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Goddess Of Sea Empire


surfing competition in heaven's beach

aliya - coco you can do it. coco is enjoying the competition and suddenly a big wave come in front of her. "oh no"aliya said

can coco get outta this wave? Olivia - shut up! aliya coco is really good at surfing. she can win this contest easily.

big wave is coming

coco is jumping in the wave now. no one's talking in crowd and just waiting for the result. aliya - 10 seconds left but no one coming outside. are they alright? everyone starts countdown - 10, 9,8,7,6....

Olivia- I'm not listening and she covered her ears .

.....5,4,3,2 suddenly coco loudly said - I'm here hahahaha...

and the winner is xin coco. everyone said-wow! coco you are the best. Chief guest gives coco medal and flowers.

aliya - congrats my champion. I knew it that you will win this contest easily. Olivia - oh really! then who was doubting that if coco win like this. aliya - and who was that covering her ears . Olivia - I'm not.. they starts quarling......

.......enough guys! coco said. it's okay if you're doubting me it's was really difficult. aliya - don't say this if your dream is to win international surffering competition. coco- okay okay!

Olivia - let's celebrate your victory. aliya - great idea.

....but coco said.

aliya - no excuses let's go and celebrate please...coco - okay let's celebrate.

they were going

suddenly a voice says.. congratulations coco a girl said. thank you Bella coco said. Bella - you're celebrating this small victories... actually yes! just enjoy your last victory because you're not going to win any of future competitions hahahaha...

aliya - ohh Bella if this competition is really a easy victory then why didn't you win this..of course you were not capable for it hahahaha..

olivia - just wait and watch who will win the next victory....and yes congratulations for the 2nd prize and best of luck for future you will win the 2nd prize in next victory again because 1st place is for winners not for losers right?

Bella - huh! let's see who will win and Bella goes in anger.

aliya - coco why didn't you say something. coco - you weren't giving me a chance to speak up. aliya - if we give you a chance what will you say...

olivia - you will say Bella don't worry you are a good surffer you will win next time. coco - she's my sister after all.

your step sister who hates you very much both said. coco said - okay my step sister but I do care about her.

Olivia - but she doesn't care about you and I think she wants to kill you. coco said - okay then you two are here for protect me. will you protect me? aliya - yes! we will.

Olivia said - does we have an option? coco - no. they laughed and talked. suddenly coco realise that someone is staring at them from water but she ignored it.

Bella is coco's step sister. 17 years ago Bella's father bring coco home. Bella's mother also hates coco but can't resist for brought coco home. she always cared about Bella but Bella always hated her. she was jealous of coco since childhood.

At cafe

coco - order what you want it's my treat Olivia - hey why didn't jack and James comed yet?

aliya - coco are excited for meeting James? coco - no I'm not....(with a blushing smile)

both - then why are you blushing huh? it's quite normal after all you are meeting your crush after 2 weeks Olivia said.

aliya - then when will you going propose James. coco - shhh don't talk loudly about it.

Olivia - but this is not a crime that you like someone. suddenly someone grab coco's shoulder and said don't even try to move around and give me your all money hahahaha (evil laugh).

Coco drag his hand and punched him in stomach and grabbed his neck around to hit him.he said - no! don't hit me this is me... he uncovered his facemask.

aliya - Jack? Coco said - why are you doing this? Jack said -( cough) get your hands off from my neck first .

Jack- it was a prank but you really broke my hand .( crying voice)

aliya - hahahaha (teasing) who said to you to play such a prank on coco.where is James? Olivia asked.

hi guys... James comes. coco - long time no see ( soft voice).no one ask me about my pain( in pain)jack said . James asked - why are you crying like a baby? Jack - because I'm in pain now because of......ohh because he got sprain in his hand aliya cuts his talk.

(Jack crying in corner)

James - congratulation on your victory today. coco - thank you for your wishes (softly) . so your next match is on Monday right? Olivia asked. coco - yes! james hold coco's hand and said - I know you will win this match. they started talking.... on the competition day

Perry beach before competition .

you are going to die today....coco go to hell (in anger voice) Bella said. Bella rub acetone on coco's surfboard to remove wax before competition and make coco's surfboard slippery.

competition begin .

coco felt that her surfboard is kindda slippery but she can't go back now. she starts her stunts and gains her points . Bella is surprised that why didn't she fell in water yet . the last wave **silence ** coco and Bella jumped together in wave . coco is going outta from the wave.

Bella screams -sister help me(soft voice) I think I'm gonna slip in water. coco cares for bella so she decided to do a back flip to reach close to bella . coco holds her hand but Bella push her away in water. coco flows in water. Bella wins the competition. she was happy of thinking about the death of coco. coco's friends comes to Bella.

aliya - where is coco? Bella - I don't know where she is. a rescue team is searching for coco.

another side coco is inside the deep water. coco thinks - am I going to die here? someone hold her hands and kissed her. coco thinks "oh no" my first kiss? coco blushed and faints.

At unknown place

coco wakes up. someone is talking - take your voice down don't talk to loudly she is asleep. where am I? coco saw some girls around her.where am I? coco asked. oh you're awake. take some rest. coco thinks that rescue team saved her. coco asks -where is this place?girl with pink hair - this is hospital and you need rest so just lie here. I mean where is this hospital? coco ask . girl with pink hair - oh! this is floura city. coco - what?

she tries to get up from the bed but girls said - you need rest. coco - I never heard of this place before. suddenly a girl said - how would you know this place because this place is in underwater hahahaha(in loud voice)

*awkward silence.*

coco -what nonsense? if we are in underwater then how could you breathe inside the water?that girl - because we are mermaids hahahaha.(she thinks she's is a genius) coco - cut the crap. ( bit nervous)

coco gets up from the bed suddenly and that they girls have no legs but fins like fish. that girl said -see? girl with pink hair - I can explain.

*coco faints.*


She awakes and see a nurse taking care of her. Oh you're awake. Are feeling better now? Nurse asked. Yes I'm fine now thank you. was I dreaming? What are you thinking ? Nurse asked. Coco - nothing I had a dream just now and that was really funny. What was your dream? Nurse asked. Some girls said that they are mermaids hahahaha...and we are in underwater.

Ohhhhh then?Nurse asked . Then I see there fins like fish. That was really funny. were you scared? Nurse asked. Coco - of course not why will I have to scared of them ( doubtful ) I was laughing at their tailes.

ohh... Is that so? then why were you faint after seeing our fins. A voice comes after the door. And then those girls comes in. Excuse me miss this is not our tailes. this is our fins a girl said ( in rude voice).

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh coco screams ( loudly) who are you? Coco asked. We are mermaids pink haired girl said. Ahhhhhhhhhh so you're really mermaids?coco asked her.

No actually we act in a drama company one mermaid said. a mermaid - of course we are real. Coco - but mermaids are just immaginery. A mermaid - who said this just tell me name of that person I will swallow that person ( in angry voice).

This is nonsense you're talking nonsense I'm going outside. She opens the door and see only water outside and also feels that this hospital is also into water but she can walk there. There's no need for swim. She close the door and said - so you're real .

no please don't eat me I'm not tasty at all (scared). If you're real then all the rumors are real that you eat humans.

hey! I'm not like that breed who eat raw human a mermaid said. Coco - does you have your breeds? Of course! one mermaid said.

(They started their conversation on breeds of mermaids in corner)

another mermaid - if your discussion is over now can we talk? Coco - okay! But I have some questions may I ask you? Sure you can ask.

If we are in underwater then you could breathe but how can I? am I dead? I think I am in heaven right now but when was heaven inside the water? Oh I human? If I am human then how I am alive now? That's make me crazy.

One mermaid mumbling-I think she is not happy that she's is alive now and she's doubting herself that she is dead or not? And she's doubting if she's a human or not? Why are you not answering my questions? Coco asked.

Pink haired mermaid - oh.. I can speak now? So listen you're not dead yet and you're a human being. Coco asked- then how come I am in underwater now?(in confusion ) Pink haired mermaid - you don't have to scared of anything here. I can clear your every doubt first of all let me introduce everyone to you. Let me start with myself - my name is Lilly . She is Getty and she is Emma (who told coco that they are mermaids ) lilly introduces everyone to coco.

you were drown in water and about to die but... But Emma cuts Lilly's line and said - but you were saved by our priceless prince(in sweet voice).

coco - Prince?. Oh right. now I remember. I was drowning but someone hold my hand and kissed me....

*Awkward silence*

ahhhh my first kiss has been stolen by an unknown person . coco said.

Emma - what? prince were kissed by you? Oh my God how lucky are you. I thought you was already lucky that you were saved by our prince but he kissed you .

All mermaid - wow! So lucky. Shut up! coco said. my first kiss? (in sad voice) and you guys. Emma -You are lucky that you gave your first kiss to our prince.

Lilly said - enough! You're talking about unnessesary topic. The point is someone pushed you in the dark sea?

Yes! She's my step sister Bella who pushed me in sea. coco said. Emma asked- why? Coco - I really doesn't knew about that Bella hates me that much?

Well can I go home now? coco asked. Oh man! Humans are really selfish didn't you forget to say a thank you Emma said. coco- Oh I'm sorry and thank you for your help. Oh no you're supposed to say thanks to prince not us. So can you say thanks to him in my place coco said . Oh my poseidon you're so ungrateful. Our prince is so kind to you but you don't want to say a thank you to him Emma said.

Emma - You have to say thanks to our charming prince yourself otherwise you can't go back to your world. coco in mind - these mermaids are unreasonable oh no! I don't know how should i face him. he had stolen my first kiss.

are you threatening me? Coco asked. Lily - Oh no no you're taking us wrong you have to meet the prince because he is the one who can send you back. Coco - okay! if so then I can meet him. lily - one more thing you wearing a necklace on your neck don't remove that necklace until you get outta underwater.

coco touches her neck and realise that she actually wearing a necklace with shiny Pearls.

coco - this necklace isn't mine. Lily - prince gave this necklace to you. coco - i don't want this necklace. lily - you have to wear this because without this necklace you can't breathe inside the water. emma - yes because we are mermaids not you.

lily - don't you ever try to remove this until you are here if you remove this necklace you will die here. coco - is this necklace magical?

lily - this necklace is made up of pure pearls and some spells. coco - alright

Emma - then take a rest. tomorrow we will take you to the mermaid empire.

Another side rescue team is still searching for coco

Officer - we are searching in underwater but didn't find any clue about miss coco maybe she... No! Don't say that officer Olivia said ( crying)

James - officer coco is a good swimmer and I think she's in another island please find her as soon as possible. Officer -hopefully! we are trying our best. We've checked miss coco's surfboard was silperry so I think that was a accident to slipped her foot into water.

WHAT! No this is can't happen coco can never forget to prepare her surfboard before competition aliya said. Yes I think this was a plan of someone to kill coco Olivia said. Officer - are you sure miss? So any guesses who can do this?

Olivia - I think I know only person who wants to kill coco deliberately. James - what? Who? Why didn't I know about this? Olivia - it's Bella. James - you mean her sister? Officer - why do you think that her sister wants to kill her. Aliya - because she's jealous of coco since childhood. James - I don't think this is true she is nice I know her.

Aliya - she's nice in front of you but she hates coco too much although she was with coco at that time why didn't she tried to save coco or tell anything about that accident . Officer - okay miss we will investigate it.


next day finally Coco is taking a relief breath as she is sure now they are not going to harm her and she is wandering around the hospital.

nurse - hey! are you relieved now? coco - yup I'm fine now. nurse - then come with me and have some breakfast .

coco didn't noticed before but now she noticed that nurse had fins tomorrow but today her fins switch into legs and also many people have legs around there but not fins.

coco - are you a human too? nurse - no but why are you asking that . coco - if you're a mermaid then why do you have legs? nurse -hahahahaha you finally asked this question. actually we mermaids have this ability we can change our fins into legs it's part of our life nurse said.

coco - that means you can enter in our world easily right? nurse - not really! we can change our fins into legs if only we are in underwater, but yes! some Royal families members and some special mermaids have this ability and they can survive on land and in water both. for example - mr. charlis Wilson. coco - charlis Wilson? who is it? nurse- (shocked)

Before you go back from here I want to check you again. coco - why you want to do that?nurse - because I think you got some injuries in your head that's why you lossed some memories. you don't remember prince Charlis? coco - oh ya you're talking about your priceless prince. I just forgets his name.

you're really peculiar. Emma and Lily comes from back door. you forgets our prince name Emma said. Lily - oh let it go Emma she isn't from here how would she get to know that how special prince is until she meets him . Emma - you're right so let's go to the mermaid empire.

Emma grabs Coco's hand and take her to chariot. coco - chariot? don't you have a car? Emma - car? what is car? Lily - that's why I told you to give attention in class. Emma - we have different types of subject but human world and their rules is such a boring subject. coco - what are you talking about? you guys have books about humans. Lily - yes we have been studying about humans from the centuries. Emma - we don't have cars but this Royal Chariot sent by prince for you. shall we go now?(impatient)

they sit in the chariot. coco can see out through tha window that how beautiful there world is. coco thinks- wow! how can they have such a beautiful city in underwater. I can breathe inside the water and can see the people working in underwater with my eyes like we do normally. such a happy place. they can just switch their fins with legs anytime. Emma - our city is beautiful isn't it? coco - yes I can't believe this is happening.

after some time they arrived mermaid empire castle. coco - this place is really very beautiful. Lily - this is the proud of our mermaids empire that's why it's called mermaid empire castle. shall we go in ? Emma asked. they goes inside the castle and then Emma and Lily stopped outside the main hall gate.

coco - what? why did you stop here ? Emma - you have to go inside alone. coco - what?no no I'm not going inside alone you have to come with me. Lily - aww we are sorry but this is an order from the prince he want to talk to you in private.

Emma - just take a deep breath and go inside if you don't follow the prince orders you will be dead sooner or later that's why if you want to go home Just praise him well although he is hot and handsome but if you got him angry he will kill you.

Lily - Emma why are you scaring her ? Emma - I'm just telling you the truth (in creepy voice)

coco - oh yes! i know you guys are trying to scare me but remember I'm not afraid of him( lied).

fine if you guys are not coming in with me I can go alone. coco thinks - oh no! I said them I'm not afraid of him but I don't know how to face him he kissed me but I have no option.

Coco opens the door and sees a small library and big table with boss chair. coco thinks - someone is sitting on the chair but i can't see his face because he is sitting on the wall side.

excuse me mister?

do you know where can I find charlis Wilsan? that man - huh! charlis Wilson? (with a freak smile) don't you know he is from Royal family? coco - what Royal family? I heard a lot about him but i think he a just a bastard. that man - why do you think that prince is a bastard?

coco - you will not believe it he stoled my first kiss. he is probably just a bastard and I don't care about his royalty I just wanna talk to him directly. where is he?

that man - you wanna talk to him? let's talk then I'm prince Charlis the bastard.

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