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My Messy Little World

Episode 1

I'm Lin and I am a business student... I've been living a pretty decent life.. Until I got into college and dated my senior...

I don't exactly know how I got to know him and how we ended up being in a relationship.. Just like how fast we ended up being strangers from being a couple..

This is how it all started....

I went to a computer institute just before enrolling myself at college... That's where I first met him.. He was quite and had a pretty good looking face.. Anyone who saw him would fall in love with his pretty face.. He was such a lady killer.

Then one day he approached me, "Hi! Are you Lin?", he said..

And I turned around to see him smiling at me.. "Hello! May I know you?", I replied back..

After that he introduced himself and talked a bit before the class started.. And in this way we started communicating little by little..

We started talking on the phone.. And when class was over he would walk me home.. This went on and then later we started dating..

He seemed kind of gentle and caring at first... Our house were a bit far from each other but he would always come to pick me up from home and send me back too.. Whenever we go into a crowded place he would pave way for me to walk comfortably.. He was really nice..

And then after a year being together with him.. One day I received a call from an unknown person and it was a girl..

She said, "Is it Lin?"

"Yes, I am. May I know who you are?", I replied.

Then she started telling me that she's with Ju and that he's a cheater.. She told me not to trust him and end my relationship with him..

In my heart I knew that she might be telling me the truth but I was stupid and stubborn at the same time.. I told myself to confirm with him whether it's true or false.. So I called him. But he didn't respond the call.

I was sad and afraid that it might turn out to be true and that he might leave me... So I called him again and again... Finally he picked up the call and I started crying over the phone asking him,

"I received a call just now. It was a girl and she told me that you're with her. Please tell me you're not.. You're not cheating on me right?"

And then he said, "Do you trust me or her? Who's important to you? Why do you believe her words? I won't cheat you. Don't you believe me?"

These simple words from him made me believe him. And I stopped having doubts in him. I fell head over heels for him... I thought he won't cheat on me and whenever someone said something bad about him.. I took it as them being jealous of our relationship. But I really was wrong..


*** It's my first time writing a novel story..

I hope that you'll like it.. 😊 🤗

Please support my work 💜💜

Thank you..! ***


Episode 2

He really turned out to be a cheater.. Although I was with him for years I didn't expect that he would be this kind of person..

One winter day, I went out for my class and then saw him with another girl..

At first I thought I was seeing things as he told me over the phone that he isn't feeling well and going to stay at home...

But when I looked carefully, it was him. I didn't say anything at that time and walked away.

When I came back home I called him but he was on call with someone else. I thought to myself..

" He might be talking to his friends that's why he didn't respond my call"

But I was really wrong...

After a while he called me back and I asked..

" Who were you talking to over the phone for so long?"

And then he replied..

" What's it to you? Why should you concern yourself with whom I talk to and not? Just mind your own business.."

I got really angry and then asked if he were cheating on me with another girl.. And then he said ..

" Yes I am. So what? You're ugly and good for nothing.. I'd date whoever I like"

I was devasted but still asked him not to leave me like a fool.. And even asked him to leave his new girl...

I thought he was just fooling around with her and that he would listen to me.. But no...

One evening I called him to asked about if he broke up with the new girl..

I wished that he could end things faster with her if he were not serious..

But instead I had to hear him say worst things to me..

" Will you stop pestering me?? I will immediately end my relationship with you instead if you keep on calling me.."

Were I really a fool or were I crazy...?? I didn't even understand that about myself at that moment.. But I kept on pestering him like I was some kind of an evil witch..

I never realized when and where things went wrong.. But instead I tried to correct things between me and him which could never be mended to the right direction again..

Even though people around me told me not to be with him anymore.. I never tried to listen why they said so...

Days went by with my chaotic and toxic relationship.. Lastly he broke up with her.. But blamed me for making him end his relationship with her..

But I didn't mind much at whatever bad things he said and did to me.. I thought he'd finally be back to me..

But after a week he found another girl again... This time I was too tired of it that I finally told him that I am ending my relationship with him....

I told him to do whatever he like in the future... And also not to bother each other and go our own separate ways...


I hope that my work is not that bad.. 😂 😂

I would like to ask the readers to give feedback on it🤗

It'll help me a lots in improving my mistakes 😘

Thank you.. 😘 😘


Episode 3

Although I ended my relationship with him I couldn't forget about him so easily..

It felt like as if the world around me were crumbling down and didn't feel like moving even a bit... I didn't want to eat.. Nor did I want to talk with anyone..

I stayed all by myself inside my room like a soul less person for more than a month... My friends got anxious of my condition and they took me out to hang around with them to help me cheer up..

I didn't feel like going out at first.. But because my parents were too anxious of how I have been for the last few months..

I thought I need to think about them too.. So at last I decided to hang out with my friends to ease my parents mind..

I felt a little bit better by hanging out with my friends and felt grateful for having them with me during my darkest days and help me cheer up..

Even though I felt better when I am with my friends.. Still I find myself lost in thoughts about many things..

I had thoughts like...

" What do I say when someone ask about things related to him?"

" What'll other people think about me?"

" Am I really such a bad person?"

" Why does I have to face this?"

" What do I do now?"

And so on.. As everyone knew about my relationship with him..

I was a very sensitive person regarding myself.. I didn't like others saying or thinking anything bad about me..

I thought ending my relationship with him will make people talk bad about me..

As it is today's reality where people talk groundless words without knowing about anything at all..

I felt sad and also ashamed of myself for starting such a foolish relationship with a scumbag who didn't even know how to cherish me..

I was such a fool to not know how to judge a persons character.. I blamed myself for being stupid..

Time passed by in this way..

And soon I started going to class and meet my friends because I felt better whenever I had a companion.. But when I come back home..

I still felt really lonely.. Suffocated with all kinds of thoughts..

I listened songs.. Hoping I'd feel better but it's to no avail..

And then watch dramas and other funny videos.. Thinking that I might forget about all those thoughts that were haunting me..

They helped me forget about them.. But only for a short time.. It was hopeless.. I didn't know what to do to cheer myself up..

One winter evening I even tried drinking, thinking that it could help me feel better.. But that too was just stupid.. I was able to sleep properly that night but I was still the same when I woke up..

At times I'd have crazy thoughts like wanting to end my life.. But then I also realize that I can't do that because of some crazy scumbag..

In this way the time passed by.. But I was still the same.. No change at all..

I kept a smile on my face but I was deeply hurt inside..

When time passed I didn't even know if I was faking to smile or if it was real..

I lost myself..

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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