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The Garden Witch

character introduction

Main cast-daliya, main cast-Prince iris

Kingdom of flower

King of the kingdom:adwin

Dead old king:Edward (brother of New King)

Dead Kings son: Prince Alex

The Witch council_

Queen of witches

Queen of fire witches: Marian

Queen of water witches: lillian

Queen of air witches: xenia

Queen of earth witches: Helena

They are important in the story

...the kingdom of flowers...

The story begins with the kingdom of flowers, this kingdom was a country with full of happiness And peace.

Here everyone was considered equal; Man and witch's lived peacefully together.

But there was a rule here that no witch would marry any human. Otherwise he could have been given the punishment of death

There were many different types of witches here Some could talk to animals, some could talk to birds and fly with them There are main 5 types witches

Fire water Earth and air witch and the one that took control of the plants and the trees Here all the witches used to help humans with their magic and lived with happiness and peace

...the tree of nature...

A rumor was spreading all over the kingdom, a flower bud has appeared on the tree of nature.Whoever eats the fruit that grows in it will become immortal.

(The tree of nature is a magic source of nature witches)

Many people went to see that tree on that forest, there were many witches and humans.The bud of that tree was very beautiful, everyone was fascinated by it.A girl also wanted to reach there quickly, she collides with someone near the pond on the way and goes ahead after apologizing.When many people had gathered there, Then an old witch comes there who says that it is absolutely true that whoever eats the fruits of this tree will become immortal.

But it will bear fruit only when this bud will bloom But only the most powerful magic can make this flower bud bloom. Now four queens of witches had also come there. Marion, Queen of Fire water queen lillian queen of air xenia and the queen of earth Helena

They all start using their magic on that tree one by one, but that flower bud does not bloom.There is a lot of commotion due to the fact that even the queens of witches cannot make that flower bloom. they all are use their magic together but cannot make the flower bloom

Then the old witch seys, let us pray to this tree that she herself chooses the person who can bloom the flower.

the chosen one

All the people present there started praying, then a leaf of that tree fell and started flying and flying fell on the head of a girl standing in the crowd.It was the same girl who had collided with someone at the beginning of the story and everyone started looking at her Even the prince was just looking at her That's when the witch queens started saying that maybe there has been a mistake, why did this tree choose a small witch except the mighty witches?Then that old witch called the girl in front and asked her what kind of witch she is, what powers she have That girl said I am not a witch I am a human my name is Dalia I am just an orphan girl, I live in this nearby village

Everyone has started saying that there must have been a mistake, after all, why would the tree of nature choose a person, maybe this girl is telling a lie

Queen Marian says now we will know what type of witch she is and starts attacking him with fire, that girl gets injured and falls

As soon as Daliya's hand falls on the root of that tree, the flower starts blooming, it is in full bloom.And suddenly something happens to Dalia and her whole body glows and her wounds start to heal

After that the old witch says, the biggest power in the world is humanity, which also made this flower bloom.

That girl was still unconscious and there are many plants around her and there everyone comes to know that the tree of nature has given this girl the powers of nature's witch And now it's a nature witch,

Everyone standing there gets shocked. He was surprised because it was the first time a human got the powers of a witch.Then Dalia suddenly wakes up, she has opened her eyes, her eyes were shining completely white.she starts flying in the wind her blonde hair was swaying in the wind

The old witch recognizes her and starts calling her mother.She understands that Dalia's body has been controlled by the goddess of nature.

Then Dalia says I am the goddess of nature, I have created you and today I have got a chance to talk to you.I chose this girl's body to speak my words because I needed the Holy Spirit so that there is no bad effect on my tree you listen to my words carefully,

The flower that has blossomed today will have a fruit after 1 year from today and after 4 years he will be ready to eat,

It will be ready to eat and you all know that the one who eats him will be immortal but at the same time he will also get some responsibilities and he will have to handle those responsibilities with sincerely,

Till then this little witch will take care of this flower because only she can pluck that fruit.

Saying this, the goddess of nature leaves Dalia's body.Just then, Dalia begins to fall when Queen Marion saves her.

And puts it on the ground, all the people who come there start fighting to keep Dalia with them.Because she was chosen by the goddess of nature, that girl comes to her senses seeing everyone fighting, she does not understand what has happened there and why everyone is fighting to keep her with them

And no one was even letting Dalia say anything, she didn't know what happened there and why everyone wanted to keep her with them.That's when Queen Merion says it's just got the powers of a nature witch it's a minor witch to protect it we will take it to the witch's palace There she will act like a maid and learn self defense magic

Dalia shouts and says I do not understand what is happening here but I will not go with anyone.

All the queens get angry on this and try to force daliya.they forces Dalia to go with them.

Dalia starts asking people for help, she starts calling for help But no one goes to save her, there all were afraid of the queens of the witches.

Prince iris the saviour

Then the prince comes in front of them and says that everyone in this country has every right to take their own decisions, if they do not go with you, then you should leave them.

On this, the queen Xenia says who are you, we are going to raise our voice against the decision of the witch queens.

So the prince shows them his royal sword and says I am iris the prince of this kingdom

I respect you all but Dalia is a citizen of our country and it is my duty to protect her

Seeing his sword, all the people there bow down and bow to him.Queen Merion says now it's a witch's affair You don't say anything in this, Dalia will go to the palace with us

The prince says that the law of our country gives everyone the right to take their decisions and if you have not chosen to be your maid in this, then you have no right to take her with you.

Queen Lillian is try to say something, but the prince without listening to her, seys if you break your rules then it will be a rebellion of our country

Have all of you forgotten the peace agreement between our ancestors that you want to break them, if you forcefully take Dalia with you, then our agreement will be broken, your will And then there will be war, the queens are try to attack the prince, but the prince's soldiers go there.Seeing this, the queen Helena says, do not break the agreement on such a matter now and she tells all the queens to remain calm.

They ask everyone to leave and take Dalia with them. Dalia bow. For them and thanks them for her help.

Dalia asks what was happening there.  Before the prince can tell him anything, he is called from the palace. while leaving, he says to daliya, I will meet you tomorrow at this place, you do not go anywhere nor go to the market.

Instead of going to the city of Dalia, obeying the prince, she goes to a small tree house in the forest

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