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Journey Through The Lethe: Omens

Gifted (part 01)

02 February,2028 

This day can get no worse than this....Or can it? This place of mine reeks of smoke, nicotine, alcohol, and my meds. Paracetamols can be really strong to put you to sleep in minutes. The bleeding on my cheek is coagulated. But my head still throbbs from the jump off the building. The shake from my spear getting stuck in between the walls gave a painstaking jolt. Normally, if i were just like any ordinary guy, both my arms would get dislocated. But, i am not an ordinary guy. People like you get to live one life. But i; i am living my second me lucky or liar or whatever. But, i am not alone. So don't be surprised. Is it fun to live a second life?? Hell yeah and heaven No.

But i can't say exactly what made me regret living a hard life like this, although i'm alive. And i'm lucky. I never expected to be reborn like this...

I need a cigar now...\(click\)...huh..whoooo\(smoking, exhales\). Ah!! It still burns if i try to smoke. Guess i'm very addicted. But, i'm not built for this shit. Okay, enough of this...i need to sleep. Sleep. It's so good to sleep..Sleeping beau....

'Ring..ring; ring...ring'. Damn!!! Who is calling at this hour. Boss?? Nahh..i can lay off. He probably forgot where he kept his pants. I'll call him after a good, good nap. 'Cancelled'


2 hours later.....

'Ding...dong; Ding...dong'

Ahh...who's here at this late of night? Guess it must be the milkman. I didn't pick my jar of milk today. The kid is so generous.

( Door opens)

Ahh?? No one?? Those bloody kids down the hall really love playing pranks at this hour. I'll teach them a lesson first thing in the morning. (Closes door) Let's get back to the nap.(Turns back...shocked)

(Smack..smack..smack..smack) A guy in a black suit hits fists and slaps as if he is the world's karate champion. I can't see... I'm losing sense. He hit right in my forehead. Throbbing more severely. My body's running on alcohol. It's a mistake to not take any food at all. Glucose..if i had just some glucose. But, who is that guy? Seems familiar. How did he get in?

I can't stay up..but i have to. (Drops to the floor, losing vision clarity, fainting)

"Boss called you. You should've picked it up. You know he doesn't like slacking off." the guy says. So, he's boss's guy. A relief. Though i was getting kidnapped(closes sense...totally fainted)

2 hours later....

" Wake up you piece of nothing!!!"

Ahh?? What's going....on? (Observes surroundings after woken up) Oh...looks like this is judgement day. So it's Niko and Tars on duty today. It was probably Tars who smacked me before, guessing from his height. He's a jack of stealth. Would've paid a great assasin. Hold on...."Why am i is chains??!!"

"Shush!!! Keep it low will you? We had to bust our good night's sleep to get you here. And what was that drama again?? Slacking off...the usual." said Niko.

"You're not even on the scale of amateur when it comes to respect. What's got into you?? It was Mr. Doomsday calling you. You could've at least said you're tired" says Tars.

"So what?? I nedded a nap. And i got it. Thanks for bringing me here. You spared my taxi fee. We good??"

"Not quite." -Niko.

"So what else good enough came up that your Mr. Doomsday had to pick up his pants and get here??? Got a new runner or an actual killer machine on the loose?? I hope it's a Real Job this time."

"Nothing but an odd job for you" -Tars.

Both of them leave after unchaining me. Well, i can't violate a contract, can i? So, let's get this over with soon. This should be my 110th contract. Got two more years left. Then i can go back to my normal life. I hope so....

Gifted (part 2)

My name is Yakamoto. It's the only piece of information i am sure of. Cauze it is the first thing i remember, after my rebirth.

More than one year ago..... It was a day in January, 2027. I was in bed, not knowing how i got there. Just like sleeping, i was having a very odd dream. Not actually a dream. It was more like a series of events randomly, yet sequencially moving in front of my eyes.

The first view was a white guy standing on a ledge of a tall building. He looks at his watch. The time is 8 p.m. The top floor is so high that the clouds literally pass below him. He looks at a picture of someone on his phone. It was a young lady about his age. His expression is of anger and depression. The feeling being so deep, that he made an outward show of agression by throwing the phone into the cloudy abyss below. His last words:

"Kiara could've said yes. But, why not?? Just why...?? Why all this drama?" And then, he sought out the boundaries of the unknown kingdom, from whose boundaries no travellers return. But, guess he was wrong.... Only if he knew that luck, is magical.

The second view, was a bit identical. The same events, but in less detailed plots and scenes lasting for less periods. A man, of probably African lieniage, having a dark skin colour, stood on a ledge, as usual. He did not say anything in particular. Guess, he did not like wasting his anger and venting it out. The moment of suicide needed a bad temper. So that he can ignore logic and be irrational. Therefore, he was not willing to chill out in any way. Yet, his last words were:

"Some people never learn, some never pay attention. What can i do for them?? Uh..??" Then, he jumps after looking at his watch. 8:00 a.m. of the day.

But, what comes next, is what that intrigues the most. The view gets very bright. And it's so hazzy that what i see is narrowed down to the center. Absolutely no peripheral vision. The place is made of cloud, the floor is literally made of cloud. It's vast and empty. But then, i see a park bench. A voice echoes around:

"I've chosen you for a reason"

Then i see an old man like sage in white clothes. He's not that old but his eyes gleam with a power like anything you can imagine. He carries a stick like a scythe but without the blades.

"You're special.....Rise my Child"

He taps the stick at the floor. The cloud there dissipates and like vacuum, starts to pull something like dust from below. Then these dust like glowing matters appear from everywhere. Down there i can picture every possible source of life, trees, animals, microbes, virus, multicellular, acellular and even unknown things. Each one of them is releasing some of these glowing dust. These float and funnel above and direct to a place far away.

The view shifts to the way these move. These drop to a place in Earth from that place. The place itself i can't recognize. They sway, move, swirl into somebody who's lying down. He's unconcious, or as it seems dead. The body is torn at places. But they are healing. And i seem to recognize the healing, yet distraut face. It looks a bit like both of the earlier two guys. The glowing dust gets absorbed into his body. His chest begins to lift up and down, beginning to breathe. Then, i look right at his eye, the right one in particular. He twitches it strongly, as if something is bothering inside. I get scared when he looks dead on into me. His eye is webbed. I mean that his white region is covered with red bluish line that stretch to his cornea. But more amazingly, his pupil is like an infinitestimal center of energy, emerging several, numerous paths of energy outward. It's like a spider web from the middle. But the web is like the head of dendrite of our neurons.

I dive into it and i get surrounded by those vines of paths. As i go deeper, i realize the paths end into the organisms i saw before. Like the center draws energy from them. A hub that joins co-existence. Then, everything goes black.....

The distant voice echoes again:

"It may be too much for you. But, when the time is right, you shall be the one to chance the course of the universe. Choose wisely."

If that was anyway weird, what i saw after waking up was above my biggest expectations. I was not ready, ever.....The mirror had to be lying.

What's going on?

Earlier that day, Mr. Jeff Rodey was taking a nap in his office. Being the manager of Metaparallel Inc. was not that hard. And it's been days since they last had a field recovery task. But today might be that day. The monitor beeps, indicating a radiation spike in the city. His office and Metaparallel headquarters are way into the Santiago crater. It takes 30 minutes to get to the city. The machine behind the monitor is an electro-magnetic radiation spike detector. The servers are kept in the main building. But, the sensors spread all around the city upto the coast. Their job is to notify energy fluxes released by the presence of energetic uniparticles or metaparticles.

In the year 2022, particle physicist Ken Fiddle made an astonishing research in the realm of quantum mechanics. In a seminar, he addressed the world society of physicists with his new theory. The first part was about a new term, 'conjugation':

"We know that energy can dissipate into it's two counterparts: matter and anti-matter. These components make up their own world of systems. But, it is rare for anti-matter to interact today. Nevertheless, it is possible for beings to exist who have this own anti-self alive. This may result in an infinite results. These beings can unite into a single body, if they biologically die at a space of 12 hours. The energy dissipation will revert and concentrate in any single body. This may lead to higher energy concentrations. You may call it rebirth, but i term this conjugation."

The decade of 2020s is the golden era for physics. For the first time, scientists were so close to bring the 'Theory of Everything' to life. But, the quantum 8D structure of standard model had two particles left to discover. These were the keys to unification between the Relativistic physics and Quantum mechanis. They called them Uniparticles and Metaparticles.

And after Ken made his debut seminar, it was all coming to life.....

"Attention recovery team A-24, we got a spike in the heart of the city. Your destination is Blue Ship Convention square. It's a metaparallel. ETA to mission start is 5 minutes. Hurry up!!" said Jeff.

It's been a few years after the great breakthrough of physics. People could build incredible machine with the new 'TOE' (Theory of Everything). The stars were never our limit. But, power has it's cost. And the world paid miserably for it.

Year 2023, mean time 2:00 p.m, Melbourne city....

It was a sunny day like any other. The air was full of tension. The city club stadium was packed with people. How could they miss the match Melbourne F.C versus Frankurt?? Full time is about to come. Franfurt is 2, Melbourne 1. Team captain Richard is tensed of what might happen. They cannot lose a home match like this. Not with a 40,000+ audience. That's the half of the town. 80 minutes into the game. Federico Nandes struggles to look for an opening for forward Hitchkens to make a run. Richard comes to help. He takes the ball. Moves past a midfielder. And makes a hard cross to the other side. Hitchkens is on the run. He receives with his chest. Moves past the left back. The center back misses him. The goalkeeper's closing in...a beautiful spot to score.....but BAAM...BAAM....BAAM.

Thunder wrecks up in the sky. The play is suddenly mismatched. And SCORE!!! But no sooner could they make a celebration, a giant meteor like thing fell out from the sky on the far west sitting spot. Boom!! The ground shook terrifyingly. A river of blood flows. And that's not the end. Something rises up from the ashes. Something powerful, something wild. Something fierce enough to kill, a demon straight out of hell

"KRRAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" The whole half of the town is incinerated like tons of nuclear bomb fell upon it.

Nothing could stand in it's way. No weapon, no trap, no machine, nothing at all. It's unkillable. For two days the beast rampaged the city killing over two millions. Later, it died in an annihilation process on its own. One thing about it was sure, it was made by US. Researchers dig into it's properties of elements. Astonishingly.......

It was Uniparticle. A weapon perfected to kill. Stolen and engineered into a live human being. How heartless people can be!! The holy grail of science, now a weapon of mass destruction. Scientists lost in the race. Terrorists took the lead. Yet, there was still hope. Hope for the last and unique power of all. One that can transcend all imaginations of mankind. The Metaparticle must be found. For humanity to exist......

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