NovelToon NovelToon

Ouranos : The Fallen Sky

Chapter 1 : Eulogy of The Past 1

"Mada !" shouted a beautiful eleven years-old girl towards her childhood friend that was being chased by a dozen Amoksa guards, she had high pitch tone with traces of an early pubescent voice when she tried to get the attention of the panic-stricken Mada.

Mada currently was running through a narrow alleyway, with vile, cramped and dirty buildings lined up in between.

A dark and gloomy environment, that even sunlight was reluctant to penetrate, his legs were jumping through obstacles consisting of Trash and other things that could be counted as garbage, a very unsanitized place of living indeed, You could even often find mice drank from black puddles scattered in every corner of the places, fortunately, the alley itself was quite, only few sane and financially-able Human would come to this God forsaken outer area in the first place.

Se-Panjang, that was the name of the slum district Mada choosed to escape to after painstakingly sneaking Himself into the urban city of Terraria, it was his birth place and located just outside the outer wall of The City State.

white-greyish color appeared when light fell on the wall's surface, with top of the wall towering almost 15 floors above the ground.

Mada was not just infiltrating the ginormous high wall by climbing it directly from outside. only the most foolish person would even do that. manning on the top of the wall was guard troop from the Amoksa batalyon. the moment a predator class Mutant attacked, it would be incinerated by the many of Ancient Humans artifacts possessed by the defending troop, let alone a mere Human.

then for What reason Mada should silently sneak in ? couldn't He just, You know, entered through the many main gates like a champ, the answer was, of course, first He couldn't, the reason ? He wasn't registered as a denizen of Terraria, because, if one wanted to have citizenship, They had to be born inside the walled city, in which case Mada's mother didn't achive to do so.

Se-Panjang was not by any means scarcely populated, when the inhabitants there heard that the Amoksa guards were looking for the infamous thief of the slum, They knew immediately what had to be done.....

don't get tangled up, stay out of the scene, and clear out the surrounding. while everyone already knew what fate awaited them if They failed to do so, no one wanted to talk about it, or to even mention the probable least-harsh consequence They might face from the Amoksa troops.

Quick death, it was the best outcome They possibly could get. They dared not moot over it in hope not to jinx everything, their life mattered more than that pesky little thief.

"Mada !! this wayyyy !!! move that short feet faster !!" She repeated her shouts, demanding the obvious from a boy just two years younger than her

"shut da f*ckup and just run !!!!" They picked up the pace eventhough the girl herself felt She almost run out of breath.

when Mada realized They were heading towards a dead end, He cursed inside 'goddamn it, what the fu*king crap is this !?% why would that geezer had to build toilet in the middle of passageway ?! these morons always did whatever They want !!! doesn't He have common sense that this would absolutely bother people's activit... aghhhh whatever !'

" hah... hah....hah...,w-what now?! " Rani, the teenage girl, She heavily panted her breath away to catch some badly needed air for her lungs.

Mada said, "We had to climb this toilet's wall."

"sorry to say this, seriously, no offence intended, but I'm not a monkey, unlike a certain someone." Rani non chalantly refused to climb the newly-built toilet wall.

"alright, turn Yourself over now and entertain those bastards while I climb, I will pray to the Ancient Human for Your safe return without being harrased by those d*ck-brains, see ya."

Rani stammered for a little bit upon hearing that flat and uncanny answer "You sonova b*tch !!! don't You have any shame ? have You forgotten who helped You to enter Terraria ?! aren't we friend ? "

spitefully He replied "Friend my a*s, if You are so powerful like You described yourself to be, Why don't just ask these artifacts from Your own father and be done with it? instead, You found Your way so far out of Your huge comfy nest just to ask me, a poor bum, to steal these from him, didn't You ? who's helping who ?"

She returned back his spiteful remark right away "If not for me giving a certain miserable child supplies He desperately needed, would You still be among the living You prick ?"

Before Mada fed this nonsense discussion with more tosh, He heard the sound of footsteps of their chaser.


The stamina and physical capability of these two kids trully were a wonder, not only did They managed to escape from Amoksa guards grasp and avoided most obstacles along the tight alley, They also outran them almost completely, and adding the fact that They succeeded navigating themselves inside this maze-like district, They seemed like prodigies trained in an elite force.

if one should get into detail, They also managed not to fall into some random sinkholes that frequently might appear in this district.

Se-Panjang was built on top of the ruin of a downtown from the late human civilization era, buried underneath hundreds of meters of snow and nuclear ash.

Technically speaking, if there's a toilet in the middle of that slum, their craps were definitely going to fall in a septic tank that was just another top-floor room of an ancient skycraper, in which hundreds of years ago, was so luxurious.


"Now, now, Young lady Maha, You shouldn't associate Yourself with this vile pest, it would surely stain the prestige of the esteemed Maha clan and hurt the pride of our Terraria goverment and people, don't You agree lads ?" Temür, the commander of the chasing Amoksa unit, suddenly prowl his way out of a T-junction.

His face was, let's say, quite attractive, one could even argue he was somewhat fit to be the protagonist in this situation instead of a villain from his face and stature alone. even Rani could hardly deny this statement, it's just that the boy's childish and scrawny look, who stood beside her, was a bit unpromising.

Rani turned to face the supposed assailants and gave her remark while She insidiously smiled. "I would rather associate myself with a bum than be put together with one of d*ck-heads like You."

to be continued

Chapter 2 : Eulogy of The Past 2

"I don't really mind You call me a bum because that's just what I'm, but... can You not do it when I'm here ?" Mada slightly pouting his lips.

Temür laughed so hard hearing these kids conversation from awhile ago, He even thought that perhaps these two didn't even understand the mess They were in. instead of arresting the two right away, He planned to entertain the kid's antique with no suspicion, seemingly forgeting that They were being outrun by the two just moment ago.

"ha ha ha ha, let's see, what should I do to this chick scum that doesn't know his place ?, I have some ideas in mind, but certainly, a quick death is not in the list, hmmm... that's it !! I guess we can feed You alive to the Skylos , I have one as a pet in my own underground cage, He would definitely love to have You as a snack ! or....!!!! we can also perform a transplant surgery using Your organs without anasthesia, that way, a lot of the more important lifes of the Young masters and missus of the five clans of Terraria City state would certainly be saved, while we make a fortune in the same time, You got to be feeling really honored by then right ? Your measly life will have a meaning at last, uhhh I'm having goosebump just thinking how genius I'm right now." posing with a hand on forehead and another behind his back, He shamefully proclaimed what should be judged by others.

"after successfully obliterating themselves by burning the underworld substances, like the sacred liquid gasoline and black stone called charcoal non stop, proceeding to incinerate their own kind in something They called as Nuclear blast afterwards, if there is still one thing the Ancient Human failed to do, that is to prevent their stupid genes passed down onto you, sigh." a smuck expression hanging on Mada's face, a grin formed on his mouth.

"it seems I do have to tell You the differences between You monkeys and us human, in the language that You understand." cracking his neck and streching his arms, Temür activated his abilities to prove his status as an Evolver.

nobody presented there understood his intention, not even his subordinates.

'did he forget He was against a Nine years-old ?'

'why would he use his trump card facing a kid ?'

everyone there knew how excruciating the pain one must endured to become an Evolver, and even if They had undergone the process, there was no guarantee They could become one.

the prices of failure to evolve beyond their ancestors were two, either They died by state described as canceration, or They completely turned into a Mutant.

although turning into a Mutant more than often causing one becoming monsters, there were some cases where new sapient humanoid mutant species emerged after the last extinction through this Mutation process, unsurprisingly, all of them shared the same origin.

Their progenitors were Ancient Human who inhabited regions blessed by an astral energy produced from What was called as Nuclear Radiation, and in said region's center, something They revered as Warhead core could be found, these Humanoid class Mutant's bodies had adapted to cater a unimaginable amount of Nuclear Radiation energy, which were the main source of power to begin the path of Evolver through process that was known as Mutation.

" yo, I'm a kid remember ? I didn't expect Your pride and Intelligence would stoop so Low after just one remark." Mada shamefully declared how unfair Temür was.

"hehe, I'm indeed amazed You have ways with words at such young age, and I would certainly be real fool if not realizing it by now, the fact that You can afford to be relaxed in front of 12 adults, all of them are Amoksa officers, without disparaging Your upbringing, it can only meant that You have something up Your sleeve, though You could climb that Toilet and jumped across, You didn't, if it's not because You trully care for Lady Maha, then that can only mean You are also an Evolver, eventhough I'm not sure how can You do not show even a sliver of nervousness........, is it because You had tons of experiences in real fights ?, or it's just You are over confident ? " focusing on one hand Temür commanded his subordinates

"Circle them, don't let this mouse escape the fourth times. This will be the last shame We have to go through for ganging up against two kids. and remember to minimize the collateral damage towards young Lady Maha." He streched both hands toward Mada and Rani without hesitation, as if his concerns over Rani was just a lie,

[Mutation type : Body transformation]

[special trait : Dark blood Fog]


He discharged black blood from his skin, as soon as his blood left his skin , their cells died instantly, His Mutated code of life was making sure the blood to not clot and instead to disperse it in a predetermined radius from his body, though this seemed similar to Rani's

[Mutation type : psychokinesis]

[special trait : blood control]

Temür could not really control the blood directly from his mind, He could control the mechanism, volume, time and which place the discharged blood was from, but beyond his skin, everything was automatically done by the altered code of life within his blood cells.

"I wanna test which one of my hypothesis towards You that's correct, fufufu..." Temür inwardly felt nervous.

"Mind if i I'm the one handling these psychopaths ?, I just Mutated couple of days ago, but I believe it's more than enough to beat some sense into them." Rani who didn't even bother to join the satire these two haughty males did, offered her help.

not that she wanted to help her insensitive fellow, she just wanted to test her newfound strength.

"Hmmm It's good to know Your strength before we point our weapons towards each other's throat in the near future......, meh , I still have some flashy movement to test out, and I wanna copy these bartards code of life before anything else, we can play with them after I have done with that, how does it sound ? " Mada looked at the Amoksa members like some kind of hungry carnivore.

"Deal, just dont decapitate them to the point They can't put up a fight, I still wanna check on my limit.", cute smile carved on Rani's lips.

"alright. let's do this." Mada's grin became wider

[Mutation Type : Body Transformation]

[Special trait : Adaptation]



Note : Maha is clan's name of Rani, Rani's full name is Maharani

Skylos (mutated dogs and wolves interchangeable by looks alone, They will make a full appearence and will have a detailed description)


Chapter 3 : Eulogy Of The Past 3

[Mutation Type : Body Transformation]

[Special trait : Adaptation]


Mada Himself wasn't of a noble birth nor He was from an aristocrat family, and yet He was able to perform what was considered by many as one of the Qualifications to be part of Noble clan or at least to become Law enforcer like the Amoksa troop He was facing.

and that was to be an Evolver and one with Unique special trait at that.

honestly speaking, even if there were many Warhead cores scattered about around the World, most of them had been monopolized by Some kind of organization.

such as a City State government, which meant access to Nuclear Radiation, or the Warhead core itslef as the main source of energy to go through the procress of Mutation, was basically not free, precious, classified, and heavily guarded, like seriously, who could control a population that were as strong as Your soldiers ?

other non-governmental organizations which controled such blessed area were even said to have enough capability to invade a City State and faced their army in straight up battle.

yet here Mada was, activating his Mutation, Mada brandished A dark-silver, two bladed small dagger from behind his waist and faced twelve full grown adults head on.


Mada's dagger



His Special trait : Adaptation meant his body had the capability to contain multiple Mutated codes of life in the same time and applied each of their ability into many forms from his body, literally adapting to his environment, his enemies abilities and ways of fighting and copying as well as altering those same abilities into his own.

furthermore, he also mastered a dagger martial art that He acquired from a mysterious leaf parchment He found on top of the Corpse of His late mother along with the dagger.

the mysterious parchment contained a script which was not even found in the accounts and records of the Ancient Human, not even Rani understood its meaning the first time Mada had shown it to Her.

yet strangely enough, even though it's just recently He was able to read the Ancient Human language because Rani taught Him, He was able to read the script written on the leaf parchment and comprehended its meaning.

without knowing how, He suddenly knew this was a poem of a forgotten bygone era, older than the script and language used by the late Ancient Human.

combined with his Special trait : Adaptation , He wasted no words and went on a rampage.

He recited the first line of the poem in span of seconds, while his already adpated and enhanced eyes, since His surrounding vision was heavily blocked by blood fog, Locked on His first target.

" çri naranatha kastawaniran dinakharasama digjaya prabhu."

First stanza, His nerve sytem reflexively sent commands to his feet muscles to make solid stance on earth. soil composed of ice and Nuclear ash cracked wide under his weight

"bhrastan catru banun tamiçra sahane bhuwana rinawasan nareçwara."

then proceeding with his right hand slashed straight from top to bottom, then from bottom left to upper right.

"tusta sajjana panajamam ikanan kujana kumuda satya satwika."

He completed his moves by continuing to cut down from upper left to bottom right, and slashing horizontally straight form right to left, his dancing fingers smoothly tighten and loosen his grip over the dagger, switching its tip end positions between facing the enemies or contrawise.

He finished His killing arts.......

and What happened afterwards was an apocalyptic horror scene even in the perspective of this ruined World.

sure, Mada's body was yet to fully grow, He shouldn't be able to contend with a fully grown man in a straight up battle in the first place, let alone twelve, and still, in a matter of half a minute, 6 lifes were lost.

What made this even more surreal for the spectators was the completely flattened area within 15 meters radius from Mada's current position, that was visible after the blood fog and dust from the afterfight gradually settled.

six bodies torn apart, spilled red and dark blood, yellow-brownish marrow flowed out of broken bones, slashed body tissues, scattered innards, rolling eyeballs, even the newly-built toilet of an old man's flimsy hut was not spared.

the debris of the flattened buildings, shacks or huts surrounding them slowly creacked, six living figures standing up, They successfully avoided the grim reaper.

grumbling among themselves They tried to stand on their shaking feet.

'unbelievable !!! How could this child have such movement and maneuver at that age ?!! nonsense !!'

They didn't want to believe this, their sanity told Them it should not be possible..., at least not by a kid whose pubic hair had not grown yet ! , in the midst of chaos, Temür mind fell upon Mada's condition, Temür was currently getting rid of debris off His body.

"Keuk !!, huhuhu.. You seemed also not doing pretty well yourself, little Mutant."

"Hah !, were You blind after Your eyes got pierced by my dagger's shockwave You big bastards ?!, should I gouge Your eye balls ? it seems pretty useless to You right now."

Mada condition's wasn't really good either, His muscles was cramping like hell, some even cut off from the repulsive force that came back after He finished His inhuman movements.

several fractures and internal bleeding, and other types of minor injuries.

although compared to the opposing side's condition, who took the full burnt of His vicious attacks, Mada's condition was still a lot better.

As an Evolver , Mada's attack power was understandable, eventhough The Amoksa troops didn't trully understand the nature behind Mada's special traits, They knew that They couldn't underestimate this boy's potential battle prowess, at least in raw strength alone, What They did not expect was, His martial arts, and the eerie whispers He was chanting during its deployment that sounded like out of this World.

'What was that ?, those words, it can still give me this painful headache and caused my body to shudder, I got goosebump all over.... and how did He managed to land his attack precisely towards everyone ? was He not from Mutation Type : Body Transformation ? every Evolver indeed had greater physical strength compared to normal Human, but how could his vision and hearing do not get affected whatsoever by my special trait ? this little mutant is definitely a walking Warhead core , I must not approach this kid carelessly if I do not wish to be sent to the afterlife without being able to do anything, shit !!! be calm, me ! gotta put priority in order, I might get punished or expelled from failing to retrieve those Ancient Human artifacts, but I would certainly be tortured and killed if I bring harm and fail to escort young Lady Maharani back to Terraria City, alright let's just do that.' after thinking inwardly for so long He tried to speak His way out from His current predicament.

"well Little Mutant, I think we both know what would happen if we stubbornly continue this fight, and I do have a suggestion, what about We let You go with those artifacts and You let us bring young Lady Maha back with us ? we can finish this on a later time....".

"Hear me out You sonava b*tch, first thing first, I am not a Mutant, secondly, why would I let go people who want to kill me just moments ago ? do I look like a total idiot to You? I'm just a kid yes but I'm no fool, lastly if it was about Rani, it's her business not mine, talk to her Yourself."

Temür immediately searched through the war torn Se-Panjang , He couldn't feel her presence anymore, 'where was She ?'

then out of nowhere, a Katana made a slight tear on Temür's neck, it's blade came from behind,

"send my regard and apology to my father, tell Him I got things to do and will go back as soon as possible." Her teenage whispering voice was carried away incessantly through the ears of the remaining six Amoksa members. when realization came to Temür, The two children had vanished from their sight.

to be continued

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