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My Little Secret


"this is code 1141, I have intered the facility. over"

i whisper in my small microphone under my shirt.

while quietly sneaking inside the facility.

many men are walking around inside, almost all of them have guns and knives around them.

compared to me all I have was a pocket knife and microphone connecting to keith who's monitoring everything in this facility to the outside.

"head to the second corner then go up the stairs, make sure no one will see you, careful" Keith responded.

"copy" I replied.

I quietly follow Keith instructions and slowly go to the second corner.

as I was about to turn when suddenly there was a big man with a huge shot gun just gone down the stairs.

"shit!!!" I cuss under my breath.

'**** that was close, I nearly got caught!!!'

he stop and take out a pack of cigarettes and light it.

'c'mon man sirously damn!, get out of there'


there's a man heading here, where am I supposed to go. 'shit!!!'

he walks closely and goes to the stairs and talk to that giant guy.

"what's up man? can I get a light?"the guy who goes here.

'shit that was close!', good thing there's a big pipe behind me where I hide.

'****' it's so tight here damn it.

I push my elbow for support but then there's this hard thing in my back, 'shit it's painful'

' **** what the hell is this?!'

I grabbed it and it was a fucking gun a big *** machine gun!!!

**** what was I expecting of course this place is an iligal supplyer of guns and bullet's

'shit how long is this two gonna chat, my back and elbow is killing me'

"what's going on?" Keith ask?

"well there's two boulder chatting in the stairs" I replied while keeping my voice low.

"aww c'mon" Keith claimed under his breath

I stayed there for about a couple of minutes and then I saw the two guys walks out toward the hall of this facility.

' thank god those guys chat ended, I thought i'm gonna be stuck here forever'

I slowly get out of the pipe and stretch a little bit, 'heck I was stuck there for how long minutes damn it'

now back to the mission.

a walk quietly up the stairs and saw a window on the side.

'great an escape route' I thought.

" now go straight, there will be a couple of people there so careful not to make noises, if given a chance brought them down okay?"

Keith sounding serious.

I nod knowing that he can't see me but I still did it.

without responding I hurriedly yet quietly walk straight.

I saw a couple of guys smoking and chatting about how their life is harder than there's.

and slowly walk towards them.

I make sure that I don't make any sound so that I can quickly eliminate all of them.

there are exactly 4 of them facing each other.

I took my pocket knife and ran towards them.

they saw me and quickly took thier guns, but its too late.

I quickly dodge the bullets and stabs the person near me.

the guy behind me pointed his gun at me but I quickly bow, blowing his foe's head.

I move fast and kick the guys croch, him squealing in pain and emidiatly taking his gun and pointed towards him.

but the other guy kick the gun out of my hand.

"shit!!!" **** it's fucking hurts you! little bastard!!!

I quickly punch this guys nose a kick the other guys face.

the guy that got his balls crush is starting to recover.

so as fast as I can I hurriedly took the gun again and explode his head of and so as the others.

the guy I punch is holding his bleeding nose and the other guy is unconscious after I kick his head.

makes this easy for me to kill both of these two.

'**** my hand still hurt's'

my body is now full of blood and my hand is shaking of pain.

I think that guy broke my pinky finger, shit it's swollen.

I shake it off and walk towards the ginormouse door.

"what happened!!" Keith shouted.

"**** what the hell is wrong with you, my ear almost exploded!!!" I whisper yet you can still feel my anger and frustration towards my voice.

"sorry, sorry it's just that I stumbled my cup and then after I grabbed it I put on my headset and then I hear a gunshot... what happened???"Keith explained.

I shake my head out of annoyance and told him that I'll explain later and keep doing his job.

"okay there's a computer hardware inside make sure to take all the files inside the USB then our work is done" he instructed.

I did not respond and just follow his instruction.

I got inside the office and damn, it's so shiny and clean everything has there place it's pretty tidy.

I walked to the computer table and took my USB and look for every files I could possibly find and download it inside the USB.

'how long is this gonna load?' damn it it's so slow.

I heard some footsteps behind me.


I took the gun that I use to eliminate the people outside out and waited to the person arrives.


'shit how long is this gonna finish.'

"****!!! who the **** did this!!"someone shouted outside the door.

seems like they have already seen my mess.

"we have an intruder!!! prepare the guns!!!"

damn it there going in!!!.

"how long are you gonna stay there? get out now!" Keith told me.

" open the fucking door!!!"the guy outside shouted.

"the USB is still downloading, just prepare the vehicle for escape!" I replied to keith.

"it's locked sir" the other guy outside said.


' hurry up!!! you little shit*!'

the people outside is banging the door.

"destroy it you little punk!!!" said outside.

i can hear the guns gear reloading and getting ready to shot me with raids of bullets.

they already is banging and shooting the door.

morons they were the one who made that fucking bullet proof door idiots.


'ahhhh **** at last* its finish'.

now how am I gonna get out of here.

I look around and there's no window nor even an emergency exit.

no choice seems like we have to face them.

I put the USB to my secure pocket so when I escape I won't lose it.

okay time to face the fuckers.

I open the door and there's about five men including mr. nuñez.

I immediately pointed them my gun before they can even react and shot three of them at the front.

mr.nuñez and the other guy were shooting at me endlessly.

so I hide behind the wall and waited for them to run out of amo and then thats where I shot them.

I immediately got out of the door and hurriedly find the window I saw earlier.

there are more people coming here so as fast as I could I jump out of the window.

and I made sure to hold on to the wall and other railings so that my momentum won't hurt me.

I dropped out of three floors and safely got down.

every men is raiding me with bullets but I ran as fast as I could till I see the van where Keith is.

I got shot in the arm and thighs because of the raining bullets but I didn't mind them since I'm near the van and jump in.

they're still shooting the van so I close the door and hold my bleeding arm and shouted to Keith.

" drive the fucking van now Keith fast!!!!" I told Keith.

Keith nod and hurriedly start the van and drive as fast as the van can handle




















female lead: Melania rose gold (**********)

...(23 years old)...

an agent with a serious personality yet has a good impression to others.

her personality to other people who she only just met are professional and/or casual based on the setting.

although she will reveal her true personality to the people close to her.

when it comes to acting and deceiving people she is number one, that makes a greater agent and amazing lier.

has a great figure and beautiful face that makes any man fall for her.

talented when it comes to disguising her self.

and capable of fighting (cause she's an agent)

guns, knives and martial arts..

and she's a great trash talker....



male: zachary red moltefalcon

...(25 years old)...

serious man great and intelligent and yet has a dangerous aura

his attitude is what you call a monster, heartless, and no mercy.

well thats what people sees him.

he is well aware of what people think about him and he didn't really mind.

he has high expectations and is a perfectionist.

although he might be rude, monster, scary, heartless.

people who is really close and really cares about him knows who he truly is.

what kind of a man he is and what he's gone through.

and also the reason why he became like what people think of him.

super intelligent, smart, talented he is a perfect difinition of a perfect man.

he also holds a lot of secrets, a mysterious man indeed.

he also know how to fight, hold a gun, throw a knives and many more.

he has a black and fierce look that any woman would die for, and I mean literally die for.

each has a scary and traumatizing back story that lead them to how and why they became as who they are now....









the following characters are to be presented throughout the whole series.

the main is the only one introduced now..




















...This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Businesses, Places, Events and Incidents are based on the imaginations of the writer or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons,living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental....



...( THE AUTHOR'S) CONSENT**........






































...This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Businesses, Places, Events and Incidents are based on the imaginations of the writer or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons,living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental....



...( THE AUTHOR'S) CONSENT........






































...This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Businesses, Places, Events and Incidents are based on the imaginations of the writer or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons,living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental....



...( THE AUTHOR'S) CONSENT........



















there's a possible lore presented........



"does it hurt?" said the nurse, while putting some bandages in my arm.

"yeah a little" I replied.

where currently in the hospital inside our agency.

after I got shot from my mission.

"you should be careful next time, your lucky that the bullets were far from your organ or else we'll need to operate you, for now just change the bandage every 5 hours with a clean bandage till it heals"

I nod to the nurses instruction and left.





I let out a sigh and walk to my office to get our reports ready.

"so did the nurse tell you to rest?"Keith ask who pop out of nowhere.

"No" I simply replied.

"ohhh ahmm really?" while scratching his head.

he seems a little embarrassed for the fact that he thought that the nurse ask me to rest..

"yeah" I said and keeps walking even though my thighs is giving me a hard time walking.

"you know you just got shot an hour ago right, you should be resting" he exclaimed.

I stop and look at him, dead in the eyes.

"can you do our report, cause if you can I'll rest, how's that?" I said.

he looked a little bothered probably cause I was always the one who made our reports.

every person who I was partnered with whenever we have a mission, I was always the one who made our reports.

probably cause our boss is known to be very intemidating and scary so a lot of the agents around here were all scared of him.

and another reason is I'm his step daughter.

our boss has a wife and a sons but both of them wanted to have a daughter so as a child who doesn't have a parents they adopted me.

though my step mom died a year after they adopted me so its just me my step dad/ boss and my step brothers whom already has a wives.

"well I mean can we just postponed it right?"he ask?

"No " I said bluntly while still making an dead eye contact.

he looked frustrated but then a minute or so he sigh and nod.

"fine, i need to overcome my fears anyway" he said while crossing his fingers ang tightly shuts his eyes.

I reaised my eyebrow and smirks.

"good luck then" I said and tapped his shoulder and walk pass him.

well I think I should thank him.

now I could rest in my room.







I look up in my ceiling and reminiscing my past.

although I didn't know my real parents, I still want to meet them.

I always ask my step father who's my parents was and all he can say is ,he's still looking for them.

so instead of asking him I'm just gonna find them myself.

but its been 3 years and I still have no clue who they are?.

all I have with me is a gold lady bug necklace with a clock inside its wings.

I keep looking for the people who bought it all over the country even hack every system I could find but still no clue.


I have work tomorrow, how am I gonna explain this to my coworkers.


nahh they probably won't care about it.

its already noon and I haven't eaten yet.

I got up and goes to phone.

'im just gonna order instead'












i'm here at my part time job.

running some errands, giving mails and many more.

this job is my cover up to my real job

my job here is I'm an errand girl.

I ran some errands for the people who really work here.

giving them mails, buying food everything.

and I always get paid to every single errand I serve.

I need to keep a lowkey profile.

" hey mel, can you bring this to sir daylan" one of the workers here karen.

"sure" I said with a plastic smile covering my face.

I need to stick to my kind and humble need image here.

they all though that I'm a kind, sweet, humble girl thats probably the reason they take advantage of my kind, humble image.

well as much as I want to punch there faces I need to keep my innocence image clear.

so I let them abuse me.

I don't really care as long as this job cover up my real job then its good.

I took the files and heads out to sir Dylan's office.

'shit my thighs I feel like it's ripping me open'

damn it, its so painful.

I cant even walk straight now, my thighs.

'ow ow ow ouch its painful, I shouldn't have wear high heels'

my feet is starting to shake as I was heading towards the elevator.

'shit, self you need to keep this together, indure it , indure the pain'

as I reach the elevator, I quickly press the the floor 47.

as the elevator is about to close a guy run as fast as he could and put his hand between the closing door of the elevator.

the elevator open again as the man enters.

"hey" he said.

I just smile and nod.

and keep my posture up.

even though my legs are shaking bacause of the pain on my thighs, I still need to act as if nothing wrong with me.

the guy on the other hand was about to press a button to which floor he wants but then he stops.

"you're going to floor 47?"he ask as if kinda confused.

I can tell he has looks.

a shinny black gelled hair very presentable, has a nice composure and surely you can tell that he's intelligent the way he talks is so formal.

I nod and smile easing the pain in my thighs.

I don't want to speak, since I'm so afraid that I might give a sound of pain in my voice.

"are you sure?" he ask again as if doubtful about the floor I choose.

I have no choice but to speak or else this guy won't stop asking me questions.

I cleared my throat trying not to voice out my pain.

"I'm sending some files to mr, grey" I said in a low soft voice.

I want to make it sound professional but the pain is something I can't control so I got to atleast voice something that doesn't make a sound of pain.

he mouthed ahhh and nod as a reply.

I bit my lip as I keep the pain from coming out of my mouth.

the pain in my thighs and the elevator moving feels like forever.

how long is this elevator gonna reach the floor dammit.

I take a glance to the man beside me he was probably about 6/5 or so.

so I tilt my head upwards to take a clear glance, he's taller than me for sure cause I was About 5/9 or 6.

as I was glancing to the man beside I almost forgot about the pain in my thighs as I was cought up the elevator rings.

we've already Arrived to our floor.

the door opened and the guys beside me strreched his hands as if saying that I should go ahead first.

I smiled and bow as i was stepping out of the elevator.

' ****, my thighs suddenly shrink! in pain ouch!'

I keep walking as if nothing was going on with me.

the guy who's with me was walking beside.

his back were very straight, and also walking gracefully as if he's a prince walking across his slaves.

we kept walking until we reach the door.

and as a gentleman he is, he open up the door for me.

I smiled to him again as a sign of thanking him while easing the pain in my thighs.

as we're about to get in, my shaking legs betrayed me.

'ohhh **** this, now i'm gonna kiss the floor'

The papers on the files I was holding we're scattered, the guy who's beside in the elevator froze as if he have seen something shocking and all of the people inside the office has Thier gazes on me.

'ahhh this is embarrassing'

I dropped on the floor head first, and my legs trembling, I couldn't even move because of embarrassment and pain in my legs.

"are you okay?" said the guy who was with me in the elevator.

I nod and didn't even bother to answer as I am suffering from my pain and embarrassment.

the people inside the office were almost laughing and some of them has a serious faces.

"ah shit!"

I mumbled..

























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