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Genshin Impact (X Y/N) One Shots

"I'm sorry brother" (Kaeya and Diluc)

Diluc slams the glass he's holding, to the table "why?! why didn't you save our father?! You were a Knight and yet you just stand there! What kind of a son are you?!"

Kaeya, he too was shocked of what happened and yet Diluc kept blaming him

Years passed by, Diluc left Ordo Favonius meanwhile Kaeya stayed, Diluc became a cold person and Kaeya being the cheerful one, even though that those smiles he uses were actually fake. He would walk around Mondstadt, smiling even though he wanted to break down

Later that night, Kaeya received a mission that he will be going to a far away land and stay there for 4 months, he asked permission if he can tell his brother, Diluc, who is now still at his tavern. As soon as he got there, he entered the tavern and a awkward silence filled the room

"what brings you here?" Diluc asked coldly, without even looking to his eyes, those cold glares were enough to hurt Kaeya, after all it was "his" fault why their father died

"I admit, it's all my fault" Kaeya started talking but minutes later someone grabbed him by the collar and it is no other than Diluc himself

"it's good that you know and now go! I don't want to see you!" Diluc demanded

The two remained silent, Kaeya was holding back the tears he want to let go

"I was about to inform you that I will be gone for a few months-"

"few months? better to not return!" Diluc yelled that made Kaeya smiled a little

"you want me to not return? but who will be Calvary Captain if I never return?" Kaeya asked

"it's okay to be anyone as long it's not you! You're such a disgrace" Diluc turned his back on him, facing the counter

Kaeya loses his cool "why do you keep blaming me for something I didn't do?!" he snapped "why do you hate me that much?! I didn't do anything to make you upset! Or did I?!"

"Yeah you did! How can you smile even when you know that father already died?!"

"You think these smiles were true?! Well it's not!" Kaeya's tears escaped his eyes, those were the first time he cried right in front of Diluc, he felt helpless "I just want us to go back to the way we used to be.."

"the way we used to be?! Are you even serious Kaeya?! If we hadn't adopted you, he wouldn't die! I lost everything can't you see?!"

Kaeya looked to his brother's eyes that were full of anger "you were lucky you lost your father once" Kaeya removed Diluc's hand from his collar "I lost two of them, right before my eyes.." Kaeya said and he stormed out of the tavern. Diluc, now speechless of what happened, decided to find Kaeya around Mondstadt but he was too late, he already left

Months passed by, time flies fast and it has been months since Kaeya and Diluc had their last conversation. Diluc kept worrying about Kaeya and has been restless ever since the night he left, rumors has it that he hasn't been eating well and his body lost a lot of weight

"he's coming back from travelling?! I hope he succeeded from his mission far away from here" some of the town folks said " some said that the night before Sr Kaeya leave, the tavern was so loud, Sr Kaeya and Master Diluc must've fought that day"

Diluc, sitting at the corner, heard the conversation of the town folks, he ducked his head as a sign that he was feeling guilty enough, wanting the earth to eat him up until a Guard barged in to the tavern "Master Diluc, there is something you might want to see"

Without any hesitation, Diluc stood up and ran towards the gate, expecting Kaeya would be home, safe and sound

And he wasn't wrong, Kaeya did come home, but as Diluc went near and near, his body froze to see his own brother, wrapped up in a huge bag and is no longer breathing

"we found him on the sidewalk while we're on our way to Liyue, we're so sorry" a guard said that made Diluc knees fell to the ground as he opens the bag slowly "s-so this is why you didn't come back home 2 months ago.. you already left" Diluc burst into tears "first is father and now you..? I-i really lost everything"

After a few days, the Knights burned Kaeya's body as a request from Diluc himself, and now everyday, he takes a little of Kaeya's ashes and places it inside a pendant which in he wears it secretly, he consider it his lucky charm because it reminded him of Kaeya where ever he go, he would always remember the days where Kaeya is still there, always by his side like they were as kids

One night, as he was at Dawn Winery, he saw the vase Kaeya got him and made Diluc very weak, he checked the insides of the vase and was surprised that it has a letter, he took it out and read the letter containing:


Hey I was just wondering, how have you been dear brother- oh wait I'm sorry for calling you brother I forgot, well if you're reading this, I must assume that I'm no longer breathing, Diluc, every night got me thinking "why does my brother hate me so much? I admit I made a mistake for just standing there and doing nothing, I was shocked and scared, the trauma that happened a few years ago, and yes I lost my father. My real father and step father died right in front of my eyes so I'm sorry I was frozen for a minute, you can blame me all you want and thank you for the memories, Diluc. You're the best brother I had.


The letter made Diluc tear up even more, he can't believe he was that worst to his own brother even though he knows he hasn't done anything "Kaeya, my brother.. I'm so sorry.." those were the last words Diluc spoke before everything went black


I failed (Zhongli x Guizhong)

"Rex Lapis!" Guizhong, the God of Dust, called out to Rex Lapis, the God of Contracts, who is standing by the cliff and was fascinated by the scenery. The mountains so high, those healthy trees that bear the nicest and juiciest fruit

"Guizhong, how nice to see you here- what do you think you're doing?!" Guizhong cut him off and jumped to him that almost caused their fall

Even for that sudden accident and Guizhong getting afraid that Morax might get mad, he just chuckled that made Guizhong sigh in relief as she snuggled her face through his chest and kept hugging him

"No wonder I fell in love with you" Rex Lapis suddenly said that made Guizhong froze, her eyes widen while looking at Moraz is now blushing from what he just said

"w-what did you say?" Guizhong asked, she could feel her heart beating fast

"I said I fell in love with you" he repeated that made the God of Dust tear up in joy

In panic, Morax sat straight up "I-i should've not said that.." he turned his face away, because of shame, but he was surprised when he felt Guizhong's touch and suddenly pulled him for a kiss, in much surprise, Morax gave in

To his surprise, Guizhong and him have mutual feelings for each other

Everything was going on so smoothly, until one day...

"M-morax, promise me to live on.. be strong without me.. o-okay?"

Morax was devastated, tears fell from his eyes, he can't accept the fact he was carrying his dying lover

"D-don't say anything like that! Y-you'll survive just hold on to me okay?" Morax said, carrying her to a safe place

He placed her under a tree, far away from the chaos, Guizhong coughed blood that made Rex Lapis himself, scared, it was the first time he was scared for years. He looked back from the battlefield and the time he looked back at Guizhong, his world stop spinning when he saw his own lover, the Goddess of Dust, Guizhong, dead on the spot

"Morax what are you waiting for?!" Barbatos said and froze within his feet when he saw the god of contracts holding the goddess dust in his arms, crying and praying that he wishes she would come back, that he didn't tell him who much he loves her

"Morax, we can't bring her back" Barbatos replied sadly that made Morax's eyes flame in anger and ended the war by himself

-fast forward to 2500 years later-

"Mr Zhongli! You were staring at the glaze lilies again!" Paimon blurted out of nowhere "w-wait, why are you crying?! Did Paimon did something bad?!"

"these were her favorite flowers" Zhongli said it out of nowhere that made the traveler, Childe and Paimon confuse

"It's rare to see Mr. Zhongli himself, crying in front of us" Childe spoke

"what do you mean?" Traveler asked

"you see, whenever he sees glaze lilies or even hear his dead lover's lullaby, he starts remembering those times where he and her fought for the Archon war, he survived yet the Goddess of Dust his lover didn't even make it" Childe starts explaining

"what's the point of being strong when I, the god of contracts, couldn't even protect you.." Zhongli said, and staring at the glaze lilies, remembering her smile and every moment he was with her


Save me (Y/n x Childe)

You arrived at Liyue because Mondstadt Katheryne asked you to give a letter to Liyue Katheryne, and so you did

On your way to Liyue, you got injured because of the monsters that attacked you on your way, you had bruises all over your body and it hurt real bad

As you stepped on Liyue's territory, you could not help but be amaze at the beauty of the town, it's like a dream come true, you went inside the town of Liyue and accidentally bumped into someone that made you fall at the ground

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going" you exclaimed as you tried to stand up on your feet

"It's no problem at all" the man said as he extended his hand for you, which is you accepted it and stood up quickly

"Are you okay? You have bruises all over" The man said, you looked at him to see who he is and you accidentally looked at his eyes, you and his eyes were locked, haven't able to move for 5 minutes because it felt like heaven, this man, his perfectly handsome

"I'm fine, this is all from fighting hilichurl camps I come across" you replied as he pulled you to an inn

"Hey! Where are you taking me?! I still have to do something!" You said as he continued to pull you in and took out an aid kit and started to treat your wounds

His calm face, gentle touch. He's a perfect husband material, you said to yourself that made you heart pound fast

As soon as he finished treating your wounds, you quickly stood up and fixed yourself to go to Liyue Katheryne and hand her the letter

As you were about to reach for the door, he stopped you

"Hey, I didn't get to know your name" he said

"Oh I'm y/n" you replied to him without even looking back

"I'm Tartaglia, I also go by the name Childe" he said "by the way, what are you rushing for?" He continued

"I'm sorry, I just need to deliver a letter from Mondstadt Katheryne to Liyue Katheryne" you answered and you heard a soft chuckle escaping his lips

"So you're from Mondstadt? The city of freedom I presume" he said that made you nod

"You're the famous outlander that had been an Honorary knight for her two days of staying there, right?" Childe asked that made you nod again

"I'm sorry I don't have time for chitchats, I need to go to complete my mission" you said "excuse me and thank you for everything" you continued as you ran out of the inn and Childe looked at you hopelessly, he wish he could spend a lot of time with you but he can't because he thought you had a lot of work to do

"As young as you? You shouldn't be doing this on your own" Childe mumbled as he watches you disappear

After you hand over the letter to Liyue Katheryne, you had finally done your mission and decided to rest for a while, you walked at the different yet beautiful places of Liyue Harbor and you were fascinated of everything, they're culture, the names, even the food

Months later, your visit to Liyue became often, you would always come to see Childe, hang out with him, tell him your personal problems


"Y/n will you be my girlfriend? I promise to be a good boy" Childe said, embarrassed that made you chuckle

Your relationship with him is as smooth as your commissions and world quests, everything's going on quite good and you and him were one of the famous and cute couple in Liyue

Everyone in Mondstadt has been warning you about your relationship with Childe but you just ignored them, no one can ruin you and Childe's relationship, not on your watch

Days later, while you were doing your task at Mondstadt, Katheryne immediately called you to a mission at Liyue Harbor which you did go and reported yourself at Liyue Katheryne

"You need to take a visit at the Golden house, there is something I need you to check out" she said that made you nod and made your way to Golden house that is way far than you expected

Upon arriving there, you and Paimon were fascinated by the Mora, you went near Exuvia alone as Paimon is still fascinated by all the Mora she's seeing

You felt like someone was with you that made you turned around and you couldn't believe your eyes

It's Childe

"What are you doing here?!" Paimon exclaimed and Childe gave it off by a little chuckle

"I'm taking Rex Lapis' gnosis if you please" Childe let out a bit smirk on his face as his turned to you

"I'll never let you near Exuvia, Childe!" You yelled that made him smirk even more

"Oh, what's this? Acting strong Ojou-chan? You know you're no match for me" he said, chuckling that made you mad a little

"Why'd you want to take Rex Lapis'gnosis anyway?!" You yelled

"I have reasons baby so let me have it and let's forget this ever happened okay?" Childe said as he's walking near the Exuvia

You pushed him lightly "I'll never let you have the Gnosis Childe!"

"Then what if we have a fight for it hm? If I win, I'll take the Gnosis, if you win I'll leave this place and never return, deal?"

Childe's deal made you think for a while, and you breathed for a moment


The fight began, It had been your most hard fight you encounter because you're fighting the love of your life

Some things were not really meant to be

'How fool of me to love a Fatui like you' you said to yourself that made your tears roll down your cheek

"I-i don't want to fight you!" You said but it's too late, Childe is in his Foul Legacy state and he doesn't believe you that you hadn't took Rex Lapis' gnosis, he was so mad and he hit the ground with his spear, causing it to break and you fell from a high place that made you head bleed because of the impact

Paimon was stunned to see your head bleeding, you not moving that made her panic, she flew up to Childe and slapped him so hard as tears started escaping her eyes

"Look what you've done!" Paimon said that made Childe to face you, he was frozen in place to see you, his girlfriend, lying on a debris covered with blood, he jumped off, landing next to your body as he held your hand

"Y/n wake up.." he mumbled, he tried to shake you but nothing works

"Wake up!" He demanded "y/n wake up please!"

But you didn't woke up, that made Childe so devastated by himself and kept blaming himself for what happened. Paimon explained everything that made him feel even more guilty and cried over your body

Days later, Liyue discovered that Childe had quit the Fatuis and is now always at your grave, telling you stories and your past memories with him, he misses how the way your hair smells, he misses the way how your voice is like, he misses everything about you

The only thing he could do right now is stare at the sunset while whispering the words "forgive me Ojou-chan for not listening to you, please, save me.."

-the end-

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