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~Sophia’s POV~

I couldn't do anything. I watched in agony as the innocent man was beaten mercilessly to a pulp. I closed my eyes at his bloodied face, I couldn't bring myself to watch. I was afraid if I watched, the painful cries and the tortured face of the man would haunt me forever, until it consumed me into the depths of insanity. In other words, I was a coward.

"Take this as a warning, next time I won't be so merciful." Demetrius' cold voice warned when his men had finished with the helpless man. He nodded quickly and staggered away. I remained silent like an obedient wife.

"We are finished here." Demetrius announced and he pushed me into the car, almost tripping me over at the abrupt shove.

He slammed the door shut after him and I flinched as the loud sound echoed through the Aston Martin, we were in. "Drive." He ordered and soon we were off.

Throughout the drive he was silent, his mouth turned into a snarl and I could see the whiteness of his knuckles as he held the car seat in a death grip. I kept my head down, not once daring to look up- not even at the familiar sound of gun shots being fired.

When we reached home, I internally screamed, I didn't want to be home, I wasn't ready - I wasn't ready for the wrath of Demetrius Mavros that was sure to befall me.

"Get out." He ordered when I remained in my seat, I couldn't move, I was frozen - frozen in fear.

"Sophia I am warning you! Get out of this damn car now before I drag you out." He roared and I moved even further away from him, if I got out now, I would be digging my own grave.

"You want it the hard way, fine!" He opened the car door on my side and forcefully dragged me out, his arms wrapped securely around my waist and I was taken inside the house, my heels digging into the ground as he continued to drag me like a rag doll.

Demetrius' arms suddenly detached themselves from my waist and I was sent crashing to the floor. I rubbed my sore buttock and got up only to come face to face with a livid Greek tycoon.

"What have I told you about your choice of clothes?” Demetrius calmly asked but I knew better, only a fool wouldn't be able to feel the anger radiating from his solid chest.

"No shirts that show cleavage or skirts that go above my knees." I stood stiff and straight and answered like a soldier.

"Good, so can you tell me why that ingrate was looking at you with so much lust in his eyes Sophia?" Demetrius’ steel eyes met mine.

"It's not my fault." I murmured and it was true, I was wearing a button-down blouse and a long skirt, hardly anything to look at.

"Oh, but my dear Sophia it is." He held my h!ps and brought me closer until our bodies were inches apart.

"It's your fault for being so beautiful, so seductive, so alluring." Demetrius whispered as he nuzzled my neck, sending a shiver of delight throughout my body.

"Maybe I should make you wear a box stating property of Demetrius Mavros." Knowing him I wouldn't be surprised if he did.

"You are mine Sophia and no other man should look at you but me." He trailed kisses down my neck and to the swell of my br3asts, he hurriedly unbuttoned the first few buttons of my blouse to gain more access.

"Who do you belong to?" Demetrius walked closer towards me until my back hit the wall, I was trapped and it made me wet at all the things he could do to me.

"You." I gasped as he suddenly slipped his hand into my soaking panties and rubbed my throbbing heat.

"And don't you forget it." His hot breath fanned against my ear increasing the blissful pleasure I was already feeling. Without warning Demetrius roughly pulled my face towards his and kissed me with a fierceness that only Demetrius Mavros possessed. My response was instantaneous, I looped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. His tongue plunged into my mouth and mingled with mine; the familiar taste of coconuts swarmed my taste buds. I was suddenly scooped into his arms and carried upstairs to our bedroom.

He kicked the door open and dropped me onto the bed, I hadn't noticed he had taken his shirt off until his nãked chest covered my body.

"Touch me." He whispered, I did, I kissed the stubble running across his jaw line and the tattoos that inked his skin earning an appreciative growl from him which only encouraged me. I outlined the planes of chest and admired his toned skin and eight pack, Demetrius was the total package and he was married to me. I played with the buckle of his trouser suit and noticed his stretching erection through the fabric of his trousers, I gently stroked the bulk owning a moan from Demetrius.

"Don't tease me kitten." He warned as I continued to stroke his growing erecti0n.

Demetrius unbuckled his trouser suit, so he was wearing nothing but his silky boxers. He smirked at me. "You're still fully clothed, I guess I will have to change that." And in flash my top was gone, the buttons scattered everywhere, it took me a few seconds to realize that Demetrius had indeed ripped my shirt apart, I pouted. "That was my favorite shirt."

"I'll buy you a million more." He reached for the hem of my skirt and pulled it off leaving me in nothing but my black lace br@ and panties to match.

"Much better." Demetrius licked his lips and didn't waste any time before unclasping my br@ and taking an arched n!pple into his mouth. I moaned as his tongue swirled around my er3ct n!pple and kneaded the other one. "You like that?" He asked as he moved onto the other n!pple, softly biting the bud - making me want to come then and there. As if sensing this Demetrius gave me a small peck on my lips before trailing wet kisses down my navel and to my soiled panties. He slowly took them off, making me groan in frustration and throw them to the side.

"I can see how wet you are for me." I felt the throbbing in my pu$$y increase as Demetrius did nothing but breath hot air onto my heat. I shuddered in anticipation. Leisurely, Demetrius slid a finger inside me and I moaned out loud, he slid a second finger in and I couldn't help but lift my h!ps at the intense pleasure coursing through my body. He started moving his fingers in and out of me, taking his time, never once removing eye contact.

"Oh my - wow!" I grabbed Demetrius' fingers and encourage him to go faster, at first, he pays no attention to my pleas and gently removes my hand, I moan in frustration and open my legs a little wider for more access. Suddenly he begins to pick up the pace, increasing my cries of pleasure, it doesn't take long before I am wriggling underneath him.

"Demetrius I'm gonna..."

"Not yet, my Sophia." And he takes his fingers out of me putting both in his mouth and patiently licking straight from the bottom to the top of his two fingers. I bite my lip at the sight, if that's not the sexiest thing I have ever seen I don't know what is.

I whimpered at the loss of contact and Demetrius shushed me. "Patience." He tasked and grabbed a cond0m from the top draw I helped him take off his boxers and slide the cond0m onto his awaiting d!ck.

"Spread your legs." He orders and I do. The head of his c0ck moved languidly around my wet opening before completely filling me, I gasped as he entered me, his size stretching my walls, after two months of marriage, I still haven't adjusted to his big sh@ft.

I moved my h!ps teasingly around his c0ck making him groan as he slowly starts to move in and out of me.

"Sophia you’re so tight." He moans as he continues to guide himself in and out of me.

He takes his time with calculated strokes and I can feel the pleasure gradually building up as he stares at me lustfully with those same, dark emerald eyes.

"Faster Demetrius." I screamed when I could no longer handle his casual pace. He does deed to my words and plunges faster and harder into me making me dig my nails into the flesh of his back.

"Oh my! Yes!" I shout as Demetrius rubs his thumb against my cl!t, pushing my orgãsm even closer.

"Demetrius I'm going to come." I moan out as feel my walls clenching.

"Yes Sophia, come for me." Demetrius was merciless with his plunges giving himself to me fast and hard until I finally climaxed, he followed soon after with a guttural moan as he murmured my name into my damp hair.

We remained silent, both of us basked in the pleasurable night we had just shared. Demetrius lays on top of me, his d!ck still inside me, I made no attempt to remove it.

With a long sigh Demetrius slides out of me, the aftermath of our orgãsm hitting us at full force. He disposed of the cond0m and collapsed onto the bed next to me.

"Demetrius that-" I started.

"Sleep now Sophia." He breathed and gave me a small kiss on my forehead before scooping me up from behind and pulling my sweaty back to his equally sweaty chest. I sighed and did what I was told. It didn't surprise me that it was probably the sixth-time we had, had $ex that day.


~Sophia’s POV~

Do you know what it's like? Walking day in and day out through these endless plain walls that is the Mavros residence. Well, that is pretty much all I do every day. I explore the house, watering the plants, cooking or doing whatever comes to mind until Demetrius comes home.

No job or outside activity to keep me busy, my overprotective husband is worried that I could be kidnapped or fall prey to the charms of another man even though he has three-male bodyguards following me everywhere I go. When I am in the comfort of my own room or when I am doing my business in the toilet - their ears are strained to hear every single sound that comes from the door. There is never anything suspicious, they just have the misfortune of hearing me pee.

You would think the perks of having three bodyguards following you around everywhere is that you will at least have a few companions, someone to talk to in this empty house but no.

Demetrius forbids them to utter a word to me unless it is of the absolute imperative or they would be fired immediately, his reason being they have d!cks just like any other man.

The cooks, cleaners and chauffeur avoid me like the plague; all are men which I find strange considering Demetrius can't stand seeing a man within 3 meters of me. I have asked him about it, his reason being - not wanting me to bat for a different team or something like that, I'm still a bit fuzzy on how the thought even crossed his mind.

"How have you been?" I ask one of the bodyguards, he gives no reply, not that I was expecting one anyway but it didn't stop me from trying.

"Doing anything fun in the weekend?" I ask again, still no response, I sigh in resignation and plop down on the leather sofa and turn on the TV. I aimlessly flick through the channels and stop when I get to 'You've Been Framed’.

I find the show absolutely hilarious but some part of me feels it's wrong to laugh at people humiliate and injure themselves on TV, but in the end, they get money for it, so I guess they don't really care.

"Oh my gosh." I cover my mouth to stop my laugh of embarrassment for a lady whose dress had accidentally come undone, exposing her br3asts to everyone in the room. I can't imagine being her position.

I look at my bodyguard hoping they would give some sort of reaction to what just happened.

Nothing. Not even a little tint of pink forming on their cheeks.

"Seriously? Nothing? You just saw a woman's br3ast and all you guys did was stand stiff and emotionless like a robot." I folded my arms across my chest and waited for a response, they didn't say anything, only kept one hand behind their back and the other gripped tightly on the gun holster.

"I give up." I turned off the TV and marched upstairs to my room, as expected they followed me and stood outside the door.

I spent two hours in my room; I slept for the most part and daydreamed for the other. I felt my stomach rumble and was glad Demetrius wasn't here; if he was, he would have scolded me about my tendency to skip meals then force me to eat a full course dinner, muttering about woman and their obsession with looks.

I went into the kitchen with my three bodyguards trailing after me, I took out the ravioli from last night and heated it up, I'm not a big fan of overnight food but I was too exhausted to cook and I had given Lewis, our cook a day off, so I sucked it up and ate the ravioli, not all of it, so there was enough for Demetrius when he came home.

While I was eating a wicked thought suddenly crossed my mind, I don't know what provoked it - probably my mounting boredom, but the thought seemed so devilish that I couldn't help but cooperate with the naughty side of me. I hurriedly finished my ravioli and went upstairs straight to my wardrobe; Demetrius is going to love this.

I picked up a tight-fitting dress that reached mid-thigh which showed off my slim figure and naturally tanned legs and tried it on. I had brought it a long time ago, long before I met Demetrius and was surprised it still fit me. This will definitely brighten his day, I giggled to myself.

Right on time I heard the door open and Demetrius walked in looking all high and mighty with his Armani suit and clean-shaven face. When he saw me at the top of the stairs, his eyes widened reasonably and I internally squealed like a little girl. I gave him a flirtatious smile and teasingly made my way downstairs.

"Sir I got the contract-" A voice suddenly erupted in the silence and my eyes widened when I came face to face with a lanky man. He had thick specs and a goatee; his dark floppy hair sat lazily on his forehead as he continuously attempted to blow it out of his eyes. His pink cheeks only highlighted the shy boy persona I had observed when I first saw him. I widened my eyes when the stack of papers in his hands fell to the floor when he laid eyes on me.

It was then I realized that Demetrius' eyes didn't stare at me in awe of my appearance but because another man was about to enter the house and I was exposing so much skin. I am in trouble.

"Steven, meet my wife, Sophia. Sophia, meet my financial adviser, Steven." Demetrius introduced us with that of cheeriness and hospitality, but I knew my husband well enough to tell that in the depths of those warm emerald eyes was that of rage and jealousy which was mostly directed at Steven which calmed me down a little bit.

"It's nice to finally meet you Mrs. Mavros." Steven held out a hand for me to shake and I happily took it, resisting the urge to pull my hand away when I felt how sweaty they were. I don't know if it was because Demetrius was glaring holes in the back of his head or because my legs were on full display, not leaving any room for imagination.

"Please call me Sophia." I smiled genuinely at him, Demetrius' disapproval was clear when he abruptly removed Steven's hand from my own and pulled me towards him for a long, deep kiss. He pushed me up against the wall and moved my legs around his waist, so he was carrying my weight. He immediately thr#st his tongue into my mouth making me gasp at this sudden action. I couldn't help the embarrassing moan that left my mouth when I felt Demetrius' erect!on poke against my tummy. I broke away for air and Demetrius let out a low growl, moving to my neck, he bit and sucked on the exposed skin; I sighed in pleasure and titled my neck to give him more access. At this point I had completely forgotten there was another person in the room. Demetrius was resilient as he continued to suck and n!bble on the same spot of my neck; I lifted my head up in suspicion.

"Demetrius what are you doing?" I whispered at him.

"Showing him that your mine." He said in between kisses. I looked up at the ceiling in confusion and it dawned on me that Demetrius was trying to give me a love bite.

"Demetrius no." I wiggled under his hold but his body kept me in place.

"Yes." He countered and continued to work on my neck; I sighed in pleasure and mentally slapped myself for being so weak.

"If you don't stop, I won't have $ex with you for a week." I threatened and attempted to get out of his tight hold, his body was flush against mine on the wall making it difficult for me to even move an inch.

Demetrius laughed at my empty threat. "Like you can resist me." He smirked against my skin and I could hear the smugness in his tone. He was right I couldn't resist him even if I tried.

I was suddenly released and sent tumbling to the floor, I glared at Demetrius and he gave me an arrogant wink which had my insides fluttering.

I got up from the floor and looked to see a very red Steven clutching tightly onto the stack of papers as if it was his life source.

Demetrius cleared his throat and Steven snapped his eyes in his direction. "Sorry about that Steven, I guess my wife just got a little carried away." Demetrius didn't look sorry at all, in fact he looked triumphant as he sent a look my way, I gasped at the blatant lie. I got carried away? Why that little...

"Yes, I'm sorry Steven." I grit out. "Sorry that my husband is a walking b0ner." I said the last bit quietly but both men heard me.

Steven started to cough uncontrollably and Demetrius sent me a death glare that would surely bring anyone to an early grave. I don't know what came over me when I said what I said, it was like a sudden burst of confidence flowed within me and I said what was on my mind. Do I regret it now? No way, I have never been prouder of myself. Will I regret it later? Most certainly.

"Excuse my wife, Steven; she can be quite the fire cracker sometimes." Demetrius spoke with fake amusement and Steven let out an unsure laugh.

"Come Steven, we have important matters to discuss." He allowed Steven to go first and followed after him, before he disappeared out of sight, he turned around to face me.

"What the heck were you thinking when you put on that outfit." He wasted no time in probing me.

"I wanted to-" I started but was interrupted when he started to speak again.

"What is up with your foul mouth? You have never been this disrespectful to me."

"You know what, I don't have time to hear this, just go upstairs and change right now."


"Sophia, upstairs."

I gave up and did what I was told, like the obedient wife I always have been.

"While you're at it, make sure you give that foul mouth of yours a thorough wash." He shouted after me and when I was out of sight, I stuck my tongue out in anger.

Arrogant bastard.




~Sophia’s POV~

How dare he? The nerve of that man, making me rinse my mouth with water like a bloody child while he stood there with a content grin on his face. I felt nothing but dislike for my husband at that point.

"I hope you have learned your lesson now?" Demetrius stared intently at me as he waited for an answer, I knew that there was only one response he would accept, and any other would be fatal.

I bowed my head and nodded. "Yes."

Demetrius smirked and firmly held my chin so I was looking into his eyes. "Good, I don't want to have to wash that pretty little mouth of yours again." He gave me a small peck on my lips and left to continue his business meeting with Steven.

I huffed in annoyance and grudgingly walked to my room. After the little 'show' in front of Steven I am now on total lockdown until he leaves which shouldn't be long from now seeing as I have been here for over 2 hours.

I pulled up my baggy trousers and lay on the bed, I hate having to wear conservative clothing, I'm 21 years old dammit, not 65.

I remember the days when I used to go out to the beach, dressed in a crop top and shorts, the sand beneath my feet and the wind in my hair, those were the good days.

I cringed at how much my life has changed since then, I no longer go out with my friends, I no longer work and I no longer go to visit my family without three bulky men as company. I feel like my whole world has been shaped just to suit Demetrius' needs, but I have no right to blame anybody, nobody but myself.

I won't be controlled anymore; I won't allow it. I am an independent woman and will do whatever I please.

I lay down on my bed and rested my head on the soft pillows. I could feel sleep overpowering me and I knew I couldn't wait for Demetrius to finish anymore, I closed my eyes and let sleep overcome me.

"My love." I felt a warm breath hit my cheek but I didn't open my eyes, the sleep was just too comforting.

"My love." I felt the same warm breath and sighed as a warm hand stretched over my body.

"My love." I could feel a pair of soft arms caressing and massaging my body; I leaned further into the touch and let out a small moan of content.

"Sophia my darling, wake up." I could hear the same deep voice speak to me and it reminded me of Demetrius. The command was gentle yet full of power and I couldn't help but comply when my eyes slowly fluttered open.

"Demetrius?" I croaked as I tiredly sat up.

"And she finally awakens, good morning my angel." I rubbed my tired eyes and got up from bed. He had completely ruined my lay in.

"Where are you going?” Demetrius asked behind me.

"To the bathroom." I stated.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" I knew exactly what I was forgetting but I was still too angry to care.

I turned around and gave Demetrius a glare so he got the hint I was upset. "No." I answered simply and opened the bathroom door.

"Wait, Sophia." He pulled me back and his hands instantly warmed mine.

"What?" I bit out in annoyance.

"Don't walk away from me again." He pulled me into to his arms with the intent of keeping me there. I felt his skilled fingers travel up and down my spine and his motive was crystal clear.

"Are you kidding me Demetrius?" I pushed at his chest so hard that his arms immediately left my waist.

"Sophia, what's wrong?" He stared at me with wide eyes and I felt like slapping him for being so foolish.

"You! You are what's wrong." I pointed an accusing finger at his chest and poked it a few times for good measure. "You and your overbearing, controlling attitude, it drives me nuts, you're too busy trying to be alpha-male that you can't see how much you’re hurting me in the process!"

I could feel the fast thumping of my heart as I awaited his reply; he stared at me for what seemed like forever, gradually taking what I had just confessed to him.

"Sophia." He suddenly spoke after getting over my abrupt outburst.

"What is it, Demetrius?" I waited expectantly and I couldn't help but hope that maybe he was going to apologize, just this once he would realize his mistake and own up to it.

I had no idea it was coming. One moment I was standing still, arms folded- and the next I was being pushed against the wall with my arms either side of me.

"I want you on that bed, face down, now Sophia and this time..." He chuckled huskily in my ear which only increased the shivers travelling through my body, " don't come till I tell you to."

I gasped at his words but my shock quickly turned to anger when I kneed my idiotic husband to the floor, instantly gaining my freedom. "You are a rabbit!" I spat and stormed into the bathroom, slamming the door shut, completely ignoring his moans of agony.



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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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