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Becoming a Witch in Another World

Episode 1

On a night where moonlight glittered with a brilliant glow, a shadowy figure pierced the luminescence—a form of intense dread endowing every loathsome aspect of human fear. Immense in stature, clad in black scales like armor signifying strength, it wielded a towering tail and a mouth that spewed forth flame.

Its head bore the likeness of a reptile but sprouted two horns, a being named a dragon, and not just any dragon—it was known to all as the dragon of destruction.

It is said that this world harbors many dangers to humankind, and among them, the dragon of destruction stands prominent.

With wings unfurled, the dragon plummeted down where a city beneath met it with screams and chaos extraordinary in nature.

Named Antares, this city in the realm of Elysium was where fledgling adventurers resided; adventurers were those who toiled in guilds to earn their keep, though many trades were available, most chose the path of monster hunting. Neither large nor small, the city was encircled by lofty walls intended to bar monsters, though these proved insufficient against a rampaging dragon.

The dragon roared and laid waste to anything in its path, be they homes of the townsfolk or the adventurers who assailed it in droves.

"How can a dragon be in a starter city... you must jest," one adventurer spoke, only to be countered by another.

"I know not, but surely, we face death. After all, this city is but home to weak adventurers, and battling a dragon is akin to seeking a lover—both pursuits fraught with difficulty."

"Do not entangle your personal life in such dire straits," bellowed a veteran adventurer named Kazel.

Bald-headed Kazel bore a burly figure, not of fat but of pure muscle honed daily. He donned simple leather armor and wielded a greatsword capable of cleaving monster flesh in twain.

Sorcerers began to unleash their mastered spells while clerics chanted their prayers, bestowing healing magic. Concurrently, Kazel sprinted and leapt as high as he was able, his sword swinging down only to clash with scales as hard as steel, heralding a known but unspoken fate.

Kazel's sword shattered.

"No... and I've yet to settle its installments."

"Speak not of personal affairs."

In response to Kazel's action, a surging kick sent him flying twenty meters back before he lay under the star-filled sky.

Healers sent forth their restorative spells.


Following Kazel's defeat, casualties mounted; some even paid with their lives.

"I'm fine, go save the others."


Kazel, clutching his broken sword, bled anew, and though no time to feel it, blood boiled through his veins to his head; however, as he poised to rush forward, a figure halted him.

Surprise painted Kazel's face, recognizing the one behind him.

She was Vivia Legal, an S-rank adventurer from the capital known as the kingdom of Elysium's premier dragon slayer. She wore a radiant silver armor with a visor-covered helm and in her left hand, a sword with a blade gleaming ominously.

"Leave it to me, instruct everyone to withdraw."

Kazel, acquiescing, called for a retreat as adventurers who recognized Vivia beheld her like a beacon of hope amidst darkness.

They stood back as Vivia calmly ensued, her armor-clad footsteps resounding. Everyone marveled, especially as behind the helm was a maiden.

Watching Vivia's advance, the dragon loosed a fiery orb, but unlike the rest, Vivia sustained the blow and dismissed it with a mere flick of her sword.

Her title as dragon slayer was no exaggeration.

Vivia surged forward, delivering a slashing cross cut that gashed the dragon, spurting blood from a grievous wound. In agony, the dragon lunged for Vivia, attempting a deadly bite.

Unconcerned, Vivia caught it with a single hand, as if trivial. Pushing the dragon's head away, her sword swung with no warning.


A dragon's head hit the ground lifelessly, blood spurting skyward like a fountain.

"Did we triumph?" queried an adventurer, but as they beheld, the dragon's body arose, took its head, and reattached it.

"This is why I loathe the dragon of destruction," Vivia muttered, sword swinging again to no avail; the dragon had already fled into the distance.

"For now, it won't return."

Episode 2

Several months later, in a city within the kingdom of Elysium, a young man stood before a grand edifice emblazoned with 'Adventurers' Guild.' He took a deep breath before stepping inside. For someone who had spent his life on the outskirts of the kingdom, being here was a lifelong aspiration.

Tables were arranged methodically where adventurers shared moments of camaraderie, engaging in light-hearted banter with a glass in hand. The establishment served not only as a job center but also merged with a bar dedicated to providing respite for these wandering souls.

Attractive female attendants greeted them with warm smiles, efficiently catering to their needs. The young man himself could gaze at them for hours, even days on end without tiring. However, he shook off this diversion, realigning his focus on the true mission at hand.

To become an adventurer.

Before him were four counters, each overseen by individuals known as guild staff. They not only offered guidance but also lent emotional support and motivation to adventurers working with the guild.

Adventurers' earnings were subject to a ten percent guild commission—a typical practice within such business models. The youth began assessing which counter might best assist him in securing work here, noting that each was attended by an enchanting woman.

Upon approaching the first counter, the guild staff there swiftly rebuffed him. In her eyes, the young man showed little promise, his statistics falling below average.

Biting his lip, he moved to another counter only to face rejection once again. Filled with indignation, he sat outside the guild, brooding over his fate.

If only he had strength, he wouldn't have to endure such humiliation.

Lost in thought, he was suddenly confronted by a girl standing before him. She was clad in knightly attire of white and blue, her long blonde hair cascading freely, restrained only by clips at either side.

A beautifully engraved longsword was fastened to her waist.

"Are you alright?" she inquired.

"Ah, yes," was his awkward response. Though she seemed a year younger than the fifteen-year-old boy, she had already achieved the rank of knight. Whether by royal lineage or exceptional ability, she was undeniably impressive.

"I'm Vivia Legal. If you have a problem, I can offer you assistance," she declared, puffing out her ample chest and patting it with her hand.

The young man observed her intently, briefly averting his gaze when Vivia glanced back.

Vivia responded with a reassuring smile.

"You've not given your name?"

"Forgive me, my name is Aksa. Pleased to meet you... I've just been ousted by the guild."

"Ousted? That's unacceptable... I'll have to teach them a lesson."

"Wait, why are you upset?"

"Of course I'm upset. You came here in quest of livelihood and they dismissed you. What if you can't find work outside and die of starvation on the streets?"

"You're very forthright... Besides, I'm the one lacking strength, they're not to blame."

The girl halted as a thought struck her.

"What if you come with me to the frontier town of Antares? I've just been transferred there as the new sentinel. If I'm not mistaken, there's a welcoming guild that doesn't fuss over weak statistics. You could earn your living there, Aksa."

"Is that so, Miss Vivia?"

"Indeed, but from now on, please call me Vivia."

Aksa nodded in agreement.

Episode 3

I had never believed in destined encounters before, but now I am a convert.

We had left our former city behind, and our train was now gliding through rolling meadows, petals dancing in the air, dispersed by the rush of our journey.

My name is Aksa, a 15-year-old from Bandung, a region in Indonesia known for its Sundanese culture; at least that was my identity before. I am not special nor do I have numerous friends; I am just an ordinary guy of the sort you run into anywhere.

The name Aksa has two meanings: one is an adventurer, the other a protector, which suits the characteristics my parents perceived in me.

During middle school, to defend my oppressed friends, I took up Kendo and even won first place, earning me the title of 'swordmaster.' Nevertheless, I ended up friendless, so in this second life, I hope to find what I lacked before.

Unlike the usual reincarnation story common in Light Novels, I've been transferred here. I encountered a Goddess who willingly sent me to this world.

She offered me one wish, and what I requested from her was...

As I pondered, Vivia's voice, from where she sat beside me, broke my reverie.

"Are you okay, Aksa?"

"Oh, it's nothing, Vivia."

"Is that so? I'm just so excited; this is my first time traveling with a handsome man."

I could only offer her a wry smile.

"Sorry, I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve—if I wanted to make love with you, I'd just come out and say it."

At least she was genuine.

"We'll see the city of Antares ahead once we cross that mountain... But Aksa, if I may ask, why do you want to be an adventurer? You could be a knight like me."

"I'm just a weak man; I could never be a knight... Besides, I prefer the freedom of adventuring."

"Is that so. Well, I used to be an adventurer too, until I became a knight for certain reasons."


"Yeah... an adventurer's life is very free; I hope you don't end up getting someone pregnant."

"I'm not that kind of person either."

Vivia laughed heartily.

"If you ever have a problem, don't hesitate to ask for my help; I'd be happy to give it."

"Why go to such lengths for me, Vivia?"

"I'm not sure, but I feel like we've met before... Could it be you were a scavenger picking up trash in front of my house?"


"Just kidding, I was just saying."

We finally passed the mountain Vivia mentioned before, and a city enclosed by high walls caught my gaze.

"So that's Antares."

"Exactly, it's a haven for novice adventurers, and even some top-ranked ones choose to live there."

"Wouldn't it be better for them to go to bigger cities?" I remarked.

"Even though they're strong, they are still cowards at heart, Aksa. There are many threats out there, including the demon king and his army; living leisurely in a place like this is not a bad choice."

I understood the sentiment, and upon reaching the city gate, it was time to part ways.

"Thanks for everything."

As I disembarked from the cart, Vivia handed me a piece of paper.

"What's this?"

"It's my address here in the city; I live alone, and it would be nicer if we could stay together."

I was about to refuse, but she was already departing. I let out a quiet sigh while I watched her from a distance. Is this the destiny I must accept? I'll tell the Goddess about this later, though she probably already knows.

That is, I hadn't mentioned it yet.

At 06:00, I can travel to the Goddess's realm to meet the one who sent me here, regardless of whether it is morning or night.

That was my wish to her.

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