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Love Never Seen Before

I think I'm....

Crazy. That's what they call me.

It always makes me laugh because honestly...they have no idea. By 'They' I mean my classmates, my teachers, my parents. Everybody.

They're lucky I don't want to be locked up just yet or else...

A smile creeps on to my face.

...well, I would have a little fun.

I've been known to be kinda unstable here and there, nothing too serious. I chuckle.

Sitting in the back in Mr.Roger's math class now, my classmates shift in their seats uncomfortably in front of me, some sneaking cautious glances back at me. I make eye contact with Hannah, a cheerleader who, at first, would push me around with her friends, but now after I "accidentally" cut her finger in science class during a dissection, stays clear of me, and I'm sure, is afraid of me.

I burst out laughing, remembering the event.

She looked at me like I was Satan. Scared shitless and, yeah, I'm pretty damn close to him.

I notice the absence of Mr.Roger's voice and look up. The whole class stares back at me, most of them, including the teacher, terrified. The rest look like their about to pass out.

"I-Is everything o-ok, Ms. Harrison?" Mr. Roger stutters out. I turn my grin towards him.

"No sir, of course not. Please go on, I'm so sorry." I say as polite as possible. He takes a deep breath and nods at me, resuming class. I scoff.

What a baby, a grown man who can't even handle a high schooler.

I shake my head.

I guess I can't blame him, though. I'm kinda hard to deal with. I sigh.

This place is sooo boring. So is my life. I just need something that's a bit of fun...or I'll have to make some.

And that's just asking for trouble.

I walk down the street, finally heading home after hours of looking through books at the library. I like death and wars alot.

The thought of thousands of people dying for something as cruel as a country, just makes me giddy. I might join the army.

It'd probably smack me back to reality. But I've never really been there so, I guess I couldn't go back. Eh, whatever.

"Help! Someone, please help! He's going to-" I freeze. The screams came from an alley I had just passed.

I feel my body tremble.

No, I can't, I shouldn't but...

I turn around and jog back to the alleyway.

I feel something bubble inside me. Something like, like I've never felt before.

I peak around the side of the wall, seeing two figures. It's dark, but the moonlight shows a boy, around my age with a gun against a middle aged man's head who's on his knees.

The boy has dark brown hair and blue eyes that seem lit in the night, with a sadistic grin on, while the rest of his face is hidden in the shadows.

I watch silently with my heart beating fastest it ever has in my life.

"Now, you shut the \*\*\*\* up, huh? Maybe I should've kept the gun hidden longer just to hear you bitch and beg more." He shoves the gun in the man's face, hitting him in his temple. My body quviers.


"Isaac please, I'll get the money, and I'm sorry I just wanted Luke to scare you guys, not-" Isaac, the boy, smashes the gun down in the kneeling man's shoulder. I bite my lip.


"It doesn't matter what you say cause, you're going to die anyway." Isaac laughs.

"Please!!!" The man shouts.

"You know what, let's have our audience decide, fair?" He turns and looks right at me. I almost flinch.

"Come here, girl."


I step out slowly from behind the wall, and walk towards the two. Isaac stares at me intensely, grabbing and pulling me to his chest as I almost reach them. I gasp.

My back presses into his chest as he draws the gun up and down the crook of my neck.

"So...what's your name?" He breathes down on my neck as he tilts my head to the side, leaving one side of my neck completely exposed.

"Aliza." I answer.

The feeling in my chest almost multiplies 10 times as I feel his lips touch my neck. Laughter comes to the base of my throat.

This is so...

"Fun." I whisper out, accidentally.

"What was that, Aliza? You want me to shoot him so we could get out of here?" Isaac smiles against my skin and I can't hold it anymore. I burst out laughing for the second time today.

Isaac lets me go and I fall on the wall behind him, still cracking up. I finally calm down and look up at Isaac. He stands there, stunned, while the man behind him mirrors his expression.

"Fun, I said fun. This is the most fun I've ever had in my life." My smile grows.

Isaac stands there, shocked I guess until he breaks out of his trance, slowly starting to grin. Soon he's laughing as hard as I was.

The man behind him looks defeated and if I was him, I'd feel the same.

Isaac sighs, calming down as I did.

"I should've known you'd be different from then time you turned back to watch us."

"Don't lose sleep over it, but I'm not your typical high school girl." I say, smirking now.

"Oh, trust me, I will." We fall into a silent battle, daring one another to look away. I shake my head after a couple minutes, realizing this could on forever and I need to get home.

"So are you going to kill him?" I ask, looking behind him to the now, quiet man.

"I almost forgot about him." He turns, puts up his gun, and shoots the unsuspecting man in the head. The sound makes my ears ring and my eyes tear up.

"You couldn't have warned me?" I snarl, feeling my excitement and adrenaline race through my blood.

I feel a huge smile on my face although I just witnessed a man die.

I mean I always knew I was a bit crazy.

Now I know just how much.

I nod at Isaac, saying goodbye, cause I don't even know if I can use my voice right now.

"What's your number?" He asks, the ringing in my ears lessen making it a lot to hear him.

"I don't have a phone, you should get going though, the cops will show up any second now because of the gunshot." He nods, but still stands there.

Well, he could stay there if he wants to, I need to get home or-

"Where can I see you again?" His voice cuts through my thoughts. I shrug.

He may of just gave me the type of fun I've been looking for since I was 8, but if I see him again, then the fun can really begin....cause now I have to go.

I run out the valley, ignoring his shouts, hearing sirens in the distance.

Yeah, he should leave. We'll see each other again, I know we will.

Fate wouldn't let him get away from me.

I wouldn't either.




He's really a mystery, isn't he?

I haven't been able to stop thinking of the incident.

It's been a week.

I still stop at the alley every day before heading home.

My mom pretty much disowned me last week because of how late I was.

Eh. I don't care, all I have to do is look at her and she'd probably start crying.

She's scared of me too.

Both of my parents are so they try to stay out of my way.

It's kinda great, I mean, I can do whatever I want.

Staring up at my ceiling now, everything seems so surreal.

I just want some fun...

Ever since I met Isaac, all the things I found fun have lost all meaning to me.

Seeing kids at school shiver in my presence.

Hearing my parents whisper about how they can't deal with me anymore.

Scaring people just in general.

It's boring now.

I still like it but it's not the same.

Ugh, I should've taken his number or something, he even offered.

I bite my lip.

Dammit. I hate regretting things.

Who is Isaac anyway?

I grin.

What's he involved in? I want to join. I want to join so bad.

To have fun like him.

It's not fair.

I sigh.

It would be perfect.

I have this urge in me itching to do something.

And now I know it has to do with Isaac.

I sit up on my bed, trying to remind myself he would probably find me crazy too if he knew how I acted without the cloak of the night surrounding us.

I'm not just some brave girl who wasn't scared of some boy with a gun.

No... I'm much worst, he couldn't handle me.

So maybe it's for the better, not seeing him again.

Eh, either way, I'm just looking for some entertainment in my life.

I don't care how I get it.


Back in hell, oops I mean school, sitting in English, half the class waits for it to start.

The kids sit across the room from me, probably coming early just to get the seats furthest away from me.

I feel more amused by the second.

This is honestly the best part of my morning, even though it's become dull, it's fine.

The bell rings and everyone files in, all quickly taking desks on the other side of the classroom.

What can I say? I'm intimidating.

The teacher walks in last, closing the door, and beginning the lesson.

I doze off.

I've already read the whole unit book she keeps under her desk.

Stole it one day cause I was bored and memorized it.

Photographic memory will do that to you.

Even though it's not that active, it comes and goes as I please.

If I want to remember something I will if I don't then I don't.

I think it's a part of my crazy.

The door opens again, but this time a boy enters the class.

My eyes follow him until he reaches the teacher, dropping down to her ear level, whispering something. She nods and gestures him to one of the empty seats next to me.

He sits, shooting me a look.

I smile and wave at him.

I can't be unfriendly to my first neighbor.

Might scare him away.

I giggle.

I'm too funny.

He'll probably hear about me within the hour and stay clear of me.

I can't wait to see that face.

The teacher resumes and my mind drifts away from the subject of the new boy.

She goes on and on about Shakespeare and how amazing he was and blah blah blah.

How boring...

I feel a tap on my shoulder and look over to see the new boy with a note in his hand, under his desk.

I stare blankly at him.

He moves his hand, as if...

Ohhh I get it now, this is like what the girls do in class, passing notes!

This is my first time.

I smile widely and snatch the note from his hands.

I open it, almost giggling.

Is your name Aliza?

I take my pen, scribble down my answer, and toss it back on his desk.

I guess this is how it feels to be a normal girl.

It's... different but ok I guess.

He reads it and looks back at me in confusion, before writing his answer down and passing back over.

I read it, grinning still.

What do you mean 'maybe'? Is Aliza your name? Seriously I need to know.

He's such a conversation killer, but fine, whatever.

I write my answer and as he reads it, his smile grows.

He has the same vibe as Isaac.


He's a bit softer than Isaac.

Or my crazy's talking again.

He doesn't pass the note back and I continue being bored.

I figured the conversation would be over after I said yes.

What a bummer.


The last school bell finally rings and I start my walk home.

The library's closed for testing.

I reach the main exit and put my headphones in from my iPod as usual.

Just as I'm about to take my first step I feel someone grab my arm and begin dragging me.

I turn my head to see my captor and see the new boy, still pulling me away to what looks like some black van.


I look around and spot an oncoming wall.

Ok... This could be entertaining.

His grip digs into my arm and I begin to get pissed.

As we pass the wall I turn towards it using my other arm to push him into it, then I lift him up by his throat, strangling him against the school.

"That hurt, bitch." I snarl at him.

His hands claw at mine as he struggles to breathe.

It's an amusing sight.

I even grin, despite my anger.

"So what did you want?" I ask, pressing my hand into his throat watching his eyes bugle for oxygen.

I chuckle.

I could get used to this.

He begins pointing at my hand, I guess saying he can't answer without air.


I loosen my grip, allowing him to breathe but still hang from the wall as well.

"I-Isaac sent m-me to get you." He coughs out.

I stand stunned.


I drop him, letting him crumble to the floor and walk over to the van it looked like he was dragging me to, getting in the shotgun seat.

He sits on the ground gasping for air while I sit waiting.

He takes a deep breath, with a hand at his neck.

Serves him right, my arm still hurts.

I roll down the window, getting impatient.

"Get up, let's go!" I shout at the poor boy who should have never touched me in the first place.

But watching him still struggle to breathe is nice.

But Isaac is at the end of this drive, so he needs to hurry up.

The new boy gets on his feet finally, glaring at me as I clap for him.

I mean he took so long this has to be an achievement.

Walking over to the driver's side he gets in and we get going.

He and I don't speak but a huge smirk rest on my face.


I'm finally going to see him, and hopefully be a part of the thing he's in.

Getting to shoot a man, having goons like the new boy...

I almost squeal.

I knew we were meant to meet.

My crazy needed someone to show it its purpose.

And fate gave me Isaac for that.

I'm so close I can taste it.

All the fun I'm going to have.


I am having my fun

Finally, we reach our destination.

We pull up at this abandoned building, in a place that looks deserted.

I feel a smile spread across my face.

Just my kinda clubhouse.

New boy gets out the car and I follow behind him into the hideout.

After 2 flights of stairs, 10 turns, and another 3 flights, we finally stop on front of a closed room.

I gasp for air leaning on the wall next to the door.

New boy says something about something but I'm too tired to hear.

He ran up those stairs and I was struggling to follow him, so I started sprinting.

Up 5 stairwells.

It was torture.

I hate this guy.

He still goes on and on about nonsense, and I catch my breath, not listening to a word.

As I feel the oxygen return to my legs, I stand up, turn and walk into the room.

New boy grabs my hand, and I throw him off.

"You can't go in there right now!" He whisper-yells.

"I don't care."

I'd cut him up if I had a knife right now but I don't.

He's lucky.

I look up to see Isaac staring at me sitting in a chair, more like a throne, in the middle of a sea of men.

Is he the boss here or something?

That should make this easier.

I grin walking through what seems like the Red Sea parting.

Are these guys scared of girls?

They should be.

Especially if they're anything like me.

I stop in front Isaac, smiling now.

He stares at me still with a blank look on his face.

"What? You aren't happy to see me?" I pout, looking up at him through my lashes.

He simply looks back at me saying nothing. How...boring.

Was coming here a waste of time? Dammit, just when I thought I found some fun.

I sigh. Turning around, I begin walking away.

I guess it wasn't meant to be. Too bad.

"Aliza, wait!" Isaac yells.

Now he wants to talk.

I slowly turn to see Isaac right behind me. Too close. I put my hand out and push him away.


The silent men surrounding us gasp. I ignore them.

It's not like Isaac's a God, I can do what I want.

A smirk makes it's way on to Isaac's face.

He might be stranger than me. And bipolar.

"New boy said you wanted me for something, what?"

"I just wanted to see you again."

That's all...? I need more than that.

"Since you dragged me out here just to see me, then you can let me join your little gang here." I cross my arms and stare at him. He stares right back.

I guess it's our thing now.

"I don't have a gang." He states, still boring his eyes into mine. I blink, breaking our contest.

"But you killed that guy because he sent someone to mess with you and your crew, right? So let me in."

He can't just reason with me, I'm not usually the one to even have reason but I need this.

Or else I'll end up in prison, and that's boring, I won't get to do what I want.

"I don't have a crew, these guys aren't my followers." I look at him in confusion.

"They just respect me, so when I call for them, they answer." My eyes scan the crowd and see nodding heads.

Respect huh?

I guess he just this big, bad, cool boy who gets respect for shooting old men in alleys. I don't care. I just want that kinda power. I'd finally have something to look forward to.

"Cool." I say, dropping my arms. We stand in silence once again having a staring contest. His blue eyes trained on my own green send a spark through me.

I couldn't see him before in the dark but now... I let my eyes begin to wander down his face and body. His dark brown hair, almost black sits as a mess on top of his head, while his height, only a few inches from mine, forces me to look up at him. He wears a dusty black leather jacket, probably old, with his muscles kind of showing through it, and his skin looks sunkissed.

Hm. How basic.

I look back to his eyes and see him scanning me just as I did him. I smirk.

"Liking what you see?" I say, releasing my arms and letting them fall to my sides.

"You were checking me out first, I just returned the favor." He steps closer with every word.

"You're right, but you look like every other teenage boy."

"How?" He asks, now just as close as he was when I pushed him away earlier.

"You're all going for this 'bad boy' look, it's cute but overdone." I'm sure my breath is fanning his face but he stands his ground. And so do I. His arm comes around my waist and he tugs me to his chest. My smirk widens.

"Don't you remember me killing that guy? I'm not going for any look, I'm the real deal." He leans closer, whispering at this point. Our noses touch, but we both still refuse to pull away.

"Wait, did you just call me cute?" He adds, our lips so close it's crazy how they haven't touched. I shrug, finally pulling back, slipping out of his arms.

"If you forgot, I guess you'll never know." I snicker, looking at his stunned face. What was he excepting? A kiss? I laugh loudly at the thought.

Isaac stands there, glaring at me. He knows I'm laughing at him.

"Join me." He says suddenly. My eyebrows scrunch.

"But you said you weren't apart of anything." I say, not amused anymore.

"I meant join me. You can be my partner in crime, you'd never be bored and I won't have to go back to a life of nothing."

Life of nothing...?

I dismiss the thought. It's none of my business, he'll tell me if he wants to.

He stares intensely into my eyes, with his full of hope.

I came here for a reason, and this was it. How could I say no?

I reach out my hand, still looking at him.

"Let's have a good time together, ok?" I say, smiling now.

He returns my expression with a smile of his own, grabbing my hand.

"Nothing less." He promises.

I'll keep him to that.

I move to let go but I'm pulled into his arms, against his chest.

"Thank you." He whispers to me. I stand still, but nod in response.

This is it. A new beginning. One where I can do whatever I want and express myself to no limits. And it's all cause I met Isaac.

I relax into his chest and slowly bring my arms up to hug him back.

This feels like an understanding between us.

Silently saying...

I better enjoy every fucking second with you or I'll kill you.

My smile widens.



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