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Sons of Wolves (Among Wolves III)

Episode 1

The harrowing screams of the woman in labor echo far and wide. Drenched in sweat and enduring the pain, she longs for just one thing—to have her child emerge swiftly, healthy and away from the squalor that surrounds her.

The midwife approaches and spreads the woman's legs trying to extract the child from her womb. Her shrieks intensify as she feels her baby is about to be born.

"Push hard," the midwife urges, peering between the legs of the wretched woman.

Her husband leans against the door frame, observing everything with immense fury. He had tried to beat the child out of her, but to no avail. Clenching his bottle filled with liquor, he drinks without taking his eyes off his wife.

A cry pierces the air; the child has been born. The woman falls unconscious, incapable of moving or seeing her infant crying desperately to be with his mother. The midwife scoops him up and wraps him in white sheets. The man strides forward and snatches the baby, looking at him with intense anger and scorn, saying nothing. He takes a basket and puts the child inside.

"The child has just been born; he needs his mother to feed him," the midwife protests upon seeing what the man is about to do.

"Do not interfere," the man snaps furiously and strides out of the hut, mounts his horse, and departs.

As he rides away, he recalls his wife's betrayal. He found her nude in the arms of her lover in their bed; in a fury, he plunged a knife into the other man's abdomen repeatedly. His wife's screams for him to stop were ignored—his wrath had completely consumed him. The bed was stained with blood; turning back to his wife and dragging her by the hair, he snarled.

"YOU ARE A WHORE!" he bellowed with all his might.

"I would not have betrayed you if you had treated me better. Nightly, I endured nothing but beatings and insults from you. That man you just killed restored my belief in love—a notion you had never cultivated. Every time you came home, you were drunk and ill-tempered, reducing me to nothing but trash. Now you've slain my child's father," the woman challenged him with tears in her eyes. Her heart was overwhelmed with pain, having lost the only person she had loved, and now her fate was to be a curse at the hands of this man.

Grasping her chin and forcing her to look into his eyes, he hissed.

"I will beat that bastard out of you." And that he did; she faced the worst beating of her life. But the baby did not perish; he bravely clung to his mother, remaining in her womb.

After leaving his unconscious wife on the ground, he disposed of her lover's body, leaving it for the wolves to erase any sign of him.

Time passed, and his wife continued to carry the child, a constant reminder of her betrayal. To prevent the townspeople from gossiping about her great infidelity, he locked her away until the baby was born. Once that happened, the child's fate would be the same as his father's—food for wolves.

Reaching the spot, he dismounts, taking the small basket that now holds the baby. Looking at it with mistrust, he abandons it in the forest. A she-wolf, having just lost her pups, witnesses the scene and approaches the ceaselessly crying infant. Slowly nearing, she sniffs his cheeks and licks him, and at once the boy stops crying, rewarding her with a smile. Enchanted by the human child, the she-wolf decides to care for him, taking the basket in her teeth and carrying him to her den.

The man rides back, drinking from his bottle until the liquor takes hold, causing him to lose balance and fall to the ground. Rising quickly, somewhat drowsy, he walks back to his hut as his horse has left him. Suddenly, he hears growls from the bushes. He looks around and finds himself encircled by a pack of albino wolves. He tries to fend them off, but in vain. They prepare to strike, and the man's screams are heard throughout the forest; he dies just as he had left the child.

After their feast, the wolves return to see the she-wolf cleaning a human pup. They pass by, watch, and upon receiving his smile, lick him and accept him as part of their pack.

As time goes on, the boy grows up, never leaving his family, although he always wonders why he is so different from the others. He cannot talk to them, but in a way, he understands them, knowing what they say, communicating through instincts.

At age five, he sees the town below and, filled with curiosity, descends. Initially, it's all wondrous, a beautiful dream, where people talk peacefully, adorned in grand attire—but unlike the boy, who only wears rags for warmth. Suddenly, the dream turns nightmarish as the townsfolk begin to judge him, culminating in their driving him away with torches and pitchforks. It's a harsh lesson, and he understands why wolves avoid humans; henceforth, he detests them with all his might.

As he grows into a young man, he encounters a distraught young woman about to jump off a cliff. Moved by her sorrow, he grabs her by the waist to avert her fate. She lands on him, and for a moment they lock eyes; he sees only sadness within her, her spirit shattered, still scared, she clings to him and weeps her heart out. They rise from the ground, he wipes away her tears, trying to console her.

She opens about her life, unspeakable horrors she's endured at the priest's hands, her desire to end it all. He recalls his past conflict with this priest and promises to help her escape the hell she's living in. They form a close bond. He disappears for days, always returning. One day she waits, but he does not come back—he has vanished utterly. Resigned, Katherine accepts her fate, adopting the stance of Samanta, embracing death as a resolution.

When he learns of Katherine's demise, a deep bitterness engulfs his being, and he vows to avenge all who wronged her, especially the priest.

Now he prowls the Kingdom of Toledo, seeking his revenge and the grave of Katherine, to lay her to rest and honor her spirit.


Name: Enzo

Age: 25 years

Name: Gisela Palacios.

Age: 21 years.

Name: Elena Palacios

Age: 49 years

Name: Sebastian Palacios

Age: 54 years

Name: Leornad Palacio.

Age: 26 years

Name: Samanta Palacios.

Age: 25 years

Name: Katherine Palacios

Age: 5 years

Name: Camilo Squire

Age: 4 years

Name: Erika Reyes

Age: 24 years

Name: Edwards Squire

Age: 25 years

Name: Andres Reyes

Age: 15 years

Name: Genesis Reyes.

Age: 43 years

Name: Erik Reyes

Age: 51 years

Name: Maria Skarlet

Age: 47 years

Mayor (tribe)

Age: 76

Name: Sandra Heredia (Gypsy and best friend of Gisela)

Age: 21 years

Name: Karolay Gilli

Age: 49 years

Father Miguel

Age: 66



The Awakening of Vengeance (Among Wolves)

Between Love and Vengeance (Among Wolves II)

Children of Wolves (Among Wolves III)

Episode 2

The cold breeze struck the faces of both women, indicating the nearing winter; soon the snow would fall, it was just a matter of weeks. Autumn causes the leaves to easily detach from the trees. Their brown or maybe yellow scenery, due to the withered leaves, fly through the air, making that day look different from any other. The sound of horses becomes present as both women ride at full speed, aiming with their arrows. The herd accompanies them, running by their sides and others behind them.

Elena has committed herself to taking care of her beloved daughter, as well as her granddaughter Katherine. Five years ago, someone tried to snatch them away, and she would not allow it to happen again. She accompanies Gisela every afternoon, engaging in activities together so that her daughter does not get bored. She does not want her to live in a gilded cage.

"Mama, I'm tired," Gisela says, stopping her mare and catching her breath.

Elena looks at her with a smile, she puts away her tools and says, "Alright, daughter, we will return to the mansion."

Both smile and walk away gracefully.

Gisela feels like her freedom has completely come to an end. All her time is spent in the company of her family and the herd. She knows they do it because they love her and want the best for her. The little Katherine also keeps a watchful eye, but unlike Gisela, Katherine feels comfortable being with her family. Every night, when they are asleep, Gisela silently sneaks out of her room and escapes. She spends two hours on her nightly walks, admiring the moon and cherishing her freedom. Only a she-wolf accompanies her, serving as her accomplice and witness to their actions. The she-wolf always waits for her outside in the same place, and both depart, returning from their stroll as if nothing had happened. At least during the nights, Gisela is free, she thinks.

When they arrive at her mother's mansion, they see everyone in a rush organizing Katherine's birthday party. People go back and forth, carrying boxes. They dismount their horses and walk into the courtyard where the celebration is taking place.

Gisela sees her beloved niece, takes her by the arms, and embraces her tightly.

"Auntie, you arrived!" says the little one, full of excitement.

"I would never miss your birthday. I just went horseback riding with Mama."

The little girl touches Gisela's face and kisses her forehead. Then she looks at Elena and throws herself into her arms.

"Did you miss me too?" Elena asks, holding her granddaughter.

"Of course, Grandma," the little one replies, somewhat sad. She believes that both women will leave and never return.

"Don't be sad. I will always come back and give you lots of kisses all over," Elena responds, kissing her granddaughter, who simply smiles at her affection.

"If you keep kissing her like that, there won't be any kisses left for me," Sebastian comments as he approaches his wife, smiling.

"My grandma will always have plenty of kisses for both of us," Katherine answers. Elena smiles sweetly at her husband and approaches him, leaving Katherine on the ground.

"How was your routine?" Sebastian asks, embracing his wife.

"Same as always," she responds, kissing him gently. Sebastian returns her kisses.

"Mama, Papa," Gisela says, feeling somewhat embarrassed. "Not here, there are kids around."

Both of them smile at Gisela's blushing. They are used to being around so many people that expressing their love is inevitable, and they forget about it.

"Gisela, your mother and I are just enjoying the moment," Sebastian comments.

Gisela rolls her eyes, feeling the need to run away. Five years ago, it was normal for her to see her parents kissing, but now it embarrasses her a bit.

"Come on, Gisela, go inside the mansion and take a bath. There's a party to celebrate," Elena says, separating from her husband and taking her daughter inside.

Katherine goes with her grandfather riding on his back to continue organizing her party. He has no problem carrying his only granddaughter; he has always spoiled her. Today, Katherine turns five years old.

Episode 3

Katherine had put on a beautiful pink dress, making her the center of attention. Samantha admired her little daughter along with Leonard, both remaining embraced and singing "Las Mañanitas" by her side. Elena and Sebastian were also embracing, sitting in front of the birthday girl. Erika, Edwards, and their little son Camilo sat beside them, applauding. On the other hand, Genesis and Erik arranged the gifts in order, their son, now a young man, Andres, sat watching everything. It was a children's party, but it was her cousin's party, so he could tolerate it. Maria was also beside Katherine, smiling and supporting her as she blew out the candle. The grand celebration concluded, the whole family was present.

They entered the grand mansion and had dinner as a family. The large table, which was once enormous, was now filling up with all its members, leaving only a few empty spaces.

"Today, we have spoken with Samantha's kingdom, and everything is going perfectly" commented Leonard, very excited, taking his beloved's hand.

"We are happy for you, Samantha. We know how much effort you have put into keeping your kingdom standing" said Sebastian with a big smile.

"Thank you, Sebastian. My nanny has done a great job, and I am proud of her" Samantha graciously responded.

They all dined amidst laughter over each other's jokes and then bid each other good night. Gisela went up to her room, planning to wait until everyone was asleep before leaving without being noticed. She waited for an hour until everyone was already resting. Then, she got out of bed, put on a long black robe that covered her entire body, took her shoes in her hands, and walked to the door. Opening it noiselessly, she carefully descended the stairs, barely making a sound. She reached the kitchen and proceeded to exit through the back door, where her loyal wolf eagerly awaited her, sitting and wagging her tail.

"Silence" Gisela whispered, putting her index finger to her lips.

She made her way to the stable, took her mare, and continued walking with both animals until she was a safe distance from the mansion. Once she felt far enough, she mounted her mare and rode away.

The night was beautiful, with the moon shining and stars adorning the sky. Gisela continued riding until she reached the village. Since she was wearing her robe, no one would recognize her, and they wouldn't know she was there. She decided to keep exploring; the village was filled with people, perhaps celebrating something. She approached and noticed the grand festivity taking place. Someone took her hand and pulled her into the dancing.

"Sandra, you scared me!" "said Gisela, catching her breath."

Sandra was her best friend and the only person who knew about her escapades. She always awaited Gisela in the village, and they would talk for hours before parting ways.

Sandra was a beautiful girl, with a tan complexion, golden eyes, slightly taller than Gisela, and fine features. She came from a very humble family, specifically Romani.

"I thought you weren't going to come" Sandra said, dancing.

"I told you I would come" Gisela replied, moving to the rhythm of the melody.

They danced for over five hours. Gisela realized how late it had become and hurried to leave.

"I have to go, it's late, my family will soon wake up and notice my absence" said Gisela, bidding farewell to her friend.

"Alright, see you tomorrow at the same time" Sandra said, embracing her.

Gisela went to fetch her mare, and her wolf emerged from the bushes. The wolf couldn't come out in the open; she had to hide to avoid being noticed. Gisela petted her before they departed.

On the way, Gisela admired the moon passionately, not realizing that she was being followed by some men who, upon recognizing her, couldn't resist trailing her.

The men emerged from the trees on horseback, and Gisela noticed them with great fury. Her hand slid slowly towards her sword, while the wolf started growling, preparing to attack.

"I know someone who'll be very happy to see you, Countess" one of the men said.

Gisela only watched in silence, waiting for the moment to strike.

"Do not make things any harder and come with us," the other man said.

Filled with fury, she gripped her sword and rushed at them, a red glint in her eyes. She was a woman, but her entire life had been dedicated to training, and her strength was phenomenal. The men noticed her resistance, but they were unwilling to lose her. Someone wanted her, and they were determined to pay a great fortune for her. The only condition was not to harm her.

Gisela continued to fiercely confront the men alongside her wolf. She didn't want to call her parents; she wanted to show them that she could protect herself. When one of them knocked her to the ground, a third man emerged from the branches. However, this one was younger and was surrounded by a pack of albino wolves.

"The lady does not want to go with you," said the mysterious young man in a powerful voice.

"Step aside, boy. We have orders to bring her without hurting her, but we can kill you," said one of the men, clutching his sword.

The young man gave a half-smile and attacked them barehanded. The wolves protected him, attacking fiercely, their cries for help drowned out by the chaos. Both men ended up dead. Gisela remained on the ground, watching what had transpired. She didn't know whether to run away or help him. When it was all over, the young man returned to look at her. He was drenched in blood and had a menacing look that made Gisela recoil, not averting her gaze.

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