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Sapphire Prince


Will I stutter in the madness of this supreme palaver? In the conversation of crowns will I have only thorns above my head. In the media of virtuosos, will I be the masterpiece or the rejected? How will I know? I'm no time. I'm only a boy. A scared young lamb drifting to the edges of the grasslands looking over the future wherever I go.

Nowhere is the future and the pasture I've made for myself feels like a maze. Past...It's all memories of the past...Why? Haven't I gone already? Reject your past they said, become new they said...they don't know. They never knew that feeling.

Whereana is the largest mint of opulent legacies with a prestigious imperial bloodline and military history. The land is built solely for trade and the arts of "negotiation". Through the progress of its industry, many of the citizens found their names in the noble hierarchy even with small shares in history.

Though low standards even for the empire most prosperous, the lustrous domain is as powerful. The capital, the centerpiece of the empire, Rochelieu. It was founded by the first imperial monarch, serving as a refuge for those who sheltered tyrannical magics from oppressors.

The prosperity of the kingdom was laid upon the military and diplomatic aptitude gaining allies from west to east. By notion or by force, Rochelieu became the capital of "The Empire".

The land has its perks. It is the richest country on the continent and amongst its sister empires, our military stands out the most. Still, I cannot see how this...all of this will be worth my smile.

"You see this land unfit of your wisdom and I see this kingdom the lifeline of our continent. We have differences in our justice but it's inevitable for you to shed from the monarchy" Said, my father.

"I won't," I replied.

My Father...Claudius Ron De Bleu Catharia is the current emperor. He's a good man, a wise ruler, and such a neglective father. Father embezzled his wisdom to the imperial regime, tilting the monarchy and its firm. In its justice, he calls it "The Evolution". A supposed movement of the monarchy to a more civil conduct.

"You are handing the kingdom to him? Someone who can't even wield an original spell. This meeting is about to discuss power and dominance within the imperial family so how did he reserve a seat." I sat down and sighed writing what I need to write.

The representatives of each kingdom came to a pause and began to mutter. They each were hesitant to speak against the second prince of the empire. My brother Seleno Blackwell De Bleu Catharia. My mother Along with my Father stared blankly into the open.

"At least I was planned," I whispered. Behind my lip, I smirked ever so softly.

"We are all civilized and we are not fickle about those matters but it's incompetent for both of the imperial heirs to divert the conversation into something even our title have insulted to touch. So please refrain from making more comments." Father scanning his documents.

Seleno sighed, frowning. With a cold look on his face. He backed down and sat. Continuing his document, he rigidly made his way to the bottom as though his brows narrowed.

Seleno has been subtly asserting his authoritative dominance against me and tradition. Something about him makes us not different, but our perspectives are but a distant narrow canyon. Something is vague in his idea...Even so...I value him.

"Excuse me your grace, but there have been countless rumors that his majesty Azure is the one who stashed the royal treasury? " Asked the representative of Kingdom Selena.

The representatives again muttered, this time, loudly. I sharpened my eyes, leering at them. On my feet, I spoke.

"We have conducted this meeting for the country's treaty. Again, we are formal figureheads of the government, and this congress was not meant to satisfy bitter rumors about the supreme family."

"And this congress was also meant to hold respectable figureheads that oversee members of the imperial court...that is if you are denying to answer this then you mean that it's true?" Added the Selena representative.


"Everyone asks permission to speak and would not blurt out informality within this gathering. Please Lance go back to your seating." Composed, I took a deep breath and faced the Duke of the Selena Kingdom.

"Duke Selena. We are here not to drift from the topic and ignore the situation at hand. When we aligned ourselves, our minds first set that this is a sophisticated and formal meeting..."

"You are denying it more. That stance and defense of yours are too suspicious. Your grace, I was merely asking, and come to think of it, isn't the host's responsibility to answer the guests' questions?"

"Speak furthermore Duke Selena. Please, I dare you." Father's eyes sharpened. A small but razor pulse emitted from her direction causing our bodies to flinch.

"Yes your grace. I apologize for spouting nonsense, your majesty." Duke Selena then bowed.


Of course, everyone is out to get to me. The firstborn of the imperial family, the heir, chosen by the gods. How amazing must that be...

The Second Prince, after the meeting, left the palace premises returning to the Catharia Provincial estate just as so making it his normal residence. Mother at first contradicted the idea, but father convinced her otherwise.

Seleno is younger than me yet still, he has done well serving in my father's court. Acting like some sort of secretary. He follows father around like the spoiled child who just wants his proclaimed attention. Reclusive but simple...

I do value him as my brother. That said, value scales differently to love. His craving and continuous hunger for recognition are admirable and his execution is done so perfectly. Whatever madness he has, I'll just hope for the best given to him. By royalty, he deserves it.

The day he departed the first time seemed neutral. In any way when he left, I felt as if I was looking at a pale gray canvas. Just there, just blank without the color of notion left within my vision...

( A Few Weeks After )

As the prince, many of the noble families have invited me to parties. My mother allows me to do so, but of course, I offer many rejection letters. Being introverted, I continuously refuse every invitation and my mother would be furious at me...not making an advance in my power.

"Your grace...A letter from the Allan Family. They have requested for you to"

"Please crumple that paper away and see to it burnt. I'll have myself write a rejection letter about such." I replied massaging my temple.

"Of course your majesty." Said the servant.

Keeping myself composed in monarchy's customs. Younger than this, I mastered manners and conducts by formal imperial standards.

As of now, I read books about theology, literature, political sciences, and commerce. As an aspiring figurehead of a trading-based kingdom...commerce is very important for me to master. I do have my classes, and I would listen closely to each discussion.

On my vacant days, I usually lay down underneath a tree, with the wind on my side and the fragrance of the warm autumn grace. It's a place where my adviser along with several servants would find me.

Even at such times...My adviser would still offer me letters from noble factions.

"Your majesty! A letter from-"

"This is a bad setting to have that letter displayed here. Consider that letter read and please lay it on my desk." I replied folding a page as though smiling.

"Your grace?" I looked at the male servant who was a bit red from the face.

"See to it that the letter finds its way to my desk I said. I'll have my adviser scan it later and process its contents." I replied.

"Y-Yes your majesty." He says, running off curiously.

The oil lamps in my room were lit, the warm color along with my fireplace made the room bright. I sat in front of the flames reading simple historical strategies and a few fictional romantics here and there.

Before diving deep into the canvas of literacy. A knock suddenly came to my door then a voice spoke.

"Your highness it's me." Lance...

Lance Bastion. The sole successor of House Bastion. Their family belongs in the middle-class sector where they take part, not at high occasions but merely in moderate trade works with the commerce clan for authorized businesses.

"There is an urgent letter that has just been scoped through some of your documents and-"

"Let me guess, another inviting letter?" I scoffed and got on my back reading.

Their family owns a very large winery and a successful one indeed. Receiving the noble rank class as their ancestors were one of the few family heads that originally fought the oppressors. Their family, after the war, settled peacefully in a bountiful land given by the imperial highness.

"It's from the Cynthia Family your grace. They wish to have an audience with you this Thursday. They are making the meeting urgent and wish for you to accept undoubtedly." Lance began to look concerned at me.

"The Cynthias?"

The Guests I

Azure's POV

"The Cynthias?"

They are fine delegates of the Rochileu commerce commission, which, by now has been requesting their position as an imperial trading agency.

The Cynthias are composed of many traditional arts and they hold great legacies reasoned with fixed efforts that made Rochileu the golden spectrum of Whereana.

They are good at what they do and they would do well to keep their stakes high to go along with the criticism received from other noble houses.

"Is that so. Something must be off then." I closed the book stroking it's leather cover, distracting my mind at ease.

"Your highness, this letter is from one of the most influential figures in the capital. Refusing them might be a mistaken decision." Lance sat down crossing his legs flinging the letter around unamused of the situation.

At first, I thought that must be some kind of joke. Given the reason that their family answers to the Queen. Knowing them, It's most likely to be a diplomatic call. But at the situation now, I doubt they are clueless, so I could only imagine the outcome.

I stood up. The golden vases and legend etched trinkets gave the atmosphere quite the warmth then I looked closer into fire. The crackles and the scorched waltzing flame made my head twirl in past memories long I've thought and forgotten.

Rochileu isn't in a fair state right now. Local nobilities are being aggressive towards one another diplomatically. Since House Cynthia is the most influential noble house, it may cause an even louder uproar.

Given that they requested me for an audience, I cannot see how that decision would do them value. Seeking for my presence rather than my father or the queen is very curious. But I could also expect that they've already done either and I could've known least about it. They're not baseless of all people.

"So what do you plan to do your grace?" He asked.

Calmly, I fixed my sapphire eyes at him and a gust of uncertainty escaped my mouth.

"I'll just have to accept." I said.

Silence and surprise. A small gust flew through the large window. Midnight like my lockes, it was late.

The moon and it's peers swarmed the nightscape as the light pierced over the black trench. It was cold, despite the fire. I could feel a stare, Lance was worried but knew well what I saw.

"You're not worried? Nor flustered about this?" He asks watching the fire.

"What am I suppose to be unstable about. They could not bare a hand on me nor they could speak daggers over my skin." I replied.

"You are their easiest one to gain favour. They know history. Obviously, they know about the kind of story you and their mistress have played." Lance said.


"Lance, it was a very long time ago. I could expect them using it as a weapon but they won't break me." I groaned.

"If I say I trust you, will you believe me?" He asked.

"If I said no, would you?" I answered.

"I couldn't bear the will of his majesty losing trust in me. So I would always know that that quote is forever a lie." I could hear the happiness compassion his voice.

From the back of my head, I could hear his footsteps moving closer. With his hand on my shoulder, he gave me the ribbon sealed paper. It's canvas seen ripped and the ink splattered chaotically as if the writer rushed the message.

I took off the ribbon. Facing Lance, I grimaced at the sight of his concern.

"Leave me be." I replied.

With quick reflexes, Lance backed off. The tall man paused at the doorknob, tickled maybe by the scene of the fire going out of steam, the shadows creeped to each corners of the room, leaving me midst the tainted shallow ambience.

"Good night your grace." Quietly, Lance closed the door.

With the night coming to a close and the oil lamps losing their kindle, I decided to call it a day and sat on my bed near the window overlooking the castle's courtyard.

The soft candle ablaze and the letter by my hand, I scanned through the rigidly, almost illegible message.

It was short and they went straight to their point. It is about the same dispute, they wish to speak to me...why? I'm not the first in line for the command and telling me their statement would be useless.

What's their goal with me?

The haziness drew closer and eventually I decided to take my slumber. I didn't know what time it was but I'm sure it was already past the usual time.

( Morning At The Imperial Palace )

In my office, I studied the usual political regime. My adviser, Lance...even though he was my age, he was surprisingly wise but-

"Your grace! Can I leave now? The outside looks marvelous today." He's obnoxiously loud and on the prowl to keep me away from my tasks.

On some occasions he whined childishly, groping my senses to the edge that I give in and leave my schedule astray.

"You were so firm last night and now you take the situation light headedly as if it's nothing but feather on a quick summer breeze!" I massaged my temples. Recompose in grandeur then to turn back onto my studies.

"It's better to brush of the felt anxiety of the letter, maybe they really just want to speak with you. Your status will be dear to their proposal to his majesty if ever you'll agree to their presentation." Lance beamed.

"They answer to the Queen. Not our court. Though yes, Rochileu is our homeland kingdom...I can't just-Well-"

"Your grace, it's true that they answer solely to the Queen. I'm sure they know as much, they will come here with thoughts clearheaded with a thorough explanation. Give time and you will know what they're planning eventually." Lance laid down lazily on the couch.

"Leave it for a while and try to enjoy anything else rather than your paranoia trust me and have you already written a reply?" He added.

He hummed a happy melody, whistling midway of the verses from a song popularized by drunk bards threading around from tavern to tavern.

"I haven't started anything. I will but I'll distract myself from that thought for a while." I replied drawing deeper into the book's contents.

"I could just write a letter while you are polishing that political literacy. It will be just your reassurance that you want to meet them or no." He teased.

"I already said it last night that I will meet them. Quite sure that my parents already know they are paying our castle a visit."

A tingle in my stomach then a growl and a belch. I haven't eaten my breakfast yet...I must've been out of space when I woke up this morning.

The castle delicacy is a treat of rarity and luxury. Although efforts as much, I happened to skip my breakfast when I found out that my teacher had already prepared for the morning class. I had no good options but to move forward with my study.

"Hungry much your grace?" Lance dangled, teasing me with a bundle of grapes. It swung between my vision.

I laid out my palm. He played nastily as to retreat the grapes and twirled it. To his force, some of the fruit fell on the gold laced carpets and some on the marble floor.

I was too famished to fight I laid bear sitting infront of the window overseeing a small scene of the castle gardens.

The adviser just organized a tray of fruit for his majesty. He smiled, but the smile felt chained through the weight in his chest worried for his highness.

He has not seen the Cynthias in closed corners for a while so the adviser tried everything to distract his majesty.

"Some fruit your grace." He says as he left an assortment beside me.

I will have to write that letter soon. If possible now. Keeping myself bothered by such and acting indecisively would only worsen my dilemma. I grabbed a plump vivid red apple and started to feed.

The scent of fresh fruit and the sweet juice inside the yield made my ears numb in ease. Even for the delight, I know this much won't make up for an early meal.

The meal of royalty must always be minimum and maximum. The diet of the emperor and the empress are well overlooked and each drop of wine are kept as record bases for medical descriptions and status.

My breakfast will consist of flavoured bread, carefully picked fresh fruits and vegetables with the typical salmon or steak and plain water to go down with desert if wanted.

"Starting to go a little stale." I said staring at the apple.

"I'll go fetch a new batch if you would like me to my Lord." Lance quickly retrieved the tray and firmly, he stood waiting for my command.

I know Lance is a dynamic of playful, yellow and loyal. A noble himself, of course, he must be or else he wouldn't be here.

His detailed amber lockes and sunrise gold eyes all the way from the bottom, filled to the brim with formals and garments worth nine gold pieces...His Lavishness is all thanks to the imperial name.

I chewed on my apple, still sweet to the core. I continued to feed a few more seconds before giving my order.

"I'll soon write my reply. Fetch me a new bottle of ink while you find your way to the kitchen." I said standing up.

The adviser bowed and had his fulfilled duties replaced temporarily by something so shallow deserving not of an adviser but a butler. I know that much but even so, he never objects...he doesn't have to.

I sat to my desk. With spare blank papers alined, I began to think of a simple reply for the Cynthias.

Even for an imperial body, it's still difficult to write a pretty good reply let alone a good statement and as someone who only rejects invitations, this might be a first. With the spare ink left, I dabbed the quill pen and began writing a draft.

"Your highness?" A woman's voice came after the knock.

"Who is it?" I asked not intending to show any familiarity nor socials on the woman.

"A message from the emperor your majesty." Said the servant.

Father? What does he want now?

"Enter." I replied dropping my quill and guard as though my anchor.

"This letter was written not too long in the office. He wishes for you to scan it completely with your most viscous analogy and understanding." The brown haired woman laid out a small brown envelope.

"Is that all Ma'am?"

"Yes your grace. If you'll excuse me..."

She's gone.

Leaving the reply passively. I decided to scan my father's message. His nature aside, he has one of the best handwriting in the family with my mother ranking the lowest.

I unfolded the paper and began to read.

"What why?!"

"Y-Y-Your grace are you alright?" Lance flinched before me. The inkbottle he carried shattered on the floor leaving a huge splatter of black in the hallway.

"This must be a sort of jest my father is planning" yet again, my father in all of his time and reputation doesn't even have a funny bone nor laughed at any stage play.

To my confusion, I paid no attention to the ink scattered on my cheeks. Keeping my balance, I composed myself.

Father makes decisions for the benefit of him, if this is what he thinks good for his means, then I'm certain he knows what he will do to manipulate the situation to his favour and win over the affairs.

"Your majesty, do you wish to clean up first before you continue?" Lance asked nervously smiling.

Seeing as how I scared the surrounding household I took a firm breath and stared softly at the servants in the hallway.

"I'm fine. I was merely shocked of some sorts. Please there's no need to worry about and continue your duties well." Winning over themz they all blushed and smiled.

They knew what they wanted and needed to do. I'm anticipating a mop and some faint scent of soap and oak gall later after a few hours.

Lance polished some of his trousers and his shoes. Those pair was custom made, and the ink's texture is a difficult to remove. I should apologize for ruining those shoes, it was even a gift from his parents not too long ago.

"What was it even that you were surprised about?" Lance asked.

"Foremost before I tell you. I'm sorry that I surprised everyone in the radius and about your footwear..." I frowned and a weight of heavy guilt started to thump like a blacksmith's hammer.

"Your majesty, it's not a big deal. I'll just get it done and have it cleaned by our laundry." He smiled.

"Even though, if the maids won't be careful enough. They might even damage the leather." I frowned looking at the black tainted umber shoes.

"Your majesty, I'm sure there's a potion or a magic of sorts that can remove the ink. Everything is convenient nowadays, so we might even find a cleaning shoe potion." He joked.

"Your imaginations run too far much." Softly I smiled back.

"Now about the topic earlier..."

"Ahh yes...Father said he wanted to-"

The Guests II

Azure's POV

"So your father wants the Cynthia's to stay in the palace momentarily during their meeting with you." Lance pinched his chin reading the letter I received.

The Cynthias have high legislative duties and quite the number too. They are superior members of the local commerce commission and are the most notable political powerhouses in the local kingdom.

If they reached out to the imperial palace because of the ongoing dispute, then they seek either absolution or demand from the highest monarchs. Though it's confusing...

There is a high possibility that that is the case but I can only conclude so little. They reached out to me, not to my father. But I still don't know much, maybe they laid out a letter to him without notice and I simply mistook this as my situation.

"If they tailor this dispute into something more eye-catching then I'm sure your father will consider some of their demands."

"What makes matters worse is they are a fairly powerful faction that can if given authority, rival the local monarchy. The position they chose is a bit dangerous but to their benefit, it will somehow work." Lance placed the paper down and his concerned eyes were fixed at my deprived state.

"There's many conclusions and scenarios to consider."

"We can't do as much. We'll just have to wait for their arrival. Of course, it's guaranteed that I'll meet them. It will be that time I'll ask the questions." I replied.

"Even so, keep your guard high up. History speaks a lot about Cacious, never let your mind open to him even just for a second." I added.

"Of course your majesty."

The Lord of the Cynthias, Count Cacious, is an outstanding fellow. Having to govern a very good piece of agriculture as large as that of three noble houses combined. His length and wisdom have enabled him to reach out to other noble houses, making their family the largest statement in Rochileu.

His nature, a very eerie one. He would have this peculiar smile on his face. An ear-to-ear grin that means malice. He would seem very odd, his gestures to his speaking and his accent are all very alien...

"There has been quite a few accidents southward of the empire." Lance flinched then he looked at me.

"The dispute is only mild there and the count serving their fortitude is holding the ground fairly. Though the diplomatic force given by numbers to him...he will still feel overwhelmed." I massaged my temples.

In Whereana history, the counts and the noble faction are two different classes given by the empire. The title count bears more than the average baron or an earl. The hierarchy in the continent is still a bit raw but the fixed notion is that a count is the third supreme title in the government.

Given at such. The Cynthias and the other noble factions, in history, waged war against the Alchemy. The war between normality and those who are blessed shook the largest of mountains and made history tremble long before the existence of the capital city.

The noble faction suffered the most severe casualties losing over half their population. The leader and the supervisor of the alliance were my ancestors...

"Funny how they've decided this was the best time to attack especially when they know that the imperial family is in its prime this year," Lance smirked still searching for that one book.

Now, the power struggle is having its backlash. The nobles especially the Cynthias wished for kingship, to have a legitimate narrative as a monarchy of the state.

Though Whereana's definition of monarchy is still complicated, the pledge of the name highlights glory and authority which makes it the supreme denotation of an individual. Still, though, what do they need from that title?

"Your majesty?"

Narrowing down the situation, I'm keeping the conversation's ending statement while continuing to write a draft reply.

"Your grace!"

"E-Excuse me?" I said perplexed. My eyes hovered on Lance who's hand was nearing my cheek.

"I was just about to slap you." He withdraws smiling.

"I'm sorry. I give the situation a severe noting, I became oblivious. Since the dispute could connect well with history, I overlooked too much."

"You tend to overthink these types of things. Although the value of this situation ranks better than the rest, I guess it's only a normal reaction for you to overanalyze." Lance sighed.

"The Cynthias hold a very distinct place in the empire's history. Rochileu, the very first kingdom of the empire, honors the family, they recognize them as heroes..." I mumbled.

( A Few Moments Later )

I relaxed in my usual place under the Silvermoon tree. What once was a small white iron-like sapling to a marvelous tree with almost ocean blue leaves and a wrinkly bark.

There were thickets and brambles underneath the sunlight, while flowers bloomed in abundance and butterflies not far from the horizon.

The hedges groomed and with slight touches of paint may be from a groundskeeper's wagon or perhaps an artist's old attempt to capture this garden's image.

My hand then touched the grass. Same as ever as my feet have threaded these forests a thousand times more than I can remember. A garden that seemed like a castle inside a castle, a haven of my affairs...Whatever it may be, I feel in my chest that this place will always be memorable.

"Good to see you out and about your majesty." Said the ever joyous groundskeeper.

"Sir Arnold Howard. Good afternoon." I said raising a hand as he passed by pulling a wagon the size of a cow with filled barrels of weeds maybe from the week's worth of work.

Sir Arnold has been here for a while and his acquaintances are fond of him. Always carrying around an ear-to-ear smile and a wrinkled yet spirited face that everyone seeks refuge from their gloom.

Like them, I also had that person in my life. She gave me countless smiles and memories that I've cherished as a child. A playmate and an angel of sorts, she was my positive figure, and yet...she's gone.

In the hour, I felt a tingling sensation that I should be somewhere else. But still, I let the moment sink in. it's rare to have these kinds of days, so it's best to have it savored. It urged me to be nothing, it urged me not to feel anything but the freedom of one's grief.

"Please, I do remember you but, sadly, you had to go so soon before I even got to meet you wholly," I said, frowning gently.

I seemed as if I was pleading in silence as I stared blankly into the open, reminiscing for something-something that should've been here. Yes a missing link in the fields of a thousand dandelions, that's what it felt like...

I then closed my eyes.

(A kinder Azure, A young Azure sat against the tree with ice crystals for leaves and white iron for a bark. He sat there, reading a story about the old myths of nightmares he was afraid of and about as a child of cowardly nature.)

(A woman drew near to him. Azure looked at the woman and noticed who she was. Azure smiled and then he closed his book. The woman laid out his right hand and with a warm heavenly voice, she asks.)

("What shall I call you today? Prince or Azure?")

(The young Azure spoke. " The other one". With that, the woman smiled and sat down beside him. Risking her green dress and her rose grooming all for the sake of her acting son. The smile etched across her face reveled at the sight of his joy.)

That was one of the few memories. Every time I look at a flower or maybe an apple, I remember a very kind woman. Why does the pain ache even after years, how does grief fade so slowly?

Why does it fade so slowly, I want time to pass by but I'm scared of the future. I will grow and change, I will be unhappy...but the grief won't be as painful anymore.

"Time, a universal truth that brings deny. Anyone would wish they could defy it." I joked.

The bells then rang. It was the mid-afternoon bell. I got on my feet and cleaned myself up.


I scoffed and fixed my posture. With a slow pace, I made my way back inside the white palace. Unfortunately, I was not able to inform Lance where I went but after these years we've been allies, I'm sure he knows well where I've been and where I could've been.

The mid-afternoon was another scheduled study. Monarchs study theology to pay respect to the church and to know better about mannerism, religious traditions, and formalities. Through the years I've seen myself as a hybrid of a believer and the opposite.

Some prophecies were true and some ended up false.

The magic in this realm is truly confusing and its systematical purpose is even more mind-boggling. Its essence and theories are divided into many strands in theology and the imperials should understand them well.

"Best be off to the usual parlor then," I whispered.

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