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The Evil Cutie

Home town

The wind is too strong.the sun is too dim . The wind blow her hair, she take off her sun glasses to watch the sky. She always believe that thing her heart is connected to the sky. If she upset the clouds will be dark. If she happy there will be a blue clear sky. Yes today the clouds are really dark like her heart does.

She is now going to meet her parents.

It’s been five years since she left the home. She left the home for her career. And also she hate everyone around her. She is an architect. On that time she was deeply love in her senior. Their parents not approved their marriage and her love married another girl for sake of his mom. She was totally dead in emotional. She always thought that she will never had a true love in her life . Once she fell for a guy , something happened everytime , and she paid the expensive broke up price . Her parents compelled her to get married. So she decided to leave everything behind and went US for the new begining. And she was like bossy girl after that. After two years she started the company. With in three years she is the number one architect in her field. And people callec her as a evil cutie. Because she is looking adorable at the same time she is merciless.

Time flies. She is now in her hometown for seeing her parents . They are so sick and want to she her so badly.

“Priya” she came to conscious . She turned towards the voice . Its her mom. She wanted to hug her mom. But in a second thought of her past she just ignored that wish. “yes mom” she said. “how are you baby? " she asked. I am fine . Where is dad? Oh yeah dad is on his room he really waiting for this moment for five years,her mom said. I understood just lead me to his room ,she said. Ok then follow me , her mom taking her to his father’s room. On the way to her dad’s room she looked every inch of that house, every part of that house remains her past . In her industry peoole called her as a merciless queen , even though She always don’t have that courage to face her past. She always afraid. “my baby”, the voice she suddenly regain her conscious, her eyes are filled with tears her throat is struggle to tell “i miss you dad” , her heart is beating like a drums but she hold back everything and look into his eyes and say , “don’t you listen to your doctor or don’t you took the medicine? Look at you ! May be this is your karma for what you and your wife have done to me !”.

Her father is speechless. He is dont have the courage to look into her eyes. “ i am sorry my baby” he said. What is the matter ? Just spit the beans, don’t beat the bushes” she said. I know you are hate me but now i’m in my death bed. But i am really happy because of this u came to me . So it’s worth. Because of me you lost everything in your life as a father i failed you. Now i want to make it up for you. Please ! Give me a chance to be a good father for a last!. Please …will you?. His eyes is filled with regeret,sorrow and full of sadness. Even a monster will tear apart infront of his eyes. She sighs ! And say “ ok dad i will give you a last chance, what do you want ?” she asked. Baby will you please marry ? But this time i will not compel you. You are free to marry any one in this world. I am not meddle with your life anymore. But my baby this is your father’s last wish. In my life time i always cherished you . I never interfered in your decision . Yes except one time! And for that i already paid the price. You are my beloved daughter. And this is my last wish!.

The unplanned marriage

“if this is your last wish i will grant that” she said. Eventhough she said those words she is not ready for the marriage life in other words she is not ready for another heart breaking moment. So priya think for one second and said the following words, “ As you say i will marry a person who i want to marry at the same time i am not going to conduct the wedding ceremony or any other celebration. My marriage will be held in register office without you” if you really want my marriage then you should agree to these conditions are you?. Without hesitation Priya’s dad said okay. If you get married everyrhing would be worth!. Then i leave this place next time i will come with my husband she said and she left the place immediately.

Priya drive the car too fastly. She is filled with anger. She not even know where she want to go . After four hours of rash driving she stop the car on the bank of the river. She just look the surroundings then she come out from the car and sit on the grass and look into the river.

What are you saying? You idiot! If you around me now, i will kill you! . Priya looked into the direction of the sound. There is a guy standing in the edge of the road and answering to his phone call. He looks smart and handsome. Today is the important day don’t you know? Because of you i already told my mom . And now you said the girl is not ready to get marry me. How dare you? I don’t know ! I need a bride immediately. I need to get marry . Do you understand! If she not ready then arrange another one ! Okay as soon as he said these words priya’s eyes are filled with a hope . She stand up and walk towards that guy. “ I am ready to be your bride” priya said. He is shocked and look that girl , she is so beautiful witout delay he said okay. “But i have my conditions” priya said.

This is just a marriage for the sake of my parents so i am not going to take this marriage as a serious one. In my point of view this is just a bussiness contract. So i am just a wife in the name , do you get it what i am trying to say? Yes i got it, he said. Same conditions apply here, he said. I will not expose our marriage to the public until its necessary. I am doing this for my mother. But there is a one thing after marriage you have to come to US , he said. That’s not even a problem my home is already set up there so no worries , priya said. In that case get into my car, he said. No thanks! I have mine. I will follow you ,priya said. “Both are start the driving”.

They reached the register office. Everything is well prepared by his assistant. The register says, tell me your names please. I am Priya she said , i am prithvi he said. This is the first time for the both people to know their partner’s name. They sighned the register. After the procedure his assistant take the single photo for future use.

Enough for you to know

Mr. Prithvi we have to meet my parents, priya said. Is that urgent? He asked. Yup! This is my father’s last wish , in other words his death wish. I have lots of jobs to do. So i need to make this meet ASAP so will you? …she asked. Prithvi was looked into her eyes, her eyes was deeply cruel , he is too suprised to hear those words . “How cruel She is !”He thought. Now he reaslise the meaning of the proverb “all the gliiters is not gold” . Because of her beautiful appearance he thought she is so innocent but after the conversation he thought she is the queen of the hell. Mr. Prithvi?… hmm yes sorry …yes priya.. I will come , he said. They get in the car. Prithvi’s assistant start to drive. Mr. Prithvi ! May i know little bit info about you?…yes priya ofcourse why not?.

Mr. Prithvi just tell me your occupation and about your parents etc. Priya said. I am a singer in US ,he said. So you are the star ryt? … yes i am.

My father was passed when i was small and my mom is in US . But she wanted me to marry a indian girl. And she ordered me to get married within this week and…It’s enough Mr.prithvi, Priya said. Okay then ,he said. Tell me about you , he asked. Yes ! I’m an architect in US and i run 6 architectural firms and 5 construction and consultancy offices, i guess is enough for you to know, she said. Prithvi was get wierd feeling he hate her even more than before. The car was stopped. Ok lets go and fullfilled their wish! ,priya said.

Prithvi and Priya get into the house .

Mom …mom..where are you …her mom came ,i am here my baby…priya’s mother stunned and she asked.”who is this?” . This is my husband ,priya said.

What?….what are you saying? ….Mom i said he is my husband. Mom i wanna see my father!. Okay come this way…her mom taking them to her father. Dad! Priya called. Her father slowly open his eyes, and he said, yes my baby…..hmmm who is this young man? He asked. Dad meet my husband Prithvi, he is the singer in US She said. Her parents were confused and look doubtfully…Priya continued, Dad i know you are confused let me clear this suituation, dad this is my marriage certificate actually he is my good friend for last two years , we first meet in his consert… then last year he proposed but due to my past i refused him but after our conversation of today’s i decided to marry him. Are you guilt free now? She asked. Her father looked into a marriage certificate then he slowly understand the suituation…he sighed and he said, okay my dear i am really happy to see you like this i only need this happiness ! Hmm….Mr. Prithvi…i think you knew my daughter’s past …please dont mistook her..those in the past all because of my ego and rudeness….please take good care of my daughter….We trust you….please promise me Mr.Prithvi you will never leave my daughter…..hmm Mr.Prithvi? Mr.Prithvi…oh yes …yes sir….until this moment he was stunned by Priya’s act…Call me Father -in-law! Priya’s dad said with smile. Then you should call me Son- in -law ! Prithvi blink his eye..

Okay its enough! Dad for grant your wish does not mean i forget the past…I forgive you but i will never forget! I hope this is the last time we meet! If there is nothing else excuse us…Priya said very rudely.

Okay my dear in future i will never interfer into your life! Thanks for today’s memory…and i want to talk to my son - in - law in private! Priya’s father said. Okay then i will wait outside , as soon as she said these words she walked very fastly to the entrance. Priya’s father saw the entrance until she disappeared..

Then he start the conversation with Prithvi, “ i know she is not easy to handle, and i know another thing also she is not love you” , Prithvi shocked and look into his eyes very sharply. “ She married you only because this is my last wish! May be you think why i say all these words to you …because i know one day you will know this truth on that day maybe you will disappoined or heart broken or you start to hate her…i don’t want to happen all these things to my daughter’s life. She said you love her,then take this is your opportunity she is not like this before,this is all my fault…don’t leave her in the future…atleast for this old man sake” when he said these words his eyes filled with tears, Don’t worry Father-in-law , i will never leave her i promise you, Prithvi said.

Thank you so much ! May god brings all happiness to you both.

Prithvi said good bye to him and left the house.Priya already waiting in the car. Shall we go ? Priya asked. Prithvi was so surprised and thought “what kind of species she is ?” is she really his daughter?..Mr.Prithvi? …I am asking you…yes we may leave. Priya don’t you want to know what your father said? No! Mr. Prithvi i don’t want to know any words! Priya said. May i ask you something? Prithvi asked. Yes ! Priya said. Why are you said those lies about us ? Mr. Prithvi after all he is still my father and i don’t want him to keep worrying about me. So i need those lies and laste few words,priya said.

So are you serious ? You don’t want to meet your parents in the future? Yes ! I don’t want! Priya said.

May be i’m talking too much but i’m really curious …what is the thing in your past? Prithvi asked.See Mr.Prithvi don’t ask too many questions…we are not the real couple so there is no need to tell you my past!

And since you asked this much i really need to say this reason…i have lot of enemies in my field . They are all think i’m an orphan! . You know how much precautions i took when i came to india.If they know i have family then juat think what will happen next. That’s why i also told you to keep our marriage secret , Priya said. Prithvi surprised and asked, so now you think my safety also ryt? . No ! You misunderstood! I don’t want to gain more enemies because of the title “Rock star Prithvi’s wife” , priya said. How cunning she is ! Prithvi thought.

Okay i already book the flight tickets . Now we are going to meet my mom ! Prithvi said.

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