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Say, ‘I Love You’ (Jungkook X Y/N Story)

Episode 00

Say, 'I love you.'
There's a proverb that says, "Love will eventually come to find you. It's just a matter of today and tomorrow." But what if this love comes once we have the right person but at the wrong time?
An undercover FBI Agent was assigned to investigate Jeon Enterprises on their underground business, specifically drug dealing.
Will Y/N finish off her mission satisfactorily, or will she have to sacrifice everything she started for the name of love?
Will she prove to everyone that there's no such thing as wrong timing in the right person?
This book contains curse language.
Updates will be once every week, with no specific time and date.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents in this book are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. I do not own any BTS members. 2021 ©lovejiminieyours on ******* Coming soon. _ Initially started on 8/20/2021, but I decided to suspend the book and change the storyline. [REWRITTEN]


hello everyone author here
for more earlier post and chapter for this novel feel free to read it on W A T T P A D
Say ‘ i love you’ ( Jungkook x Y/N story) by lovejiminieyours
▕ Chapter 1: Always the Best ▏
To enjoy your life, you must have a reason why you want to keep going. Life is such a challenging obstacle. Some surpass these obstacles, but some also give up and don't courage to keep going. But for me:
My life has been like any other action movie; dangerous but fun.
I crawl my body inside the underground of the museum. Who knew that such a place on earth exists. **** this place spider webs, dust, and darkness surrounding me. This place is freaking me out. Still crawling my body on the ground, I found a box.
BINGO! I found it.
I reached out for my torch and switched it on. I blew off some dust from the carton and took out some cutter placed in my pocket, and unfolded it.
Agent Kim, it's confirmed
I just found the remaining drugs left on the Pier this morning.
It's in the underground of the museum mixed with some old rusty paintings.
I said through my earpiece excitedly.
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
Got it!
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
Police are on their way, Agent Park. Please be safe on your way back.
He paused
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
It's a command, Y/N,
I laughed
Yes, copy that.
You may be wondering who Agent Kim is and why he commands me that much. It's because he's not just my colleague but my brother. Well, not biologically but by heart.
I want to introduce myself to all of you formally. My name is Park Y/N. I've been an FBI Special Agent since I was 24. I'm currently 27 living my life to the fullest.
I've been in the worst-case scenario, beating criminals, exposing corrupt politicians, swimming under the river to find evidence. I know it seems too impossible to imagine. Pretending to be someone out of my league, and many more worst scenarios you can't even imagine.
It's my life now, and I can't possibly imagine if my brother hasn't dragged me here even though he protects me like a baby all the time.
I may or may not be working in some damn *** annoying club seducing men. I'm not judging them. In reality, we are all humans, finding a way to live.
I made my way out of the museum like nothing had ever happened and hiked my way towards my car to return to the office—finally, some fresh air.
Momments Later.
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
You did a good job back there
Joon said, his lips wide parted for a smile.
Oh, goodness, his office looks like a library with so many papers.
Learned from the best.
I chuckled, remembering how his praises made my day. He's always this sweet and loving.
I grew up in an orphanage. My parents died when I was 10. I still remember how his parents approached me back then with broad smiles on their faces and open arms.
I felt loved even though there was a piece of me that craved my biological parents' love. But still, they gave me everything. I owe them my life.
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
I still clearly don't know why you're better than me
I scoffed at hearing his words.
Joon, stop saying that you're making me puke.
He chuckled, knowing that I would deny his compliments.
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
Anyways, I have something for you
He handed me a white envelope with a mark titled "Jeon Enterprises" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
What's this?
I asked, taking the white envelope from him. Another mission?
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
Why don't you see it yourself, Y/N.
I opened the envelope and what was written in it shocked me.
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
The General Head wants you to investigate the actions, stocks, transactions, and manufacturing of every product that will be released soon out of the market.
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
Rumors say they hide drugs in every cosmetic product they make, but they never sell this to the market but instead send them to their buyers in Russia. But every allegation spreads, they tend to get rid of it and keep it off the media.
I was surprised to hear his words, but I have no idea why they chose me for this task.
I get that they're using the advantage of their company on an underground business.
But why do I have to be the one to investigate this?
I'm not complaining, but I thought that I was taking a month's break.
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
You're one of the best agents we have, Y/N.
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
Besides, it's just a 3-month investigation.
What he said left me confused. I thought he never wanted me to investigate this kind of case in a long time.
I just remembered what I said ago. And many more worst scenarios you can't even imagine. Maybe I was too full of myself.
There must be a reason why I needed to be sent there.
I know being the best isn't the only thing.
Gosh, Y/N. You have to stop complimenting yourself.
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
Maybe you should read what's at the back of the paper you're holding, dear.
He said, leaving me confused.
What the heck is his problem of going me two times confused. I gave him a 'can you get straight to the point look' I'm glad he gave in.
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
You have to make the CEO tell you everything. Note: without executing him.
How the hell am I going to make him speak?
Before I could even talk, he read my mind and answered my question.
Oh damn, he’s a genius
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
You need to work for him
He said, making me want to slam my head on the desk.
Ha-ha-ha. You're kidding, right?
I exclaimed
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
Y/N, you should take a look at it yourself.
He's losing his patience, I can see.
I averted my sight from Joon, glimpsed the page, and got the answer I needed.
Well. Shit. How could I get a hold of this?
The evening sun cast long shadows on the ground. The slanting rays of the setting sun gave a warm orange tinge to the sky.
It was the time of the day when people got to calm down a bit from work as they journeyed towards their humble abode.
My mind was still from earlier—still processing the idea of working undercover in a company to investigate their drug business.
Indeed I did compliment myself as one of the best agents but with great power comes great responsibility.
I knew that.
Not wanting to come home directly,
I stopped by a nearby Coffee Shop to clear the thoughts off my mind and to reflect on the following missions I had the past month.
I ordered a strawberry milkshake on the counter and paid for it.
Now I only have to wait for my name to be called, and I will leave.
Going Back
Well, the reason why I was sent to that place was because of a shit restaurant owner who had been distributing drugs around the country for quite some time now.
I have no idea why they wanted to hide it underneath a museum.
But it does sound brilliant, after all.
He's now under the custody of the police and has to pay the consequences of his action.
I hope people like him rot in prison for eternity.
I heard the barista call my name, and I got up from my seat and received my drink.
She thanked me, and I left.
A great way to end the day with my fave strawberry milkshake.
The Mission Continues🕵️‍♀️
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
Are you ready?
Joon asked, taking down his seat.
I don't think I'll ever be ready,
I answered frankly.
that’s it for first chapter of this novel
hope you like it
see you soon at the next episode


for more earlier post and chapter for this novel feel free to read it on W A T T P A D
Say ‘ i love you’ (Jungkook x Y/N) by lovejimminieyours
▕ Chapter 2: Beginning ▏
While I was on the way to the headquarters, my neighbors were so noisy, asking me to investigate if who had dumped a bag of trash in front of their house.
What the hell?
Please Y/N. Could you help us out?
I know you would be able to help us out.
We'll make sure to whoever may have done this won't see another daylight.
She pleaded pathetically in front of me, with other neighbors at her back supporting her.
I sighed
I have so many problems already ahead of me. Why should I?
I respond bluntly.
They knew I had no time on this small matter.
They could search these themselves.
Because you're the prettiest among us all.
I choked on my saliva.
She's not serious, is she?
Oh really?
I said, turning my back on them to get back what I was doing earlier.
She grabbed my elbow and said,
Please, just this time.
I let out a heavy sigh and nodded my head.
They yelled.
Yes. Just don't be loud. Now, I gotta go.
Of course, thank you!
I was walking towards Namjoon's office because I was running late already.
It turns out those dump trash were doings of a cat.
A fucking cat. What a great way to start my morning.
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
What took you so long?
He questioned, reaching a file in the cabinet.
I had to do something nonsense earlier. That's what took me long.
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
He looked at me and his face crunching out of confusedness.
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
Nevermind, I don't want to know.
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
Are you ready?
Joon asked, taking down his seat.
I don't think I'll ever be ready
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
I know that this mission is different from every other mission you've been on
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
but you'll do great, as usual.
He spat.
Trust me, when he says things like that, it lifts my spirit.
How could you be so sure, Joon?
Here go his words of wisdom.
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
In everything we do, self-doubt is always present.
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
It's inevitable. Trust yourself.
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
You're tougher than you think.
How can I live without you, Joon?
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
I know that look. Come on, give me a hug.
I instantly stood up from my seat and hugged Joon.
Thank you, Joon.
I broke the hug and faced him.
I'll do everything to make you proud, promise.
We laughed. If comfort were a person, it would be Namjoon.
After our conversation, he handed me another white envelope, the same as yesterday,
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
All the information you need to know about them is all in here.
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
I have also prepared your clothes for tomorrow.
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
Call me anytime and always be careful. Be aware of your surroundings.
Can I ask you a question?
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
Sure. Go on.
What position did you apply me for?
I shortly regret asking this question.
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
You'll know when you get there.
The next day.
I, Park Y/N, am standing in front of a monumental building labeled "Jeon Enterprises."
Dressed in formal business attire. A black button-down shirt, nude khaki trousers, a blazer, and, to finish, a sling bag.
I have never been this nervous ever since my college friends and I did the 3 AM challenge in the Cemetery 6 months ago.
Here it is.
My first day in the industry—I hope this ends well.
I strolled my way towards the front desk to ask about where the interview will take place.
The lady at the front desk noticed me walking towards her way and had a broad smile on her face.
Good morning, ma'am. How can I help you?
I'm here for my interview
Please follow me.
She responded and whispered something to her colleague before walking away with me following her.
Please wait here, miss Y/N?
How did she know my name?
She handed me a white folder.
What's with people passing me a white folder?
Okay. Thank you, miss.
I smiled, glad she returned it.
After a few minutes of waiting, someone opened the door.
A woman entered. By her looks, she looks like she's in her 20's. She looked mature and fierce.
Jeon Darlene
Jeon Darlene
Park Y/N?
That's me, ma'am.
Before she responded, she eyed me from head to toe. Is that necessary?
That feels uncomfortable. Her stare resembles a sharp knife that could kill anyone who stands before her way.
Jeon Darlene
Jeon Darlene
Darlene. Jeon Darlene
she introduced herself.
What a daring name.
Jeon? Is she related to the CEO or what?
Jeon Darlene
Jeon Darlene
I believe you are here for the interview for the position of CEO's secretary.
I gulped.
No need to be shocked
Yes. Ma'am Darlene.
Jeon Darlene
Jeon Darlene
You look pale,
Yeah. Just nervous, ma'am.
I chuckled nervously. Seriously, I could be an actress one day.
Jeon Darlene
Jeon Darlene
Cut the formalities, Y/N. Call me, Darlene.
Jeon Darlene
Jeon Darlene
I'm the director of Jeon Enterprises, and I'd be glad if I could see your work here.
Jeon Darlene
Jeon Darlene
Let's get started with the interview.
Director. I noted mentally.
Yes, ma'am.
The mission continues. 🕵️‍♀️
The doors shock wide open, displaying a good-looking man;
he carried an imperious nose well, and his angular cheekbones carved down towards a flinty jaw.
He was dishy Damn, and those muscles could choke someone any damn minute.
Am I drooling? Act normal, Y/N.
That’s it for today episdoe
Again, I have permission to the real author of this novel to post novel in mangatoon
But, it will be more appreciated that you guys read the official page for this novel in W A T T P A D
Say ‘ i love you’ (Jungkook x Y/N) by lovejimminieyours

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