said to himself,


After doing so much planning, finally my revenge will be completed today.

Then the judge came and asked to start the proceedings.

The lawyer on Aditi's side got up from her place and started telling about the case.

To be continue

Miss a mittal

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dear readers my first language is not English so if you find any mistakes then feel free to share with me

aditi is innocent ?

The tycoon revenge3

The process should be started as soon as the judge orders give

it .

The lawyer started speaking, my lord this case is very

simple and common, my client Aditi is innocent,

innocent ?? lenna murmured

Then the second lawyer cut the point of the first lawyer and

said, "my lord  says the same thing to every time, but every time he has to face his mouth, I will tell you

directly about this case" Aditi Raichand who is of  owner of Raichand Company. 60

percent is the share holder, she has leaked the secret of Mr. Shravan Mittal

i.e. her husband's company, due to which Mittal Cooperation has suffered a lot

and even if he did not want to, Mr. Mittal had to file a case against his own


Hearing this, a smile came on Aditi's lips, she murmured and

said ’’Marriage, 60percnt, Danger she turned his neck to see the man sitting

with Leena, but the man was sitting with his eyes closed, Aditi turned her gaze

again to the judge with disgust.

But what was the reason for doing all this, after all, why

does a woman want to ruin her own husband, the judge asked the lawyer "So

the lawyer looking at Aditi standing silently with a smile said" because

she was angry to mr. sharavan mittal because mr mittal is reasy to give divorce here


Because Aditi ji has an illegitimate relationship with her

own friend, When Mittal Sahib came to know about,, he decided to

break Aditi's 3-year marriage.

Regarding this matter, Aditi ji stole the secret of Mittal

Corporation and leaked them, she did so in anger and hatred, but probably

forgot that the computer from which this data was leaked was her own computer

and the police 1 Caught them in the day itself with the help of ip address.

This is all a false allegation, I have not done anything

like this, it is all a lie, I have not leaked anything, nor do I have any

relation with anyone, Judge Sahib, I am telling the truth, Aditi said with

anger and hatred,

Then a man from the police came in and left after giving a

CD to the lawyer.

  my lord  after seeing this CD. all things are going to clear

When the video was played, Aditi and her friend Manav were

standing hugging each other, Manav lightly kissed Aditi's forehead and then he

gave some bags to Aditi and drove away.

Seeing the video, the expression on the face of the man

sitting next to Leena changed, he looked at Aditi angrily and clenched his

fist, when Leena looked at her face with a slanted look, her happiness knew no


leena smirk and thought if i have any opportunity  , she would have hugged her now and

said, "See, Shravan, I had said that this woman is not worth you, only I

am worth you, just get rid of it quickly and marry me." But Leena sat

silently. , she did not dare to talk to Shravan,

After some arguments, the lawyer sat in his place, till now

all the evidence was against Aditi but she had repeatedly refused to accept the

charge, the reason for which was not decided yet, the judge gave a break time

of 30 minutes, then Shravan stood up from his place and started walking

towards Aditi.

Seeing Shravan coming to her, Aditi's heart started beating

fast, the feeling that she had for the first time, but time does not remain the

same, what Aditi thought as love was just a hoax, Shravan made her Had done a

lot of deception with her, who married in the name of love, who promised to

keep his vows, who pretended to be a good husband with him for 3 years, all

cheated, he started remembering that incident of 4 days ago,

After 4 days she came back from America, how happy she was

that she finally came back home after a whole week,

When someone loves you very much, after a long time, the joy

of meeting him, where could it be described in words, the heart remains

unrequited Yes.

Everyone there knew that she was the boss's wife, without

any hindrance, she started walking towards the cabin, was about to knock the

gate, the sound of hearing was coming from inside, the finger could knock on

the gate that her name could come from her mouth. Hearing her finger stopped,

Aditi stood silently near the door.

The voice coming from inside was heard, what do you think

old man, if you come to want my help , then I will help you, don't forget who I am,

son-in-law, help me, then there was a loud voice, Aditi came in and then came

in front Seeing the scene, she trembled, an elderly person had fallen on the

ground below from the wheelchair and Shravan was standing in front of him.

Aditi ran towards the man lying down, Papa dad ,,,,,,,, You

are fine, if you didn't think Aditi had asked while holding her, then the voice

of Shravan's personality came, nothing would happen to her, don't die so soon

Gonna this,,,,,, what the **** are you doing Shravan? how dare you To say all

this, "Aditi had said angrily while interrupting Shravan." So Shravan

had said with a loud kick hitting Satish, it is worth it, this man got out of

Aditi's tolerance when he was in front of her. dad was being treated like

this, she got up in anger and gave a loud slap on Shravan's face,

Shravan, who was already angry, this slap drove him mad, he

killed Aditi 2 consecutive slaps Aditi could not believe that this is the same

man she had known for so many years, her tongue closed, her eyes filled with

tears, Why are you listening to all this?? He asked with a faltering tongue.

  I hated you,,

Whatever hate, anger, do it on me but don't hurt Aditi, she loves you very

much, you also love her, this is your wife, Satish, who was lying down, folded

his hands in front of Shravan. So

Shravan's loud laughter echoed in the room,

He said while holding Aditi's neck standing in front

Wife, love, that too from this illegitimate child,

It is not so much that my heart is worthy of my love, as

soon as he said this, he pushed Aditi strongly, then Aditi hit her side from

the edge of the table and fell down, she was in so much pain due to the wound

on her arm. not as much as From Shravan's words, the number of times he came close to

him in 3 years to make him feel loved was all drama, everything was a


Tears started coming from his eyes thinking

She started crying wildly,

For a moment, she felt that she should die from the window of

this building, what is the use of living now, his heart was torn to pieces,

But there was only one question in mind and heart, why did

Shravan deceive her so much?

Why did you do all this, why did you marry me, why did you

make such a big drama????

When Aditi had asked while shedding tears, Shravan sat down

beside her and said "Because of your father" someone had to suffer

the punishment of your father's actions.

And if you knew about it, you were sad, then  he was sad.

As soon as he said this, he gave a loud slap on Aditi's


No,,,,, A wave of pain ran in Satish's heart,

Aditi saw her father and got up and ran away knowing that

Shravan grabbed her hand.

Satish's hand was on his heart, he had a heart attack.

Leave my hand, my,,, Shravan,,,, Papa has had a heart

attack, he will have to be taken to the hospital,,,,

When Aditi cried and  said,

Sign if you want your father's life

Shravan pointed to a paper and said

Shravan please let me go,,,, Aditi shuddered but Shravan did

not leave his hand and said again.

Sign and save this old man's life

What is in these papers, Aditi said looking at Shravan

Shravan said in a cold tone that you are doing your shares

of Raichand Company in my name of your own free will,

and said while pointing to the other paper and this is the

Divorce paper,

What Divorce Paper???

You don't have time, do you have any idea about your

father's condition?

Aditi saw her father lying unconscious on the ground and

looked at Shravan once with pleading eyes.

But today he was seeing a different person in this face, some unknown man,

While clearing the tears from her eyes, with her trembling

hands, Aditi quickly signed both the documents and quickly got her father

admitted to the hospital.

Within a few hours his life had changed.


To be continue

Miss a mittal

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