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Apparently, I am the child of wealthy parents

Episode 1

"Erwin, I think we're not right for each other, so let's just break up!"

In a cafe, a woman with long, beautiful hair finally shared her thoughts with the young man seated before her after deliberating for a long time.

"Why aren't we right for each other? Are you saying our relationship of four years ends just like that? At least give me a reason!" Erwin was under tremendous stress, having just lost his job, and now his love life was in turmoil; he wondered if life still held a path for him.

"You can't afford what I want, and I can't wait any longer, that should be reason enough!" Leticia stated curtly as she explained the reason for their breakup.

Erwin Smith still wanted to hold onto the woman, but Leticia Lawrence had already stood up and walked straight out of the cafe without looking back.

Erwin hastily rose to follow her, but through the cafe's clear glass windows, he saw Leticia getting into a fancy BMW with an attractive young man, even initiating a kiss with him, leaving Erwin to witness the scene with a mix of anger and helplessness.

"Heh." Erwin smiled wryly, and sadly sipped the coffee in front of him.

He couldn't blame the materialistic woman, only himself for not being able to make enough money. With plenty of money, even celebrities would flock to someone's side.

At that moment, his phone rang and answering it only caused more irritation as he was greeted by a loud and familiar voice from the other end,

"Erwin Smith, you haven't paid your rent in 2 months, when are you going to pay up? If you still don't pay, I'm going to throw all your stuff out."

Hearing this, Erwin was furious; in the past, he might have caved, but now, without a girlfriend or a job, what was there left to fear?

"I've been tolerating this for too long, just throw them out if you want to.” After saying this, Erwin angrily hung up the phone.

Jobless, heartbroken, and evicted by his landlord, Erwin felt like a legendary loser as thoughts of failure flooded his mind.

The sky gradually darkened. Walking along the bustling street, watching the passersby hustling, Erwin felt an indescribable pressure; after graduating from college, he had toiled in this big city for three years. Yet in the end, he'd accomplished nothing, and now he couldn't even pay his rent. Could it get any worse?

Erwin wandered to a bridge while holding a can of beer in his hand, leaning on the railing as he drank. This was his fifth can, and slight drunkenness was setting in.

Looking down at the river below, he truly wanted to jump and forget everything, but thinking of his parents at home, he dismissed the thought.

"It's been 3 years since I last saw mom and dad; I don't know how they're doing now; I'm really an unfilial son." Since graduation, Erwin had worked hard in this city with the foolish dream of earning enough to buy a place and marry his girlfriend, but now the memory of that goal seemed ludicrous.

Erwin pulled out his phone intending to call his parents in the countryside. However, as he prepared to dial, he saw he already had a missed call, likely from his mother. Erwin quickly shoved aside his sorrow, adjusted his mentality, and then picked up, hearing again the familiar and warm voice on the other end.

"Son, how are you getting on in the big city? Are you facing any troubles?"

"Life's fairly smooth here, everything's going well; my boss said he would promote me to director next month, and my salary will double," lied Erwin casually.

"You really don't have to work so hard; actually, we've hidden a truth from you for a long time, and now it seems to be the right time to tell you.” His mother's voice rang out over the phone.

"What is it? Just tell me, I'm listening," Erwin suddenly became tense, worried that something bad had happened back home.

"Actually, our family is very wealthy; you are in fact the young master, and there's no need for you to work so hard to make money out there!” His mother's words carried a deep concern.

"Stop joking, Mom. I'm going to hang up now; I have to work overtime today!" Erwin laughed, not taking his mother's words seriously. His parents were farmers; even a few tens of thousands would be a lot to them.

"No, Son, don't hang up, how can you believe what your mother is saying?" His mother's hurried voice came through the phone.

"It's easy to make me believe; just deposit 2 billion in my bank account, and I will believe you. Anyway, I have to go back to work, you should go to rest earlier," said Erwin before hanging up. The cold wind made his heart grow even colder.

He knew his parents could never have that much money; even if they sold everything they owned, it wouldn't add up to 2 billion, so Erwin did not take his mother's words seriously at all.

However, not long after, he received a text message on his phone. Unconsciously, Erwin opened the notification, and to his astonishment, his bank balance had indeed been credited with 2 billion, causing him to stand frozen on the spot.

Episode 2

Erwin, who glanced at his bank account SMS notification showing a deposit of 2 billion rupiah, was utterly astounded.

"Could it be that what she said was true?" Erwin was filled with excitement, yet his common sense lingered and he thought it through.

"Just check it at the ATM!"

With this in mind, Erwin hurried to the nearest bank and sprinted to the ATM machine. Upon arriving, he inserted his bank card from his wallet into the machine. Once logged in, he saw the balance displayed on the ATM screen: Rp 2,001,600,000.00.

"The money is really there!" Still in disbelief, Erwin began to withdraw cash from the ATM.

The ATM's single withdrawal limit was only up to 10 million rupiah. After verifying the 2 billion was indeed on his card, he immediately withdrew 10 million rupiah.

When he saw that 10 million rupiah had indeed come out from the ATM, Erwin's enthusiasm grew, and he withdrew three more times, successfully withdrawing a total of 40 million rupiah. Erwin was starting to believe his mother's words.

"So it's true." Erwin quickly took out his phone and called his mother, filled with fervor.

The call connected promptly.

"Mom, when did our family become so wealthy? Did you sell our land and house?" Erwin still couldn't believe his parents could have so much money.

"Son, our family is actually very wealthy. Your grandfather is the head of a top world consortium, and your father manages one of the top 50 leading groups in the world, so our family is indeed loaded." His mother's voice was heard again.

His grandfather being the head of a top world consortium and his father, a major group leader, while he, Erwin Smith, was a poor boy who couldn't even afford rent and was left by his girlfriend. Wasn't the gap too wide?

"Mom, don't scare me, are you sure what you're saying is true?" Erwin was still in disbelief about how esteemed his father and grandfather were.

"It's all true. Your grandfather and father were afraid of spoiling you, which could lead to a bad attitude as you grew up, but now you're an adult and understand that making money isn't easy, so now is the right time to tell you the truth. This is a family custom passed down through generations; your father went through the same thing."

His mother's words left Erwin overjoyed and at a loss for words, almost driving their son to despair to the point of contemplating jumping off a bridge!

"If you still don't believe it, go find Damon Brown from High Build Group; he's the head of the Clear Water Department in Bandung and is also your personal assistant moving forward. Additionally, you're engaged to a famous celebrity in Bandung named Jocelyn Taylor."

Erwin was shocked before his mother's words finished.

It turned out that the general manager of the High Build Group in Bandung was his own personal assistant, and Jocelyn Taylor, the famed daughter of the Taylor Group, was his fiancee.

Both pieces of news were like bombs to Erwin's ears, leaving him stunned and exhilarated.

Oh my God, his own identity was this incredible? Erwin thought he was dreaming, so he pinched his own face hard, and the pain confirmed to his skin that all of this was real, indeed he was the child of wealthy parents!

But the surprises weren't over yet; his mother's words rang from the phone again.

"I sent a black gold SVIP card a few days ago, backed by your grandfather's consortium, usable at any bank globally. If you need money, use that card directly, as it's limitless, accessible only with your fingerprint."

Hearing about the limitless black gold SVIP card, Erwin's heart raced. Wasn't this unfathomably wealthy?

"Mom, I'm hanging up now; I need to process all this." After Erwin hung up, his emotions were a whirlwind as he had just transitioned from poor to a young wealthy man, and needed time to digest it all.

"So, I'm the rich man's son; no one can look down on me now." Erwin grinned slightly, and a surge of confidence spontaneously erupted.

"Compared to Jocelyn, Leticia is but a sparrow on the ground." With this thought, Erwin's mind suddenly widened, and he put his heartbreak behind him.

"By the way, Mom might have shipped the black gold SVIP card to my rental address; I have to fetch it fast." This thought sparked urgency in Erwin.

Previously, he had angered the landlord to the point of ejection, and it would be disastrous if the landlord truly disposed of the SVIP card.

After hailing a taxi from the curb, he quickly returned to his rental home.

Apartment 411 on the fourth floor of Green Field Apartments. This was Erwin's rented abode, which he shared with his girlfriend, Leticia, but living together was now impossible.

Upon his return to the apartment, Erwin found no belongings thrown out in the corridor, which relieved him; perhaps the landlord wasn't that bad after all.

But he was mistaken. Just as he approached the door, a middle-aged figure emerged from his rental unit.

"The landlord's brother?" Recognizing the man, Erwin realized it was his landlord's brother who had rented the place to him.

As Erwin faced the landlord's brother, the brother also saw him and said with a mocking glance, "You're in luck this time, your girlfriend is dating some rich guy, and he paid your rent, so your stuff's still inside."

"Wait, who paid my rent?" Erwin frowned slightly and replied coolly.

Episode 3

"Your new boyfriend who paid the rent, oh, no, I mean your ex-boyfriend, but it's not a problem, as long as the bill is settled." The landlord's sister didn't bother to explain to the poor kid standing before her, so after shoving the poor boy aside, she walked away, but Erwin stopped her.

"I'll pay my own rent. You should give the money back to him." Erwin frowned and said coolly.

"You really have no self-awareness, and no gratitude that someone has paid your rent." The landlord's sister was displeased because Erwin had been behind for 2 months. And now, not so easily, someone had taken care of it. Why would she return it?

As Erwin and the landlord's sister were talking loudly, two people came out from a room. One was Leticia, who was Erwin's ex-girlfriend, clinging to the arm of her new boyfriend named Adam Jones, who had sunken eyes and a pale face, clearly from excessive drinking, and obviously a playboy.

Their visit was probably to collect Leticia's things, and they happened to meet the landlord's sister, who was the main debt collector.

"Erwin, stop pretending to be something you're not, be thankful someone paid the rent, be realistic; you don't even have a job right now." Leticia looked down on Erwin with disdain, barely giving him a second glance.

A penniless man who can't even pay his own rent, why waste time on such a failure?

"Haha~" Erwin sneered, and quickly pulled 20 million rupiahs out of his pocket, tossing it into the landlord's sister's hands casually. "Consider this 20 million as payment for my rent. I've said that I don't need anyone else to pay my debts."

For Erwin now, the 20 million was no more than a drop in the ocean.

The landlord's sister was startled as she held the stack of bills. Leticia's mouth hung open a bit, her expression incredulous. Since when had this man been so generous as to cough up 20 million for two months' back rent?

"Landlord, do I need to teach you proper manners again?" Erwin reminded her casually.

After receiving the 20 million, the landlord's sister carefully counted and examined the bills, verifying their authenticity before smiling.

"Fine, fine, I know what to do~"

Who would argue with money? The landlord's sister quickly returned the 6 million she received from Adam Jones.

"Sorry, young man. I'll return the 6 million!"

Adam saw his money being handed back, which was a face-loser, especially in front of his new girlfriend, making him slightly annoyed.

"This kid wants to seem wealthier than I am, haha, quite an ego." Adam didn't bother responding to Erwin or care about the rent money.

To outdo Erwin and impress Leticia, Adam said to her at his side, "Darling, how about I buy a house in Oak Bay tomorrow? Not like someone who can only rent and never succeeds."

"Really? Adam, you are so good to me." Leticia perked up, her disdain for Erwin growing as she compared him to Adam, who seemed utterly useless.

"Do you know the price of a house in Oak Bay? At least 1.6 billion, you wouldn't be able to afford it even if you worked hard all your life, and now you dare to posture in front of me, haha." Adam mocked Erwin with a look full of scorn.

"Erwin, that 20 million must be borrowed, you don't even have a job now; I can't imagine what kind of life I'd have if I stayed with you. Luckily, I broke up with you, otherwise I'd surely be poor." Leticia joined in the mocking.

Erwin frowned but remained indifferent to their taunts. He remembered that the Oak Bay community was, in fact, real estate owned by the High Build Group, so wasn't that his father's asset? The General Manager of that group was Damon Brown, his assistant.

Considering this, Erwin smiled at the corner of his mouth. "Leticia, I hope you won't regret your choice today."

"Haha, me, regret? You think too much; leaving you is the smartest decision I've made," Leticia said ruthlessly, and with that, she clung to Adam's arm, dragged her suitcase, and quickly left the hallway without looking back.

Erwin shook his head, no longer concerned about Leticia, as he looked forward to his fiancee, the famous celebrity Jocelyn.

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