Ivonne gazed out the window, noting her Father's compound. It was just as she had left it.
The 2 flower pots in front of the huge pillar, the tiles used for decorations, the compound was as quiet as before. Nothing changed... Well except the new sparkling cars.
" Madam, we are here". Her chauffeur annoyingly interrupted her thoughts.
" I'm not blind ". She said while holding his gaze in the review mirror.
She thought of possible reasons why her Father would summon her from a very important meeting. He wasn't the one to take business lightly.
" when exactly did you start working for me?" she asked as she took out her Ipad.
" Ma?"
His questioning tone made her look up. She gazed at him in the mirror.
" I said when exactly did you start working for me? Mind you, I do not like to repeat myself".
" uh... 3days ago Ma". He replied. His voice filled with anxiety and Ivonne couldn't help but revel in it.
" your name?".
" Christopher". He answered almost immediately.
" well Christopher, 3 days is enough to know the kind of woman I am... I'll just let this slide because today is just unpredictable for me. Know this, I do not like to be addressed as 'Ma' but Miss. Ivonne. I also do not like it when people like you look me in the eye.
"we are from very different worlds and I'd like if you can respect that". Immediately she said this, Christopher quickly averted his eyes.
"some other things I can't remember right now but be rest assured I'll let you know the minute I have time for you".
" yes Ma... I mean, yes Miss. Ivonne".
" Mmm". After a while, Ivonne put back her things in her hand bag and alighted from the car.
The sun scorched hard on her back and she hissed from it, suddenly regretting her choice of clothing.
She was putting on a black office skirt that hugged her curves nicely and a pink striped white top that stretched across her breasts.
As she got to the door, she didn't even bother to knock or slow down a bit, she opened the door and was greeted by the sweet aroma of food. Her stomach rumbled wanting a piece of what the nose had perceived.
She could hear the chattering of people, following the noise, she walked towards the dinning table and immediately rebuked the sight.
Her siblings seemed to be enjoying their Mother's company. The huge smiles on their face made her groan silently.
Not wanting to intrude, plus she had to see her Father, Ivonne turned to leave.
" Ivonne?" Daniella's voice filled with surprise and doubt. She wasn't too sure it was her sister she was seeing.
But with the curves and everything,..
Cursing under her breath, she turned to face them, watching how their faces lit in surprise. Her Mother moved quickly and forced her into a hug.
" oh my daughter, I've missed you so much". Mrs. Johnson pulled away, staring into her daughter's brown eyes.
" Good afternoon Mom". Ivonne greeted rather dryly.
Mrs. Johnson cupped her daughters face, taking note of her body. She was a bit slimmer than the last time they met. Although, her skin color was... Ok, she was doing really well, she furrowed her brows.
" ah! Is it just my eyes or are you getting slimmer?" she asked while turning back to her other children.
" I'm ok. Nothing is wrong with me, I'm just keeping fit that's all".
Daniella, her elder sister scoffed " keeping fit? You can as well die because of it."
Ivonne gave her a scornful look before setting her eyes on her brother who seemed to be wanting her attention.
" Oh... I didn't notice you were there... ". Before she could finish, Daniella interrupted.
" are we surprised? You don't notice anyone. No one is important except you ".
Ivonne smirked " Glad you know that you're nobody ".
"Enough!" Mrs. Johnson shouted at the top of her voice. " shut up both of you! There will be no arguments in this house, not anymore".
" Daniella what is your problem?" David asked. " Amaka was not talking to you. Learn to shut up. You're her elder sister, behave like one".
" ChukwuEmeka, Chukwuemeka, Chukwuemeka " Mrs. Johnson turned to him. " how many times did I call you?".
" 3 times. But lets face it. She needs to start acting like an elder sister".
Daniella hissed looking away as if she couldn't behold his sight.
" Bro David, don't bother, you seem to have forgotten that Empty barrels make the loudest noise ". With that, she walked away, leaving her Brother laughing hard to Daniella's tantrum.
She wasn't in the mood for Daniella's bad behavior. Right now, she just wanted to speak to her Father, find out why she was summoned, then go back to work.
Just speak to her Father, no one else, but her Mother seemed to have other plans as she was on her tail.
" Ugh! For the love of God! Mother, what is it?". Ivonne slowed down, waiting for her Mother to catch up with her.
Mrs. Johnson tried keeping up with her daughter but her legs were just too long. She got that from her Father. That, her bossy bitchy attitude.
But to her, Ivonne inherited the best from her. Fair flawless skin, Undying beauty, lucky charm and a slim body... All thanks to her former self.
Mrs. Johnson was a fair short woman. She was fat and had a tight ass. She was in her late 50's but looked a bit younger than her age.
" come here my dear, So you think you can barge in and out of this house anyhow you like huh?" Mrs. Johnson said between gasps.
Ivonne rolled her eyes, turning to face her Mother. " I don't need anyone's permission in coming to my Father's house".
Mrs. Johnson shook her head at her daughter's words. " oh please! When do you ever visit without being summoned here?".
" when I don't have anything doing".
"... And when are you ever free?" The answer to that question was very obvious. Ivonne never had a free time. She was always caught up in work.
" I believe you know the answer to that question". She arched a brow.
Mrs. Johnson sighed heavily, remembering the day Amaka packed out of the house. She didn't want her to leave. In her opinion, Family was supposed to live together and that would only change when the Children were married.
" Amaka? May God help you, as you have decided to punish me by starving yourself. You're looking lean, you don't ever take a break from work".
" oh come on Mother, you know I do not like to be called that and me being here? Is like a vacation to me".
" I did not give you Ivonne. Your Father's Mother did, I named you Amaka... And that is what you'll be known as".
Ivonne smirked " uh huh. Well too bad, the whole world know me as Ivonne already. There is nothing that can be done". She turned to leave.
" Come ooo" Mrs. Johnson held her hand, drawing her back. "do you even know the meaning of that name?".
She knitted her brows. " Ivonne? No... Not really, why?".
Mrs. Johnson eyes widened " Amaka! You don't know the meaning of the name you're answering. What if the name is devilish?".
Ivonne rubbed her temples. She couldn't believe she was standing there listening to her Mother's uh.... Er... What's the word? Religious thingy?
"ok ok Ma, I'll check out the meaning and get back to you". She glanced at her wrist watch, it was almost 2pm. She needed to head to the office before the day was over.
" that's what you always say".
Ivonne carefully released her hand from her Mother's hold amd turned to leave but Mrs. Johnson held her and insisted they walk together on the same pace... Which was extremely slow.
" so tell me, " Mrs. Johnson began after a few seconds of silence.
Ivonne waited for a while, for her Mother to complete her sentence but when she did not, she groaned loudly.
" why do Nigerian parents keep doing that? You were saying something a few minutes ago, you said 'tell me', tell you what?".
"oh, yes I was saying something. I totally forgot " her lips curved up in a smile and Ivonne couldn't help but smile in her heart at the woman's beauty... And of course thankful that she partook of it.
"Mmm. What is it?".
" I just wanted you to tell me about work. How has it been?".
Ivonne paused for a while. Her Mother rarely ever asked her about work. Well... Not rarely ever because they don't see each other often so...
" Uh... It was... I mean it's been going nice. Really good. I recruited more staffs as well as I fired a few lazy, dumb, incompetent.... ".
" I know, I know". Her laughter filled the hallway. " but just remember you're not C. E. O yet. You're already firing people anyhow".
As if she didn't know that already.
" I just want your Father to step down and hand over... To one of you ".
Ivonne smirked, did her Mother think she was dumb?or foolish?or maybe blind to what was happening?
She knew exactly who her Mother wanted to be C. E. O.
" Mmm. But I guess we will have to wait and see who he chooses, for now, Please excuse me". With that, she heeded to her Father's room which was just up ahead.
She replayed the scene downstairs over and over again. Daniella wouldn't just let her be for one second. She was always butting in and out of her life, she was actually one of the reasons she moved out anyways.... And then shortly after, Daniella moved out too. But thankfully, she didn't move close to her.
Right from when Ivonne was born, Daniella had never accepted her and it had actually hurt because she had done everything to please her sister but found out it was impossible to please her when, one day, she told Daniella she'd do anything to make her happy.
" your very existence bore me, it annoys me, it's irritating... That's why you can never please me". Those were the words Daniella replied with 17 years ago.
Staring into space, Mr. Johnson lost track of time, he could hear his children's laughter from downstairs. Even though he did not know why they were laughing, he couldn't stop himself from smiling.
He would be a fool if he said he didn't miss them staying home. But sooner or later, they were bound to leave the nest and soar the sky.
Although, they were more than 18 years of age, in his eyes they were still children.
His wife was having a good time downstairs as her laughter seemed to increase. He should almost feel guilty and sad for not making her laugh this hard whenever they were not around.
But he wouldn't. He shut down every thought and feeling of guilt. He didn't have time to spend with her, his work was on the line. He needed to work to Carter for her needs as she turned out to be a very materialistic woman.
However, the time had come for him to step down. To hand over the affairs of the company to someone. He needed a person who would take his company to higher heights. Someone who was honest, selfless and of good behaviour.
Mr. Johnson paced slowly around his room, revelling in his glory and success.
Who would have thought a man like him, the son of a poor driver, would become a multi-millionaire today?
No one.
He smiled.
He walked towards the huge glass enjoying the view from up there. This was exactly how it was for him. A very good example for his status in the county.
He couldn't be seen as equal with other men. Now, he could boast of being from the higher class.
If only his Father lived long enough to enjoy his son's success. With the rate at which his company was progressing, coupled with his Net Worth, his father would have been proud.
At last, he had gotten rid of poverty in his family name. Anyone who heard of Mr. Daniel Okoro Johnson, would tremble.
He let out a laugh. If anyone could hear his thoughts, they would probably say he was full of pride.
To him, this wasn't pride. He liked to call it Self Ego and Self Respect. He couldn't deny the fact that he was very rich and of course very famous.
Turning a bit, he saw a small table which held a wine and two glasses.
Mr. Johnson poured himself a glass of wine, paused for a while before beginning to fill the other glass.
" I was beginning to think you weren't going to come". He turned to face his daughter, who stood behind the door.
" You know, Curtsey demands that you knock before entering Someone's domain". He sipped his wine while holding her gaze. Enjoying the taste of the wine. Seems like he would order more of this.
Ivonne gave a small smile. She opened her mouth to speak but her Father beat her to it.
" an apology would be nice. You see, Sorry can do many things along the way".
She calmed herself " I'm... ".
" But know this, you can't retake a step that leads to one thousand miles ". He smiled.
She hated when he did this to her, cutting her short in her sentences with... Proverbs she was sure he made up himself.
Her Father seemed to have recovered fully as he was not with his walking stick.
As she gazed upon her Father, it seemed like she hadn't seen him in forever. Though he was still the same: Bald head that shone as if he rubbed ororo ( Groundnut oil). Strong, hard face that was beardless, he wasn't one to keep beards unlike her Brother.
His dark skin that none of her siblings took. She was the only one amongst her siblings who looked like her Dad... Maybe that was why her Mother didn't treat her like the others.
Ivonne stood for a while, and only moved when he stretched forth a glass of wine towards her. She hurried to get it and once she did, he turned to face the glass.
She stood beside him in silence, sipping her wine as she told herself to check the bottle later, so she could have it at home. She was also enjoying the view.
Her house didn't have this great view... But nevertheless she still liked it there.
" The view was actually one of the reasons I chose to leave here... Well that and also because I wanted to feel my money".
She knitted her brows and looked at him. She didn't quite understand what he said.
" I can see you're in confusion". Only then did she realize he was looking back at her. He looked away after a while.
" Living Gold Estate is one of the most expensive, luxurious and sophisticated estate in Nigeria."
"Mmm, true." Ivonne said turning back to enjoy the view. " I'm guessing that's not why I'm here, correct?".
Mr. Johnson chuckled at his daughter's impatience and walked towards a couch that was few steps away from where he was standing.
" Have a seat Amaka". He sank down into the chair.
Why wouldn't they just call her Ivonne!?
" How was your day?". The question made Ivonne roll her eyes.
" My day was going great when I was in the office". She wouldn't lie.
"and now?how is it?".
" oh God! I don't know really. Daddy please just tell me why I'm here so I can get back to the office and do some work". She rushed the words as if she had hot yam in her mouth.
" that's one of the reasons I called you here. You see Amaka, even when you were a child, I would always tell you, all work... and no play, makes Jack a dull boy".
Well Ivonne was sure of one thing, she wasn't Jack. The thought made her lips curve in a smile and she quickly looked away.
" I know you've put in your best for this company and I appreciate it... I want to retire from my position as C. E. O. That means one of you is going to be my successor".
Finally! Could this be it, the moment she'd been waiting for?
" it would have been a lot easier if Emeka was interested in my company, I would have passed it down to him as he is my only son. But he has other plans already ".
Ivonne kept nodding her head, waiting patiently for her Father to get to the freakin' point!
The sound of the door closing made Ivonne turn towards it. There, Daniella stood in her deep blue sundress and black heels.
Her hair was woven back with green attachment.
Daniella sashayed to the couch and sat beside their Father.
" did I miss anything?" her sultry voice only disgusted Ivonne's ears.
" No not at all, I was just about to venture into the most important paft". He paused for a while.
"I was just telling Amaka that I want to step down and pass the company to one of you... Since it's just two of you in this".
Yeah just two, seems like her sister knew she was going to fail because she eyed her.
"But unfortunately for me, I fear my business will surfer if one of you handles it... And then it will vanish from the surface of the earth if both of you handle it".
" what exactly is your point?". Ivonne didn't waste time asking.
" Patience little sister, you need to have patience". Daniella said with a smile in her voice.
" patience is not something I exhibit... ". Ivonne fired back as she crossed her legs, sitting up right.
" it is said that the Patient dog eats the fattest bone". She grinned.
Mr. Johnson shook his head in disappointment. " it is also said that the patient dog shouldn't be foolish and remain patient forever".
Immediately he said this, Daniella's smile fell and Ivonne bit her lip to contain her smile.
" My point? I'll get to that later. I called you here because one of you, will be my successor".
" But... There is something else".
Ivonne arched a brow. A condition? What could it be? She was ready to do anything to get her Father's company. Anything at all.
" I want to pass down my company to a married woman".
"what?" Daniella and Ivonne said together.
Only when they saw the seriousness on their Father's face, did they believe what he said.
" I'm sorry, I didn't hear well" Daniella said with a smile on her face. " Did you just say, you'll pass down your company to a married woman?".
Mr. Johnson nodded "indeed my daughter ".
Ivonne didn't find this funny at all. " so in other words, you want us to get married to... Anyone before you'll hand over the company to one of us?".
"Anyone? No. I believe you have a boyfriend, bring him home. Let me see him, you're not getting any younger. You need to start a family now, I don't want you to be crooked up in the office every day of your life and then when you realize that you want a family it might be too late".
Mind you, don't go and get yourself an actor to pose as your husband. If after one year, you get a divorce, My lawyer will take away everything... The power of attorney will be with him and only after 2years will he have no power again".
" incredible! I can't believe you're doing this to me". Daniella said and that caught Ivonne's attention.
She was acting like the spoiled brat their mother trained her to be, her eyes were already tearing up, trying to gain sympathy in the eyes of their Father.
" I always thought that the company would be passed down to me. I am the next after David. I don't understand why you're doing this to me". The tears rolled down her cheeks and Ivonne marveled at her acting.
Mr. Johnson turned to Daniella " I can't give you the company because you have no manners, you're a pretense, you're too materialistic just like your mother. You'll either squander my money on cars, make-ups, throwing parties, or going on vacations to different country every 2 days".
Her Father's words made Daniella shut up and lowered her head in shame. She was too embarrassed by the truth.
Ivonne bit her lips to contain her smile. She cleared her throat and her Father turned to her.
" Amaka, you... You have higher chance of having my company believe me... But one of the reasons I gave a condition was just so your sister would have a fair fight".
Ivonne could feel her head swelling to the praises of her Father and she glanced at her sister who glared at her, but she didn't back down, she glared right back.
"another reason for that condition is that, you need to loosen up. You're too strict with the staffs, you over work yourself, you hardly go on vacations or take a break... And that is why, Come Monday , I'm relieving you of your position... ".
" what?" her eyes widened in horror.
" I'm giving you a month off. Go and take care of yourself. Get some rest. Have fun with your boyfriend... I'm sure he doesn't like that you're working too much".
Boyfriend? Who be that one?
She didn't even have time for herself not more a guy. When was the last time she had been in a relationship? That was...
" Amaka?".
"hmm?" she heard the door close and realized her Father had dismissed them. Sighing heavily, she stood up, straightened her skirt and quickly reached for her hand bag.
" Is there something on your mind?". Her Father asked and she could hear the worry in his voice.
" there are lots of things on my mind right now". She proceeded towards the door and stopped.
" But you know what?" she turned to face him. " a vacation will probably help... Maybe that could help my relationship with... Nelson".
Her Father's face lit up at the mention of Nelson. " oh. Nelson? That's a nice name. When do I get to meet this Nelson?".
" very soon. I'll be on my way now. Bye Daddy"... And with that, she hurried out of her Father's room.
She didn't even bother to say a goodbye to her Mother. She hurried outside and rushed into the car.
" Where to Ma?" Christopher asked as he started the engine.
Where to? Her schedule was with Patricia, she never thought of duplicating it as she believed that she would always be with her her P. A.
But now that her dear Father had insisted she take a month off, a whole Month off. 31 days off, that is the whole of July she would sit at home, doing nothing.
" Miss Ivonne?". Christopher said again.
" what? What is it Christopher? Leave me alone. I heard you the first time. I'm thinking ok? Just sit there and shut up let me think?". Ivonne yelled and that calmed her down a little.
" I'm sorry Miss Ivonne".
" just shut up".
"ok Miss Ivonne".
Ivonne groaned " I said shut up".
" ok Miss Ivonne". He replied again.
"ah! Do you think I'm joking?".
"No, Miss Ivonne".
She opened her mouth to speak but knew that he would respond again to it so she brought out her Ipad and sent a quick message to Patricia, telling her to send her schedule.
Almost immediately, her phone beeped.
' Miss. Ivonne, your Father called few hours ago and said that you were taking a month off. So I'll be handling your schedule for a month. He said you would be unavailable from Tuesday so the competition you are hosting would still be handled by you. For now, you have nothing on your schedule. '
Few hours ago? He just told her about it few minutes ago.
Seems like he had decided it even before she got here.
Shaking her head, she knew she was supposed to go somewhere... But where? The time was 7pm already... And it was a bit dark.
Inside her bag, her other phone rang and she knew she had a message. Taking out her Samsung Galaxy S9, she couldn't recognize the number but she opened the message.
' I'd like to believe you haven't forgotten about my engagement party, Ivonne! You better get out of that office before I come there and pounce on you.
Uh oh, angry bestie ready to strike.
A/N: hey there, I hope you enjoyed this chapter... I'd love to hear what you think about the relationship between Daniella and Ivonne.
Don't forget to hit the like button. Thank you.
Talk about an extravagant party!
Kemi had really outdone herself this time. Her engagement party was Amaaazing! She planned everything herself in less than 3weeks.
She had asked her best friend to help her out. Not that she could not do it herself, she just wanted her bff to be there. The fun it would be!
But nope. Ivonne was way too busy to even have lunch with her. Their friendship was... A really complicated one.
Though they hardly see eye to eye, they kept in touch with each other through calls as well as video chatting before bed time.
Her phone beeped and she hurried outside the hall to answer the phone.
" Ivonne!" she yelled into her smartphone. "where are you? I don't like this, I don't like this at all. You better get here fast or... ".
The voice came from behind and Kemi turned to see her bff. She gasped as she took in Ivonne's clothing.
She was wearing a red armless gown that rested on her knees, her breasts were visible thanks to the long v neck. The gown hugged her curves perfectly.
She wore a silver block heels. Her red pick and drop hair was held up in a bun. She held a small silver purse and was putting on a light make-up as usual.
" oh my God!" Kemi found herself saying.
Ivonne's lips curved in a huge smile as she hurried over and hugged her Friend.
" well you're not looking bad yourself ". Kemi was wearing a white long sleeve jumpsuit. It hugged her breasts and small round hips. Her black shoulder length hair was across one of her eye.
She was putting on white heels as well.
" I thought you weren't going to come".
" oh c'mon, I wouldn't miss your engagement party for the world ". She pulled away. " damn... I love your outfit".
Kemi grinned " uh huh... Come on, let's go inside. It's a good thing you didn't forget about this ooo ".
" let's just go inside ". Ivonne laughed without humor.
" crazy girl".
" My dear, that is it " Ivonne sipped out of her champagne as she told them everything that happened in her Father's house.
" I don't even know what I'm going to do".
Her Brother was the first to speak " so...My sister is dating Nelson Mandela".
Kemi tried really hard to contain the laugh but couldn't. She and David laughed so hard, Ivonne was really pissed off.
" I'm sorry... I'm so sorry but, of all the names, Nelson was the only thing you could come up with?". Kemi asked still laughing.
They were upstairs, and thankfully, the music wasn't loud enough to disturb their conversation.
" what was I to do? I had to say something. Did you hear the condition he gave? He said he wants to pass down the company to... to a married woman. Ugh!". Groaning loudly, she gulped down her champagne.
" take it easy Amaka. Drinking won't solve anything right now". David said as he quickly took the glass from her.
" I honestly can't believe your Father is doing this to you. It's a good thing I'm the only child of my parents, I already have the company to myself ".
Ivonne glared at her.
" but yeah, this is about you, not me".
" He very well knows that Chineye ( Daniella) would wreck that company".
" yeah, he said so himself ".
"then what's this about!" David groaned.
" I don't know!" Ivonne groaned back.
"ok... I'm just gonna leave you guys to talk. Maybe steam off together. I gotta go downstairs to check on the guests". Kemi said and rushed her wine. She dropped the glass on a table just in front of them.
Standing to her feet, she pointed to Ivonne. "don't you dare go anywhere. I'll be back in a few minutes".
Ivonne just raised both her hands in total surrender " yes Ma".
They grinned at eachother, before Kemi turned to David and planted a kiss tenderly on his lips.
Ivonne looked away immediately. The sweetness could blind her for life.
She heard the door close and only then did she face her brother.
"so, what does it feel like being engaged?". She was honestly dying to know.
Her brother arced a brow at her before closing his eyes for a few seconds. " I'm pretty much the same David. Only this time, I'm engaged ". He smiled.
Ivonne rolled her eyes. " I mean it. Ok... Answer me this" she leaned forward " why are you getting married?".
" er... Excuse me?".
" I mean you can stay single and still be very happy... Just like me, I'm happy being single. If you want kids, you could always adopt. You know all these, yet you choose to get married. I'm curious as to why you made that decision."
" everyone has different reasons as to why they do things" He began. " have you ever fallen in love?".
Ivonne gave a small smile. " No".
" it's obvious." she glared at him. " Love can make you do things you never thought you would do, things you never even dreamed of doing. I for one had no plans of getting married".
" I didn't even believe in love... Well the thing is that I had no time for it. But everything changed when I saw Kemi. I have to say, it was love at first sight. I love everything about that girl. From the crown of her head, down to her toes."
" I'm marrying her because, I want her to be mine. I want to wake up each morning with her in my arms. I want her to stay with me forever. I want to grow old with her. Whenever I think of children, I see them with Kemi by their side."
Ivonne was at loss of words. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out.
David seemed to notice this and he chuckled " seems crazy right? I know".
" Woah! I haven't thought of anyone in that way before ".
" understandable".
Ivonne hled his gaze for a second " uhm, excuse me?"
"quite excused little sister. Trust me, I understand if you haven't felt that way for anyone. I should say it's partly your fault". He said nonchalantly.
She furrowed her brows " How exactly is it my fault I haven't felt that way before?".
" well for one, it's not your fault you're a workaholic. I remember when I was 5, Mom and Dad would force me into the office. I learnt how to code really early. They never gave me any breaks. After school each day, I had my personal computer trainer."
" I would do that till 7pm and then after dinner which would be by 8pm, I would have to go to bed... 'Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man wealthy, blah blah blah ', Mom would always say this before making me revise what I was thought in school for one hour".
" they did the same thing to you... So we got used to it. Not our fault there."
"Mmm" was the only thing Ivonne could reply. She knew all these already, felt it and all, but listening to it again and remembering their horrible childhood, made her heart so heavy.
"I still don't get how I have a part in this being my fault".
" do you have to be so impatient all the time?".
" patience is not something I exhibit brother, you know this".
David just shook his head, " you really need this vacation Amaka. Try to take a break from.. Everything. Just go out, have fun. Do you know you're like a demon in that company? Like...literally the whole staff hates you". He laughed.
"... And you find this funny because?".
" it is funny. Have you heard your nicknames?".
" nicknames? What are you talking about?".
"You have a title in that place already. You don't even need C. E. O. Title, because the one you have is stronger than that C. E. O."
" in Father's Company, you're known as a demon". He continued laughing.
" are you being serious?"
" You think I'm joking?. They can't tell you because you will surely fire them ".
" true. It's better they keep it to themselves". Was she supposed to feel bad about that? cause right now, she was feeling hot!
" anyways, what was I saying?" he thought for a while. He scratched his neatly cut beard as he swiped his tongue across his small pink lips, coating it with spit.
His hair was neatly cut and low to the root. It wasn't like her Father's as he still had hair on his head.
David was a very handsome man. He was fair in complexion, he was reaching maybe 6ft 2inches tall, Daniella was 5ft 5inches, while Ivonne was 5ft 2inches.
He wasn't too built in body size. But she had seen his rock hard 6abs once and also heard it from Kemi.
" ah yes. Sorry about that, I think I'm a little drunk. Oh yes I was about to say that you should go out and have fun... Plus, you think you're happy being single? Think again little sister."
Just then, the door opened and Kemi rushed in " your Mother is here with Daniella, let's go and meet them ".
"ok... Let's go... How about my Dad? Is he there?".
" No my dear. I'm sorry he didn't show up". Kemi said sweetly.
" nah it's fine. He ready told me he won't be able to make it, he is still recovering, he'll be here for the wedding. Let's go ".
David stood up and held her hand pulling her to him. He sealed her lips in a tender kiss. That made Ivonne groan.
" for the love of God! Go already."
Kemi grinned and her dimples made her look so cute. She wouldn't lie when she say her brother was a very lucky guy.
He had a cute Fiancé and a gorgeous little sister.
" I'll be down in a minute. Just... Just need to gather my thoughts."
" ok. I'll be back in a few". Kemi yelled.
After they left, Ivonne quickly refilled her glass and gulped it down. The talk with her brother actually made her.. Feel... She didn't even know how she was feeling or what she was feeling.
The way he had described Kemi being with him, she immediately craved something like that. He made her realize how much she had denied herself all these years.
She couldn't even remember the last time she had been in a relationship. For some reasons, men was only interested in her money.
Well except the ones she meet in clubs, those ones were just there to have fun and so was she. In order not to drive them away, she would talk less and that would satisfy her for the night.
She wasn't getting any younger. August 24th would make her 24 years old.
Ivonne stood and began to pace the large room. For once, she let herself think about something that didn't concern the company... Well it did concern the company.
She paced for a while, thinking about what to do. What would she do to get someone?
Just for the company... Nothing more. Just for the company. Yes, she needed a plan. A plan... Dammit!
she heard the door opened and she turned immediately " kemi I... ".
Daniella stood there in a yellow long sleeve gown. She wore a yellow block heels and had a small black pause. Her make -up shone brightly and her black earnings draped down to touch her shoulders.
" oh My bad, you thought I was Kemi?"she gave a forced smile. She knew her sister well enough to differentiate between a real and a fake smile.
Ivonne rolled her eyes. She didn't want to talk with this drama Queen "what do you want Daniella?".
Ignoring the question, Daniella closed the door behind her. Still holding her gaze, she sashayed towards the couch, sat and then poured herself a drink.
"Mmm" she hummed once she tasted it. " this is so good. I think I'll get this at home. Mike would love it". She smiled up at Ivonne.
Ivonne arced a brow at her. Where exactly was she going with this? "I don't suppose you came here just to tell me about Mike, correct?".
" what? No, not in the slightest. I'm here to rub it in your face that you're a loner". She giggled while Ivonne scoffed.
" we both know that I am more than qualified to manage Dad's company. I have the brains for it".
" well nevertheless, I'm not giving up without a fight". Daniella hissed.
" I'd love to see you try. I know for a fact that Dad won't give you the company even if you get married today".
She thought for a while, before sipping her drink " I know".
Well that was... Surprising. " I bet you do". Ivonne took her purse and walked towards the door.
" are you leaving because of me? Oh don't bother. I don't plan on staying long.". Daniella said, and quickly finished her drink.
She turned back to face her sister who stood up and held her gaze. Daniella looked a lot like their mother.
Her small black eyes, oblong face, pointed nose and pink small lips. Her flawless fair skin. She was busty but didn't have curves like Ivonne.
Maybe that was one of the reasons why she hated her.
" don't let me ruin your day little sister. "
" Nah... Don't worry about me. I just hope your presence here doesn't bring a bad omen to the couples". With that, she walked out.
Walking down the stairs, she continued to think. Now more than ever, she needed a guy. Not just any guy, but a Nelson.
Why was her Father doing this? What could possibly be the reason for him to want to pass down to a married woman?
Was he trying to imply that just because she was a girl, she wouldn't be able to handle the affairs of the company?
The discrimination between males over females made her want to puke. It was obvious her brother wouldn't be facing this if he was interested in the company.
But David wasn't interested in a skin care company. He loved Mass Communication. After leaving Dad's Company 6years ago, he had opened his own radio station which was doing really well.
" uhm hello? Is this Mic working?" she was just in time for Kemi's speech... Or whatever it was that she was intending to say.
Kemi hit the mic a few more times " can everybody hear me? Hello".
" it's working " David said as he stood beside her holding a mic.
" ok" she grinned. " on behalf on David and Myself... I want to say... Thank you, to everyone here. I'm sure you all have important things to do at this hour but you chose to forsake that to celebrate with me. I just want to say a very big thank you."
" and also.. Er.. A special thanks to my bestie, Ivonne Johnson. I know she'd rather be in her office right now, working her brains off, as usual. I just pray it Doesn't run away one day".
That made everyone laugh. Ivonne took a glass of wine from a waiter and raised it up " to David and Kemi, and I hope my brain doesn't run away too".
" cheers". Everyone cheered and the DJ continued the music. It was a cool jazz that Ivonne enjoyed.
From the corner of her eyes, she could see her mother and Daniella talking with some couples. Daniella was putting on her fake smile. She was doing that thing where she smiled while her eyes widened, and she would keep saying 'oh my gosh!' in a purr.
Glancing down on her black wristwatch, the time was 9pm. She felt like going home, to the comfort of her king sized bed.
" Ivonne" Kemi held her hand to gain her attention. " what are you standing around for? Come on let's dance". She wiggled her hips to the rhythm of the music.
Kemi was in fact a terrible dancer so Ivonne quickly stopped her before the eyes of the guest would fall off.
" Kemi, I want to go home. I need to lay down my head. I'm just so tired".
Her black eyes immediately found Ivonne's. She searched her eyes for something, Ivonne wasn't quite sure what it was.
" Are you ok? can't you stay for just a few minutes. By then we can talk... Oh.. We'll talk tomorrow as it's Saturday, for now just feel the music. Have a drink. Don't think about anything ".
Ivonne watched as she began to wiggle her ass, bending her legs and that only made her shorter despite the heels she was wearing.
Kemi was almost up to her shoulders. She had black eyes, shoulder length black hair, two set of cute dimples, and she was dark skinned.
" alright... But just a few minutes more".
A/N: yay! All done with this chapter.
Let me know what you think about everything.
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" Damn" Ayo cursed under his breathe. He stood angrily from the gambling section and moved towards the bar.
Seems like tonight wasn't his lucky day.
He ordered for a beer and quickly paid for it. Sitting on the stool, he spun to face the crowd in the dancehall, he scanned the crowd for his friend and of course some beautiful girls but none of them caught his interest.
" Ayo, what's up?" Timi asked immediately he got to him. He sat on a bar stool beside his friend, drinking his beer.
" How'd it go?"
Ayo sighed and only replied after some time. " today is not my lucky day at all".
" oh come on, it happens to everyone. Even champions get a bad day".
When it comes to gambling, Ayo was really good at it. That was his 2nd talent. That and...
" there are lots of beautiful girls here."
" what do you expect? This is Lekki phase 2. There are also rich and spoiled little brats".
" Tell me about it! There is no way in following you home today. " Timi laughed at his words.
Ayo just shook his head. " You know what? I pray you don't die by the hands of a woman".
Timi furrowed his brows. " look at the kettle calling the pot black. Anyways, I pray so too." he grinned.
True and not so true... He wasn't exactly a good boy, neither was he a bad boy. So he loved females, no big deal about that. His relationship doesn't last up to a month before he finds another.
A play boy could be used... But at the same time, could not. He dates and then has this charm that made his girlfriends best friends fight over him... and then poof he'll disappear into thin air.
But that was about to change. Right now, he just wanted a girl he would give his all and all to... But that was not easy to find. Girls these days were becoming so materialistic.
He had actually thought of going to his home town to get himself a girl but his mother had forbidden it.
She said she didn't want him to travel there as they had lots of enemies there. She was just too religious in his opinion.
" just stop it, I don't need a woman right now. What I need is money. " he drank his beer, throwing his head back.
" Isn't that why we are here?. You have work to do on monday , it's a good thing my friend stays in Lekki, if not, you'd have been back on the mainland."
Ayo sighed heavily while running his fingers through his obama hairstyle. It was really high and his mother had been screaming a lot for him to get a haircut.
To be honest, he was tired of living with her. He was living in a 2 bedroom flat with his Mother.
His other siblings were with his Father in Abuja. There were 3boys... And he was the last born.
Timi poked him with his elbow continuously " guy guy guy "
" what?".
" check out that babe". He followed his gaze and saw a girl in a red crop top and blue shorts. Her red Bob Marley touched her waist and she was holding an IPhone.
" what are you waiting for. Go get her".
Timi looked back at him, unsure of himself. " You think I can get that one?".
" yes joor. Just ask her to dance. How hard can it be?".
He threw his head back and finished his beer. Standing up, he arranged his clothes and turned to Ayo. " how do I look?".
Ayo eyed him from head to toe. Timi was a good looking guy. His hair was barbed low to the roots. He had brown eyes, thick eyebrows, chubby cheeks, full lips and he was wearing a nose ring.
" Like Bobrisky ". He laughed as Timi's face drained color.
" be serious!.".
" You really look good !". Timi coated his lips with spit, rubbed his face with his palm and walked towards the girl.
Ayo turned back to the bar as his friend took off to the dance floor while holding the girl.
He checked his watch and it was already 11pm. Tomorrow was a big day for him so he needed to get home as soon as possible.
Taking out his phone, he sent a quick message to Timi saying that he was on his way home. After drinking 5 more bottles of beer, his phone beeped and he checked the message.
' I'll crash at Favour's place for the night. See you tomorrow'. Timi replied.
Taking the last beer, he slid of the stool and quickly held the desk to support himself from falling. Dammit! He was already drunk.
Turning back to check if he would see Timi, he scanned the crowd and someone caught his attention.
There she was, dancing and wiggling her round hips to the music. Her red gown hugged her curves. Curves that he wanted to explore himself. One could say she was thick but not the word chubby or fat.
Her breasts were a bit exposed by the long v neck of the cloth. She didn't seem to be with someone as she was dancing alone.
Quickly, Ayo walked up to her " hope you don't mind?".
She looked up at him as her brown eyes met his and her lips curved back in a grin, her small hands held his and she guided it to her waist.
She held his hands there and moved her hips, grinning up at him like a baby.
Seems like today wasn't so bad after all.
Taking advantage of the situation, he spun her around and moved closer, enjoying the feel of her ass on his already hard cock.
She seemed to enjoy it to as she rubbed against him in a slow motion that made him moan.
He was sure of one thing, he would be leaving here with her for the night.
She turned to face him and he pulled her close. The action made her smile and she closed her eyes for a second, before leaning forward.
" come with me and you'll never want another female for a whole month".
Ivonne sighed softly as she scratched the itch on her head. She tried turning her body to the other side but she felt something warm and heavy holding her in place.
She opened her eyes slowly as the bright natural light made her squeeze her eyes for a while before it finally adjusted to it.
She could see her chair and noticed that her red gown was there. She tried remembering what happened last night but could not.
Her body was tired and her head hurt badly. She sighed gently when she felt a hand squeeze her waist and rubbed.
"Mmm". The voice came from behind and she froze in place. Turning gently, she gasped when she saw two set of black eyes stare at her.
Ivonne gaped for a while before her senses returned to her. She immediately tried to roll away but the stranger moved faster and rolled her under him, settling himself between her legs.
Staring up at him, she could see the playful smile on his lips and that almost made her drool.
His features made her bless God for her eyes. Black smoky eyes, chiseled chin, full kissable lips, his hair was a bit bushy. His chocolate skin made her want to lick his body for a very long time.
" who are you? How did you get here?". She asked immediately.
Ayo arced a brow at the damsel under him. Oh? So she was trying to play dumb with him, there was absolutely no way she could forget what they did all morning.
" Hi, I'm Ayo, nice to meet you Ivy".
She furrowed her brows, " Ivy? I don't know who you're talking about".
"oh? Is that so? But you seemed to like it when I called you that last night”.
" get off me". Ivonne yelled, her heart beating so loud as if it would fly out.
She tried to push him off with her hands but then he held it in his, placing it just above her head. His other hand rested on her waist, holding her from moving.
" funny. You didn't use that word last night. You don't remember anything? ". He furrowed his brows.
This was wrong... She couldn't remember anything besides when she was at Kemi's engagement party, she had wanted to leave and Kemi asked her to stay for a few minutes and then she drank some champagne and... Beer and...
"ah"she winced as her head began to pound. " get of me right now, or I'll call the police".
" police? Oh and tell them what? That you went to a club and you can't remember what happened and then you woke up beside a cute stranger? Sounds good".
As much as she hated to admit this, he was right. Well she could still send thugs after him.
"it's a shame you don't remember what we did all morning". She glared at him but winked, blowing her a kiss.
" how about I help you remember?".
Help her remember? " that doesn't even make any sense". She said through gritted teeth.
His lips curled back in a smirk and Ivonne shivered in anticipation. " oh it does. We'll do what we did all morning later.. But right now, I think it's time for pleasure".
" what? Don't fucking touch me". She yelled. He laughed. A deep rumble that made her want to bite those lips.
No. No. Bad Ivonne.
" but I enjoy touching you. Besides, you told me last night that if I follow you, I'll never want another female for a whole month".
Her eyes widened. " what did you say?".
His lips curved in smirk and she could've sworn her eyeballs almost dropped.
She could see the way his eyes watched her lips, as if fascinated by the movement, he let go of her hand and traced his thumb over her lips. Ivonne shivered at his touch as her breathing hitched expectantly, waiting on him.
She went still under him as she suddenly felt a deep ache between her legs, she was about ready to pounce on him, it truly was a shame she couldn't remember anything about last night but somehow, her brain imagined him naked in bed with her. They stayed there for a while, before the Stranger rolled off her body.
"You need to rest. You had too much to drink last night". He said as he walked over to the stand and took out his belt.
" don't tell me what to do". She said once she found her voice. The moron was surely a tease!
As if on cue, she could feel the heaviness of her eyelids and sleep was quickly taking over. Her body was tired but she still wanted to move.
Ivonne tried to get off the bed but was shoved back in by Ayo. He sat beside her, holding her back in bed as she struggled weakly Damn her body that reacted immediately to his words.
Right now, she needed to sleep and that she did.
A/n: **sigh imagine me waking up to see Zack Efron beside me, bye bye sleep 😉
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