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My Mate My Crush (Jikook)

Chapter one

Thick wavy brown hair that you just want to run your fingers through and eyes that reminded you of warm caramel, seemingly innocent but calculating. Narrow shoulders and a toned chest that stretched his shirts so his slight muscles were defined under the thin material.

I sighed dreamily and rested my head on my fist, my elbow hitting the bowl of flour and effectively knocking it to the floor. Everyone shouted out as it tipped over the counter and I hurriedly went down with it. I wasn't sure why exactly, there was no way I could have caught it.

When the white cloud disappeared, I was left on the floor covered in and surrounded by a mess of flour.

"Park jimin!"

I cringed at the head cooks voice that cut through the surprised silence. My ears burned with embarrassment and I distracted myself by trying to sweep the flour into a pile with my hands.

"Get up and go get a broom. None of us have time for this, after cleaning go to the basement and help with laundry."

I looked up at the head Cook who just so happened to be my mom. "Yes ma'am." I squeaked, pushing myself up off the ground. Risking a glance around the room, I was relieved to discover that the Alpha's son was no longer in the kitchen. The eyes judging me were only those of other Omegas.

Rushing off to the utility closet, I ducked my head so I couldn't meet anyone's eyes.

I should be use to the embarrassment that comes with accidents by now. In grade school, while the other students were getting awards for fastest reader or best writer, I was getting the award for being the clumsiest. I guess it was true, things just seemed to always fall around me. Myself included.

Returning with the broom, I made short work of cleaning up the mess of flour. When I moved towards the counter, the others moved their ingredients as if expecting me to make a bigger mess.

I kept my elbows close to my body and tried not to move too fast. Sweeping everything in the dustpan, I picked it up and headed towards the trash can. I didn't notice the foot a female Omega held out and when I fell again, laughter erupted.

Coughing and waving away the flour cloud, I pushed myself up and looked at the female. The brown haired blue eyed female was one of those Omegas that no one really knew why they were an Omega. She wasn't as submissive or put off by violence, if anything she was just petite like the rest of us. Kelly Webb, everyone knows her. In school a lot of others go as far as calling her the prettiest female in the pack.

I didn't like her for two reasons. One, being that she's a spoiled brat who bullies anyone she deems bellow her and two, she's had her eyes on my Jeon jeongguk since eighth grade.

"Jimin!" I looked up at where my mom was failing to hold back her own laughter and my face burned with shame. I quickly got up and ran from the kitchen, knocking against someone but too embarrassed to stop and apologize. It's not like I could of hurt them or anyone, I'm the runt. Clearly the joke too.

I didn't go to the basement like my mom told me to but instead left the pack house and headed home. It wasn't a far walk, usually I'd ride with mom to work but most days I find myself walking home.

Home is down a dead end back road called Berry Street. The name coming from the raspberry and blackberry bushes almost everyone had in their yards. During the summer they'd be filled with berries and I could snack on them on my walk. The bushes were bare now with winter coming.

When I made it to the house I've grown up in, I noticed dad's cruiser was in the driveway meaning he was home on his lunch break. My shoulders slumped again and I sighed.

Walking up the gravel drive to the white two story house, I started dragging my feet which resulted in me stumbling forward and falling onto my hands and knees. I sat back on my heels and looked down at my bloody palms that were burning. The scratches weren't deep and they'll heal until only the blood was left.

"You're home early." Dad said from where he lounged in his recliner with a half eaten sandwich and root beer. Mom doesn't let him have the real thing because she hates beer guts.

"Yeah." I said lowly, letting the word drag. Dad looked away from the home repair show on the tv to look at my sad state. Still covered in flour and now blood on my hands and knees. Dad shook his head and grumbled under his breath. Probably still wondering how a strong male like him sired a runt.

Going upstairs, I stopped by the bathroom to clean the blood off my hands before going to the door at the end of the hall. It led to more stairs to the attic and I shut the door behind me.

The attic used to be storage for unused furniture and holiday decorations but when I was fourteen I talked my parents into letting me clean it up and make it my bedroom. There wasn't much up here, my bed, desk, dresser, and my bookshelf. It's where I spent most of my time if someone doesn't drag me down or I go looking for food.

Taking off my clothes, I jumped onto my bed and spread out. School was out for thanksgiving break and I was doing everything I did on a normal day, besides sitting in classes for eight hours. Cuddling up to my pillows, I let my eyes drift shut and thought about the one thing that seems to always be on my mind.

Meeting my Mate.

In only a few weeks I'll be turning eighteen and I'll be able to identify my Mate. Hopefully it'll be the one male I've always had a crush on.

Chapter two

Thanksgiving dinner was held at the pack house every year. My mom has been in charge of making sure dinner is prepared for as long as I can remember. Those few days before the holiday, the pack house is crowded and buzzing with activity.

It's mostly Omegas who prepare the feast and decorate the house. Not because we're treated differently or forced to, but because unsurprisingly that's who volunteers. Doing these kind of things give Omegas the satisfaction of doing for their pack. We're opposed to violence and conflict, leaving border patrol and really anything that involves fighting or muscle for other pack members.

The day before Thanksgiving, mom doesn't come home until early morning to make sure everyone is dressed appropriately. She usually sends Kai back up to his room to change. My older brother's idea of casual formal, is worn jeans and flannel shirts. Which is pretty much what he wears everyday. I once heard mom praying to the Goddess to bless him with a Mate who would pick out his clothes for him. By now I'm sure she's just praying for a Mate in general.

Kai’s twenty three now and after five years and no Mate, he's kind of given up. He's a loner and unlike me, he chooses to be. Kai could have moved into the pack house like most unmated wolves, but he chose to stay home. Even if mom has the tendency to nag. His reasoning was because it's quiet.

I know if I don't find my mate, I'll probably stay home too. Not because I don't like being around others but because others don't like being around me.

Mom stood by the door, dusting off dad's shirt and tapping her foot impatiently. She was dressed in a emerald green dress that fell just below her knees and her hair was down in soft red waves. Her face had turned a bright crimson when dad said she looked beautiful. Instead of thanking him, she slapped his arm and fixed his collar. Mom's a naturally beautiful female but it's rare to see her dressed up. Most of the time she's in her chef uniform with her hair in a messy bun.

Kai’s heavy footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs before he appeared at the bottom in khaki slacks and a ironed button down. Mom had prepared this year, already having the outfit laid out for him. He looked uncomfortable and wore a frown under his full beard. I was a little jealous of that, I couldn't even get a single hair to grow on my chin.

"See, now you're presentable. Let's go!" Mom said, rushing us out.

"I look like a Mormon." Kai grumbled as he slid in the backseat with me. I snickered even though he didn't. He looked like every other higher ranking wolf who was twice my size in muscle.

Self consciously, I looked down at myself and pulled on my navy sweater. I got away with wearing my converse this year but only because mom doesn't really care what I wear. Something usually ends up spilled on me by the end of the night.

"Wait!" I yelled out, making mom curse as she jumped in the front seat. "I forgot my apple pie." I really didn't mean to.

"Don't scare me like that, I thought it was something important." Mom sighed.


"Sweetie, there'll be plenty of pie there." Mom said before telling dad how many beers he could have.

I pouted in the backseat, looking out the window. I've made an apple pie every year since I was twelve. I always had the kitchen to myself with mom at the pack house and everything was quiet. Every year I'd bring my pie and sit it among the many and every year it'd be the first one Jeon jeongguk would take a slice of. How could I have forgotten it?

Dad had to park the SUV on the side of the street with the many other cars. We were all used to such a big gathering, seeing as there was the monthly pack meet. The crowd just seemed bigger on holidays and sometimes it was. I wondered if the Alpha invited anyone this year. Last year he'd invited another Alpha family whose young pup played with knives. He was a little strange.

"Now," Mom said once we were all out of the car. Kai and I made eye contact, having heard this speech every year. "You both know I don't mind you wondering off to hang out with the pups your age but I want you both to remember who raised you." She said sternly, mostly to me. Last year it was a pitcher of sweet tea, the year before that it was the urn holding the Luna's grandfather. That was a horrible year.

After entering the house and greeting the Alpha Pair respectfully, mom drug dad off to greet the family and their friends and Kai went into the den to watch the game playing. I hesitated by the door, looking into the crowded room that was loud with males shouting at the tv and pushing each other around. Kai was the quietest male in there, sitting alone with his eyes on the tv.

That was definitely a room to avoid.

Knowing where I was going, I avoided the older Wolves who all stood around chatting and made it to the back deck. Pups were running around and playing in the back yard, and like I'd expected, the teens hung out on the deck.

Rubbing a hand over my sweater, I took a steadying breath before sliding open the glass door.

No one looked up from their playful banter but I didn't really expect them to. My eyes were stuck on the strong back of Jeon jeongguk. He was dressed up as he is every year, in navy blue slacks and a matching blazer. You see, we're meant for each other, we even unknowingly color coordinated.

Putting on a big smile, I ignored the nervous flutters in my belly and walked over to where everyone was standing.

"Hi!" I said way too happily and mentally slapped myself. Everyone looked up uninterested before going back to their conversations or their phones.

"Ugh, hey, Jimin."Yoongi said, making my slipping smile pull back up. I always loved when he said my name. I stood in front of him and stared dumbly, not really knowing what to say. Well, I knew what I wanted to say, or not say. I wanted to pull him down to my level and kiss him of course! That wasn't going to happen though. At least not until my birthday—fingers crossed—.

"Look at you runt, I see you haven't spilled anything yet." Jeongguk teased, messing with the collar of the shirt under my sweater. I swatted him hands away, my smile falling. Jeongguk is an asshole. That's the simple word for the manipulative, spoiled, jeongguk who is sadly yoongi’s best friend. Not that I know why. The earliest memory I have of him is when he chased me with a bucket of mud and threw it at me until I was covered. I had to go home in tears and explain to my mom what happened while she sprayed me down with the hose.

"Come on, leave the kid alone." Yoongi said with a light laugh. Kai flicked my nose before following my future Mate into the house.

I pouted and looked around at everyone who ignored my existence. Seeing as no seat was available, I sat down on the stairs leading to the backyard and watched the pups play. The only time I'd got to play like that was after begging Kai to play with me, and that was only in the privacy of our own back yard.

There was no point in trying to talk to anyone again so I sat there until it was announced that the food was ready. The pack is too big for everyone to fit in one room, so the food is served buffet style.

Everyone was rushing to get to the food and that's when the inevitable happed. A pup ran past me, bumping into my leg and sending me crashing into a table. I felt little pieces of glass cut into my side when I rolled to get up, accidentally rolling into the glass from a broken picture frame.

Luckily with the food waiting, no one stuck around to laugh at me.

"Clean that up." Someone snapped and I picked myself up to go get a broom.

By the time I cleaned everything up, everyone already had a plate and was sitting around in various rooms with friends and family. Mom was in the dinning room where the large table had been removed for the long tables holding all the food, she was huffing at a female about the stuffing.

Her eyes flicked to me but most of her attention was on the stuffing. When the female took the platter back to the kitchen, mom turned to me and she groaned.

"Really, Jimin ?" She huffed. "Go get the car keys from your father, I put extra clothes in the trunk for you."

I looked down at myself and finally noticed the dark spot on the side of my sweater. Blood had seeped through and I hadn't even noticed.

Dad was with the uncles guzzling down a beer when I found him, clearly trying to finish it before mom came back. He handed me the keys while shaking his head disapprovingly but I was use to that from him...well, from everyone.

Mom hadn't just put one extra change of clothes in the trunk but three. For some reason it made me sad. Maybe it's because I know no one really expects much from me. Unless it's to make a mess or break something. I'll eventually belong nowhere in the pack, not even accepted by the Omegas. Maybe I shouldn't be so eager for my birthday. If the Alpha decides to kick me out, I'll have no choice but to live with the humans because no other pack will accept me. I'm in no way beneficial. I'm not strong, I'm not all that smart, average at best. I can't clean without making a bigger mess and I can't cook in front of anyone unless they want me to start a fire.

Is there anything I am good at?

Pulling up my shirts to see the cuts on my side were still bleeding, meaning glass was still in them, I groaned. Of course this couldn't just be an easy shirt swap.

I had just pulled off my sweater and button up when the loud roar of an engine made me look up.

Cars weren't really my thing, but I had seen some of the shows dad watches and the sleek black muscle car was definitely one of the old ones people collect.

I held my shirt in front of my chest as it slowed down, coming to a stop beside me.

Chapter three

The window rolled down slowly before a smiling face came into view. I instantly recognized the male and my eyes narrowed.

His smile only seemed to widen at my annoyance. "Park jimin," I've always hated how deep and smooth his voice is. "Need help?"

"No." I bit out quickly, only making him chuckle. The rumbling engine died and he stepped out of the car, walking around it to me. I had to look up to see his face. It seemed he'd gotten taller. He wore his regular white t-shirt and black jeans. His combat boots were different but looked worn.

"Miss me?" Kim taehyung asked, removing his aviator glasses so I could see his dark brown eyes.

"Can't say I did, Tae." I grinned evilly when his jaw ticked at the use of his full name. The big male looked me over and I held my shirt tighter against my chest. It did no good when Tae pulled it away and tsked at the bloody cuts.

He held up a large hand with platinum rings on each tattooed finger. I gulped when his claws extended. "Might hurts a little but it'll heal after." He warned absentmindedly before holding my arm to keep me still and digging his claw into the small cuts to dig out the shards of glass. I cried out, stumbling back from the pain.

"Why did you do that?!" I knew he did it to help in the only kind of way Taetae would, a way that made you regret looking to him for help. Not that I did. He could of at least used the first-aid kit!

"It's healing." He pointed out, grabbing my arm again and pulling me closer so he could use my shirt to wipe away the blood. "So, how'd you do this?"

"Does it matter?"


I looked up to see if he'd add more but that wasn't Kim taehyung. Kim taehyung gave enough to make you interested and enough to keep himself a mystery to everyone but himself.

"I tripped." I said, shifting my weight to my left leg. "What happened to your bike?" I asked, remembering he left on his beloved motorcycle.

"That's a long story." He said, his eyes sparkling with amusement and always that hint of mischief.

"So, you're back."

"I'm back." He repeated, stepping aside so I could get a clean shirt from the trunk that was still open. The cuts on my side had already stopped bleeding.

"Well, did you find them?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Nope." He tried for nonchalant but I could hear the strain in his voice. I bit my lip, wanting to say something more but I was coming up blank. What could I say? Sorry? I wasn't.

"Kai’s going to be happy to see you." I decided to get off that subject. "And everyone else of course." I added.

"I texted him earlier, he knew I was coming." My face scrunched up as I pulled on my shirt, unable to get my head through the hole.

Tae unbuttoned it and helped me get it on. "Oh..." I closed the trunk before looking up and meeting his brown eyes. "You should probably park."

"Right, get in." Tae opened the passenger door and I raised a brow. Sighing, I did as he said and got in. He just smirked and shut the door after I was in the car. The interior was all black leather and even I could tell it was well taken care of.

"So, What is this?" I asked once he slid in behind the wheel. I was a little surprised he didn't look uncomfortable being as tall as he is.

"This here is my baby." He spoke, rubbing the steering wheel lovingly. I rolled my eyes making him laugh. The car rumbled back to life and I couldn't help but feel excited. "She's a nineteen sixty nine Chevy Camaro." Yeah, I had no idea what that was. I just knew it was shiny black and had two white lines down the front hood. Unsurprisingly, it looked like a car fit for Jeongguk.

I'd known the male forever. Kim taehyung wasn't only my brother's best friend but my future Alpha. He's also my future brother in law if things go as planned.

Unlike my brother who didn't seem worried about still being mateless, once Tae realized no one in the pack was his Mate, he left not long after his eighteenth birthday. If he was still close to home, he'd come back for holidays but for the last three years he's been gone. Not that I was counting the days or anything, it's just a known fact.

Tae parked away from any other cars so his 'baby' wouldn't get scratched, I couldn't help but to roll my eyes again. He reached into the back for his black leather jacket, completing his bad boy look. He was the complete opposite of Yoongi who never wore the color black, and who's clothes were always clean and ironed. Where yoongi’s hair was styled to perfection, Taehyung’s looked like he'd ran his fingers through it about a dozen times. The few black strands that fell over his brow were aggravating me but I chose not to say anything.

"You've gotten taller." He commented as we walked back towards the pack house.

I looked down at myself and snorted. I haven't grown an inch since I was like thirteen.

"I'm serious, your head use to barely reach my chest. You're almost at my collarbone now." He chuckled.

I pushed him which just made me stumble while he laughed at my failed attempt. I huffed, wishing I was strong enough to push him over.

Tae put his glasses back on before we reached the house. He seemed to become more serious too and I guess he had to, he's our future Alpha returning home after three years. Five years if you don't count coming home for holidays.

Once he entered the house and others started recognizing him, they crowded him excitedly, all talking over each other.

I slipped away unnoticed and went to the den where I found Kai in the same place. The room had cleared out except for old Mr. Wallis who had fallen asleep watching the game, his head back and mouth open.

Kai didn't show any signs of acknowledging me so I just sat on the couch with Mr. Wallis and stared at the tv.

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