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A Demon Lord’S Obsession (Revised Version)

Chapter 1: Demon Lord Leon

Chapter 1: Demon Lord Leon

- Capital City Escalon: Demon King Val’s castle- Demon Continent-

“Send a message to all the demon lords to come to the capital at once, they will be receiving rewards.”

One of the king’s subordinates left the throne room to relay the message with haste.

“Bring them in.”

As the king barked the order, his subordinates brought in cages.

“What do we have this time?”

“Looks like some Elves, Beastman, and Humans, my king.”

The king looked at the girls with a satisfied and confident smile.

“The lords will be pleased with this bunch, they diserve to have some fun, they have worked hard maintaining peace and helping my kingdom prosper.”

“Huhu, your right your majesty”


Demon Lord Leon was different in many ways from the other lords.

He was the only lord who made a difference when it came to peace.

Leon was raised around humans, so he tried to have close connections and ties with all the other races.

He even chose to have his territory on the Human continent, so that he could build good relations.

He also picked that territory, just get away from the other lords and even his own race.

Even though he was strong, only second to the demon king, one of the strongest known people in the world, he didn’t like to fight or have war break out.

The other lords on the other hand were just horrible and cruel, with not much care for others. The rest of the Demon race was no better, some worse than others.

That’s why most of the other races disliked the Demon race.

They made a name for themselves as ruthless people.

Leon wasn’t disliked as much, actually most people who knew him or lived in his territory liked him.

Like everyone apart of the Demon race, demon lord Leon had horns.

His were short and slanted to a point, towards each other.

They were truly useless objects, but I guess if one needed to, you could cause damage if you ran at someone head first.

Leon was known for his blood red eyes, only found within his family lineage.

His short dark brown black hair was almost a camouflage for his horns.

His body was perfect, one the other lords only dreamed of having, or have lost over the years.

If he stood without clothing in a museum people would mistake him for a sculpture.

Though Leon was seem as pretty much perfect he’s never had someone by his side romantically.

He never saw the need, he just saw any woman who might throw themselves at him as one only after his rank or body.

What’s the point of something as meaningless as a one night stand.

Of course this was weird coming from a twenty somthing male Demon.

Demons all throughout their life suffer from their primal, almost animal instincts.

It could pop up out of no where, though it could be restrained easily at times with out giving in.

But most Demons don’t want too.

So they give in, fighting and of course s.e.x are the main ways to relieve this instinct, a sort of high or pleasure is felt within them.

Leon at times feels the tingle of his Demonic instincts coming out when he fights, but he’s never experienced it through the other option.

. . . . .

-To be continued

Chapter 2: Setting Sail

Chapter 2

-Port of Ampool: Domain of Demon Lord Leon- Human Continent-

Ampool is a town at the northern most part of the Human Continent, the continent directly Southeast of the Demon Continent.

Being in the territory of Demon Lord Leon he had full access of the port and his vessel was always on standby when needed.

“When are we going to set sail captain? I have to get to the capital soon or the Demon King will have my head.”

The Demon King summoned all the Demon Lords to the capital, he said he has prepared a reward, somthing very enjoyable for all the Lords, including Leon.

“Oh, my lord, we’re going to set sail soon, although you might get there a little late. I’m sorry.”

The captain bowed his head in shame.

“Pick up your head captain, it’s alright. It’s probably better to get there late any way. It’s a good thing actually.. That means I don’t have to be around all those fatass lords for very long.”

Leon couldn’t say that with a straight face, he knew getting ship wrecked was probably a better option than spending a couple hours with the other lords.

“Haha, your probably right my lord.”

The captain now with a smile on his face, then left, to give directions to the crew.

“We’re setting sail my lord, we’ll have to continue this conversation later, I have some things to attend to.”

As Leon, now alone at the bow, looking out at the brilliant blue sea , he knew across it was waiting the king, the other lords and also his reward.

‘I wonder what it might be? Why would the king do this?’

There was nothing that commendable about the other lords, they usually got into skuffles with each other.

Leon was really the only demon lord who actually tried to have peace with other races, his actions were the only ones that made a difference.

‘I guess the king is rewarding us for just doing our jobs and not going against his rule. He does do this a few months before the competition begins. It’s a smart idea.’

When Leon got the message to come to the capital, he was concerned. The only other time he was called to the capital by the king personally was when he was getting sworn in as a new demon lord.

So receiving a message out of the blue, he knew it was probably for somthing important. Then when he saw that all the lords were called and for a reward no less, then his concerns on the matter faded.

The king did this once before, a couple years ago, but Leon couldn’t attend. He wasn’t even a demon lord yet. So Leon didn’t know what to expect at all, on his way to the capital.

He looked out at the port town slowly getting smaller and turned toward the horizon.

‘Let’s hope this gift is worth the time of me going over there, I wouldn’t want to go so far just to get somthing I already have..’

. . . .

To be continued,

Chapter 3: The Selection

Chapter 3

-Demon King’s castle dungeon, evening time-

“Move it! Get in the cell!”

After receiving the king’s orders, the subordinates did their jobs, moving the people, now slaves to the dungeon. These girls are the rewards the king is going to give to the demon lords.

“Why are you putting us in here? What’s going to happen to us?”

“Shut up, you’ll all know soon enough.”

The girls were clueless, not knowing at all why they were taken to this place.

There were around fifteen to twenty girls. The king made sure there were at least one girl for each demon lord, maybe two if the lord was lucky enough to get what was extra.

They were all put in one big cell, with just two bunkbeds. They just waited, some were crying, some were fighting for the beds, some were asking the guards why they were taken to this place.

. . . .

-castle throne room-

There were fourteen lords present in front of the king, they were all in a line facing him. They all had smug, ugly faces and some were fat. They all had agitated and/or impatient looks on their faces.

“Your majesty, what was the reward you wanted to give us? Tell us already, we have been standing here for quite some time.”

“I’m sorry.”

The king then stood up from his throne.

“ Welcome demon lord’s, I hope you all had safe travels. I was going to wait till Demon Lord Leon arrived to present your rewards, but you seem to be in a hurry to get it so please follow the guards over there. They will take you to them.”

He pointed towards two guards, and then the demon lords left.

“ What are we doing in this dungeon, this place stinks”

Then after walking a little ways in the dungeon, they finally made it to the cell.

“My lords, his majesty has instructed us to tell you that these women will be your rewards. Choose which you want, once you do they are yours. The king has also set up special rooms in the castle for you all. He also stated to have fun, you deserve it.”

After hearing that, the lords now instead of impatient looks, turned to pretentious smiles and eyes full of lust .

The girls after hearing that explanation, now started to panic, then the doors to the cell were opened.


All the lord went in grabbing what ever girl they liked, either by the hair or with brute force, the girls were screaming trying to get out of the lords grasps.

One of the girls was able to slip out from their grasps and hid.

Now, hiding in darkness on the floor under one of the beds. A human girl sat shaking in fear as she watched the demon lords manhandle and drag the other girls away.

She was also trying to cover her ears, but she could still hear the horrible cries and screams of terror from the others as the demon lords dragged them away.

That was just the selection, she didn’t want to imagine what might happen after being dragged away. Then after what seemed like hours, but was actually just a minute or two, there was silence.

She though she had escaped from the demon lords grasps, even so, she still was trembling and crying. Then she heard footsteps.

-to be continued

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