NovelToon NovelToon

Transmigrate Into Scific Novel


A ruined world where porthole to different world open time to time. Human have to fight against otherworldly being to protect their race from being extinct. Millions of people die to protect their family from monster.

Today Elsa was also one of them

. The day monster came into world every human found themself synchronizing with system. With which you can see your status window. a talking

A. I who help human to fight against monster who enter through porthole. No one know from where system came from. Some people hypothesis that advance civilization pity earth and send A. I system to help people from earth.

Elsa was just 21 year old when first porthole open on earth. Elsa dream was to be ethical hacker and help military. But everything destroy when first wave of monster attack earth. Her parents die into first wave barely saving her younger brother Adrian who just enter his 18 . When monster appear on earth. Earth goes through drastic change.

Human start awoken there innate talent, element power, super strength or speed. Guild start to form everywhere . whenever there is wave of monster. Human with superpower goes there to protect people. This created a sense of unity between people.

Elsa was also one of them. She awaken innate talent "Virtual God" , "supersonic speed " and " heaven strategy ". In her team she play role of strategies and recuse people with her super sonic speed .She bring all heavily injured member into shelter house. With virtual God innate she send or pass signal to guild. With destruction of electric poles.It became difficult to commuincate Every team member had one member with similar skill as Elsa.

As time went by human slowly accept those porthole. and monster

But today to protect her brother who fight against monster in front. She leave her place in rear with supersonic speed reached place of Adrian and cover him with her own body to accept that deadly attack of monster who is double the size of bull ,had lion head, wolf body , eagle wings . She know lion like monster had already lunch an deadly attack even with her supersonic speed which was already reduce to minimum by protecting other member can't just reach to front and then carry her brother from front to rear of battle area. Not to say that lion head monster had already set his target no matter which direction she take Adrain to. That fire attack would still follow him even to rear of battle field. leading to death of all member in rear


( masterrrrrr..)

before falling in deep slumber she heard distress cry of her brother and her system anxious call


Star calendar , year 4371

a Microscopic blackhole open from which an almost microscopic partical came out of thin air and rused toward almost random direction in endless space at the speed of light

In a crew spaceship which was carrying strongest batch of students selected by military Dissapear in dark space toward their destination planet anta


Combat Hall in crew spaceship

A boy or perhaps a girl disguise as boy was in process of breakthrough from peak foundation level to manifestation. After continuously staying in same position for more then hour a large amount of energy unleased from small body. It was without a doubt that kid who was meditating is a genius with talent .For actually being successful break through late foundation stage

.Even after successful break through.The 'boy who is a girl' has expression of agony and misery. Maybe due to forcefully break through . Kid has to suffer aftermath.

Conceivably the aftermath was too much for her or she remember something and lost her hope and swallow by her inner demons since the spiritual energy from her slowly reduce to nile but when she was just about to stop breathing . That microscopic partical which was randomly moving in endless space at speed of light forcefully rushed toward her mindset. the spirtual energy which was almost nile expansion at fastest speed causing intense shaking of combat Hall. After few minute kid open her eyes. That kid's peach blossom eye has mist of confusion and shock After few second maybe that kid woke up from her stupider . her composure sudenly change . Her peach blossom eye which used to had innocence , longing for past and eagerness for future now has filled with only calmness and coldness. No innocence can be found in her eye.

The eyes are window to soul of person

From her eyes It can be said that something major happen to her which should not be happening

" system " . her calm voice echo in empty combat Hall

Like responding to her call. A cute and childish voice filled with endless happiness spoke in her mindset

'master, you are safe. you are safe master '

"what happen "

' when your spiritual energy was about to vanish An mini size black hole open in place where your spirtual energy was and suck it. .Maybe because

black hole contract everything .Your spirtual energy which was scattering everywhere form into small boll .When I find out about it I was so delighted but before black hole suck your energy into itself.I cover it and maintain your spirtual energy from vanishing and when black hole open I was in parallel world where human had advance technology before I lost control of your spirtual energy I rushed in the child mindset who was about to die And save you taddada. '

" ....Is it legendary transmigration " she spoke after contemplating for few second

unsurly system replied 'maybe '

" what about kid. Was she die because of me "

' No master. That kid was already almost died. so, I select this body '

"Almost " her voice contain supress anger and helplessness . Which was like calm before erupt of volcano

hearing master Supressed angry voice .System explain to not led to any unnecessary misunderstanding

' master her spirtual energy was nile she would be die next second even if you was not here It was not your fault. '

" So, I don't kill her " anger from her voice after getting explained by her system finally calm down

Seeing that her master finally calm down. She secretly sign in relief.

ughhh when her master was angry it was nightmare


" so, where am I " asked elsa. with hint of confusion on her face

she look around her. She found herself in place similar to training room

' master if you absorb the remaining nil amount of spirtual energy. You can get important memory of owner ' said system after seeing confusion in her master's face

"hmm.. really, okay " replied elsa . thinking system word make sense. Maybe she don't neeed to hack on someone account to get knowledge of original owner

she sit back in meditation position and start absorbing original owner's spirtual energy. In starting it was trying to resist but who was she. She didn't just survive in ruined planet with her beauty. Soon she seize the spiritual energy and absorb it within her. finding her going through series of moment which look like memory of original owner

After 5 minutes Circulating her spiritual energy and digesting all memories of original owner. Elsa open her eyes

Original owner name was ames. When she was born her father die in battlefield. and her brother was missing for 4 years. which military soon declare that he die in explosion while completing a misssion. Her mother alwats have a weak body during child birth due to having hard labor she die. That's when his Chamberlain and her uncle decided to announce that a boy was born.

Her uncle was 7th general in military. when he find out about original owner situation. He decided to became her guardian. but he want his brother child to inherited his brother inheritance.

In military only boys can inherited the head of family position and most profit from military and jump in higher position faster then female

So, in the end original owner disguise herself as boy. Original owner was genius If compare to other children although she was a girl. But due to all the pressure she had to go through childhood. She was scared that she would be left behind by guys in military school. so, original owner recklessly decided to forcefully broke through.

In the end original owner sucseed in broke through but. She die because of inner demons in her heart

Elsa who is now ames slowly open her eyes. hidden beneath her calm eyes had turbulence of emotion.

" Complicated " having so much burden on 6 year old child is.... she had no mother, father or elder brother. Her Cemberlai is only a butler. He can't gave her family love. Her uncle was always busy related to military matter. He rarely found time to meet her. No friend, in fear they would found her true gender

And continues pressure from side branch of her family.

"system , what do you think... Her ..last wish was to found out about her brother..death. " said ames with trembling emotion

'If master want to fulfill her last wish then wy not do it. ' replied system with her same childish voice

Ames stand up from her meditating position. and open the door of her combat room. Without original owner memory she might not even know what to do. But now with original owner's memory. She proceed to original owner 's dorm.

Right now strongest batch of students are in scapeship whose destination is Royal military academy.

After 2 days they would be in their destination. For now Elsa or Ames was going to her dorm room to subside her mind

In her way to room she saw many students just like her roaming in spaceship. There eyes were filled with excitement. Maybe that's first time they are going through space ship. She looks around curiously. Space ship look luxuries and spacious. There is no turbulence so, ride would be comfortable. And there are maybe 200 students in space ship. Some soldiers are also monitoring space ship to prevent any accident from happening. JMC are helping kids who don't know how to use some of gadget .overall atmosphere looks harmonious

"system why I feel little heavy " whisper Ames so, only she can hear

' your body and and spirtual energy is 97% synchronized so, you are feeling heavy. If we level up synchronized would reach 100℅ . '

"would anybody find about it "

' No, only system can see it.And nobody has system here so, nobody would find out about it '

When she reach her dorm. She languidly set on sofa .

" System show me status window " said Ames lazily which held natural seducation

'Yes, master ' replied enthusiastically


Name : Ames

Race : Human

Role : Extra

Level : 4

Health : 30/ 50 (injured)

stamina : 30/50 ( injured)

Intelligence : 30

Luck : 2

Charm : 25

Endurance : 40

Mystery. : 25

Strength : 40

Defence : 40

Abilities :

- Virtual God

- supersonic speed (locked)

- heaven strategy


Skills :

- basic combat (level 3)

- Basic shooting (level 2 )

- one inch pounch ( level 1)

- family secret martial art ( level 3 )

Legend :0

Influence : 2

Equipment : None

Mecha level : (locked)


" This kid is aberrant genius. What a amazing status window for 6 year old girl ".

"huh" confused she asked system " what's role "

' Ahhh ' system's unexpected cry evho in her mind space

"What happen" asked Ames. System has never cried like that only when she die in her previous world so, ame is anxious that something major happen to make system react like that

' m... master... w... we are in... novel.. '

replied system difficultly

"Ahhhhhhhh" Now that was Ames turn to shout. Afterall she know what inside novel mean

F**k you male lead

"Ahhhhhhhh" Now it was Ames turn to shout. Even Ames can no longer stay calm after finding herself in novel

When porthole open. system and many monster enter in the atmosphere.At that time Many people with writing profession had sudden insight or strange dream. They felt that those dream wanted to tell them something. It was like a mysterious puzzle. They had to solve on their own

Real fact was that those dream and puzzle were real happening of different parallel world. All those were F*king happening in different dimension. Those things were novels.

And now our protogeist is inside that dimension where she play role of EXTRA..

"hell I am in novel. And on top of that I am an extra." Ames said .Dissatisfied with the role she is playing in book

No, Why I am so, dissatisfied. It's already a fortue that I get to live one more time. on top of that in sci-fi world. What more do I want. It's not like I want to became part of novel and dance in Protogenist fingers . Being as far away from male lead is better for me.

"System, what is name of novel" asked Ames to system. From memory of original novel. She can't find out anything specific information related to any novel. She had read so, far

'new era is name of novel' after system finish speaking


"Helllllllll MO****Erf***k f**k.***""***. !!!! ".After getting her answer Ames can't stop herself from cursing out lound.

If someone were to see a 6 year old child cursing out lound with his soft and crispy voice.They can't stop but Think about Just 6 year old and already know so many foul words . Then, what would happen when she became adult. Who know she might even creates a living hell for her soldiers

. They can't help but shudder at that thought

Lucky for Ames. Nobody is in the room And Room is made with soundproof wall

Seeing her master cursing out loud. System start recalling the plot of novel.

Main Protogenist of this novel is male lead Arthur. His dad was scheme by a general in military. Which lead to death of his father. To get avenge for his father. He create his own team filled with outstanding people. He is calm, ruthless, cold , soft, cunning, lazy, hardworking, male lead.

He is type of male lead who can fulfill all readers demand in one go.

But, reason why Ames cursing was not for male lead, but for original owner brother.

Final boss who scheme against male lead's father. adopted original owner brother as his successor. And slowly brainwash him. After which Final boss die a natural death ( when final boss die. Male lead was still improving his team) . And in the end Original owner brother suffer from male lead in place of final boss.

Original owner love her brother Noah more than she love herself because when her mother die Noah was only person who can give sense of security to original owner.

And as Elsa is now Ames .She has sense of responsibility for Noah. Elsa had the memory of original owner so, she can felt how deeply original owner care for Noah.

Original owner love for Noah was just like how Elsa loved her younger brother Adrian.

And ,Ames die during broke through in novel. Just what system predict to happen. If Elsa soul was not inside Ames body. Ames body would be corpse by now.

After Noah calm down. she begin to think of a plan to save Noah. In novel final boss get interested in Noah when he was looking at his experiment subject ( final boss used living human with interesting domain as test subject) . That's when he notice Noah. Who had domain of Void. Which was rarest domain in the world.

According to plot line final boss take interest in Noah on STAR CALENDAR , 4382 . Right now it's year 4371 . Means I have 11 years to save brother.

Brother was experiment at planet aquarium, hidden lab near military school could academy. That place was filled with doamin stage expert.

Which Is 250 strength according to status window.

hmm.. okay

1.Not let anyone know I am girl . less people know the better it would be

2 became domain stage expert till age of 17 . Which would be little difficult.

3 Save her brother before final boss get found out about brother's domain

And in the end.There is no need for anyone to know about her ability. With the help of system. she would rarely came across any bottle knock. So, It's unavoidable for her to level up at fastest speed possible. But she need to be careful to not attract any military attention. As saying goes 'tallest tree always experience strongest wind ' .

Ames had no plan to stay at military. after saving her brother. She would forfeit from position of head and then, she would start living as girl.

" Great, It's not that difficult. Hmm.. I think in novel male lead was in smae grade as Ames. So, he is also in spaceship..... who care just stay as far as possible from him " .

But why she felt she miss something.

Just when word was on tip of her tounge.She felt ground moving below her feet. Because of her quick reflexes she tighten her grip on sofa to not fall head on ground. .

With enemy attack siren echo throughout the spaceship

Realizing what was happening. she remember what is going on.

In novel galactic pirate attack male lead spaceship. And through killing those pirates small male lead get attention of spaceship captain and admiration from his classmates.

"AAHHHHHH.. F**k you male lead. Nothing good will happen If you are in same group, class or place with male lead "

She just wanted to live peaceful. But because of male lead she had to work hard for 11 years continuesly.

Just gave her break man, She is tried after fighting all those monster



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