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The Untamed Love 1

unforgettable meeting

In 16 century the world was at peace ,many clans were ruling the world,At that time 4 clans were the most famous Lanclan of gusu,jinclan of yunmeng, Jaingclan of lotus cove and Wenclan of warona

Among these clan 4 clans, 3 clans were famous for their good work while 1 clan i.e Wenclan were known for their evil work

Once lan clan leader Shaujoo, decided to arrange lectures for all the other clans and send them invitation . He was hesitanting to to send the invitation to Wenclan , but atlast he send the invitation to them , as he knew they won't come

(Jaing clan leader had 1 daughter and 1 son and 1 adopted son, their name were Lihu , Jaingchen , and Weiwuxian respectively

Weiluxian was weiwuxian's real sister but jaingclan never accepted her).                       


On the way to gusu weiwuxian ,Lihu and Jaingchen all were tired ,so they decided to rest at a tavern . Jaingchen and Lihu went for rest but weiwuxian with his crazy mind went in another tavern to have some drink (alcohol) .

He went there and ordered alcohol , while other people we're having tea at tavern . But he had no shame or he didn't care about what people will think .

He soon started drinking without thinking about the people around him.

Suddenly a noise of breaking cup was heard .

weiwuxian ignored it but people started shouting at the waiter for being careless

Hearing this weiwuxian turned and told: "breaking a cup is not a big deal, so stop yelling at him " telling this weiwuxian suddenly stopped .He was amazed and fully immersed in seeing a girl, who was dressed beautiful ( he was staring at her intensely that, as if he had never seen such a beautiful girl) the girl was Weiqing , the daughter of wen clan leader { she was the most beautiful girl among  Wenclan with big eyes , small straight nose , pink lips, perfect face shape and  beautiful figure }

Weiwuxian was continuously staring her , she noticed it , and felt little annoyed, but Weiwuxian was immersed in her beauty that he didn't notice that every one was watching him . Weiqing couldn't bear it anymore so she said : Mr , I cannot drink tea while I am being stared at!!!

Weiwuxian: (shocked) miss are u talking to me ??

Weiqing: accept you who is staring me??

Weiwuxian:( smile) ohh. So sorry !!

Weiwuxian take a newspaper  makes a hole in it and looks at her from that hole.

Weiqing understood that he was still staring her 

Weiqing gets angry and stands up and says: enough is enough I cannot bear it anymore.

Saying this she was about to leave but then weiwuxian ask her: miss beauty at least tell me your name??

Weiqing: name?? I don't even look at bastard like you and you...leave it 

Saying this she leaves with her fellow members.

Weiwuxian also went back to tavern after she left

Jaingchen:where were u , we are getting late , let's get going

(weiwuxian lost in thinking about Weiqing )

Jaingchen: ohh , Mr daydreamer , what are u dreaming about????

Weiwuxian: (hurryly) Oh, sorry sorry actually I went out to take some fresh air .

Jaingchen :okay the lets go.

(They finally reached Gusu , they saw people standing line, giving invitation and the heading inside the door)

Jaingclan was standing at 3 number in row. Suddenly member of Wenclan also joined the line , people we're shocked seeing them

Weiqing was standing next to Jaingchen clan

Weiwuxian saw his dream girl "Weiqing" and waved his hand and said: hiii!!!!! Miss beauty

Weiqing ignored him.

Suddenly the environment changed due to the entry of Lanzhan (lan wangji)

( lanzhan was the most handsome and most known among all the clans)

Everyone was only a looking at him and everyone greeted him.

he stood next to door and was welcoming everyone. weiwuxian's number came.

weiwuxian:It's an honor to meet you

lanzhan: same here , please get in

The next number was of Weiqing, she greeted him with a big smile. But lanzhan ignored her and headed inside.

Weiqing was little disheartened because of Lanzhan's behavior.

This all scene was witnessed by weiwuxian , so he asked on of the member of Wenclan

Weiwuxian: Why did your madam smiled so broadly after seeing lanzhan??

Wenclan member:  Don't you know about the contract between Wenclan and Lanclan

Weiwuxian: what??

Wenclan member: our ma'am is soon going to marry Mr lanzhan

(hearing this weiwuxian was fully shocked)

Wenclan member:  it is said that if lanzhan marries Weiqing , then Wenclan will leave all the evil things

weiwuxian was upset hearing all this , so he went to his room.

Returning to the past!! part1

Lanzhan was standing on the rooftop and looking at the moon. 

Lanzhan: Due you know shanchai , today weiqing arrived in gusu and she is eagar to get married to me .[with tears] why , why did you leave me??? shanchai.

Lanzhan:What was my mistake??

2 years ago..........

There was a girl named Shanchai (She was a preety and cheerful girl) lived in Zoha .

One day she was roaming in forest ,to collect wood (She belonged to a poor family and sold wood to earn a living  for her family ). After collecting much wood ,she decided to return back to her home . but she was feeling tired so she decided to rest . She saw a" hot water pond" nearby , so she went there, she thought, it would be nice , if she take a bath here and then go back to her home.

Shanchai looked here and there and saw no one in the pond , so she removed her clothes and went into the pond [ but there was a man , who was also bath in the same pond , she might have not notice him due to thick fog]

The man was Lanzhan , he saw the girl and started thinking 

Lanzhan: is  this girl blind?? that she couldnt see a man having a bath, however i have to live before she see me like and might think something wrong

lanzhan hurryly dressed up and was silently leaving but shanchai saw him and screamed loudly, lanzhan turned back

lanzhan:(in his mind) oh no she saw me , she'll think I was watching her , I should first explain her before she does.

shanchai: who are you and why are you here ?

lanzhan: miss it is just a misunderstanding, I had no intention of watching and I think you should see here and there before taking bath in the pond.

shanchai: (angrily) stop advising me you were hiding and seeing me , you bastard , people like you have no manners

lanzhan: miss I think you are going too far, I didn't meant to see you.

shanchai: ohh please,still standing here how shameless!!

lanzhan:(in his mind) I shouldn't give explanation to such kind of people, I should better leave

lanzhan left

After taking bath, shanchai went back to her home ,she was annoyed by today's incident.


shanchai decided to sell the stick to lan clan leader so that she can earn profit. As she reached at the door of lanclan's house, she saw a young man coming near the door , dressed in white colour.

***shanchai*: (in her mind**) it's him , why is this bastard here?? wait ....oh no he cannot be the son of Lanclan leader "lanzhan".....(making a sad face) Now I cannot earn benefit ,he will surely not buy my sticks.

lanzhan came near her

lanzhan: ohhhh so it's you??

shanchai: (with a innocent face) I am sorry for yesterday, I think it was my mistake.

lanzhan: so you are here to say me sorry?.............or ..or to sell your sticks?

shanchai: honestly speaking ...then I am here for selling sticks

lanzhan:(with a smile) ohh sorry but we are not interested in buying sticks, u may leave now.

shanchai: how rude(inaudibly)

lanzhan:excuse me did you said something?

shanchai:no no !! bye I am leaving

lanzhan:yes you may!

shanchai leaves from there

however shanchai managed to sell her sticks and was going back to her home.on her way she heard some noise of practicing sword, so she went to see

Hiding behind the bushes shanchai was watching.

shanchai:ohh! so it's Me lanzhan and he practice here !!

lanzhan got hurt while practicing and was bleeding.Shanchai saw this and went to help him

shanchai: Mr lanzhan are you alright???

laznhan: why are you here ...are you spying me??

shanchai:Mr lanzhan , u think too much , why would I spy on you?? I just was you got hurt so I came to help you!

lanzhan:if that the case , the thank you,but I don't need your help .

Saying lanzhan went unconscious.

shanchai: (smiles) see your self, you went unconscious I have to help you.

Shanchai takes him to her house and treats his wound .

Next morning, lanzhan woke up and saw shanchai sitting beside him and sleeping. He lifted her and laid her on the bed and sat beside her.While shanchai was still sleeping and was murmuring.

shanchai:(in sleep) how rude are you Mr lanzhan.

lanzhan:(smiles) is she crazy ?? she is dreaming about me ..I rarely met her??

lanzhan was looking at her and slowly caught her cheeks

lanzhan:she got Chubby cheeks , no doubt why her name is shanchai, if I closely look at her.i think she is kinda cute ..she might love eating vegetables!!(smiles)

lanzhan takes his hand off

lanzhan : I should leave before she wake up.

lanzhan left her house

Returning to the past!!part-2

After few months , Shanchai was call to gusu to sell the sticks . She went there and saw lanzhan alone in a room writing something, so she went inside the room.

SHANCHAI: hii, Mr lanzhan, what are u doing.

LANZHAN: shuuuu, don't disturb me , please be seated.

Shanchai sat infornt of me and kept staring lanzhan and started thinking .

SHANCHAI: No doubt , why is he called "WHITE PRINCE ", he look absolutely gorgeous.

she kept staring him and was fully engrossed seeing him.

Lanzhan noticed it and said : I think you should stop staring me like that .

SHANCHAI: I have no interest in staring you, you are soooo adorable that . I am forced to.

LANZHAN: You are too much talkative.

SHANCHAI: As if I don't know myself , ok then I am leaving .


It was already evening when shanchai left gusu. At night she reached forest. On other hand Lanzhan was worried for her, so lanzhan went to see her. He found her sleeping in the cave, whole night he guarded the cave, Next morning shanchai head to go home . On her way , she was tensed , being afraid she walked calmly, but a venomous snake was about attack her, As lanzhan was following her, he used his music talisman amd killed snake.

Shanchai got afraid hearing the music, she immediately closed her eyes with her hand and said

SHANCHAI: [ in frightened voice] who....who is there, and why are you following me??

LANZHAN: Don't worry , its me lanzhan 

As soon as she heard lanzhan's voice , she acted of fainting and falls on lanzhan.

SHANCHAI: Thank god , it was you , I was afraid to death.

LANZHAN: What kind of behaviour is this, and why did you fell on me, please get off me 

Lanzhan pushed her, shanchai  fell on the ground.

Shanchai with an innocent face , spreads her arm saying,

SHANCHAI:  Can you please lift me , please please.

Lanzhan removing his sword says : Wanna die.

SHANCHAI: Forget it , I will walk by my own.

LANZHAN: I'll take you to gusu , rest for  a while then I'll take you home next morning.

Lanzhan took shanchai to gusu. As soon as they reached, lanzhan went to his room. and shanchai went to guest room .Lanzhan  was practising  music in his room 

Shanchai couldn't sleep so she went to lanzhan's room , she saw him practising so she stood near the gate hiding herself. Shanchai was impressed seeing him and started thinking,

SHANCHAI: How can be he so perfect. I am really amazed 

NEXT DAY in gusu there was funfair held in market. Shanchai forced lanzhan to take him to funfair as she never had been there. After requesting him so much lanzhan finally agreed and they went.

Market full of brightness of lantern , cheerful environment. There was temple, shanchai always wanted to visit , but it was already closed, she saw a pregnant women was allowed to inside. Shanchai thought of an idea, she went aside and tied many clothes around her stomach so that she looks like a pregnant women. when lanzhan saw it , he was shocked and asked

LANZHAN: what ....what is this???

SHANCHAI: ahhh its our future child.

LANZHAN: [with a weird face] what .... what did you say ...our..our future child ????????.

SHANCHAI: [laughing] just joking 

she holds his hand and went to temple.

At the door.

GATEKEEPER: miss i am really sorry but visiting time is over.

SHANCHAI: I came so far for my unborn baby,and you [ with a innocent face]

GATEKEEPER: ok ok we will excuse you , please get inside.

shanchai goes inside, but lanzhan wasn't allowed.

GATEKEEPER: sorry sir , please visit tomorrow.

LANZHAN; ahh ok

Shanchai didn't see lanzhan coming inside so she again go outside and says to gatekeeper

SHANCHAI: Sir , how can you not let him in , he is my husband , father of this child

GATEKEEPER: ohh so sorry , he didn't said so , we didn't let him in

while lanzhan in shock , shanchai hold his hand and take him in.

LANZHAN:[ in anger] why did  you lie them ??? lying is strictly prohibited in lanclan.

SHANCHAI: ok fine i won't lie again, now stop shouting me, lets  pray together, people say when you pray in this temple your wish gets fulfilled.

LANZHAN: No you have to reflect your act , after praying come to gusu and take the punishment of lying.

SHANCHAI: ok ok i will take , now lets pray.

shanchai folds her hand and close her eyes 

SHANCHAI: god this time i won't ask for myself but for the person standing next to me ,, god please fulfill his all wishes

lanzhan looks at her and in his mind he says 

LANZHAN: how crazy this girl is , she told lie to get inside the temple and insted for asking for herself she is asking for me [smiles]

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