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Hopeless Desires.

college trip discussion

"Alan your tree house is amazing I really like it "

I must be imagining it if I'd say it's real but it's actually happening to me i always thought my life would be ordinary like everyone else until you know i met him , we all need that spark magic fantasy kinda thing you know to keep your life less miserable though I'm not complaining that my life is miserable just the thought, Now introductions my name Samyra

In the college professor Henry in the class

Alright everybody quite down please I have something important to discuss, now as you all know this isn't just a college of fashion designing or graphics or much more of course so as i was saying.....

other students :yeah yeah sir Henry we know as usual we are gonna go for camping trip probably again on some random deserted....

yeah nothing change y'all but one thing's for sure is that our Sam will be brave this time as well....

Sam :Well i know you guys always want me to sacrifice but this time I'm telling you all I'm not gonna be the one who's camp will be isolated

oh come on Sam we all know how strong you are, we are talking about woman empowerment here , you gotta take the lead for all those woman out there (holding hand) and trust me on this We All Are Making You Strong yeah

Sam (smirks) oh you poor little Politician, dreaming in our own lil world's are we....

Prof Henry :(claps) if guys finished then can i proceed, thank you.... now this time it's not on some deserted area this time to give you an amazing wild experience we professors have decided to take you guys to jungle safari.....

(surprised) other students : Sir you're joking right.... exactly Sir we i mean you want us to camp with wild animals I mean how.....

Suzie&lucy (Sam's best friends) don't worry Sam we want leave you alone no what i talk to professor let us three live in that isolated camp

Sam :(with relieved face) thanks guys for always worrying about me you guys are the best...

prof Henry....don't worry guys it's not a wild jungle with wild animals y'all gonna be fine, now the main problem... i mean the main thing who's camp will be isolated

(everyone looks at Sam) ahem... um Sir do we have to do this...

prof Henry... you know as much as i hate this but we have to do this, you know the rules i didn't make em so....

other students... Sam yeah Sam , me too i vote for Sam as well...

Lucy.... you guys this is too much everytime like seriously grow up guys...

oh come on Lucy you know we all care for her...

Sam... oh f**k this is great, you know guys i seriously don't think y'all take me as your friend cause if y'all do you won't be using same old trick to lure me... (in a lower voice) care for me my a**

aw our lil Sammy is mad what to do....

Sam... yes i am mad and don't call me that.

College trip day 1

I don't why but I'm having this kinda feeling never felt before (in lower voice)

Suzie : come on Sam you always felt this way whenever we're going on a trip it's just that....

Lucy : Suzie is right, I'm sorry honey you know everytime we console you, it doesn't matter cause you have to go through with it Alone....

Sam : guys stop with concerned faces alright professor Henry told me he'll come to check on me every now and then so I'll be fine.

other students : Sir where are other professors are they on different transportation...

Henry : nope they already reached the destination.....

other students : oh really we all didn't see them, yes sir we didn't see them either,

maybe they just ditched us to have their little picnic on its own , shut up Riley....

why you always pick on me shut up Riley, don't do this Riley, Riley this Riley that ugh always little digs...

yo Riley they say girls only behave like this in front of their crush.... ohhhh ohhh....

Riley : so you are saying...

Henry : alright everyone that's it other professors are already reached there to make arrangements for you guys, it's not so far.

(After some time)

Henry : alright folks everybody down be careful we've reached make sure you have your belongings with you, lineup everyone so i can count 12345 uh 678 Suzie ,Lucy where's Sam (everyone looking around) kaboom (sound of falling)

Sam : ouch damn...

oh my Sam ar are you alright... Sam answer me are you...

guys don't worry she's fine....

yeah... maybe....

don't just talk here guys at least see if there's any wound...

hey... you really have a crush on me don't you... that's why you always behave like this..

shut up Riley, look at the situation and me have a crush on you ugh... give me a break...

come on Laura you know i always liked you 😏

😒ugh... now you're even more creepy...

Huh... me creepy, excuse me woman i think you don't know how to cherish a true beauty...


did she just swear at me...

true beauty seriously come on man, that's like worst pick up line ever no not even a pick up line.. dude you don't even know how to flirt..

come on teach me then...

seriously, now i have to start giving a flirting lessons... and to you of all...

would you guys just shut the f*** up, she fall and you guys... seriously not a decency at all..

Sam, you are okay right hurt anywhere..

Sam : ouch... no but my knees hurt a bit...

Henry : I have a spray hang on

Sir please don't mind... but you accident can happen on trips so we should carry medic with us on trip it'll be more convenient...

yeah more convenient you say... you're saying it cause of Sam don't you...

I'm not saying cause of Sam... I'm just saying in general...

Sam : oh damn why am i so... i always fall why God why..

aw our poor little Sammy fell again like everytime you know Sam my heart aches everytime when you...

Sam : yeah yeah, try calling me Sammy one more time Mr flirty men and i make sure your heart aches For Real you know and Suzie stop weeping I'm fine (hugs each other)

"are you sure sweetie "

yeah I am, no need to worry, Sir will come with me to get me acquainted so I'll be fine bye see ya.

Henry : Alright everyone professors are waiting off you go Sam let's go....

Henry and Samyra's conversation

uh yes Sir...

Sam please don't blame me for this and i know you won't it's just that everytime people sent you for this i can't bare to see and being a professor i can't even do anything about it

it's ok Sir i don't blame you so please stop thinking like that I know the rules very well and besides it helps me getting stronger and bold you know what i mean

haha I'm glad you think this way

so this is it, i thought like everytime my camp will be little bit far away but it's not

yeah so this is your tent it's not so far as you said they've arranged everything inside, bed blanket quilt groceries literally everything, today it's already evening and everyone needs to settle other professors have already prepared dinner so come to the camp side after you arrange your things in here but from tomorrow as per rules everyone is responsible for it's own tent so make sure you tell me if their's anything you need

don't worry I'll make sure to do that

alright I've made some marking on trees in case you lost your way and i personally will be patrolling this area so you don't..

no Sir no need for that as per the rules isolated tent keeper has to find it's own adventure and besides I'll call you sir in case of emergency

but samyra..

no buts Sir i said I'll be fine, i have cell phone i can contact you anytime

OK make sure you do that take care

you too Sir I'll be there on time Sir for dinner don't worry (end of conversation)

hmm though he's a professor he always look after me personally i wonder why... okay time to unpack let me check everything is in order or not oh it's more than everything let's leave for dinner (walking) thank god there isn't any wild animals around here otherwise i won't be brave enough to stay alone without anyone patrolling around this area... la-la la-la...

End of chapter

Though there was someone else patrolling without Sam realizing.

college trip day 2(part one)

Huff huff (running) this place is quite expanded i didn't noticed before but it's pretty big

hmm(long breath) ha this is nature's true beauty you just can't get enough of it, cool breeze, chirping of birds sound of waves I'd even hear the waterfall i have to check it if it's really there.

Okay i already made sandwiches for breakfast before coming here, i don't know how everyone's doing or where they are taking a bath in which part of the river well I'm just glad it's just me here not anyone else or it would be awkward

oh but as far as i know I'm pretty sure prof Henry must've already made arrangements for separate bathing ooh and water here is also not so deep.

(taking off her clothes slowly gets into river)

whoa as expected it's clean clear luke warm water just what i needed fading away all of my tiredness (sound of waterfall) hmm i it's getting near maybe i should go a bit further to check.

(swimming) huh... wha..what th..the hell i think someone just dragged me to the other side

(Whispering to her) don't go there...

oh my god (shocked) OH MY GOD (shouting) i could've just open my eyes and see who was it but i just got so scared WHY no first of all i should get back and call sir Henry to talk about this

(running all the way reached inside the tent) phone where's my cell phone i put on a charging.. ugh... where's my power bank now (looking for it) yes huff... found it let me call....

what the hell is this now are you freaking kidding me where the hell did my sandwiches go (opens the lid) huh did did i made spaghetti instead of sandwiches oh oh my (panicking) OK at least give me break to absorb it

(deep breaths) hmm hu ha hmm damn it it's not even working who the hell said that by taking a deep breaths you can calm yourself down no i can't just debate on my own I'm going to sir Henry (getting outside) to talk about.... this

(conversations between Alan and Samyra)

looking at each other Sam is confused and terrified.

Are you the one who took my sandwich (in lower voice )why isn't he speaking is he the one

hello there I'm asking are you the one who took my sandwiches and put the spaghetti....huh still not answering maybe he's mute....

uh.... so um what... what's your name may i know your name.... still not responding ok then I'll have to do the Sam way....

(getting close) hmm you look pretty cute handsome (walking around him) ah...masculine i can see your abs through your T-shirt.... ha... did you just blushed ooh getting your first praise isn't it from a girl...don't worry i don't tell lies...never lyiiiing is verry bad

so you are also the same person who dragged me to the other side.

chuckles (she's as cute as she was back then...even if it was for a short amount of time she gave me strength at my most hardest and my most vulnerable time )

"You are amazingly gorgeous princess "

To be continue...

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