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Episode 1

Beyond everything, I must endure my wife behaving like a floozy.

The man spat out furiously as he entered the grand room with the woman and flung her to the floor.

"Don't insult me."

She said to him as tears slid down her cheeks.

"Insult you? Please, you can't last a second without flirting with some fool; you disgust me."

With those words, he stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind and leaving his wife sprawled on the floor in her torn dress, swimming in a sea of tears.

"I don't understand. What have I done that's so terrible you treat me like the worst thing?"

She said to herself as she tried to pick herself up from the floor.

Episode 2

Years ago:

"You don't know how much I love you, you are the most important person in my life."

The man said as he rested his head on the girl's shoulder, as they sat in the shade of a tree on the vast university campus.

"You know I love you too, my dear. You are the most wonderful man I have ever known, aside from my father."

"And above all, I am sexy."

The girl couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Well, you are certainly modest."

"But sexy."

He emphasized proudly.

"Seriously, my love, you are, you are the sexiest guy on campus."

"That's why you shouldn't lose me."

"I insist, you are very modest."

She said sarcastically.

"Well, my sexy guy, let's go because I don't want to lose points in Mr. Shelton's class."

The young man got up from the grass and helped his girlfriend up.

"I'll see you later, I'll take this time to review some plans."

"Okay, I love you, sweetheart."

The girl said, leaving a chaste kiss on her boyfriend's lips.

"I love you more, princess, remember that, don't forget our date tonight at 7:00pm."

"I know, at 7:00pm."

The girl replied, playing with her hands as she walked away to her class.


The man shouted, sounding victorious and drawing attention from others.

"Sorry, sorry."

He apologized to the people around him and left the campus.

"I can't believe it, friend, you'll finally have sex with your beloved."

"Shhh Emma, speak quieter, it's not necessary for everyone in the classroom to know."

The girl said, blushing with embarrassment.

"For God's sake, Ana, it's normal, and besides, you've been together for what, a year?"

"Today we're celebrating our one-year anniversary, actually."

She replied, showing a wide smile.

"Well, just remember to be cautious, you know what I mean."

"What do you mean?"

The girl rolled her eyes.

"Come on, Ana, you're a virgin but not stupid. I mean, remember to use protection, I don't think you want to have a baby without even finishing university."

"Of course, I already told David to be careful, everything is planned. She smiled timidly."

Emma hugged her friend.

"You're so innocent sometimes, I can't believe why you're my friend, I mean, not because of you, but because of me, I'm the worst."

Ana smiled.

"Don't say that, you're my best friend and you're wonderful."

"My God, I'm going to cry."

She said, wiping away an imaginary tear.

"You're so dramatic."

After finishing class, the two girls decided to go out for a drink.

"Mmm this is delicious, Ana."

"Isn't it?"


📲Hello, mom, what's up?

📱My love, anyone listening would think you don't like my calls.

📲No, not at all, mom, what do you need?

📱Well, dear, I imagine you must be busy, I just called to let you know that Anabel called to say she's coming back from her trip today.

📲Well, thanks for letting me know.

📱I haven't finished yet, daughter, I'm calling to ask you not to make any plans tonight, because I'm preparing a dinner for your sister and I want us all to be together as a family.

📲But mom, I can't tonight, I have...

She didn't finish her words as she was interrupted.

📱No, you don't have any other commitments. If you have something, you cancel it. Remember what I always tell you, family...

📲Family always comes first. I know.


📲Well, I'll be there on time.

📱That's what I like, I'll see you tonight, my love. I love you.

📲I love you too, Mom.

After the call, she looked at her friend, who seemed quite down.

"Don't tell me you're ditching David."

Ana sighed.

"Anabel is coming back today."

"But, friend, you can't just leave your boyfriend hanging because your bitch of a sister is back."


"I'm serious, you know I'm telling the truth, she's always been envious of you. Don't even think about introducing her to David, he might even fall for her charms."

Ana lowered her head, feeling hurt.

"Do you think David would leave me for Anabel?"

Emma noticed that she had hurt her friend with her words.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart, forgive me, but it just makes me angry to remember all the things she's done to you. Obviously, David would never cheat on you with her, he loves you, friend, I've seen it in his eyes."

Ana sighed sadly.

"And now, how do I tell him we have to cancel our plans for tonight?"

"I wouldn't cancel it if I were you, think about it, tonight is your night, you can't postpone it just because your sister arrived. You can see her tomorrow at home, and hopefully she won't stay for long again."

"Anyway, wish me luck, I'm going to look for David."

"Good luck, friend, I'll talk to you later."

She said while hugging her.

Elsewhere, the young man left the luxurious jewelry store with a big smile on his face.

"Today is the day."

He said to himself.


📲My Love, telepathy exists, I was thinking of you.

📱Hello David, can we meet?

📲How? Why don't we wait until tonight?

📱That's what I wanted to talk to you about.

📲What's wrong? My Love.

📱I'm sorry, sweetheart, but we can't see each other tonight.

📲How? But why?

📱Something came up at home and I have to be there early.

📲But no, Love, why? Everything was ready for tonight.

He said, quite disappointed.

📱Forgive me, sweetheart, I promise I'll make it up to you later.

📲Well, there's no other choice then.

The man replied, quite disillusioned.

📱Forgive me, remember that I love you, please let's have coffee and talk.

📲Don't worry, settle your matters and we'll talk later.

📱My Love, please.

📲Don't worry, we'll talk later.

With those words, the call ended. Ana couldn't help but feel sad, as her relationship with David was the closest thing to true love, she was deeply in love and she knew he was too. But above all, she was a good daughter, regardless of her sister's behavior, she was aware that she shouldn't ruin family moments just because of their differences. She loved her parents and couldn't bear to disappoint them or make them feel bad because of her.

"I'm glad you arrived early, it helps me to finish preparing everything."

Anastasia nodded, somewhat disappointed because her plans with her beloved had been ruined. Hours later, her sister arrived.

"I'm glad you're finally home, how was your trip?"

"Fine mother, although a bit annoying because of the people in Madrid."

She said in an arrogant tone of voice.

"And where's my little sister?"

"She's in her room, I'll go get her."

"It's not necessary mother, I'll personally surprise her."

She said in a playful tone.

Episode 3


"Come in."

"Hey Lil' Sis, how are you?"

Anastasia glanced at her sister and replied with a serious voice.

"Fine, Anabel, how was your trip?"

"Fantastic! The guys in Madrid are so much fun, although honestly, I do have a preference for New Yorkers."

Anastasia rolled her eyes in irritation.

"Oh, stop that look. Don't tell me you're still not over what happened with Patrick."

"You know that's all in the past."

"Just remember that, especially now that he's going to be my husband."

Anastasia gave her a confused look.

"Don't give me that expression, dear. You know how traditional his mother is, so they've already pressed that we must marry soon. Believe it or not, I came back because I want you to be my Maid of Honor. Who better than you, who knows us both so well?"

"Are you insane?" she asked, annoyed.

"Calm down, little sister. You say it's all in the past, so what better way to show it than by helping me prepare for my wedding?" She said this mockingly. "Don't look like that; you know full well things between you never worked out."

Anastasia left her room, leaving her sister alone, who noticed the photo on the nightstand, showing Anastasia in the company of a handsome David.

"So this must be the new love of my little sister?" she mused to herself.

Meanwhile, David arrived at his dorm and was on the phone.

📲 Yeah, Bro, I'm completely in love. I'm sure you'll like her once you meet her.

📱I don't know, man, aren't you a bit young to be thinking about marriage?

📲 Far from it. Anastasia is the woman of my life, and I know she loves me as much as I love her.

📱I think you should take things slowly. Wait until I can make it over to the States to meet her; maybe I'll give you my blessing then.

David bristled at his elder brother's words.

📲 I don't need your blessing; I've made my decision.

📱Oh, come on! David, you have nothing to offer her, and you surely can't live on a university campus with her.

📲 If you're not going to support me, then fine. I'll work and make it on my own.

📱That's not what I'm saying; I will...

He didn't finish his sentence when the call was abruptly ended.

"Damn it," the elder brother cursed, throwing his phone to the floor.

Dinner ended, and Anastasia was lost in her thoughts, not hearing her family's conversation.

"Honey, I'm speaking to you."

"Sorry, Mom, I was distracted."

"I noticed. I was saying, I'm pleased you'll help your sister with her wedding plans."

"I haven't agreed yet. Besides, I have a lot of pending university work, so I don't think I’ll have the time."

"My God! Anastasia, it's your sister getting married; you must help."

Her father, with whom she got along best, intervened:

"Monica, I don't think it's wise for Ana to help her sister. And personally, I don’t like the idea of Anabel marrying Patrick; he’s not much of a man."

"Dad, just because Patrick chose me over Anastasia doesn't mean he's not a man."


"Daddy, don't worry. I’m not bothered by Anabel's words. Besides, as I said, I doubt I’ll have the time to help with her wedding." With that, she left the table.

"I can't believe she's still not over Patrick."


"But Dad..."

"No buts, leave your sister alone."


"Come in."

"Sweetie, are you busy?"

"No, Daddy, tell me."

"How are you?"

"I'm fine, Dad."

"You don't have to pretend with me. Tell me, sweetheart, does your sister's marriage affect you?"

"Not at all, Dad. Honestly, it bothers me that she wants me to be her Maid of Honor, but otherwise, no, I don't care about Patrick. What happened made me realize my feelings for him were just a special fondness."

"I'm relieved to hear that. Tell me, how are things with David?"

The girl smiled with love.

"Really good. I truly love him. I’m very much in love, and I know it’s fully reciprocated."

"I can't tell you how much it comforts me to hear you say that. Rest well, my love; goodnight."

The girl hugged her father.

"Goodnight, Dad."

After her father left the room, the girl picked up the photo of her with her beloved, held it to her chest, and sighed with love.

"I love you, David."

With those thoughts, she soon closed her eyes, falling into a deep sleep.

The next morning, David decided to visit his girlfriend's house to apologize for his anger the day before. After some reflection, he realized he hadn't even asked why she had canceled their plans.

The mansion's doorbell rang.

"For heaven's sake, can't someone else open the door in this house?" Anabel shouted, annoyed, clad in a tight bathrobe, her hair wrapped in a towel, and her face covered with a thick red mask.

Upon opening the door, she was taken aback by the handsome David, who, seeing the girl's appearance, mistook her for his girlfriend.

"Why are you dressed like that, Love?"

The woman lifted an eyebrow, confused.


The man wrapped his arms around her from behind, resting his head on the girl's shoulder.

"Forgive me, beautiful. I know I wasn't at my best when we last spoke on the phone, but please forgive me."

Anastasia, descending the mansion's stairs, couldn't hide her irritation.


The young man lifted his head and looked at his beloved in confusion.

"What the...?"

Anabel grinned maliciously.

"Sister, going to introduce me to this handsome man?"

David stepped away from the girl and approached his girlfriend.

"Love, I’m sorry; I thought you were her. Though, truth be told, seeing you with that face mask did seem odd."

Anastasia tried to conceal her annoyance.

"David, this is my sister Anabel."

"Pleased to meet you."

The young man said as he approached the other girl and extended his hand, to which Anabel closed the gap, leaving a kiss on his cheek.

"The pleasure is all mine, dear."

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